My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 2602: Wherever you go, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

The sky full of golden scale armor, covering thousands of miles, this is the seven means of good fortune in the Divine King Realm, and it is also the power of Nirvana!

Emperor Shengtian stood out from the crowd, and everyone stood respectfully behind him.

He just used this simple display, and everyone has already felt the horror of his cultivation.

On the planet Tyrannosaurus, throughout the ages, I have never heard of anyone who can cultivate to the seventh level!

Emperor Shengtian and Ying Zhennai are the most outstanding people after the ancient war on Tyrannosaurus, but they have stayed on the sixth stage for hundreds of years. For hundreds of years, no progress has been made!

It is precisely because of this that the Temple of God descending and the King of Ghosts have always maintained a balance of strength.

But right now, Emperor Shengtian actually broke through.

This is definitely the catastrophe of the Ghost King Sect!

"You really win, get out and die!" Di Shengtian shouted.

His sound waves instantly raged like a long river, rolling majestic, and transmitted to every corner of this golden scale armor.

This sound wave rolled back and forth, staying for a long time.

Those with weaker cultivation bases can no longer withstand such attacks.

The Ghost King Sect quickly reacted.

The win at this moment is true, he did not escape. He never thought of fleeing, he committed suicide by Di Huaixiu, and after seizing the chariot, he got the time spar and origin copper coin. Immediately drove back to the Ghost King Sect!

Qin Dong had a suggestion to win Zhen, and immediately attack and kill the temple of descending.

Win Zhen is not in a hurry. He just said: "If the Emperor Shengtian has an accident, the descending temple is just something in the bag. If there is no accident with the Emperor Shengtian, we will have a better chance of winning after studying the magic weapon in our hands. As long as there is the emperor holy heaven in the temple of descending, we don't need to attack and kill in such a hurry."

Therefore, these days, Yingzhen is studying the time spar and origin copper coin.

That day, he asked Qin Donghe Ban Juesheng to study and repair the Gang chariot. If all refining is completed, Yingzhen has already promised such a lifeless life, and will give it to such a lifeless life.

Taoist Luo Tong asked Yingzhen to resign.

Win really didn't agree. He said: "The favor between this seat and the leader has always been there, but the leader does not work hard every time. Does this mean that the original favor has been repaid?"

Rotonton felt embarrassed and said, "What is that idea?"

Yingzhen said: "It's very simple. In a few days, I will go to attack and kill the temple of surrender. At that time, Dao will develop a bit of strength!"

Luo Tong also wanted to settle the matter quickly, and he agreed to it.

Yingzhen studied the time spar for three days, and the internal river of time spar was constantly fluctuating. Therefore, Yingzhen did not see the situation in the next three days. This is probably, that is, to win the real fate!

As for the origin copper coin, he has never been able to control it!

This makes Win really quite annoyed, and thinks there must be a ghost in it. After catching that Chen Yang, he must inquire clearly.

At this time, winning is really closing his eyes and resting.

The movement brought by the outside Emperor Shengtian immediately shocked him.

Following that, the sound wave of Emperor Shengtian vibrated.

Win Zhen was really surprised.

"He actually broke through?" Ying really felt incredible and couldn't believe it. "How is this possible? How is this possible?"

Yingzhen was originally ambitious, but at this time he felt the cultivation base of Emperor Shengtian. His heart suddenly became cold, and he secretly said: "Is it the deadline for this seat today? No, this seat can't sit still!"

Win Zhen immediately called Luo Channel Chief.

Luo channel leader came quickly.

When the two met in the secret room, Luo Tong said when they met: "Sect Master, Emperor Shengtian has already come. His cultivation seems...breakthrough. We are definitely not opponents!"

Ying Zhen said in a deep voice: "I didn't expect that he actually broke through. If it was in the past, it would not be dead or alive. But now, I have killed his son. This grievance is destined to be unresolved. Taoist, you The favor owed to me should be paid back."

Luo Tong frowned, he didn't quite understand the meaning of winning. At the moment he said in a deep voice: "What does the Sect Master want to do with the poor Dao?"

Yingzhen said: "This seat knows that your **** tiger has the power of a wonderful space. If this seat is hidden in the space of his body, even the Emperor Shengtian will not be able to detect it. This seat wants to hide in it and get through it. To see if there is a chance to escape."

Luo Tong was taken aback, and said: "If the Sect Master is going to fight, we can still fight. If you hide directly, how do these people fight?"

Ying Zhen shook his head and said, "Dao Master, it’s not that this seat doesn’t want to fight. You don’t know what that means for the cultivation of the Seventh Layer of Good Fortune King Realm. But this seat knows! Regardless of whether this seat does not fight, Ghost King Sect I don’t have the strength to fight. Right now, I just want to escape from the Tyrannosaurus planet. If I can break through in the future, I dare to have the courage to come back and take revenge!

Luo Tong didn't think about it anymore, he said, "Well, time is urgent. Then you can get into the world!"

Yingzhen suddenly flashed tears in his eyes.

See the truth in adversity!

At this time, he couldn't believe any cronies. Only he dare to trust Luo Tong, because he believes in Luo Tong's character.

"Where is the sovereign?"

"Why don't you see the shadow of the master at this time?"

"Di Shengtian's cultivation level has actually broken through. Now, he is the absolute first person on Tyrannosaurus. Not only the first person in front of him, no one has ever been able to cultivate to the seventh level!"

"Our Sect Master has already escaped, right?"

In the Ghost King's Zong, there is already a mess. Those disciples with low and weak cultivation levels still don't think there is anything, they just feel that a strong enemy is coming, but their suzerain will definitely resist the attack.

But those masters with a high level of cultivation are very clear in their hearts!

Many masters are looking for the true whereabouts of winning.

However, there is no audio.

Soon, there are already masters flying out.

The first to fly out was the white dragon Qin Dong. Qin Dong drove the soul chariot to the front of Di Shengtian and others.

Qin Dong directly knelt and said: "The villain congratulates the hall master for breaking through the seventh level of the **** of creation and becoming the first person on the Tyrannosaurus planet. Such a magnificent master, the villain is willing to follow the hall master and be loyal to the hall master from now on! "

He knows current affairs well.

"Where is your Sect Master?" Di Shengtian glanced at Di Shengtian and asked indifferently.

At this moment, it was the master of Emperor Shengtian, and no one looked down on Qin Dong.

Because the strength gap between each other is too big. At their level, who wants to die in vain?

Qin Dong said in a deep voice, "Sect Master Yingzhen has nowhere to go. I think that because of the power of the Lord, he has already known that he is invincible and managed to escape."

"He didn't leave!" Di Shengtian said lightly: "This seat can clearly feel that he is within the Nine Dragons circle of this seat. I just don't know how he hid."

Qin Dong said: "This... the villain is willing to introduce you to all the affairs in the Ghost King's sect, and help you find the true Sect Master."

"You don't care about old feelings!" Di Shengtian said with a smile.

He was actually very satisfied.

Right now, he was really above ten thousand people. Even a master like the white dragon Qin Dong would kneel down to please him.

Qin Dong said: "It's not that the villain doesn't miss the old feelings, but the people in the cultivating way will fly separately. The Sect Master has been hiding now, regardless of our life or death. Then we have to ask for a way to live, and hope that the Sect Master can give the villain This opportunity."

Emperor Shengtian smiled slightly and said: "Okay, Qin Dong, you know the current affairs well. Moreover, you are the first to come out to take refuge in this seat. This seat will not humiliate you or kill you. But how do you get it? Your trust depends on your performance."

Qin Dong said: "At this moment, the villain is the one who descended to the temple, and the owner of your dog. If you want the villain to kill anyone, the villain will kill him immediately."

Emperor Shengtian laughed.

At the same time, the ghost king sect masters who secretly observed came out one after another.

The blood hand demons, Qianlong scholars, life-threatening warriors, ghost elders, and ghost elders all came out and knelt for refuge.

Including the other masters of the Ghost King Zong, as long as they are ranked top, all come out and return.

Even the bosses have surrendered, what else can they insist on?

Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen's hearts have sunk. This situation is really unexpected!

They thought there was a real strength to win, but they knew that they didn't have the courage to win the fight.

Facing the surrender of many masters, Emperor Shengtian glanced over, but he did not immediately accept it.

Many masters all knelt in the air, not dare to come out.

Chen Yang has also been observing the crowd, and he found that among the visitors, there is no Taoist leader Luo Tong. He secretly said in his heart: "Could it be that the leader of Luo channel has already left? If he does, that would be the best."

"Father, that day, my brother was killed by Bo Juesheng. He hasn't come yet!" Di Feiyan said to Di Shengtian.

"Okay!" Di Shengtian nodded and said, "Everyone, go and grab the Boss, and find the Tiangang chariot in this seat. After these two things are done, this seat will accept your acceptance. "

Many masters were immediately ready to dispatch.

At this moment, a figure flashed in the sky.

The person who came is just such a unique life.

Bang Juesheng was dressed in a Tsing Yi long gown, his face was solemn, slowly coming from the void, but also quite imposing.

At this time, he came to the front of Emperor Shengtian.

The masters of the ghost kings gave him a way.

Ban Juesheng said directly: "Hall Master, Di Huaixiu was indeed killed by me. But that day, it was an order from the Sect Master. But, even so, I also know that I may not survive today. I could have destroyed it. The chariot is gone this day, but think about it, don’t embarrass the brothers who work together. The chariot, return it to you. I, do it what you want!"

Subsequently, Ban Juesheng surrendered the Tiangang chariot.

With a big move, Emperor Shengtian took the chariot that day into the interior of Jiulong Baoyan.

"You are very honest!" Di Shengtian said lightly. He paused and said, "You can come out on your own initiative and return the Tiangang chariot. This seat can not kill you!"

Bo Juesheng was stunned, he couldn't believe it. After reacting, he immediately knelt down and said: "If the Lord can forgive my sins, I am willing to serve the Lord with my lifelong loyalty!"

Emperor Shengtian smiled faintly, and said: "Although Huaixiu was killed by you, you are just the one who raised the knife. This seat will not blame you. This is right and wrong, this seat is clear."

He then glanced at everyone present and continued: "You said that you will always be loyal to this seat. This seat does not believe...because no matter you, this seat, or the people behind this seat. We are all practitioners..."

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