My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 2780: Heartbroken, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

The current soul master no longer uses the yin and yang double voice to speak, but makes a pure female voice. Her voice is sweet and beautiful, allowing people to imagine how beautiful her face under the black veil is.

The soul master immediately took out her magic weapon, which was the black iron ring.

The name of the real artifact of the Black Iron Ring is called Nine Turns Promise Ring!

This Nine Turns Promise Ring used to be the Promise Divine Armor, but later the soul master tempered it into this Nine Turns Promise Ring in order to hide his identity.

The master of Guang Yao Xing is the darling between heaven and earth, not only able to operate the power of the sun, but also to adapt to other powers.

That spirit power is not something that everyone can learn.

Soul power was discovered by the orangutans, and there is a certain chance of learning. And the body structure of the orangutan itself is different, with the help of the calming flower, so it can be achieved. For example, like Chen Yang, he can only display his soul power by absorbing soul power. As for the others, they couldn't use their soul power at all.

However, the soul master has learned the soul power. It is precisely because she is a master of soul power that no one in the Soul Suppression Dao Mansion doubts her.

Lan Tingyu, Fu Qingzhu and Luo Tongchang were all taken aback when the Nine-turn Promise Ring appeared.

Chen Yang and Luo Feng also saw the power of this Promise Ring.

Chen Yang also had to admit that if they didn't still have a big fatalism, then they really couldn't do this soul master at this time.

Chen Yang was also very surprised, why his elder brother Luo Feng also learned the big fatalism. But this is obviously not the time to talk about the past.

The spirit master's Nine-turn Promise Ring was sacrificed instantly, but she was not here to attack Chen Yang and Luo Feng. The wisdom of this soul master is also not trivial, and now we must first control Fu Qingzhu and Luo Datong.

The black iron ring turned into nine iron rings in the air, instantly engulfing a violent storm of debris, and heading towards Chief Luo Tong and Fu Qingzhu.

Chen Yang immediately flickered, and then grabbed Fu Qingzhu and Luo Tongchang in with a black hole spar.

After that, the nine black iron rings came to kill him.

Chen Yang was already exhausted, but this time he quickly recovered some strength.

But this little strength is obviously not enough to contend with the soul master, but he quickly ran out of big fatalism!

The gray power of destiny instantly enveloped the nine iron rings.

Smoke locks Hengjiang and the iron is cold!

The gray mist exists alone in this absolute vacuum.

The nine black iron rings were suppressed, and they couldn't get away.

Soon, the soul master changed again. The nine black iron rings violently collided, followed by golden light blooming...,

Chen Yang also felt that his life was burned faster!

However, all this is not a threat.

Because Luo Feng also shot.

Luo Feng slashed out the sword of fate, the gray sword light was inconspicuous, but it could shake the earth.

The soul master had also been guarding Luo Feng, but when the sword of fate came, she was still surprised.

Her mana is fierce, but she still can't stop the invasion of the sword of life. At the same time, she wanted to take back the Nine-turn Promise Ring, but she was firmly restrained by Chen Yang's destiny.

Just in the blink of an eye, the soul master has reached the edge of life and death!

Although she is a top-notch master, she has no choice but to face the power of fate. What's more, at this time it is still the destiny of the two masters.

Seeing that the soul master was about to die by Luo Feng's sword of fate. The sword of destiny penetrated the spirit master's mana defense, smashing all the profound meaning and spirit.

At this moment, Chen Yang withdrew the power of fate.

The soul master quickly retracted the Nine-turn Promise Ring, the nine golden rings turned into a mysterious iron ring, and the sword of thunder and the sword of fate slashed together.

Luo Feng's eyes were indifferent to the extreme, he urged fate!

The sword of destiny advanced indifferently, and the nine profound golden rings suddenly retreated.

"Brother, be merciful!" Chen Yang shouted immediately upon seeing this.

Luo Feng's backhand hit the soul master's abdomen. The soul master was trying his best to deal with Luo Feng's sword of fate, but at this time he was caught off guard.


The soul master spit out a mouthful of blood.

At this moment, the soul master could no longer resist the sword of fate. Fortunately, Luo Feng recovered the sword of fate in time!

The soul master was spared from death.

According to Luo Feng, he wanted to kill the soul master. But Luo Feng also knew the third brother's temperament, so he didn't kill the soul master in the end.

The soul master is a powerful and incomparable existence, but the power of destiny is an existence above all things. Luo Feng defeating the soul master seemed simple, but it took another four thousand years of life.

In other words, Luo Feng has only one thousand years of life left.

He didn't care about his life so much. Chen Yang spent two thousand years of life, and now he still has 10,000 years of life left.

"Let's go!" Chen Yang came to the front of the soul master and said coldly.

The soul master looked at Chen Yang, and there was a trace of pain in her voice, and said: "You killed Wuliyang and this group of people, and you have already forged a vengeance with my clan. Although your technique is powerful, I know , The price you have to bear is very high. When my clan makes another move, you have only one dead end. Since it is a dead end, why do you refuse to give me the Soul Rejuvenation Fruit? To the Dao Master, the Soul Rejuvenation Fruit is too Too important."

Chen Yang's heart sank. Intuitively, he felt that the spirit master's words did not seem to be a threat. Moreover, he also had some bad premonitions in his heart.

Luo Feng didn't wait for Chen Yang to speak, and spit out a word coldly: "Get out!"

His eyes were as cold as ice, as if there was no emotional fluctuation.

When the soul master saw this, he knew it was useless to say anything.

Afterwards, the soul master turned and left.

After the crisis here is resolved, Cheng Jianhua will pass. Everyone did not blame him, his strength was indeed too bad. If you forcefully participate in the war after being injured, I am afraid it will be a dead end at this moment.

Everyone was hurt, so they quickly found a dead star nearby to recuperate.

On the death star, Chen Yang enveloped everyone with a black hole spar.

Then, many pills, Ningxue Pill, Pure Yang Pill, and Pure Yuan Pill were taken out without money. Everyone absorbed the power of the pill and quickly healed and recovered. Chen Yang and Luo Feng recovered the fastest, followed by Lan Tingyu, followed by Luo Tongchang.

Although Fu Qingzhu was seriously injured, his physique was also very special. So after three days, the strength was restored.

On the contrary, Cheng Jianhua's oil bottle was useless in battle. He received a palm and cultivated for three days and nights, but it was of no avail.

Chen Yang didn't bother to deal with Cheng Jianhua.

He was still actively recovering the river of black holes during this period. After the previous restoration and the current recovery, the river of black holes finally formed again.

During this period, Chen Yang also had a chat with his elder brother Luo Feng.

Luo Feng told Chen Yang the origin of his great destiny. At the same time, Chen Yang also noticed that his eldest brother's life span was only a thousand years left.

A thousand years is not short. At least Chen Yang and none of them have lived a hundred years old.

Moreover, as long as there is a breakthrough in the future, the life span will increase. Or it can be said that there are some wonderful pills that can also extend life. So these are not what Chen Yang worries most. Chen Yang was worried about his elder brother's desire to survive, and he also felt that his elder brother seemed to have the idea of ​​self-defeating himself. Otherwise, with a life span of 25,000 years, he would not squander like this.

In the quiet of that night, Chen Yang and Luo Feng had a deep conversation.

"Big brother, I know what it means to lose Ziqing's sister-in-law and Silan." Chen Yang said, "But aren't we still working hard? You must not lose hope!"

Luo Feng glanced at Chen Yang, he was silent for a while, and then he said: "Do you think there is really hope? I used to be full of hope, but there is actually a voice in my heart telling me what I did. Everything is in vain."

Chen Yang suddenly didn't know what to say.

Luo Feng continued: "I know that I have killed so many people, it should be my retribution. But at the beginning, I also loved and I loved all life. At that time, they forced me to kill, and I could not have love. So later, I didn’t dare to have feelings. Forget it, I obey the meaning of heaven, destiny, or not love. But why arrange for you to come into my life, why arrange for Ziqing and the others to come Then, when I fell in love, I took them away. I always thought that the culprit was the killers of the Heavenly Kings Society. So, I killed them. But now, I understand that the culprit is not the Heavenly Kings Society, but The so-called Heavenly Way. I know exactly what this thief Heavenly Way wants, but just like the beginning, I can't resist!"

In Luo Feng's voice, there was no sorrow or joy.

He finally said: "So, I think death is the best arrangement for me! I have thought about suicide, but it's not that I don't have this courage. It's just that I have come to this step, and I always feel unwilling to die like this. I am also afraid, In case there is really a glimmer of hope to resurrect their mother and daughter, but I give up."

Chen Yang could feel the deep sorrow of his elder brother, and he could even feel that kind of despair.

After a long silence, he suddenly said: "There is separation between people, no matter how long or late. Some people are divided early, and some people are divided late. I know you are not reconciled, but so many years have passed. Brother, why don't you try to let it go?"

"I'm not you!" Luo Feng said lightly: "You can put down Chen Feirong and Luo Ning. You can even get along with Lan Tingyu... because you have many wives, but I only have Ziqing and Silan. That's the only thing I have, how do I put it?"

Chen Yang couldn't help being speechless.

He felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

"It seems that in my eldest brother's heart, I am a heartless person." Chen Yang said.

Luo Feng was startled slightly, he immediately said: "I'm sorry, third brother. I didn't mean that..."

"It's okay!" Chen Yang smiled slightly, and said: "I know you are disgusted with anyone coming to persuade you to let go, so I have never persuaded you. I just saw you in this state today...I am willing to accompany you to find a way to resurrect. Sister-in-law Ziqing. But I'm afraid you will give up on yourself!"

Luo Feng said: "Maybe I am dead, which is the best ending. But look at it, this thief will always follow me no matter where I go. I can't die!"

He paused, then said: "My third brother, you should understand my feelings. I don't hesitate to die, but you are different. I remember what the soul master said. I wondered, they will come. And. The soul calming fruit is their clue..."

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