My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 1694: surrender, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

The superiority of the spirits is brought from the blood. In ancient times, they were the spirit of all things and ruled the earth. When they returned to Earth, they found that humans had replaced their previous positions, which made them angry and disdain. They looked at the fragile human body, the crappy technology, etc., all of which made the spirits feel even more that humans are just a joke.

Therefore, they will specifically target and attack humans. The purpose is to show their supreme lineage.

Regardless of whether it is a human or a spiritual deity, when the number of races is small, the cohesion will be particularly strong. This is a truth that has not changed through the ages. On the contrary, once the number is large and the life is better, then greed will arise, and war will continue.

For example, the Jews among humans have suffered countless persecutions and disasters in the history of more than two thousand years. They wander in various countries, only relying on a strong belief and belief. After that, they finally established Israel!

The cohesion of this kind of race is extremely terrifying and terrifying.

The most feared thing is that a race has no cohesion. So at this time, the scourge of genocide is not long far away.

In the imperial palace of Jokhang Mansion in Central World, Qin Keqing of Liuyehui delivered a message to the imperial palace.

"Master, there is a disciple from Li Heng Tian Gong who wants to see you."

This is very late afternoon, in the back garden, the sun is lazy. Yan Jiuniang was resting on the soft collapse of the garden. At this time, Qin Keqing arrived in a snow-white dress. She is tall, white as snow, and even more powerful is that her waist is surplus to hold, but her chest is quite spectacular.

This figure can make people crazy in the eyes of men.

Yan Jiuniang is equally beautiful, wearing a red dress and bare white ankles. Her posture is lazy, like a wild cat.

After Yan Jiuniang heard the words, she opened her beautiful eyes slightly.

"A disciple of Lihen Tiangong?" Yan Jiuniang said softly, but there was doubt in her eyes.

"Recently, a major event has happened in the Lihen Temple." Qin Keqing said: "Our members only found out that there was a major turmoil in the Lihen Temple, and that day, the flames soared to the sky and the entire Lihen Temple was burned to ashes. This is us. We have found the preliminary appearance, but we have not found out exactly what happened in Liheng Tiangong. This disciple of Liheng Tiangong is said to have escaped by chance. We checked his identity and it is indeed Liheng. A disciple of Tiangong."

"What do you think?" Yan Jiuniang asked Qin Keqing as she lied on the collapsed hand.

Qin Keqing said: "The entire Lihen Temple has become ashes. As far as my disciples know, the Lihen Temple has been built for more than a thousand years. Many foundations, treasures, and essence are in the palace. Therefore, even if there is any conspiracy, it cannot be. Nalan Yuntian's conspiracy. Things are true."

Yan Jiuniang said in a deep voice, "Have you thought about another thing?"

Qin Keqing said, "Master means?"

Yan Jiuniang said: "It is true that the Lihen Temple was destroyed. That means that the spirit-zun incident that Chen Yang told you is also true."

Qin Keqing's body was shocked, and she was suddenly speechless.

"But... why did that little thief run away?" Qin Keqing said.

Yan Jiuniang said: "If he lied to you, he wouldn't be willing to give you the big flame technique. If you told me about the big flame technique early in the morning, I wouldn't doubt him. As for why he wanted to escape, after all, It's not a three-year-old kid, and it won't be without a little defense. Okay, let's not talk about anything else. You can let the disciple of Lihen Tiangong come to see me."

"Yes, Master!" Qin Keqing's eyes suddenly became complicated.

What she thought was that what he said was true. He treated me sincerely, but I...

The disciple who escaped from the Lihen Temple was named Cui Cheng.

Cui Cheng is a second-generation disciple in the Lihen Temple, and his cultivation is at the peak of the Nine Heavens. Cui Cheng was when his master was dying, he used a magic weapon to send out his disciple.

After that, Cui Cheng and his entourage wandered to the mainland.

Cui Cheng is the highest cultivation level among the disciples, so he takes on the responsibility of taking care of all the disciples.

Cui Cheng came this time just to find a way out for the disciples.

Under the leadership of the eunuch, Cui Cheng, dressed in solemn black clothing, came to the back garden to meet Yan Jiuniang and Qin Keqing.

Cui Cheng looks like he is in his forties and he is very old. When he saw Yan Jiuniang, he wanted to kneel down.

"You don't have to do this heavy gift!" Yan Jiuniang sat up, very dignified. She then said: "Everyone is a monk, not a ruler. So, feel free to do so."

"Thank you senior!" Cui Cheng was grateful.

Yan Jiuniang said, "Sit down, sit down and talk."

Cui Cheng sat down on the stone bench next to him. He was upright and only half of his **** was sitting on the stone bench.

"What is your name?" Yan Jiuniang asked.

Cui Cheng said: "Go back to senior, next Cui Cheng. My master is Chu Bo, and my master is Chu Jincheng."

"I've heard of your Master, how is he?" Yan Jiuniang asked.

Cui Cheng suddenly burst into tears and said, "Master, in order to protect me and wait to leave, he used his life's mana to drive Yuan Xiangzhou and sent me and other disciples out. Before leaving, I saw that Master had been... The devil is killed."

Yan Jiuniang said in a deep voice: "The deceased is over, you have to mourn."

"Thank you senior for your concern." Cui Cheng is extremely grateful.

Yan Jiuniang said, "I also feel sorry for what happened in the Temple of Lihen. But what happened that night, and I hope you can help me out."

Cui Cheng said, "Yes, senior!"

At the moment, Cui Cheng said: "In fact, about a month ago, we had a major incident in Liheng Temple. The spirits at that time suddenly killed Liheng Temple and caught us by surprise. Even our palace owner It wasn't Brunner's opponent who was headed. They ordered us to cooperate, otherwise, we would lose our lives. After that, Emperor Tang sent someone to the bottom of the sea to inquire about Lingzun, and Lingzun had a good show with us. "

"Sure enough!" Qin Keqing heard this, feeling complicated and inexplicable. She knew that she really blamed Chen Yang. "Then what role does Chen Yang play here?" She couldn't help but ask Cui Cheng.

"I know Chen Yang." Cui Cheng didn't dare not answer Qin Keqing's words. He respectfully said: "Everything that is said to originate from this person. This person accidentally hit the bottom of the sea and discovered the secret of Lingzun. Then the spirits were unable to arrest him. In order to conceal this secret, they moved our thoughts of leaving the Temple of Hatred."

Yan Jiuniang said, "How can these spirits be so powerful that they can't even catch Chen Yang?"

Cui Cheng said: "It is said that Chen Yang has a lot of weird things on this person. They shot again and again, but Chen Yang finally escaped by Chen Yang. For this matter, Bruner personally shot, but in the end it did not succeed."

Yan Jiuniang said: "This is really a strange thing."

Cui Cheng said: "The predecessors did not know that this time, the reason why the Liheng Temple was destroyed is related to Chen Yang."

"What?" Yan Jiuniang and Qin Keqing were surprised at the same time.

"He has such great ability?" said Yan Jiuniang.

Qin Keqing said, "Could it be that insect emperor?"

"Huh? What insect emperor?" Cui Cheng was puzzled.

"It's nothing." Yan Jiuniang calmed down and said quietly: "You continue talking."

Cui Cheng naturally didn't dare to get to the bottom, after all, he was under the eaves at the moment. He said: "The spirits have dealt with Chen Yang many times. This incident has annoyed a big man. This big man is one of the four new emperors, Demon Emperor Chen Tianya. We learned that Demon Emperor Chen Tianya belongs to Chen Yang. Father. Chen Tianya went directly to our Lihen Temple to vent his anger for his son."

"I know all about the old and new four emperors. But I don't think that a demon emperor is qualified to go to the Lihen Temple to go wild. He shouldn't even be Nalan Yuntian's opponent? Let alone in your Lihen Inside the palace, there are experts like Bruner," said Yan Jiuniang.

"Senior, you guessed wrong." Cui Cheng said, "Bruner was killed by Chen Tianya."

"How is this possible!" Yan Jiuniang couldn't help but lose his color.

Cui Cheng said: "Chen Tianya's cultivation base seems to have not reached the peak of the imaginary immortal. If he is calculated according to the cultivation base, I am afraid it should not be Qin's opponent. But his technique is quite special, and Bruner is in his hands. It’s not just that you can’t beat it, it’s not even a match."

"This is terrible." Yan Jiuniang took a deep breath. "I always thought that the so-called new four emperors were nothing but a vain name, a joke of these juniors. I didn't expect it to be so powerful."

"Three of the four emperors had been to our central world back then. They successfully attacked the Siamese Emperor. Didn't the Siamese Emperor want to replace the Great Thousand World?" Cui Cheng said.

Yan Jiuniang said: "The Siamese emperor is just a joke. At the beginning, he wanted to commit sins, and we did not intervene. We just knew that he was irresponsible. Later, he really died in that luck. Those juniors When I came, I observed that the cultivation level was indeed pretty good, but if I shot, they would have no power to fight back. I told Tang Bozhao to ignore it. I didn’t expect this to be just a few decades, and they have grown to this level. To the point."

Cui Cheng remained silent.

Yan Jiuniang sighed slightly and said, "It seems that our failure to make a move is also part of the fate. There is nothing left to say. It is now and then."

She went on to say: "Well, what happened later? Chen Tianya ruined your Lihen Temple?"

"That's not true." Cui Cheng said immediately.

Yan Jiuniang said: "What's the situation?"

Cui Cheng said: "After Bruna's death, the palace lord took the opportunity to kill all the more than three hundred spirits in the Lihen Temple. Then he regained control, but unexpectedly, a few days later, a more powerful spirit Zun. The cultivation base of this spiritual Zun is extremely terrifying, and the Palace Master has no power to fight back in his hands.

"All the masters in the Lihen Temple are not his opponents." Cui Cheng said: "This master of the Spiritual Venerable has used great power, and then..."

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