My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 1659: Silver Shark King, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

At this moment, Chen Yang and Qiao Ning flashed out of the reincarnation plate in He Hongguang's hands.

Now it's Tu poor see.

Chen Yang didn't want to hide anything, he stopped Leiyun Patriarch, and then bluntly said: "Leiyun, I am the person behind the scenes. You guessed it right, today I want you to steal the ladder and the collapsed sky blade. "

"Chen Yang?" Grandmaster Leiyun and Zhenren Ziyang were surprised at the same time when they met Chen Yang.

Patriarch Leiyun’s eyes suddenly became blood red, and he said, “Okay, you killed my apprentice, and today I’m here to make this seat’s idea again. How can I tolerate you today!” After he finished speaking, his murderous aura soared. Desperate to shoot at Chen Yang.

In the eyes of monks, family affection is very weak. Patriarch Lei Yun obviously cared more about his apprentice Hua Tianying, but he appeared to be a little more indifferent to this grand niece. When necessary, he can abandon a grand niece without hesitation.

It's impossible for Patriarch Leiyun to have this kind of boldness.

Chen Yang took a deep breath and said, "Hold on!"

Master Lei Yun said: "Huh?"

Chen Yang said: "If you want to fight with me, I am willing to accompany you. To bring you out today is not to take advantage of you."

After he finished speaking, he sacrificed the golden light talisman and instantly absorbed the golden light in Lei Xin's body. Lei Xin instantly regained his consciousness.

"Grandpa Lei, they hurt me." Lei Xin shouted immediately. "It was they who caught me in Lian Yunfeng and used sorcery to confuse me. Grandpa Lei, save me!"

Lei Xin was very sad.

Chen Yang ordered again, saying: "He Hongguang, let her go!"

He Hongguang immediately said: "Yes!"

He immediately released Lei Xin, and Lei Xin ran to Master Leiyun's side in one step.

Grandmaster Leiyun grabbed Lei Xin and threw it into a magical artifact. Then he and Ziyang Zhenren said in surprise: "Even people like He Hongguang have been controlled by you, Chen Yang, you are really not easy."

Chen Yang smiled coldly and said: "I can have today, but it is not Torreyun's blessing. If it weren't for you Leiyun and Kongtong old man to force me together, how could I be forced to defect from Tianzong."

The real Ziyang sighed slightly when he heard the words, and now the Yun Tianzong has already investigated clearly what happened that day. It's just that the Supreme Master did not pursue it anymore.

"Fate dictates!" Real Ziyang sighed.

Patriarch Leiyun blushed. He then said: "It seems that today, you are going to settle the previous accounts."

Chen Yang said: "One is one, and the other is two. Even though Lei Xin’s thing happened on that day, in the final analysis, the ultimate bad thing is still done by the master Kongtong. I will not be angry with you, so for Lei Xin, I didn’t touch her hair. And right now, I want your Thieves of Heaven and Bengtian Blade. Let’s play a game with the two of us, and I will also put out a bet. As long as you win, I will This..." After he finished speaking, he took out the same two treasures. They are respectively the magic weapon to the heaven.

"My two treasures are the same as your Heavenly Stealing Ladder and Bengtian Blade. You win, and these two magic weapons belong to you. I won, and your two magic weapons belong to mine. Dare you ?" Chen Yang said.

"It's a joke!" Grandmaster Lei Yun said: "You are determined to win the Heavenly Thieving Ladder and Bengtian Blade. You are not rare in this seat."

Chen Yang said: "Plus this!" Chen Yang immediately drove one million pure Yang Pills.

"Plus this, do you think Leiyun is okay?" Chen Yang said, "I, Chen Yang, could have used Lei Xin to contain you today and take the opportunity to attack. With the strength of He Hongguang and Qiao Ning, it is not difficult to contain the real Ziyang. . And I can also fight you directly. But I don’t do this, and I don’t even bother to do these little moves. Leiyun, I just ask you, dare you?"

Those one million pure Yang Pills formed the Dragon of Pure Yang.

The pure pure Yang breath came out.

"The breath of the fairy world!" The real Ziyang couldn't help but change his expression.

Chen Yang smiled slightly and said, "Yes, both of you have stayed at the peak of the Tenth Heaven for too long. If you have this Immortal Realm Pure Yang Pill, it will not be a problem to break through to the Void Immortal."

Grandmaster Leiyun and Real Ziyang looked at each other.

After a long time, Grandmaster Leiyun said: "Chen Yang, let's do it. This seat can give you the Thieving Ladder and the Bengtian Blade. The decisive battle is not necessary, it is full of too much uncertainty. You give us two million pure coins. Yang Dan, this is the deal."

Chen Yang was taken aback.

Then he couldn't help but smile in his heart.

This Patriarch Leiyun and the real person Ziyang are worthy of being old and cunning!

They don't have such a strong fighting spirit. In the face of interests, the so-called hatred can be let go.

Chen Yang didn't bargain, he said, "Okay, I'm quick to talk, and I don't like wordy words. Two million pure Yang Dan, I can give it. But don't you think that I promised soon, and you want to increase the price. That's boring. I hope this matter ends here. Everyone should stop mentioning this matter. All grievances and hatreds will be cancelled today, how about?"

"Deal!" Grandmaster Leiyun and Real Ziyang said.

Subsequently, Chen Yang handed over two million Pure Yang Pills. And Patriarch Leiyun readily gave Chen Yang the Thief of Heaven Ladder and Bengtian Blade.

The two parties paid a good deal of money, and then each happily said bye.

As for how Patriarch Leiyun and Real Person Ziyang divided the spoils, that was their business.

He Hongguang also returned to the cycle of reincarnation to rest. Chen Yang and Qiao Ning couldn't help but laugh at each other. Unexpectedly, what was originally thought to be a rattling matter could be solved so simply.

"It seems that we think things are too complicated." Chen Yang said to Qiao Ning.

Qiao Ning said: "Now there are two treasures of Yuhuamen."

Chen Yang said: "After we have taken the two treasures of the Yuhuamen, let's first go find Linghui's treasure in the Central World. This pure Yang Pill is so useful."

Monk Linghui also jumped out of the seeds of the Xuanhuang Divine Valley. He said: "Of course, the Pure Yang Pill is refined by absorbing the vitality of the immortal world. The poor monk also plundered a lot of Pure Yang Pills. This is something that mortal ascetics dream of. The treasure of the poor monk in the Central World is the great treasure, and there are a full 10 billion in pure Yang Dan."

Chen Yang's eyes lit up.

After obtaining the treasure of Yuntianzong, Chen Yang breathed a sigh of relief. He also knew that Pure Yang Pill was the most attractive to masters below Xuxian. Because they can't sense the vitality of the fairy world.

The masters above Xuxian also liked Pure Yang Pill. Because the immortal vitality they can vomit every day is limited, and many magic weapons need pure Yang Pill to urge their luck.

This thing, like banknotes, is the more the better.

Chen Yang and Qiao Ning found a small island on the North Sea to live there first. Live in the palace of Jie Sumi.

This evening, Chen Yang and Qiao Ning were happy to enjoy this peaceful life.

After seeing the private theater, it was once again dazzling, and never tired of it. Chen Yang sent the red light to the outside of Jie Xumi, while Monk Linghui was sealed in the seeds of Xuanhuang Divine Valley.

Chen Yang and Qiao Ning enjoyed the two-person world completely, without anyone disturbing them.

After happily, Chen Yang and Qiao Ning cuddled on the bed.

The two began to think about how to obtain the two treasures of Yuhuamen.

Inside the Eclosion Gate is the Sky Bombing Hammer, the Remnant Sky Map.

"What if you trade directly with Xiao Yi?" Qiao Ning said: "With 10 million pure Yang Pill, do you think Xiao Yi will be heart-warming?"

Chen Yang's hand was originally on Qiao Ning's plump buttocks. He withdrew his hand when he heard the words. He said with a serious face: "First, it is not easy to see Xiao Yi. Second, if Xiao Yi knew that we have so much pure Yang Dan, maybe we will be imprisoned directly. After three years, the Supreme Master is dignified, and this kind of transaction seems not to be very glorious. Therefore, it is not necessary to find Xiao Yi."

"Your analysis makes some sense!" Qiao Ning said.

Chen Yang said: "It is best to make a deal with a certain elder inside, or to see whether it can be reduced directly. Of course, the first premise is that we have to determine who owns the two treasures in the Yuhuamen Hands."

"Not bad!" Qiao Ning said.

Chen Yang said: "I once broke through the Yuhua Gate before, and their guards must be very tight now. We want to break into the Yuhua Gate like entering the Yuntianzong, I am afraid it is impossible."

Qiao Ning said: "Then what do you mean...?"

Chen Yang said: "Haha, I haven't paid much attention to it yet. I will talk about everything after I go to the vicinity of Yuhuamen."

Qiao Ning said, "Actually, I have a way."

"Oh, what is the solution?" Chen Yang asked.

Qiao Ning said: "I don't know if Immortal Venerable sent the two heads back to the Yuhua Gate. Sending the two heads back will definitely cause an uproar. At that time, we can go in in the chaos."

Chen Yang's eyes lit up and said, "It makes sense!"

"Send Xiao Yuanshan and Xiao Jianyu's heads to Yuhuamen. That's the news of Tianda, and it will surely spread throughout the entire Tianzhou in an instant." Chen Yang said, "We haven't seen any movement yet, that means Xianzun has not acted yet. ."

Qiao Ning said: "Why don't we go to Mingyue Palace and ask if Xianzun will give it away?"

Chen Yang waved his hand and said, "How can it work?"

Qiao Ning was puzzled, and said, "Why not?"

Chen Yang said: "Xianzun hasn't acted for so long, maybe it is because he has other plans in his heart. In case Xianzun intends to calm the matter, let's go and ask, don't Xianzun not come to Taiwan?"

Qiao Ning said, "That's true."

Chen Yang said, "Let’s go to the Yuhua Gate and watch the changes first. I’m not very anxious now. It has only been more than a month and I have already found so many magic weapons. I have plenty of time for the rest. ."

Qiao Ning smiled slightly and said, "Okay."

She couldn't help but sighed, turned over, pressed on Chen Yang's body, kissed Chen Yang's lips, and said, "I think this is really good."

"Huh?" Chen Yang was slightly puzzled.

Qiao Ning said: "I can fight with you, no matter how difficult it is to go, as long as I'm with you, I'm very satisfied."

Chen Yang was startled when he heard the words, and then laughed. He also kissed Qiao Ning bitterly, and then said: "I can't think of our prestigious Silver Shark King, there are times when such a little bird looks like a man."

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