My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 1795: Curve to save the nation, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

In Chen Yang's eyes, these spirits were all the same, except that they were different in height. But the shortest one also has a height of about two meters. If the weight is only 300 jin, it is considered super slim.

Chen Yang can only judge their male and female by the clothes worn by these spirits. After all, no matter what species it is, its motherhood is softer, while males are stronger. Of course, shemales don't count.

What maternal likes are always different from what males like.

Those spirits watched the tragic death of human beings on the ground, and some spirits talked a lot. Some were angry, and felt that the Spiritual Soldiers were cruel. Some think they played well. Another Lingzun said: "Great, most of these wandering unicorns have mania, so we should kill all the wandering unicorns out of Beijing."

"That is also a life after all!" The mother spiritzun retorted: "You are too cruel."

"Oh, you are really the Virgin!" You Lingzun sarcastically said, "The next time the stray unicorns are best bitten by you or your family, when you have mania, you better still say these stray unicorns are too Pathetic."

All of a sudden, there was a lot of discussion.

At the same time, those Lingzun soldiers are respectful and respectful to the wise. The clothes on the wise man can show his extraordinary status.

A Lingzun soldier said: "My lord, a wandering unicorn recently bit the youngest daughter of Minister Ruan's house. Yesterday, the youngest daughter of Ruan's family contracted mania and died. The upper echelon heard the news and was furious. So he issued an order , The whole city hunts down stray unicorns. As long as they are not vaccinated after birth, they will all be hunted down!"

"So that's it!" Huizhe stopped saying anything, waved, he turned and left.

After walking aside, the wise man reported to Chen Yang anxiously: "Master, you have also heard it. This is an order from the upper level. In the entire empire, Qiliner...No, human beings are in a low position. As for the wandering Qilin. Son, that’s the lowest grade. It doesn’t even have the qualifications to be used as food. No spirit deity will speak for these wandering children."

Both Chen Yang and Qin Keqing were silent. At this moment, apart from anger in their hearts, there is still helplessness.

Just ahead, a cute little girl was crying loudly. That voice is utterly utterly uttered.

Then, a sharp hook penetrated her head.

On the spot...tragic death!

When the surrounding spirits saw this, some couldn't bear it, and some shouted in applause.

Qin Keqing felt that she couldn't help it anymore. She had a talent, but she wanted to watch the same kind be killed by the alien in front of her eyes.

Chen Yang's blood was even hotter, and he even wanted to rush out and kill all the spirits on the street. But that would not help, on the contrary, it would make humans' situation worse, and he and Qin Keqing would also fall into extreme crisis.

The wise man said: "Or, shall we go back?"

Chen Yang nodded and said, "Okay!"

The wiser flashed away immediately and shuttled back to the villa.

In the villa, the wise man can't do anything else. Although Chen Yang and Qin Keqing were angry, they could only endure them.

On the second day, the wise man was called to the Fa Academy again and was asked more about the great world. The wise man did what Chen Yang said, and the Fa Academy over there expressed satisfaction, saying that it wanted to remember the great work of the wise man.

Time flies, and the wise man has returned to the chalk world for ten days. He inquired about the Eight Girls and the Third Highness, and there has been no progress. The Fa Academy is like a piece of iron bucket, and it doesn't give the wise person any chance at all.

Don't dare to squeeze money and magic weapons. Because the work of the Law Society is extremely noble. No one wants to take this risk!

It was at night, Chen Yang and Qin Keqing had already expressed their extreme dissatisfaction with the wise. The wise are also sincere and fearful.

Chen Yang said, "If you keep on going like this, it will not be long before you should return to Tianzhou's Fang Tianzhou, right?"

The wise man looked distressed and said, "Master, it's not that the little slaves don't try their best. It's that the Fa Academy is tight-lipped, little slaves..."

Chen Yang said, "Then what are you going to do? Wisdom, if you can't even do this for me. I don't mind killing you."

The wise man was taken aback, and said, "Master, the slave will never dare to procrastinate!"

Chen Yang said: "I said before using invisibility, you said no? You have no better way. I am not here to hide and watch the fun."

Chen Yang knew in his heart that this matter was very difficult, and the Fa Academy was too strict in monitoring. But right now, he can only put pressure on the wise man.

The wise man said: "The things you used to cast the invisibility technique before have already been recorded in the Dharma Academy. The Dharma Academy has long installed a device to crack your invisibility technique. If you want to use the invisibility technique to enter, it is just a dead end."

Chen Yang said: "The invisibility technique is not good, you said it is not good to buy one of them. It is not good to drink and get drunk...?"

The wise man said: "The invisibility technique is indeed not good. Those who can come into contact with the slaves are not important officials. Even if they are bought, they will not work. Drinking and getting drunk is even more impossible.

Chen Yang said: "The way is to be figured out. The official you contact is not big enough, but can't the junior official you buy can contact the larger official? When you buy the junior official, don't reveal your intentions, just say that you admire someone. An official who can manage things, hopes to introduce him. Later, he will be lured for profit."

"Master, those real high-levels are all people with incomparable cultivation bases." Huizhe said: "What can the little slaves make them tempted?"

Chen Yang said: "The villain loves money, the master Aibao. They definitely want to cultivate to a higher level. At that time, I will give you enough things to seduce. You just say that you want to catch two monks to nourish. At that time, you just insist on choosing by yourself."

The wise man said: "This...this is too dangerous."

Chen Yang knew that this product had not been converted, and he still had selfish intentions in everything. The reason why I was so slow was because I was afraid of danger.

So Chen Yang didn't have a good face, and said: "If you don't act, I promise you are not dangerous, but a dead thing."

"Little slave will do it right away!" Huizhe's face turned pale suddenly, said.

Next, the wise man really acted. He first found Vata there, renewed his old age with Livata, and gave a generous gift, expressing his desire to make friends with the eldest grandson of the Fa Academy.

The eldest grandson was extremely authoritative in the Fa Academy, and he was also very serious and fierce. Livata was shocked when he heard that the wise man was going to see Lord Changsun, so he returned the gift.

The wise man was busy following Chen Yang's instructions.

"Brother, you don't need to do anything! Just tell me the whereabouts of Mrs. Grandson. When he is out for a drink, I will try my luck."

"So simple?" Livata couldn't believe it.

The wise man said: "I am in the matter of spiritual practice, and I have to ask Mr. Sun for some things. Of course, if he is not willing to enlighten me, I can't help it, but I want to try my luck."

Rivata said, "Well, in that case, I can help."

Thus, the first step of the wise man finally took it. This guy is like a lazy cow. Chen Yang needs a whip before he is willing to take a step.

Rivata soon heard news that Mr. Longsun would be out to socialize at noon tomorrow. It is said to have dinner with a big man from the Eastern Chamber of Commerce.

The headquarters of the Eastern Capital Chamber of Commerce is in the Imperial Skyzhou. The Chamber of Commerce is engaged in business, selling all kinds of magical instruments, and also selling information, medicines and so on.

The reason why the wise man chose the grandson was also based on the fact that the grandson had indeed reached the peak of Dongxian, and he was only one step away from breaking through. Therefore, based on such conditions and foundation, it is possible to seduce the grandson.

The day passed quickly, and the weather was fine and sunny the next day. The climate outside Beijing is warm all year round. Probably because the heavy industry has developed too hard, the climate here has become warmer.

The wise man wore a purple robe and went out on time.

The meeting place between Lord Changsun and that big guy from the Eastern Capital Chamber of Commerce was in Qingyou Xiaoguan. It is a very secluded place.

Under the persecution of Chen Yang, the wise man summoned the courage to knock on the door of the private room where Lord Changsun met with the big man.

"Who?" There was a murderous voice from Lord Changsun immediately. Obviously, the interruption of the conversation made the eldest grandson very angry.

The boss of the Eastern Capital Chamber of Commerce is called You Jing. You Jing is an 8,000-year-old boss, tall, with a slightly vicissitudes of face.

His cultivation has already reached the Heavenly Universe Realm.

Moreover, You Jing is just a big brother of the Eastern Chamber of Commerce branch. Among the clubs, there are even more powerful ones.

But the most powerful ones are basically not in the chalk world. It is distributed in the fairy world, as well as the imperial sky boat. These spirits of them can only be regarded as pioneers.

You Jing smiled faintly, and said, "Interesting, an empire's recorder actually came. Is he going to record the transaction between you and me?"

"Hmph, he recorded it." Mr. Changsun said: "I have nothing to fear, but this kind of little character dare to come to me and make a public appearance. I think he is living a bit crookedly."

You Jing said: "Eldest grandson, don't be impulsive. The recorder can't be killed easily. After killing, I really have something to say and I don't know it."

"Okay, I know!" Lord Changsun nodded to You Jing, and then coldly shouted at the wise man outside: "Get in."

So the wise man opened the door carefully, and then entered the private room.

In the private room, two big men sat on the floor, with wine and food on the coffee table.

But the two big men's faces were cold, so they stared at the wise man.

The wise man suddenly felt the terrifying coercion, and in front of such two big brothers, it was indeed difficult for him to raise his head. My heart is even more frightened to the extreme. Had it not been for Chen Yang's persecution, he would not dare to come to this place if he was killed.

But now, since it has come. There is only one way for the wise man to go to the dark.

He took a deep breath, raised his head, and said, "Lord Sun, I'm sorry, but the minister interrupted your meeting. I'm extremely sorry!"

"What are you doing?" Lord Changsun said with cold eyes, "If there is no reasonable explanation, today I am afraid you will pay some price for your recklessness."

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