My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 2736: Happy promise, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

"I know that what I am doing is naive. But if I don't say it, I'm afraid I will go crazy." Chen Yang said.

"What are you trying to say?" Black Suzhen stared at Chen Yang and said.

"You go out!" At this moment, Ye Feng coldly shouted at Chen Yang.

Chen Yang was slightly startled.

"I listen to you!" Black Suzhen said to Chen Yang, ignoring Ye Feng.

Chen Yang took a deep breath again, and then, a ray of determination flashed in his eyes, and he said: "I don't want you to marry him, I want you to be my woman. Let's go, go together, leave here, until there is no one Go where you know. Can you?"

After he finished saying this, the scene was suddenly silent!

This is crazy.

Su Luo's face was pale with anger.

Ye Feng is even more murderous in his eyes...

But at the same time, everyone looked at Suzhen in black.

Obviously, the most important thing in this farce depends on the attitude of Suzhen Hei.

Suzhen in black is silent...

After a while, she suddenly said: "Then go!"

When she uttered these four words, the whole audience was in a daze.

Chen Yang was even more surprised, he felt like a madman. He is like Ye Chaoning of the day, knowing that he will be rejected and ridiculed by everyone, but he still wants to say what he wants to say.

He never thought that Suzhen in black would agree.

Therefore, when he heard Suzhen in black saying let's go, he almost thought he had heard it wrong.

But soon, he was ecstatic.

After that, he took the hand of Suzhen in black.

"Don't leave!" Ye Feng wanted to leave angrily...

He directly sacrificed a sword of light in his hand and blocked the way of Chen Yang and Suzhen in black.

"Jing Yao, what do you mean? Don't you think you want to give me an explanation?" Ye Feng glared at Suzhen in black and said.

Black Suzhen said lightly: "I do everything according to my own preferences. If you feel uncomfortable, you can come and kill me. Of course, the premise is that you have this ability!"

"Sister, I'm sorry, we will explain to you in the future!" Chen Yang glanced at Chen Leyi, and then condensed Feilong.

The two quickly jumped on the flying dragon!

In the next second, Suzhen Hei released a dark dragon energy.

The scene entered an absolute darkness.

The flying dragon broke through the air and broke through the roof...

The flying dragon swims in the sea of ​​clouds, and Chen Yang's hand always holds the hand of Suzhen in black tightly.

There was a slight sweat in their hands.

There is a lake in front of it, and the lake is shining brightly in the sunshine.

Chen Yang and Suzhen in black fell and sat down by the lake.

"This is a dream." Chen Yang murmured to himself, he just slapped himself.

Suzhen in black sat quietly beside Chen Yang.

She doesn't talk too much.

Chen Yang looked at Suzhen in black next to him, and he suddenly felt a little weird. It seems to be back to the past...

He looked at her, never dared to do anything beyond.

Everything before, as if it had never happened before.

The atmosphere was silent.

After a long while, Suzhen in black suddenly said: "If you don't speak anymore, I will leave."

"Hey, don't, don't!" Chen Yang grabbed his ears and grabbed his cheeks. He was anxious and took her hand again. "I... Susu..."

He smirked and said, "I don't hide it from you, do you know? No woman has ever made me flustered and unconfident like I am now. I am not unconfident in myself, I think, if I were innocent I, only me, no Linger and others, I think I should dare to pursue you. Who are you, you are a rare and unique Bai Suzhen in this world! I..."

"I have promised you, what are you talking nonsense?" Black Suzhen gave Chen Yang a glance.

"Well, I don't care!" Chen Yang gritted his teeth and suddenly hugged Suzhen in black, then pressed her under him and kissed her sweet red lips.

Intertwined lips and tongue, that is the taste of ecstasy!

Black Suzhen's body was a little stiff at first, and then gradually melted into Chen Yang's arms.

Chen Yang is a veteran in love, and he already knows that what Suzhen Black said has been told to Ye Feng, which is definitely a lie.

That was just to **** him off.

Chen Yang is also a clever person. He began to wonder if Suzhen in black is forcing him to stand up and take the initiative in everything he did.

This kiss is very long!

Chen Yang was reluctant to be separated.

After a long time, finally the lips parted.

Chen Yang couldn't help asking: "If I don't stand up, do you really want to marry Ye Feng?"

Black Suzhen's face flushed, she was still intoxicated, and only then recovered after hearing the words. She glanced at Chen Yang and said, "Who knows?"

Chen Yang also had some incomprehensible thoughts, she had never been able to figure it out.

But no matter what, Chen Yang felt that this was his great blessing and a gift from heaven.

They have been sitting there, watching the clouds and clouds in the sky, watching the constant changes of the white clouds and dogs, and finally saw the setting sun.

Suzhen in black suddenly said seriously: "Chen Yang, I want to make three chapters with you."

Chen Yang was startled slightly, and then said: "You say, as long as you say, I will listen."

Black Suzhen smiled slightly and said: "Okay!" She paused and said, "Your concerns, I know. I really can't accept that you have other women. So, between you and me, the first One is that our relationship is close, only here, once we leave here. Everything that happens here, for us, will have no trace!"

"I know, it's hard to do. But even if it's pretending, it must be pretended. Is it okay?"

Chen Yang went silent.

After a long while, he said: "I promise you!"

Hei Suzhen said: "The second article, only you know and I know about this matter, and no third person is allowed to know. Especially you can't tell Linger..."

Chen Yang said: "Okay!"

Hei Suzhen said: "The third article is that you are not allowed to practice spiritual practice with anyone, except me. Of course, if it is indeed a matter of life and death, there can be exceptions. But it is better not to..."

"Good!" Chen Yang responded.

"I don't care what you use, if a third person learns about this relationship between you and me in the future. Don't blame me for not forgiving you in the future." Hei Suzhen said at last.

"Okay, I know." Chen Yang said.

"Thank you!" Hei Suzhen said afterwards.

She thought about it, and added: "Also, don't have children. Those who can't be taken away are destined to hurt!"

"I understand!" Chen Yang said. Later, he was ecstatic again, and he couldn't have children, that is, a nasty relationship could happen.

Chen Yang actually understands her concerns, and perhaps this is the best way.

Fortunately, the wedding was held on a small scale, and it was all dignitaries. So I didn't make a public announcement, and Su Luo Lonely and Chen Leyi didn't understand this farce.

Everyone's faces are very ugly.

It can be said that Chen Yang and Hei Suzhen did a very poor job in this way.

Chen Yang is a sophisticated person. If he were on earth, he would not know if he would do such a thing. Maybe, I will do it. Because the love of Suzhen in black has surpassed everything!

The sophistication of this human world is indeed very important!

But the only love can surpass everything.

Compared with such fierce love, all those **** and sophistication are thrown away to feed the dog.

Night fell.

Chen Yang and Hei Suzhen found a hotel nearby to stay. But when he swiped the card, he found that his card had been frozen. He just remembered that he didn't have much money himself. Then this card was given to him by Ye Chaoning.

Of course, the money was not given by Ye Chaoning. It is equal to that the card is given by the state.

Chen Yang already belongs to the country.

And Chen Yang's move today has already made the senior executives angry.

His card was also frozen.

Similarly, Suzhen Black's card was also frozen.

Fortunately, they still have some money...

In the hotel room, Suzhen in black lay lazily on the sofa, watching TV.

She didn't have the slightest worry.

Naturally, Chen Yang would not worry about money. He came to Suzhen in black and kissed her on the lips. Originally, I just wanted to make a splash, but I couldn't help it, and another warm kiss came.

Suzhen in black was very calm at first, but then she couldn't help but flush with flushes on her face. After the kiss, the black clothed Suzhen gave Chen Yang a glance, and said, "Would you like to be so tired?"

Chen Yang felt very satisfied and said: "You are my queen, I am willing to be your slave."

Suzhen in black smiled slightly and said, "Really?"

"Of course!" Chen Yang said. He paused and said, "You must be hungry? What do you want to eat?"

Hei Suzhen said: "I want to eat a lot, um, roast lamb shank, Xiao Long Bao, white chicken, and Li Ji's fried noodles. Of course, I also need good wine and red wine!"

Chen Yang smiled and said, "No problem, then you wait and I will buy it."

He got up after speaking.

Suzhen in black grabbed him, smiled, and said, "I was kidding you, are you really going?"

Chen Yang said: "You're joking, I'm serious. As long as it's what you think, no matter how difficult it is, I will go. Not to mention that it is not difficult at all!"

"I'm afraid we don't have enough money," Suzhen Black said.

Chen Yang smiled and said: "Then you underestimate me? Money, you don't have to worry about it. I will buy it and you will wait. We will plan the itinerary for the past few years while eating. Every day, don't waste it ."

Black Suzhen said, "Okay!"

After Chen Yang finished speaking, he left the room and out of the hotel.

He doesn't worry about the safety of Suzhen in black. In this world, no one can hurt him and Suzhen in black.

After leaving, Chen Yang first called Chen Leyi and reported that he was safe.

On the phone, Chen Leyi was a little bit distressed, and said, "Xiaojun, why is this? If you two really love each other, why didn't you say earlier that you must come this far and embarrass everyone? My sister really doesn't understand !"

Chen Yang was silent for a moment, and then smiled and said, "Sister, although she and I seem to be young, we have matured in our hearts. I have my difficulties in this matter. But sister, you just need to know that In my heart, you and her are very important people. And now, she and I are very happy. Sister, would you like to bless us?"

"I..." Chen Leyi took a deep breath and said, "Of course I will bless you!"

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