My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 2854: Kill the goose and fly south, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Fengshang Shinobi and Ah Qing took that Juejin out of the Obsidian Tunnel in an instant!

The reason for leaving the Obsidian Tunnel is because this Obsidian Tunnel is always unsafe. The Obsidian Tunnel is a place full of infinite possibilities for Chen Yang, Feng Shangren's enemy.

Therefore, Kazekami Shinobu must leave here.

Chen Yang's fake body has always been in some connection with himself, and Chen Yang immediately noticed it after the Jedi left.

"I'm going, what are I waiting for?" Chen Yang was stunned for a moment, and then quickly entered the obsidian tunnel, followed by grabbing the obsidian essence, and quickly regaining his life.

Time is urgent, wait until that life is restored. Chen Yang left directly...

He was afraid Feng Shangren spotted the fake body in the Jedi, and then quickly returned.

Chen Yang followed and left the Obsidian Tunnel and joined the battlefield on Bing Xuanxin's side.

Yan Nanfei was still fighting Bing Xuanxin fiercely, he was full of confidence. Although Bing Xuanxin could not be taken for the time being, he seemed to have seen the scene of Chen Yang being killed.

That is his biggest worry!

But at this time, Chen Yang was as if a magical soldier came from heaven, and he was instantly dumbfounded.

"What's the situation? Didn't Feng Shangren say that Chen Yang had entered the Jedi?" Yan Nanfei secretly asked.

Chen Yang glanced at Yan Nanfei. He didn't know what Yan Nanfei was thinking at this time. At the moment, he laughed and said: "Yan Nanfei, you must be very surprised why I am here? Tell you, what the idiot Feng Shangren caught in your formation is just a false element of mine. God, now you die!"

At this moment, Yan Nanfei's mind was completely chaotic, and his mind was also shaken.

Chen Yang continued to stimulate Yan Nanfei, saying: "More than that, I have added energy in your obsidian tunnel."

Yan Nanfei only felt that his eyes were staring at gold stars...

In the blink of an eye, Yan Nanfei could hardly suppress Bing Xuanxin!

Chen Yang hadn't planned to kill Yan Nanfei, but he didn't expect that Yan Nanfei would be greatly stimulated at this moment.

Chen Yang screamed and shot quickly!

"Exit!" The life span of 300,000 years formed the sword of fate, and headed towards that Yan Nanfei.

Bing Xuanxin also broke out the strongest attack!


Yan Nanfei immediately lost control, and he barely blocked Bing Xuanxin's attack. The cold demon armor changed into infinite obsidian threads, which swept over like a hornet's nest, entwining Bing Xuanxin's Mo Yan Divine Sword!

However, at this moment, Chen Yang's sword of destiny was instantly smashed like an army of thousands of horses. In the next second, the sword of destiny broke the obsidian thread!

All of Yan Nanfei's defenses broke down directly!

Fall apart, no longer exist!

Yan Nanfei wanted to escape, but it was too late.

He wanted to escape back into the obsidian tunnel, but it was too late. The sword of fate slashed into his brain...


Yan Nanfei's body burst open and broke into pieces in the blink of an eye.

The cold demon armor also flew out.

Without saying anything, Chen Yang grabbed the cold demon armor into his hands.

Seeing that Yan Nanfei was dead, Bing Xuanxin couldn't help being overjoyed. This was really unexpected joy!

If Yan Nanfei didn't put the wordless sky stele into the Jiuyou Space Jue Array, he would definitely not suffer this bad luck.

When things happen, they often come too fast and make people caught off guard!

Yan Nanfei hated Chen Yang too much. Of course, what he hated was more worried about the obsidian stone in the obsidian tunnel.

And it takes a long time for him to set up an array. At this moment, he thought of the fusion of the wordless Tianbei and the Jiuyou Space. What he didn't expect was that this decision brought him into a place where no one can recover.

After Chen Yang and Bing Xuanxin joined forces to kill Yan Nanfei.

Bing Xuanxin is even more ambitious. She said to Chen Yang: "We can kill Yanri Wheel with all our strength. Once Yanri Wheel is dead, the entire Shadow Clan will not be afraid!"

Chen Yang nodded.

Once the war starts, there is no right or wrong, only winning or losing.

The ancestor of Dapeng and Yan Rilun battled inextricably, Chen Yang and Bing Xuanxin were about to join the battlefield...

At this moment, people in the sky flickered...

Then, the ninja general on the wind came over...

Feng Shangren wears the armor of the gods, like a **** soldier.

He directly stopped in front of Bing Xuanxin and Chen Yang. At the same time, Feng Shangren had noticed that Yan Nanfei was dead!

Fengshang endured heartache very much, not because he was distressed for the death of the cheap brother, but because he was distressed for the death of such a right-hand man!

Feng Shangren glared at Chen Yang, and said, "Chen Yang, you beast, how can I blame or hate you? Why the **** do you want to bite Lao Tzu?"

Chen Yang sneered and said: "This is not easy, because I will be your father. If you obediently kneel down and recognize a father, I might consider letting you die."

Feng Shangren was furious and said: "I swear, I will let you die miserably!"

Chen Yang smiled and said, "Don't talk too early, do you have this ability?"

Feng Shangren shot instantly, and he shot with anger, just to do it with A Qing.

Directly, the sword of the Sun and the Sword of Yin, the two sword lights shot out through the reactor in front of their chest, as fast as thunder!

The sword light is terrifying!

Chen Yang took a step back, he was afraid of the wind. So just now I deliberately provoke Feng Shangren...

There is indeed no deep hatred between Feng Shangren, but Chen Yang has chosen to help Bing Xuanxin. Moreover, the two sides have become enemies, and there is no room for change.

The initial decision to help Bing Xuanxin was a coincidence. He had already helped Mo You and Long was like choosing Bing Xuanxin's camp.

It is tantamount to having offended Feng Shang Ren!

Even children are kidnapped by the means of wind forbearance. That is by no means a broad-minded generation...

Bing Xuanxin immediately took the sword of the most yin!

Chen Yang resists the sword of the sun!

Bing Xuanxin is struggling to cope...

Chen Yang used the big devouring technique to swallow the power of the sword of the sun.

The power contained in the armor of the gods is too powerful.

So even Bing Xuanxin couldn't take one of the swords!

Chen Yang knew very well in his heart that even if he could catch Feng Shangren's sword. But when Feng Shangren and Ah Qing are mingling yin and yang, all his efforts will be resolved by the other party.

"It's not suitable to be in love, let's go!" Chen Yang said solemnly to Bing Xuanxin.

Bing Xuanxin also knew this.

The battle over there has come to an end...

Led by Granny Lan, she and Bingzhipu have already won the masters of God Andao and Shenglun. An Dao Shen is a master of the five levels of the Holy Realm. And Granny Lan, Soul of Ice, and Mo You are all masters of the four levels of the Holy Realm.

In addition, there are masters like Shenglun beside Andaoshen, and their cultivation is restrained against the gods!

Therefore, Granny Lan and the others ate some of their fighting. Fortunately, they were finally crowded, and in the end, Mo You defeated Shenglun, Teutonic and others, and arrested them. The last few people worked together to defeat An Dao Shen and arrested them.

After that, Granny Lan, Bingzhipu and others returned to the defense and tried their best to kill Feng Shangren.

Feng Shangren saw that it was already difficult to win today, and in desperation, he had to flash his figure and quickly withdrew. While retreating, he also helped Yan Ri wheel to retreat the Dapeng ancestor.

Following that, Kazekami Shinobu and Yanrilun quickly fled!

Chen Yang and Bing Xuanxin didn't want to chase the wind and forbearance at all. Both of them have a kind of intuition, that is, they really pushed Feng Shangren and A Qing into anxieties. They may not be able to beat Feng Shangren before joining forces... At present Feng Shangren flees, but Feng Shangren doesn't have this confidence himself. Feng Shangren still doesn't quite understand how terrifying his armor of the gods is, the yin and yang blending together!

At this moment, the entire shadow family is in a state of emptiness...

There is no one to defend this obsidian tunnel.

Now that Fengshangren and Yanrilun are gone...

Chen Yang also felt that there was no need to leave here immediately, so he Yang went to the Obsidian Tunnel to add something...

After that, he let everyone stay in the obsidian tunnel, and he himself found a secluded place in the obsidian tunnel to sit and meditate.

Chen Yang first understood the relationship between the obsidian essence and the entire obsidian tunnel. He didn't pay attention before, until he found that the obsidian gemstone could not be used for life after he went out, he didn't start until the obsidian tunnel had another secret.

Chen Yang soon understood the mystery of this.

It turned out that there was an obsidian dragon deep in the obsidian should be said that there was an obsidian dragon, but now, the obsidian dragon has turned into a dragon vein!

It is the obsidian dragon energy of the dragon vein and the obsidian essence bred together, so it has that mysterious effect.

If you want to turn the obsidian essence into lifespan outside, you must grab some of the dragon veins in the depths.

But if this dragon vein catches some, the whole dragon vein will be destroyed!

Dragon veins and obsidian essence complement each other, thus forming the mighty obsidian essence.

The essence of obsidian supports the masters of the shadow clan!

Chen Yang faced some difficult problems right before him, and that was whether to care about the life and death of the shadow clan. If he takes the dragon veins away, then he will be happy in the future.

But the shadow clan, in the future will face the essence of obsidian less and less.

The physique of the shadow clan and the essence of obsidian are complementary. They have lost the essence of obsidian, this whole race continues, it will be difficult to appear a master.

"The Shadow Clan and I have become big enemies. It is a good thing for me to find it hard to be a master in their race. I really shouldn't have the kindness of women anymore!" Chen Yang secretly said. He then gave a wry smile and said: "When did Chen Yang become so unscrupulous. Taking away this dragon vein is undoubtedly equivalent to digging the ancestral grave of the Shadow Clan. Moreover, the dragon vein and obsidian tunnel are natural and natural. Thing, if it is really destroyed by me, it is a great sin! Forget it, forget it. This obsidian tunnel, I still have to come less. If it goes on like this, the entire obsidian tunnel will be destroyed by me. As long as the future I will come less or not. The Obsidian tunnel will be restored sooner or later. In the future, I can come and fetch some more if I have the opportunity. Killing chickens and getting eggs is not a good way!"

Chen Yang soon had a decision in his heart.

After finishing this, Chen Yang discussed with Bing Xuanxin...

Bing Xuanxin meant to capture all the men, women and children of the Shadow Clan.

Chen Yang said: "You can catch them, but you can't kill them."

Bing Xuanxin agreed to Chen Yang, and she said: "I just want Yan Rilun to submit, and I hope other masters can help us with all my heart. Killing them will be of no benefit."

Chen Yang nodded and said, "Okay!"

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