My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 3022: absorb, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Xuan Zhenghao followed, "I'm here to calculate the secret. It's a pity that time is too tight. For the time being, I haven't found a way."

Tianfei sighed and said, "Okay, you don't have to worry about me anymore. I think my destiny is exhausted. If that's the case, I won't bother anymore, so I left.

! "

"Wait a minute!" Xuan Zhenghao said immediately.

Tianfei was slightly startled.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "When the destiny is exhausted, it is true that no one can recover. But now, it is not the last time. The big fatalism is on Chen Yang, but Chen Yang's lifespan is not enough to resist the decline in your body. Destiny. But I believe that if the antidote is by my side, there must be a solution. Therefore, I think it is not the last time. I am looking for a solution now!"

He then said: "Furthermore, the white girl can help you continue your life. These are like the right time and place, I don't believe it, your destiny is over!"

Tianfei heard this, her eyes glowed.

Xuan Zhenghao's words are indeed in her heart.

"I am going to retreat for three days now!" Finally, Xuan Zhenghao said: "In these three days, I will use the big fatalism as a guide to find a solution!"

Concubine Tian gave Xuan Zhenghao a deep look, but she didn't say much.

Di Xuan asked everyone to leave this main crystal wall room first!

In these three days, Tianfei's situation became worse and worse.

At this time, Tianfei did not have time to worry about the situation of her apprentice Wufei.

Her decay accelerated, and in less than three days, she was even older than before.

Seeing that it went on like this, it would be hard to survive three days.

Helpless, Suzhen in black had to temper the body of Tianfei again.

But everyone knew in their hearts that the decline after tempering again would be even more rapid.

Sure enough, after Suzhen in black tempered the concubine, although the concubine was young again. But the decline afterwards was even faster.

Fortunately, at this time, Xuan Zhenghao left the customs.

Everyone has been waiting outside for Xuan Zhenghao.

When Xuan Zhenghao appeared, everyone saw that Xuan Zhenghao's eyes were blood red and his hair was a lot whiter, and he looked extremely haggard.

"The way, I thought of it. Chen Yang, you bring Senior Tianfei in!" Xuan Zhenghao said.

Everyone was overjoyed.

After that, Chen Yang took the frail concubine Tian into the crystal wall room.

Tianfei barely sat cross-legged in the center position.

"Emperor, what do you think of?" Chen Yang asked hurriedly.

Xuan Zhenghao said, "You and Senior Princess Tian are sitting opposite each other, with your hands touching each other!"

Chen Yang immediately followed the instructions.

At this time, the concubine, with an old face and silver hair, looked like a ninety-year-old lady.

Xuan Zhenghao also sat cross-legged, driving Jingbi. The countless crystal walls immediately shot out a colorful world, and all kinds of mottled and isolated spaces flowed.

Countless energy gathering!

"You use the great destiny as a guide to absorb the decaying fate in her body! These spaces of mine are maintained and become a bridge! In other words, the decaying destiny must walk through these many spaces before it can finally reach your body!"

Xuan Zhenghao said in a deep voice, "I hope to offset some decay and let you endure it in the end. But you also have to think about it, if your big fatalism can't be absorbed, you will die of decay in the end!"

Chen Yang was taken aback.

Although Tianfei was weak, she could hear them clearly.

"Forget it!" Tianfei took a deep breath and said laboriously: "Although I don't want to die, but you have no relatives with me, how can you let you take such a risk."

Chen Yang gritted his teeth and said, "I want to try it, come on!"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "You have to think about it, you are risking life and death. If you are really dead, I can't tell your family."

Chen Yang said: "If you must die, I don't want to. But now that you can still fight, why not fight? Come on!"

"Are you really not afraid of death? You think you really have nine lives?" Xuan Zhenghao said coldly.

Chen Yang was startled.

He pondered for a long while, and then said: "It is not my generation to see death. Senior Tianfei will be our greatest support in the future. At this time, I take some risks. This is completely worth it. The emperor, Senior is almost unable to support it. Live, let's stop talking nonsense."

Xuan Zhenghao said in a deep voice, "It's just because time is running out, otherwise, I won't make a move. If you really have something, how can I explain it to your family?"

Chen Yang said: "I have experienced many lives and deaths, and I don't believe it, what can I do this time."

Xuan Zhenghao said helplessly, "Okay!"

Following that, Xuan Zhenghao circulated the infinite space with great mana!

Floating colors, mottled and gorgeous!

The power of space and the power of time flow like a sea like a prison!

Chen Yang's great destiny was operating, and at this time, he was only operating a trace of destiny.

Almost only one year of life span!

That destiny power entered into Tianfei's body.

In fact, Chen Yang had always been very worried, it was not that he didn't want to come over to absorb the dilapidated fate of Tianfei. But now he only has a lifespan of a thousand years, and he really can't stand the toss.

But he knew that it was also very likely that this thing would be directly sucked into the fatal talisman.

So you can increase your strength!

These are not necessarily.

Chen Yang did not rush into danger.

If his lifespan is still hundreds of thousands of years, he would have tried.

Moreover, it was also tested by Suzhen in black before, and then Xuan Zhenghao said that she was retreating for three days and so on!

So, this matter has dragged on here.

Chen Yang has never done so.

Right now, Xuan Zhenghao set up such a formation, and Chen Yang was also relieved a lot.

He has an unconditional trust in Xuan Zhenghao.

This kind of trust is not about character. But when facing danger, Xuan Zhenghao stood behind him, giving Chen Yang a strong sense of security!

When Chen Yang's destiny penetrated into the declining destiny in Tianfei's body, the big destiny talisman immediately connected with this declining destiny with destiny.

This feeling is amazing!

Generally speaking, fate is something invisible and intangible.

As if it just doesn't exist!

But the big fatalism is at the cost of longevity, making fatalism materialized.

Obviously, the dilapidated destiny in Tianfei's body is also a materialized thing.

Therefore, they quickly established contact with each other.

The next thing went smoothly too!

That ruined destiny, led by Chen Yang's fate, quickly ran towards Chen Yang's fateful talisman like the liquid in an infusion tube!

This time is also the most critical time.

Whether this ruined destiny is a tonic or a poison is not certain!

As a result, the space formation set up by Xuan Zhenghao worked.

The ruined destiny is immediately transmitted from those spaces!

Although these spaces are mysterious, they can't really be set for thousands of miles. Because Chen Yang and Dilapidated Destiny are like being connected by an infusion tube, too far, can they still be sucked in?

It can only be said to add more twists and turns to achieve the effect of slow absorption!

But at this time, Xuan Zhenghao also seemed to be suffering from this declining fate.

His body began to age.

Some dilapidated fate also seeped into his body.

After all, he is casting spells and a linker...

Chen Yang also finally absorbed the ruined fate.

The ruined fate entered his big fatal talisman, but there was no bad feeling. On the contrary, there is a very moisturizing feeling.

Chen Yang felt comfortable and cozy.

Moreover, the horror shadows in the Great Fate Talisman showed signs of fading.

"There are such good things?" Chen Yang couldn't help being overjoyed.

At this moment, Xuan Zhenghao's thoughts spread into Chen Yang's mind: "Stupid boy, don't show it. It's very difficult for you and I to act. Don't you understand this little humanity?"

Chen Yang was startled.

In fact, when he had a conversation with Xuan Zhenghao before, he was a little aware of what Xuan Zhenghao meant.

It's just that he doesn't like to make those twists and turns.

However, now that Xuan Zhenghao said so, Chen Yang couldn't refute his face.

Furthermore, Xuan Zhenghao made it clear that he also wanted to win favor.

Therefore, Chen Yang also cooperated.

After a long time, all the decaying fate in Tianfei's body was absorbed away.

Xuan Zhenghao was aging and passed out.

Chen Yang forced some declining fate and let him walk in his body.

As a result, his appearance is also aging!

Tianfei's blood quickly recovered, and she became young and beautiful again. The fate of decay in the body has disappeared without a trace.

She was fully restored to her peak state.

And she looked at Chen Yang and Xuan Zhenghao in front of her, they were all gray-haired.

Chen Yang's Great Change Symbol also completely lost its effect at this time.

No way, cooperate with the show!

Chen Yang must cooperate because this is what Xuan Zhenghao wants. If he didn't fart on the sidelines, then Xuan Zhenghao seemed a little suspicious. If Chen Yang gave all the credit to Xuan Zhenghao, Tian Fei would later learn about Xuan Zhenghao's reputation, and would doubt the drama in it.

Tianfei immediately went to investigate the bodies of Chen Yang and Xuan Zhenghao, and she felt that the fate of decay was raging in their bodies.

She was taken aback.

But in this case, even for her, there is no way.

Fortunately, at this time, Chen Yang began to absorb the fate of decline.

"How are you?" Tianfei asked Chen Yang with concern.

Chen Yang was in anguish, but he endured the pain forcibly, and said, "Don't worry, senior, I'm slowly absorbing it. Over time, I think it's okay. You see how the emperor is? If it wasn't for the emperor to help me bear and delay the decline this time Fate, I'm already dead."

Concubine Tian's eyes were complicated. She said: "I have checked his body, and the fate of decay is raging in him. If this goes on, I'm afraid he will have a big problem."

Chen Yang couldn't help but lose his face. He said, "I still need some time. You can take care of the emperor first!"

Tianfei nodded.

Chen Yang crossed his knees again.

In fact, he was a little worried about Xuan Zhenghao's situation. Xuan Zhenghao didn't seem to have big fatalism in his body.

"Mr. Xuan, how long can you hold on?" Tianfei asked Xuan Zhenghao.

Her mana was input into Xuan Zhenghao's body.

Xuan Zhenghao woke up and turned around. When he looked up and saw that the face of the Concubine Tian had recovered, he nodded in relief and said, "Senior is fine!"

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