My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 3052: Magic mirror, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Tian Qingge couldn't use the dimension at this time, the Qingsi cut directly into his brain, and then exploded.

Everything went smoothly!

"Oops, it's a puppet!" Chen Yang and Hei Suzhen immediately noticed when Qingsi Zhan Zhongtian was singing lightly.

"Miscalculation!" Chen Yang knew in his heart.

Chen Yang and others are still hidden in the blue silk.

"Go in!" At this moment, Tian Qingge's voice sounded.

Chen Yang's spirit burst shot, but he never saw Tian Qingge.

The Phantom immediately told Chen Yang: "I also made a mistake. Tian Qingge also knows the secret dimension, and he also hid in the secret dimension."

At this moment, a beam of light and lightning enveloped Qingsi.

Chen Yang and others haven't understood what's going on yet, and Qingsi's position has changed.


Qingsi unexpectedly reached the encirclement of the eight meteorite beasts.

As a result, Qingsi became their target.

The eight meteorite beasts were not polite and immediately released the eyes of hell.

As a result, the yin and yang antiparticles formed a fierce storm.

Yin and Yang anti-smelting furnace smelts the green silk.

Everything in front of me is very strange.

Chen Yang and Black Clothes Suzhen have been practicing spiritually, and his mana is infinite. He dominates Qingsi, but just now, when Qingsi was changed, he didn't feel the change of Qingsi at all. Let alone stop it.

At this time, the yin and yang anti-melting furnace was refining and killing, and the yin and yang particles crazily shot on Qingsi.

Dense, thunder crit! One tenth of a blink of an eye is a million particle bombardment.

Chen Yang immediately used yin and yang mana, and the power of running Qingsi protected Qingsi.

"Be careful!" Hei Suzhen reminded.

Chen Yang said, "I understand."

Just now, Tian Qingge and other masters were bombarded and killed by this yin and yang anti-particle, and the Ancestral Dragon God Armor exploded. Chen Yang saw all these.

He also knew that the yin-yang furnace in front of him was different from the eighteen-story furnace.

However, Qingsi did not absorb yin and yang particles, so these yin and yang anti-particles did not cause particularly severe damage to Qingsi.

Even so, Qingsi couldn't bear it.

Seeing this goes on, Qingsi will also be destroyed.

Immortal tools like the Ancestral Dragon God Armor were also destroyed in this Yin-Yang antiparticle, and Qingsi was so powerful that it did not surpass the Ancestral Dragon God Armor.

This is not to say that the Queen of Phoenix is ​​not an opponent of His Majesty Zulong.

The key problem is that this blue silk is just a hair of the Phoenix Young God Empress.

The Ancestral Dragon God Armor is formed by all the scales and dragon energy of His Majesty Ancestral Dragon.

This is a fundamental difference.

Chen Yang couldn't think too much, and asked Phantom first, "Is it okay to hide into the secret dimension again?"

The Phantom immediately replied: "In this yin and yang antiparticle, there is no way to enter the secret dimension."

"If you could enter, Tian Qingge would have entered." Hei Suzhen said.

Chen Yang was helpless, so he took the blue silk and used his mana...

Between the lightning, he wore a piece of Thunder God armor.

The yin and yang anti-particles all shot onto the Thunder God Armor.

The Thunder God Armor wrapped Chen Yang tightly, and at the same time, the Yin and Yang mana merged to absorb the Yin and Yang anti-particles.

Hei Suzhen worried, and said: "The reason why the Ancestral Dragon God Armor was destroyed is because of the absorption of these yin and yang antiparticles."

Chen Yang said in a deep voice: "There is no other way at the moment, but I believe that the strength of the Ancestral Dragon God Armor is different from ours."

At this time, Tian Qingge had already walked out of the secret dimension. He merged with Long Weigong and other spiritual venerables, watching Chen Yang and others fall into the yin and yang antiparticle melting pot from a distance.

Long Weigong turned his divine eyes, watching Chen Yang absorb the yin and yang anti-particles with the Thunder God Armor in that scene, he couldn't help but sneered, and said: "It's really stupid. Seeing our lesson from the past, it was so absorbed. Looking for death. In a moment, his divine armor will end up like the original Ancestral Dragon divine armor."

Long Kongtong sneered and said, "Even if he sees the end of our Ancestral Dragon God Armor, he can only use this black God Armor to resist. Otherwise, he died on the spot... Bai Suzhen was obviously injured. He Chen Yang could not. It is the fifth level cultivation base of the Creation Realm. What qualifications does he have to survive there."

In the consciousness of all the spirits, Bai Suzhen had been seriously injured!

If Bai Suzhen was not seriously injured, then Bai Suzhen would definitely not hide.

At the same time, they also unanimously deduced that the reason why Chen Yang was able to bring Bai Suzhen out was because of this Thunder God Armor.

Because only such an inference can explain the rationality of what happened.

Mo Yunyu sneered again and said, "If his divine armor is broken, I will see what else Chen Yang has. At the moment, they are a dead end. In the empire, those people will take Chen Yang as a son. It’s very impressive, saying that he has nine lives and can't be killed. Humph, today, everything should be over."

Tian Qingge said in a deep voice: "Don’t be too optimistic. Chen Yang can walk here with the five-fold cultivation base of creation. It is really full of weirdness. We are ready. If they can break through the yin and yang antiparticle melting pot, then we You must be ready to attack! You must see people in life and corpses in death, so there must be no difference!"

"We understand!" Mo Yunyu and Long Kongtong replied in unison when they heard the words.

"Master Tian, ​​how did you do it just now?" Suddenly, Long Weigong thought of something, and he asked Tian Qingge.

When Long Weigong asked, Na Mo Yunyu and Long Kongtong also remembered Tian Qingge facing Chen Yang's sudden attack and killing. Not only was he unharmed, but Chen Yang was pitted into the yin and yang antiparticle melting pot of Iron Meteorite. inside.

Everyone looked at Tian Qingge.

Tian Qingge was silent for a moment, and then quite helpless, said: "This is my secret. I originally planned to remain silent forever and not show it in front of anyone. I think everyone can understand that each of us has our own life-saving tricks! "

Experts such as Long Weigong naturally understand.

Long Weigong smiled and said: "Just now this deity squeezed a cold sweat for Qingge. I really thought you would fall for it. Right now, it's pure curiosity. Please don't worry, Qingge, we will definitely keep a secret for you. ."

Tian Qingge smiled and said, "Everyone is curious, I naturally want to tell you. I use this..."

When he finished speaking, he took out a magic weapon.

Tian Qingge's magic weapon has always been the blood shadow lamp.

But the Blood Shadow Lantern had died out in order to deal with the concubine.

But right now, Tian Qingge came up with another magic weapon.

The magic weapon is a bronze mirror.

Plain bronze mirror!

"This mirror?" Long Wei Gong said.

Tian Qingge said: "This mirror was replaced by a magic mirror. According to legend, this mirror was made of the 10,000-year phantom soul jade in the illusion of Guixu. Moreover, in the mirror, there is still a half-step saint and old man left behind. The spirit and soul of the gods are in it. The old man Dahuang created this phantom mirror, which contains the phantom **** array, and the **** puppet! And the **** avatar!"

"Such a treasure?" Long Weigong and other experts couldn't help being shocked.

Tian Qingge said: "I once had an adventure and met Dahuang old man's cave. Although I have never seen Dahuang old man, I have dripped blood on his inheritance book. Now, Dahuang old man is my master."

"So that's it!" The masters suddenly realized.

Tian Qingge continued: "We were deceived by Chen Yang before, and then I guessed that when we escaped, he would attack. I deliberately let you go first. In this way, I was attacked by the front and back. He has a hundred A 99% chance of attacking me. Therefore, I have already done the traction of the magic mirror in the center of the meteorite beast. As soon as he attacks, I will initiate the method of shifting and shifting them into Center. These meteorite beasts are dedicated to guarding the life gate. If anyone wants to go out, they will definitely attack someone."

After hearing the words, the masters were immediately convinced.

At this moment, in the field, Chen Yang used the Thunder God Armor to resist the yin and yang anti-particles. Those yin and yang anti-particles entered the Thunder God Armor. Soon, they reverse yin and yang...

That Ancestral Dragon God Armor fell and exploded like this.

The anti-yin and yang particles are like countless sharp cold knives, splitting the fused yin and yang particles, and reversing the fused yin and yang particles, just like reversing the body's meridians and blood flowing back.

Chen Yang couldn't help but shiver.

Suzhen in black felt that the power of yin and yang between her and Chen Yang had begun to reverse, and was beginning to change, it was her power that turned into yang!

Chen Yang's power turned into Yin!

Once the transformation is completed, their own genes will be reversed...

This is extremely dangerous.

Black Suzhen said solemnly: "We are going to separate."

"No..." Chen Yang said coldly, "Go on!"

He is firm.

Suzhen in black felt wrong, but now Chen Yang insisted, and she simply ignored it.

It's not too bad to be together anyway.

Chen Yang and Hei Suzhen used their magic powers, and the reversing yin and yang particles seemed to be siege to the city.

But Chen Yang insisted, and the power of Yin and Yang merged and worked.

After a while, white lotus flowers began to bloom in the Thunder God Armor...

In the Thunder God Armor, it was like a lotus pond, with countless lotus flowers blooming, and finally withered, followed by blooming again.

So and so...

After that, all the yin and yang antiparticles actually began to soften.

The yin and yang antiparticles also became nutrients, and were finally absorbed by Chen Yang.

Those lotus flowers began to turn into nothingness.

Chen Yang stabilized his figure.

Outside the court, Tian Qingge and others saw Chen Yang successfully defuse the yin and yang antiparticle.

They were shocked.

Long Kongtong was unbelievable, and said: "How is this possible? Ancestral Dragon God Armor couldn't do things, why did his God Armor do it?"

Long Weigong's eyes are complex, and his heart is full of mixed flavors.

The Ancestral Dragon God Armor was destroyed. He felt that it was not the problem with his magic weapon, but the external force was too strong.

At the moment, Chen Yang's Thunder God Armor seems to be satirizing his Ancestral Dragon God Armor.

"Attention everyone, he is coming out. Later, I will use the magic mirror to make a fake attack!" Tian Qingge formed a formation.

The masters lead!

Chen Yang stabilized the yin and yang antiparticle furnaces with the Thunder God Armor, and after that, he began to approach the meteorite beasts, preparing to rush out.

Black Suzhen said: "Now we are very bad. They have four masters, and they will attack and kill together later. Let's suffer from the enemy..."

Chen Yang said: "There is one more tricky thing now."

Black Suzhen said, "You mean Tian Qingge's puppet?"

Chen Yang said: "It's not as simple as a puppet. His thing reminds me of a magic weapon I have used before."

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