My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 1630: God King and Bodhisattva, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Xiao Yuanshan took a deep breath, and he looked towards the endless void.

And Mingyue Xianzun is hidden in this endless void, like an indifferent way of heaven, watching the struggling humble creatures indifferently.

"Mingyue, I still underestimated you after all!" Xiao Yuanshan said in a deep voice.

Mingyue Xianzun said: "Once, you were my most respected master. Now, you are the enemy I hate most."

Xiao Yuanshan went silent. After a while, he said: "The matter has reached the point it is today, there is nothing left to say. Then... see the truth!"

He suddenly roared, and then sacrificed the King's Scepter.

"The realm of the gods!" Xiao Yuanshan shot.

The spar in the scepter of the **** king burst into infinite brilliance, and the holy light instantly illuminated all the space.

The realm floods the cave sky, and all the spaces are connected in the holy light.

At this moment, Fan Qinghua, Ling Xia, and Xiao Jianyu all saw Xiao Yuanshan at the same time. Everyone changed their figures and immediately moved closer to Xiao Yuanshan. In an instant, this group of people gathered together.

"Mingyue, you wouldn't think that being a teacher really only has so many times, right?" Xiao Yuanshan sneered.

Then, he shouted again and said: "In the domain of the gods, in the name of the **** king, I take the power of the gods!"

Xiao Yuanshan's eyes were blood red, his hair and beard were stretched, and the mana flow on his body was like a mountain and a river. He pushed the mana to the limit.

Among the scepter of the **** king, the spirit **** king Yuanshen appeared.

The **** king sits cross-legged in the air, with his upper body naked, wearing a purple and gold crown, and his face is solemn.

Behind him, there are 18 layers of apertures, the apertures are dense, colorful and mottled glass!

The **** king Yuanshen is huge and unmatched, just like a huge Buddha in a temple.

The golden light on this **** Wang Yuanshen's body is dazzling.

Suddenly, the fingerprints of his fingers changed continuously, and suddenly, the light ten times dazzling than before enshrouded Xiao Jianyu and the others.

That holy light frantically grabs the mana from everyone.

Xiao Jianyu and the others knew it was about life and death, so they couldn't care less. He immediately poured the mana in his body into the **** Wang Yuanshen without money.

The **** king Yuanshen quickly grew bigger!

Mingyue Xianzun never made any moves, watching Xiao Yuanshan cast a spell coldly.

"Great Destruction Technique!" Xiao Yuanshan cast a spell suddenly.

While he was speaking, the **** king Yuanshen also spoke.

It's also a great destruction technique!

At this moment, Xiao Yuanshan expanded the domain of the gods through the scepter of the **** king, and gathered the power of the people into the **** king's soul through the power of the domain. To deal with Mingyue Xianzun with the body of God King!

Xiao Yuanshan's law of the cave has always been limited, but he has used this to create the strongest domain power!

In the realm of the gods, God's rules are above all rules.

At this time, Xiao Yuanshan started the big destruction technique.

At this moment, the infinite red particles exploded.

These red particles are like mountains and seas, terrifying, spreading like a tsunami of heaven and earth, exploding everything in the world.

The infinite cave sky space began to collapse under such an extinguishing force.

Xiao Yuanshan's great destruction technique was really overbearing this time.

But Mingyue Xianzun just snorted coldly at this time. She also shot!

"Great Devouring Technique!"

In the center of Mingyue Xianzun's eyebrows, divine eyes opened.

Between heaven and earth, a huge red vortex formed above the center!

This vortex was like a giant monster mouth that swallowed all the red particles in an instant.

In an instant, Qingming was restored between heaven and earth.

Numerous cave spaces were quickly repaired.

"Actually... Can this be swallowed?" Xiao Yuanshan was shocked.

"Hands of the King of God!" Xiao Yuanshan couldn't think about it, and made another move.

Just like this, the **** dynasty grabbed all the space in the sky and shattered it.

The figure of Mingyue Xianzun flashed out.

Xiao Yuanshan shot again.

"Great God King Boxing!"

At that moment, the **** king Yuanshen sent out three monstrous fists toward Mingyue Xianzun!

The golden light merged with the 18-fold halo behind the **** king Yuanshen, forming a stunning three punches!

In every punch, there is a terrifying world power!

One punch can shake the starry sky, make the sun and the moon pale, and make the mountains and rivers surging!

The power of this punch suppresses the infinite laws of the world!

The law of the sky is completely unable to block the punch.

Three punches power, one punch is more fierce than one punch, they quickly tore the power of the infinite space, and smashed towards Mingyue Immortal Venerable.

That is absolutely terrifying power.

In the world, it seems that there are only three punches left!

Mingyue Immortal Venerable didn't dare to be big at this time, she stepped forward in the void, her figure standing still abruptly.

Then she took a deep breath.

Then, the Tathagata came out!

The Tathagata robes instantly communicate with the gate of the Buddha world, and the infinite energy of the Buddha world is poured into the Tathagata.

On the Tathagata robes, the golden light is dazzling!

"Great Sealing Technique!" Mingyue Xianzun moved his fingers, and merged the Buddha's power with the power of the Great Seal Technique!

Suddenly, thousands of white silk thread training words turned into golden silk thread. This golden thread directly seals the three monstrous fists!

In an instant, the three powerful punches were sealed into pills the size of rice grains.

"Give it back to you!" Mingyue Xianzun yelled coldly and popped a finger!

Suddenly, the three pills came to kill the **** king Yuanshen.

In an instant, the three pills turned into three fierce punches and slashed towards the **** king Yuanshen.

Xiao Yuanshan was suddenly shocked, he didn't expect Mingyue Xianzun to dissolve his **** king fist power so lightly.

Xiao Yuanshan roared sharply and suddenly opened his mouth!

The **** king Yuanshen opened his mouth and swallowed three fierce punches into his belly in a blink of an eye.

"Xiao Mingyue, you forced me!" Xiao Yuanshan roared sharply.

"Great ambition technique!"

Xiao Yuanshan couldn't win the Mingyue Immortal Venerable continuously, and finally used the grand aspiration technique of Megatron!

When Xiao Yuanshan faced Mingyue Immortal Venerable this time, he felt the pressure like a sea like a prison. In the past, although he could not win the Mingyue Immortal Venerable, his strengths were between the same. But this time, he felt that the strength of Mingyue Xianzun became even more unfathomable.

Therefore, after several shots in a row, he has displayed his assassin!

Moreover, he still united the power of the three virtual immortals.

The power of the three virtual immortals, plus his hole immortal strength, and the particularity of the king's scepter, etc. With such power to fight Mingyue Xianzun, he was still at a disadvantage.

"I am... wrong after all." At this moment, Xiao Yuanshan's heart was bleak and desolate.

He has always been reluctant to admit his mistakes.

But Xiao Mingyue's progress over the years is destroying his beliefs step by step.

Xiao Yuanshan's grand aspiration technique unfolded.

At this moment, Xiao Jianyu, Fan Qinghua, and Ling Xia's minds were communicated by the **** king Yuanshen.

Xiao Yuanshan spoke, and Xiao Jianyu and others followed suit.

A cloud of golden light appeared on the four of them!

"Heaven and man learn from each other, when we prove the great road, I wish the world be free from demons."

"Heaven and man learn from each other, when we prove the road, I hope everyone is like a dragon."

"Heaven and man have learned from each other. When we prove the road, everything that is and is not will be forever."

"Heaven and man learn from each other, when we prove the road..."

Headed by the **** king Yuanshen, everyone's spells and handprints cooperated, and powerful golden aspirations rushed into the sky.

These golden aspirations are as vast as the sea of ​​stars, rushing into the law of the cave.

Infinite space, layers of cracks.

The golden aspiration rendered the entire sky golden.

These golden aspirations also submerged Mingyue Immortal Venerable instantly like an ocean.

At this moment, Mingyue Immortal Venerable felt a strong oppression. The golden aspiration power is dissolving Mingyue Xianzun's spells, rules, and everything.

She felt that she would be immersed in such a grandeur, and she would sink, surrender, and make a wish for it!

Suddenly, Mingyue Xianzun pierced his eyes!

Then the eyebrows were raised, and the Tathagata robes immediately draped over her.

In the Tathagata robes on her body, the door of the Buddha world opened.

In the gate of the Buddha world, a golden river rushed out.

The river instantly surrounded a hundred li, the golden river rushed endlessly, like a golden dragon galloping horizontally and horizontally.

Wang Qinghe!

Wangqing River, specializing in washing people's demons and thoughts. At this time, all the golden aspiration power went to the Wangqing River, and the unparalleled rules of Wangqing broke out in the Wangqing River.


The golden will power violently oscillated in the Wangqing River, and in that river, there seemed to be a monstrous dragon hiding in it, stirring the wind and clouds!

"The Great Sun Tathagata!" Mingyue Xianzun suddenly became solemn.

Under the impetus of her powerful mana, the Wangqing River immediately changed.

Countless rivers of Wangqing have turned into endless dragons under the impetus of Mingyue Xianzun and the aura of the Buddha world!

Mingyue Xianzun's Tianlong domain is also immersed in it!

The river is rushing, and the spirit of the Buddha world is mighty.

Then, all the heavenly dragons finally converged into a heavenly dragon, which was 30,000 feet long, winding and circling like an unimaginable mountain in the air. The river of Wangqing and the spirit of the Buddha world converge into a bodhisattva!

This bodhisattva is ten thousand feet tall.

In the entire sky, there is only this Tianlong Bodhisattva.

Mingyue Xianzun was Tianlong Bodhisattva at this time, and she suddenly took a picture of it.

It was to kill the **** king Yuanshen.

The golden aspiration power of the great aspiration technique was severely suppressed by the Tianlong Bodhisattva!

Xiao Yuanshan couldn't help being surprised by this palm. Before he could think about it, he waved a palm.

In the sky, the scene is thrilling.

The huge **** Wang Yuanshen wears a purple and gold crown, and the king is majestic!

The Tianlong Bodhisattva represents the Buddha kingdom, and in peace, the majesty is equally profound.


Fists blasted together.

The god-king Yuanshen stepped back, and Tianlong Bodhisattva took a palm shot again.

In an instant, Tianlong Bodhisattva took three palms.

Every palm is like the arrival of the Buddha, and it will shock the heavens!

After receiving the three palms of the Tianlong Bodhisattva, the god-king Yuanshen finally spit out a mouthful of blood.

Then, everyone in Xiao Yuanshan spit out blood.

The **** king Yuanshen dissipated.

The light in the king's scepter dissipated.

Xiao Yuanshan and his party languish on the ground.

But Tianlong Bodhisattva was still serene and majestic, and he faintly looked down at Xiao Yuanshan and his group.

The battle is finally over.

At that moment, the sky was especially quiet and peaceful.

The white clouds are long and the breeze is blowing, as if nothing has happened...

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