My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 2960: Sweet couple, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Thinking of this, Chen Yang wanted to discuss with Shen Mo Nong. But Shen Mo Nong happened to be answering the phone, and Chen Yang did not listen.

After a while, Shen Mo Nong hung up the phone.

She muttered: "It's really annoying, it's annoying in the early morning!"

After she finished speaking, she shrank into Chen Yang's arms. Chen Yang hugged her, smiled, and said, "Who is it that you are so courageous."

Shen Mo Nong said: "Someone actually found Chu Yuan, and I hope I can help save someone in Hong Kong and resolve some things."

"It's over there again?" Chen Yang frowned slightly.

Shen Mo Nong was surprised and said, "Why, someone is looking for you?"

Chen Yang said, "Isn't I at Linjiacun these days? A few Hongkongers went to my master. They wanted to know, to erect a monument for my mother and who made those formations. Want to find That person, help them. Then, am I not there? I told them that I am the expert. Well, I didn't believe any of them! So, they finally left in disappointment."

After hearing this, Shen Mo Nong laughed blankly, and said: "You are deliberately bad. If you really want them to believe it, just use whatever means you want."

Chen Yang laughed and said, "I don't, I am angry with them."

Shen Mo Nong said: "But right now, I may really have to go. Since this favor has come to me, I still have to give face."

Chen Yang said, "I will go with you."

Shen Mo Nong kissed Chen Yang heavily and said, "I am busy recently. If you are willing to go, I will not go. Thank you, husband!"

Chen Yang laughed and said, "Thank me, not with your lips."

Shen Mo Nong grinned and said, "How can I thank you?"

"Of course you use your attractive body." Chen Yang said.

"Come on, whoever is afraid of whom!" Shen Mo Nong said.

So, in the early morning in the bedroom, there was another joyous song.

Hearty, extremely enjoyable.

The married life of Chen Yang and Shen Mo Nong is quite harmonious.

After the couple's life, Chen Yang said, "I will also take Song Lingshan over to relax."

Shen Mo Nong was already content at this time, and naturally had no objection, and said, "Yes!"

"Haha, aren't you jealous? Are you afraid of me?" Chen Yang said.

Shen Mo Nong said: "What you really want to do, I can't stop you. You don't want to do anything, no one can force you, right?"

Chen Yang was startled slightly, and then he said, "Don't worry, I'm not that absurd."

Shen Mo Nong also said: "I feel relieved, if you are such a person, then Su Qing, Song Ning and others, you will not break with them."

Chen Yang said sincerely: "I'm very satisfied now. If I was the former me, I can only look up to you. Now, I can have you as my wife and give birth to me a son."

Shen Mo Nong is very satisfied, she also likes to listen to such love words.

Afterwards, Chen Yang said again: "By the way, I was thinking about a question just now."

Shen Mo Nong said, "Well, what's the problem?"

Chen Yang said: "If in the future catastrophe, I can get by by chance. At that time, I will lose my identity as the King of Destiny. This great world, and even the earth, may not be able to stay for me. You have also seen those ancient times. Mighty end."

Shen Mo Nong said: "I am preparing some arrangements for things here. When one day you have to leave, I will follow wherever you go. Forever, forever, forever, never give up."

What she said was very sincere, but sincere.

Chen Yang couldn't help but kissed her forehead and said, "It's so good, so good!"

The two stayed warm for a while, then Shen Mo Nong got up and said, "You have to go back again, I will see how the breakfast is done. After we have breakfast together, we will arrange for you to go there."

Chen Yang said, "Ah, do you want to make arrangements? I can fly over directly!"

While putting on underwear, Shen Mo Nong asked Chen Yang to help buckle the back belt. She said: "Always flying around like this, you will rarely see a lot of scenery. I will arrange for someone to come with you. , You represent me, it’s better not to fly over directly. Because there are still some formalities, you know?"

"Okay, obey!" Chen Yang grinned, and instantly helped Shen Mo Nong buckle the underwear belt.

He suddenly remembered that he used to untie this kind of bra, which was nothing short of thunder and lightning. I haven't practiced for a long time now, and the technique has greatly retreated.

The kind of life that used to be like a prodigal in the bar chaos is long gone.

And now life is what he likes.

When eating breakfast, Shen Mo Nong ate with him. She was very friendly to Song Lingshan and asked Song Lingshan if she had a habit of eating. Song Lingshan seemed a little restrained.

Chen Yang said, "Lingshan, I'll go to Hong Kong to take care of some trivial matters later. Let's go and play with me."

Song Lingshan said, "Ah? So Sister Mo Nong will go with me?"

Chen Yang said: "She is busy, not going."

Song Lingshan was about to say something, Shen Mo Nong already smiled and said: "Lingshan, don't think about it, go play."

Chen Yang said, "Also, you have more houses here in Mo Nong, don't you? Transfer one to Lingshan. She has already sold the one before."

Shen Mo Nong said: "The small two-house in Mancheng where I lived before is also okay, what do you think?"

Chen Yang said, "It's not bad, too."

Song Lingshan hurriedly refused, saying, "That's absolutely impossible, Chen Yang, Sister Mo Nong, I really don't need it. You have given me too much, and I can't be greedy anymore."

Shen Mo Nong smiled slightly and said, "Lingshan, don't think like this. Chen Yang is very accurate, he knows what kind of person you are. You know, the house is useless to us. Here you are. , It's just a small favor. Don't refuse it anymore..."

"Really no need!" Song Lingshan said.

What Shen Mongong was waiting to say, Chen Yang said to Shen Mongong: "I will persuade her later."

Shen Monong nodded.

On the Dongjiang side, after the tragedy happened, the local police were quickly alarmed.

That night, the survivors should go to the hospital and go to the police station of the police station.

The Zhao team in charge of this case was very angry, but soon, he received the call from above.

"This matter is handled in a low-key manner. As for the lady named Song Lingshan, don't bother." The leader said to Team Zhao and Director Lu on the phone.

Team Zhao immediately became angry and said, "Leader, we can't suppress such a bad case! No matter what, we can't handle it like this!"

Lu Suo coughed and wanted Team Zhao to shut up.

But the Zhao team refused.

The leader said: "I have already understood the course of the matter. All the dead are bullies, and one of them is called Zhou Bin. It is said that this is the case, that Zhou Bin is Song Lingshan's ex-boyfriend..."

The leader talked about the matter, and then said: "Team Zhao, I know you are very angry. But these people really have nothing to sympathize with. In addition, it is not that I have made any profit in the middle. It is the hands. People, no one can pursue it. This matter is highly confidential. With my qualifications, I can’t understand it. You have no way of understanding.”

After that, the leader hung up the phone.

Team Zhao gradually did not feel so angry anymore. He began to interrogate, and from the mouths of those women and bastards, he gradually checked the ins and outs of the matter.

In the first class flight to Hong Kong, Chen Yang and Song Lingshan sat together.

Accompanied by him was a man in his forties with the surname Shan.

Chen Yang called him Director Shan.

Chen Yang didn't know the specific position anyway.

However, Shen Mo Nong also told Director Shan very clearly. Chen Yang is her husband. If he has been treated slowly, don't blame her for being rude.

In Director Shan's mind, Shen Mo Nong seldom directly used the power of an official like this. This also shows how much Shen Mo Nong values ​​his husband.

At this time, Director Shan is in the economy class position.

Only Chen Yang and Song Lingshan were in the first class.

Song Lingshan said: "Chen Yang, I really can't ask for that house. I'm planning to go back to Dongjiang and buy a house. It's also cheap. You can buy a good and good house for about one million, close to my parents. At one point, you must do your filial piety."

Chen Yang said, "You can go back to your hometown, but I have talked about something with Mo Nong today. Wait for ten or twenty years. Maybe then, we will all leave the earth. So, don't you want to leave the house for nothing? ."

"Leave the earth, why? Go there?" Song Lingshan couldn't help being shocked.

Chen Yang said: "You don't know, I'm not sure where to go. But outside the earth, there are also planets that can survive and are highly civilized. I've been to...not that I don't want to stay on the earth. Wait until a certain time. , The earth will not allow people like me to exist. These things are very complicated, and you don’t really understand them. You just need to know that the things I give you are very valuable to you. But for me, such as Grass mustard. I am willing to make your life better!"

When Song Lingshan heard this, she agreed to Chen Yang.

Following that, Song Lingshan was also curious, and said, "Are there any masters like you in a country like Country M?"

Chen Yang said, "Basically, no. I can't reach my level!"

Song Lingshan couldn't help sighing, and said, "So, if we have you, don't we need to be afraid of other countries?"

Chen Yang said: "In theory, the power of these countries is really nothing in my eyes. However, the earth, especially the world we live in, is very special. There are many structures that cannot be easily destroyed. The Great Thousand World The development of such things must be developed by human beings. If I destroy this development, there will be catastrophic consequences with endless causes and effects."

The Big Thousand World is the general outline of the Three Thousand World!

Other worlds can also intervene!

This world is extremely precise, and once Chen Yang uses mana to destroy it, let alone the rules, the consequences will be even more disastrous.

Chen Yang sees this very thoroughly.

Hong Kong arrived soon.

When I got off the plane, people from Hong Kong were already greeted.

Some senior officials here came over and shook hands warmly with Director Shan.

At the same time, Chen Yang and Song Lingshan also saw people they knew.

That is, among the greeted team, there are Zhou Wenna, Li Wenhua and Mr. Huo!

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