My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 3082: Plan, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Chen Tianya said, "Lingzun tried every possible means to kill him. Can you be sure that they won't kill him directly?"

Xuan Zhenghao stopped angering Chen Tianya at this time and said, "I can't be 100% sure, but I'm 90% sure that they won't kill Chen Yang first."

"Oh? How to say?" Chen Tianya said.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "First of all, they can't return to the Imperial Sky Ark immediately because the distance is too far. In addition, Chen Yang has caused a lot of trouble for them. To kill or stay, you need to bring the Sky Ark back and wait for their Emperor. At most. In the end, once they enter the Imperial Sky Ark, they will feel that they are foolproof. They may want to learn more from Chen Yang, and refine the five-grain shrine and sacred tree. Moreover, they also want Chen Yang became the bait, enticing us to send masters to rescue. They were very afraid of Bai Suzhen, so they even wanted to bring in Bai Suzhen to kill him completely."

Chen Tianya said: "However, even if they kill him, we don't know. We should save it, or we will save it. In that case, why not just kill him?"

Xuan Zhenghao said, "That's why I am also worried. It depends on what they think... If they really don't care about things like the Wugu Sheji and God Tree, and insist on killing Chen Yang, then I will be too helpless!"

Chen Tianya said: "Okay, suppose he is lucky."

"This is not a matter of luck, but a consideration of interests!" Xuan Zhenghao said corrected.

Chen Tianya said: "Don't talk about this, we are going to save it, how can we save it? Within the Empire Tianzhou, we are afraid that we will not be opponents!"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Of course it's not an opponent, plus the Star Master, the Hall of Stars, all the power of our earth may not be the opponent of the Empire Sky Ark. You and Bai Suzhen are going to defeat the Hall of Stars, foolish dreams. So, I am not I want you to enter the Empire Sky Ark to save people. At that time, I will find a way to help you get in touch with Chen Yang quietly. Chen Yang’s fate is now unparalleled. Once the fire burns, the Empire Sky Ark will also suffer. Small injury. This is a result that the spirits can’t accept, so they will throw Chen Yang out quickly. When Chen Yang leaves the Empire Sky Ark, it’s time for you to save people. At that time, you have to take him away quickly There will be no scruples in the imperial Tianzhou masters, and they will be deployed on a large scale. Your real problem is how to escape the palms of those masters."

Chen Tianya changed his color slightly when he heard this, and said, "Since this fateful fire is so powerful, can he bear it? Will he not be burned to death by the fire?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Chen Yang told me that he has a magical dragon scale. It should be able to save his life! In short, this is the only chance to save people, but it is still extremely difficult."

Chen Tianya said: "If this is the case, then we must leave as soon as possible, sooner rather than later!"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "I still have something to prepare, don't worry. Besides, I have already notified Bai Suzhen, she will come soon!"

Chen Tianya said: "In short, the sooner the better."

Xuan Zhenghao said, "By the way, there is one more thing, I want to tell you!"

Chen Tianya said, "Huh?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Situ Ling'er is also here. She is pregnant and is Chen Yang's child. Don't leave too much regret for yourself, go and see!"

Chen Tianya murmured: "I regret?" He looked at Xuan Zhenghao and said, "It seems that you understand everything."

Xuan Zhenghao had a different color on his face and said, "What is even more strange to me is that you actually understand it!"

Chen Tianya laughed and said no more.

In the manor where Linger was located, the fragrance of flowers overflowed.

Ling'er was meditating cross-legged, and she was in the sea of ​​flowers.

When Chen Tianya appeared, Ling'er was taken aback. Chen Nianci's affairs did not stay in her mind for long, and she quickly recovered her peace. But at the moment Chen Tianya appeared, that kind of evil aura suddenly destroyed all the aura here.

Ling'er got up quickly and looked at Chen Tianya with a trace of vigilance.

Chen Tianya flashed around and came to Ling'er.

Ling'er looked at Chen Tianya, her mood was complicated at the moment.

She knew that the person in front of her was the husband's father, that is, her father-in-law.

The grudge between her and Chen Yihan has ended. But Chen Yihan died because of her...

The love, hatred and grievances in this one are complex.

Ling'er knew better that the person in front of her was even the husband's mother-killing enemy.

But Ling'er is also a smart person, knowing that since he can come here, it means that he has no malice.

Otherwise, Xuan Zhenghao would not let Chen Tianya come here.

Facing Chen Tianya, Ling'er felt complicated and embarrassed at the same time, not knowing how to speak to Chen Tianya.

Not to mention, it doesn't seem right!

Say, but don't know what to say.

Finally, Chen Tianya spoke first.

Xuan Zhenghao also explained to him.

Therefore, Chen Tianya did not intend to tell Linger that Chen Yang had been taken away. He squeezed out a smile, tried to be kind, and said, "I heard Xuan Zhenghao say that you are pregnant with the blood of our Chen family."

Ling'er nodded.

Chen Tianya said: "Anyway, the child in your belly is my grandson. So, I want to give some gifts to the children in the future."

After he finished speaking, an object appeared in his hand.

But it's a fire calcium stone!

Inside this stone, there is flame on one side and thunder and lightning on the other, which is quite strange.

Ling'er was not polite, she reached out and took it, and then said: "I will keep it safe and tell the child that this is what his grandfather left him."

Chen Tianya felt extremely relieved. He smiled and said, "Good, good, good!"

After speaking, he turned around and prepared to leave.

Ling'er suddenly said behind him: "I'm sorry about Chen Yihan!"

"Fine, nothing..." Chen Tianya waved his hand and left without looking back.

Hei Suzhen rushed over after receiving the call.

On that one yuan bridge, Suzhen in black and Chen Tianya finally met.

The Bai Suzhen that Chen Tianya had heard of came from drama, and later he also heard of the murderous name of this black Suzhen. But never met!

And Suzhen in black has also heard Chen Yang say too much about Chen Tianya.

She didn't have many good feelings about Chen Tianya, and she just glanced at Chen Tianya coldly, and then said to Xuan Zhenghao: "What are you going to do now?"

Chen Tianya didn't mind either.

Xuan Zhenghao led them to sit cross-legged.

After that, Xuan Zhenghao began to say: "In these days, I have thought of many strategies, but they are not too good. The entire Empire Tianzhou has existed for tens of millions of years. With such wisdom, I really can't think of a perfect solution. . From the other side, there is a Tian Qingge known, and he knows us well. He knows the phantom's ability. He also knows the white girl's ability. He doesn't know right now, only Chen Tianya you. So , You are counted as our surprise soldier."

When he said this, his voice was frustrated, and then he continued: "You go over, first of all to make a transmission channel. This time, the spiritual master has inspired me. The human body is used as the transmission path, which is very knowledgeable. It is also very profound. At our current level of Taoism, no one has used it yet. But since they have leaked the secret, I also studied this human body transmission method. A thousand light-years away, set up a transmission array Let Qin Lin be the carrier of this teleportation array... and then set up a human body carrier again near the imperial Tianzhou. With the human body as the carrier, such a long-distance teleportation can be achieved. This carrier near the imperial Tianzhou is big The probability will be sacrificed. Therefore, I chose a dead man. He is called the blood slave. The blood slave cultivation is in the early stage of the heavenly stage, and he is barely capable of this character."

Black Suzhen's eyes lit up and said, "As a result, our chances of running away will increase a lot."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Don't be too optimistic. They may also follow the blood slave when you are too late to take away the blood slave. Depending on the situation, if it doesn't work, once you enter the passage, kill the blood slave in time. Me too. I told the blood slaves that things can't be done and will explode as soon as possible. But I am afraid that time is too late!

"This is one of them. In addition, you also need someone to go in to find Chen Yang and send a message. Tell him the timing of the self-detonation. Also, you must be clear about the location. The Imperial Sky Ark is huge in size, so don't miss it. The fire burns. , Lingzun masters will be on the sidelines. At this time, you must snatch. After snatching, you must go to the passage in time. This is simple to say. Each action is extremely difficult. Whether it can be achieved depends on good luck. .Also, although the Phantom is extremely mysterious, I suspect that Tian Qingge has already figured out a way to deal with it, I am afraid she will be discovered as soon as she enters. Therefore, you must think about ways. These ways of dealing with mine, All of them may be broken by Tianqingge...At that time, there will be many changes, and it will be up to you to adapt."

Black Suzhen nodded and said, "Okay, we know."

"There is one more thing, you are so good to hold it, Miss Bai!" Xuan Zhenghao said suddenly. A crystal-clear jade appeared in his hand.

"What is this for?" Suzhen in black was suddenly puzzled.

Xuan Zhenghao said lightly: "Take it, you will understand when it's time to understand!"

Suzhen Hei didn't say any more, she reached out and took it.

"The preparations here are almost done, you guys should prepare and set off as soon as possible!" Xuan Zhenghao said.

Hei Suzhen said: "Let's set off now, there is nothing to prepare."

Chen Tianya said, "Wait a minute!"

Black-clothed Suzhen and Xuan Zhenghao looked at Chen Tianya, and Chen Tianya said, "I and Nian Chi Dao are separate!"

Xuan Zhenghao nodded.

Right now, Chen Tianya went to see Chen Nianci again.

At this time, it was already in the afternoon.

Chen Nianci was still in the One Yuan Boat. He found a lake and sat by the lake.

Behind that, there is continuous green grass, like a prairie.

Chen Tianya sat directly beside Chen Nianci.

Chen Nianci was not excited at this time, but appeared calm. He said: "I'm sorry, grandpa, I was bad just now. Dad said long ago, I don't want to get involved in your grievances with him. I just... think Dad is too suffering. He is with you and has suffered. . He gave me all my fatherly love, but I..."

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