My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 2849: The third ten thousand years, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Chen Yang feels that there is a cycle in the world!

Once he leapfrogged to kill, so refreshing! Now he has come to this light star, everyone is considered a leapfrog master to him.

He once used the big devouring technique, the black hole vortex to attract people!

Now Yan Nanfei has taken a wordless sky monument even better!

He once cultivated the crown with yin and yang, and now Feng Shangren and Ah Qing have a yin and yang fusion, nurturing everything!

This light star is simply his own ominous place!

Unfortunately, even if Chen Yang wanted to get out of this quagmire, it was impossible. Until now, he couldn't believe that he had lost his big brother. He always felt that Big Brother should not be dead!

How could Big Brother die? Fashen once worried that his eldest brother would mess up the world, couldn't he just disappear so easily?

Moreover, at this time, the crowd did not immediately return to the Earth Star Palace, but directly entered the Wangu Cave.

This eternal cave was the cave mansion where the thousands of ancient people lived. This is a legendary place. How can everyone return empty-handed before Baoshan.

Inside the Eternal Cave, the masters moved separately.

Bing Xuanxin was with Chen Yang, and the two exchanged ideas, and did not rush to search for anything.

Bing Xuan said in a deep voice, "It's difficult now."

Chen Yang said: "It's really hard to do. I swallowed it with big swallowing technique, and stored it with destiny. In the end, it ran my life span of 300,000 years. After killing it with such a sword, I was taken over by them. I have a hunch that even if I exhaust all one million years of life, I will not be able to kill them. Once the three swords are used up and they are immortal, that is the time of my death! So just now, I did not go after them!"

Bing Xuanxin said: "Today, we can say that we have accumulated all the power of the Earth Star Palace. We also added a helper like the Dapeng ancestor. Such power did not defeat them. This is not a good sign. I am. Thinking about it, even if I go to Shanghuantianyu, it won't work!"

Chen Yang said: "It is true, but right now, it is impossible to take the initiative to attack and kill us with their power. We still have time to figure out a way... Their power and adventure are in this eternal cave. We will look for it. There may be a way to crack it."

Bing Xuanxin said, "It can only be so now."

The eternal cave is deep and vast, and there is darkness everywhere, and there is a mysterious majesty in the darkness!

There are also many shining stars whose history has been recorded, as well as many objects left by thousands of ancient people and some early magic weapons.

From the bits and pieces, Chen Yang and others found out that Ah Qing was the daughter of Wan Guren.

Moreover, Ah Qing has a mother, Dragon Girl!

Everyone has never heard of Dragon Girl, but Dapeng Patriarch has. The ancestor of Dapeng told Bing Xuanxin and others that according to rumors, Guangyao Xing was once lifeless. But the first **** was born from the sun, rose from the star of Guangyao, and changed some of the ecological environment of the star of Guangyao. Some of the blood that he left behind began to grow into beings with wisdom.

Some of them finally practiced as human beings!

Some, like Dapeng ancestors, have more pure bloodlines, and can be transformed into human beings or beasts.

But after the Dapeng ancestors turned into sacred beasts, the cultivation base would not have much growth.

Only humans who possess the blood of the gods on the first day, after awakening, can turn into **** beasts. An opportunity to turn into a beast, and lose talent.

However, the strength of human beings turned into beasts is inestimable!

Like the ancestor of Dapeng, it is different.

At that time, there were different kinds of monsters in the monsters.

There are golden winged roc, blood wolf, ivy beast and so on!

Among them, the most noble is the dragon!

But dragons are very rare...

This dragon girl should be one of the fourth generation.

Once this dragon girl was also a figure of the wind, with a high level of cultivation. But she appeared as a flash in the pan, and soon there was no news. The ancestor of Dapeng said: "Unexpectedly, it turns out that Dragon Girl is with Senior Wan Gu."

"Predecessors, sages, why the fault? Now all there is no trace? The sages have a life span of millions of years! It is only 30,000 years since we have civilization!" At this time, Bing Xuanxin's father, Bing Zhipu, couldn't help asking the ancestor Dapeng.

The ancestor Dapeng glanced at Ice Soul, and he saw that everyone else was looking at him. Obviously, this question has circulated in the hearts of many masters.

The ancestor of Dapeng has always been mysterious. Therefore, everyone also wants to hear what he said.

The ancestor of Dapeng said at the moment: "Although our life span is very long, our ancestor is the oldest in the scene. Our ancestor is now more than 8,000 years old, and it is considered to be a long life! But our ancestor's life span is long. There are still at least 800,000 years! But recently, my ancestor has always felt that the day is thinning and the evening is running out."

"Why is this?" Ice Soul asked.

The ancestor of Dapeng said in a deep voice: "In the dark, we have our own calamity. After a planet has bred civilization, there will be luck and calamity in it. When we become stronger and stronger, it may even destroy the planet. , Maybe the planet will trigger luck, calamity, this is a self-protection mechanism. Just like the protection mechanism in the human body, it is unclear, and the way is unknown! Back then, about 10,000 years ago, among the masters on the planet There was a battle. It was inevitable. Everyone was involved. The battle was very fierce. After the battle, the top masters disappeared. Such as the Sanjue old man, such as the Dark God old man, such as the five great emperors, such as the four saints, Such as the Star God Emperor and so on! It’s just that my ancestors didn’t expect that there are cave houses left by thousands of ancient people.”

"That battle, not many people know about it, is called the battle of purification! How the battle of purification was caused, it is not clear now. Afterwards, it is not clear whether the masters died or left. Anyway. After that battle, it was a real big reshuffle. There are no masters on the planet. So many years have passed, and 10,000 years have passed. The planet is now the same as before, and there are many masters. In fact, this is not a good thing... …The planet is thirty thousand years in total, the first ten thousand years is lonely, but during the first ten thousand years, the first gods disappeared. I don’t know why they disappeared, the second ten thousand years, the gods Fall. This is the third ten thousand years. Didn’t you find that in recent years, the number of masters has increased and the contradictions are increasing irreconcilable? Maybe, we are now in the same situation as the saints back then, but we can’t escape. ."

The words of the ancestor of Dapeng shocked everyone.

Chen Yang was thoughtful.

"It's weird, the earth is now clear about killing and calamity. Why is this light star experiencing the same as the earth? It's just that I don't understand who is the king of destiny. It can't be me, right? I'm not you People here. Isn’t the earth’s destiny not limited to the earth, but the entire galaxy? Isn’t it right, the solar system?"

Chen Yang felt a little creepy after thinking about it.

The ancestor of Dapeng said: "There were still many sacred beasts and monsters participating in the war. Among the sacred beasts, the dragon is the most powerful. However, there is another alien!"

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