My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 1699: Impossible to bow, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

After returning to the house in Manchester City, Shen Mo Nong moved Chen Yang and Qiao Ning out.

Chen Yang and Qiao Ning sat cross-legged.

The faces of the two of them looked like golden paper, and they were obviously seriously injured.

At this time, Monk Linghui jumped out. He immediately grabbed the ring Sumi in Chen Yang's hand.

Later, Liu Ma, Zhao Ma, and Xiao Nianci were also taken out by Monk Linghui.

Shen Mo Nong naturally knew Monk Linghui, so he was not surprised to see Monk Linghui.

Nian Chi was still asleep, and he didn't know what he had experienced.

Mother Liu and Mother Zhao are also in shock.

"Bring Nianci into the room to rest!" Shen Mo Nong told Liu Ma and Zhao Ma. Mother Liu and Mother Zhao had lingering fears, and the two of them responded well, and then immediately returned to the bedroom with Ninci.

Monk Linghui didn't say a word. His Chaos Fruit only produced one in a month, so now there is nothing left for Qiao Ning and Chen Yang. He took out dozens of Ningxue Pills.

I saw that the branches on his body were as dexterous as fingers, and with a pinch, dozens of Ningxue Pills were directly turned into two strands of essence. These two wisps of essence quickly penetrated into the brains of Chen Yang and Qiao Ning.

Chen Yang and Qiao Ning immediately absorbed them greedily.

Monk Linghui carried another hundred thousand pure Yang Dan. The pure yang pill formed a dragon of pure yang in the air, revolving around Chen Yang and Qiao Ning.

Monk Linghui's skill was too weak, and soon he was sweating. Above that branch, the water was slicking like it was being washed away by heavy rain.

"Shen Mo Nong, come!" Monk Linghui said immediately with difficulty.

Shen Mo panicked and said, "Okay. But... what should I do?"

"Use your mana to protect and hold the pure yang energy, and prevent them from leaking out. Let Taoist Chen Yang and Miss Qiao always absorb it." Monk Linghui said.

Shen Mo Nong immediately understood his heart, and immediately drove his mana to protect and hold the Dragon of Pure Sun.

Monk Linghui finally freed his hand, and he immediately shouted: "Daoist Chen Yang, Miss Qiao, your injuries are very serious. If you don't use the yin and yang fusion technique to refine Tianburu's power, you will never have a chance to recover. Now immediately Yin and Yang merge."

"Good!" Chen Yang heard the words and immediately merged with Qiao Ning's Yin and Yang.

The two drove a weak mana fusion.

And the continuous absorption of pure Yang Dan.

The injuries they received were too severe, if it weren't for a large number of Ningxue Pills and Pure Yang Pills. The two of them couldn't even get the mana of yin and yang fusion. If it reaches that point, it will be the greatest tragedy. May be planted like this for a lifetime.

The yin and yang of Chen Yang and Qiao Ning's mana are fused together, and many injuries are bred by mana to the point where they are born out of nothing.

The so-called yin and yang nurture all things, this is the truth!

Chen Yang and Qiao Ning consumed one hundred thousand pure Yang Pills and practiced for three days and three nights.

After three days and three nights, the two men's injuries completely recovered, and they were once again fierce. Not only the skill is not damaged, but more diligent.

During these three days and three nights, Shen Mo Nong felt a little languid.

"Huh!" Chen Yang let out a long breath.

Qiao Ning and Chen Yang opened their eyes at the same time.

Shen Mo Nong also regained her gong, she quickly took some pure Yang Pill, and after a short rest, she could regain her energy.

"How did we escape?" Chen Yang asked Shen Mo Nong immediately. He only knew that Chen Tianya had appeared, but did not know what happened afterwards.

Monk Linghui sighed slightly.

"What happened?" Chen Yang felt ominous when he saw this.

Shen Mo Nong couldn't help but his eyes were red, and he said, "Tianbulu launched the law of heaven, and we can't break through. Your father blew himself up with the soul and gave us a way out."

Chen Yang and Qiao Ning were shocked.

Qiao Ning's face was pale.

Chen Yang was shocked. "How can this be?"

He couldn't believe it.

At the same time, the emotion in my heart was overwhelming.

"How is this possible, this is impossible, this is impossible!" He murmured.

Monk Linghui said: "Amitabha Buddha, fellow Taoist Chen Yang, you don't have to be pessimistic. Even if the devil emperor blew the soul, it would be fine, but this time, he used his true power. I am afraid that his skill will be damaged. After all, he and The difference between Tianbur's cultivation base is too great. To break through the law of heaven, unless he explodes his soul. Moreover, this is still based on Chen Tianya's cultivation method. If other experts of the same level explode the soul, Tianbur will not let go. In the eyes."

"But..." Chen Yang said, "If he ignores us and leaves, Tian Bulu will not be able to kill him."

Monk Linghui said: "That's right."

Chen Yang remained silent. After a long while, he said: "Could it be that everything is because of Nian-Zi?"

Qiao Ning took Chen Yang's hand, she knew that Chen Yang was fragile at this time.

"But if it's just because of Ninci, why should he kill Bruna?" Chen Yang said afterwards.

He couldn't figure it out.

He had already thought of the Devil Emperor sufficiently vicious, but the Devil Emperor came out this time, he did not hesitate to explode the soul to save him. Chen Yang's heart began to shake again.

He found that he couldn't see through the Devil Emperor more and more.

Even if the Devil Emperor treated him badly before, even if he was very Devil Emperor. But this time, only the attitude of the Devil Emperor once changed. Chen Yang felt that his emotions couldn't stand it anymore. If the Devil Emperor was in trouble at this time, he would desperately rescue him without hesitation.

He still didn't understand that this was due to the flesh and blood in his heart. It is also the longing in his heart. He always wanted to have a father who loved and loved him!

At this time, that Liu Ma suddenly came out holding Nian Ci.

"Miss Shen, Mr. Chen, that mole has appeared on Xiao Mantou's forehead again." Liu Ma said in a panic.

"It's the Devil!" Chen Yang was overjoyed.

He quickly stepped forward and hugged Nianzi. Nian Ci didn't know it, and was asleep.

In that mole, Chen Tianya's spirit appeared. It turned into a wisp of emptiness, and appeared in front of Chen Yang and others.

Chen Tianya didn't look at anyone, but took a step forward and reached out to stroke Nian Ci's little face. He didn't really touch it, but looked at Nianzi lovingly.

He has always been cold, but at this moment, his eyes are full of tenderness, and a smile is drawn at the corner of his mouth.

"Well, this little guy, very much like me. My good grandson!" Chen Tianya laughed.

After he finished speaking, he looked at Chen Yang and said: "You don't have to think about it. I did it all because I wanted to save my grandson. As for you and me, you are welcome to continue to come to me for revenge."

"Then why are you going to kill Bruner?" Chen Yang asked immediately.

Chen Tianya said, "That's because, even if you are a rebellious son. But you are still my son of Chen Tianya, my son of Chen Tianya, you can fight or kill yourself. But others can't!"

"I..." Chen Yang's throat choked and his eyes were red. He couldn't help saying: "As long as you are willing to bow to my mother's grave three times, the grievances between us will be wiped out. My mother, you always owe her."

"I didn't owe her. It was her, it was her wishful thinking that killed Evel." Chen Tianya's eyes were cold. "You want me to bow to that **** and confess my mistake? Never think about it, there is never such a possibility. If you have the ability, come and catch me. Humph!"

He then stopped talking and disappeared directly into the void.

Chen Yang stood there blankly.

"If he really wants to kill me, that day, I will trap him in the sea of ​​souls. As long as he blew himself up, I'm afraid I will be dead and no place to be buried." Chen Yang then murmured.

He found that he seemed to be increasingly unable to understand Chen Tianya.

After this battle, Chen Yang and Qiao Ning felt that Lingzun was more and more terrifying.

Shen Mo Nong also really felt Chen Yang's dangerous situation. I take care of my children alone at home, but I still have a comfortable home. While Chen Yang was outside, it was a **** battle.

At the thought of this, Shen Mo Nong felt ashamed. Because she has misunderstood Chen Yang many times.

Chen Yang locked himself in another bedroom for a day and night.

Qiao Ning and Shen Mo Nong were extremely worried about Chen Yang, but they didn't know what to say to Chen Yang.

They didn't know what Chen Yang was thinking.

However, both Qiao Ning and Shen Mo Nong also knew that Chen Yang was a very tough person, and nothing could beat him. He will be fine soon.

In the morning, Chen Yang opened the door and came out.

He is in good spirits and his face is calm.

Qiao Ning, Shen Mo Nong, and Mother Liu, Zhao Ma were taking Nianci for breakfast.

Shen Mo Nong was overjoyed when she saw Chen Yang coming out. She got up and said, "I will serve you a bowl of porridge."

Chen Yang smiled slightly and said, "Okay!"

He came to the table and saw Xiao Nianci eating the rice paste with his mouth full, and he was enjoying it. Chen Yang couldn't help but smile, and squeezed the little guy's face again, and said, "It's really a carefree little thing." After he finished speaking, he sat down beside Qiao Ning.

Shen Mo gave Chen Yang a bowl of vegetable porridge. Chen Yang grabbed a fried dough stick and ate the dough stick while drinking the porridge.

Qiao Ning shook Chen Yang's arm with her elbow and said, "What are you thinking about all day and night?"

Chen Yang straightened up and said sternly: "I have thought about one thing, you can stay in Yanjing. Don't go there first."

"What about you?" Qiao Ning was surprised and asked.

Shen Mo Nong was also a little worried.

Chen Yang said: "You know, I still have a task to complete."

Qiao Ning said: "Then I have to be with you. We have a better chance of survival if we cooperate with each other."

Chen Yang said, "No." He paused, and said, "I'll talk about this later."

Qiao Ning stopped talking, she was a little unhappy, and said, "Anyway, at this time, I won't leave you alone."

She became sulky, and then said: "I'm full, you can eat slowly." After speaking, she went directly to the room.

Shen Mo Nong looked at Chen Yang worriedly, and said, "Are you still going out?"

Mother Liu and Mother Zhao also looked at Chen Yang.

Chen Yang didn't want to talk too much at this dinner table, so he said: "I'll talk about it later."

Shen Mo Nong couldn't say anything.

After eating breakfast, Mother Liu and Mother Zhao took Xiao Nianci to the downstairs community to bask in the sun.

Shen Mo Nong made a cup of strong tea for Chen Yang, who was sitting on the sofa, and then said, "Can I talk now?"

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