My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 3134: Common people's robbery, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Of course there is no problem!" He immediately gave Chen Yang two billion Ningxue Pills.

Now Xuan Zhenghao's mana is high, and life is easier. Ningxue Dan used to be tight, but now it is different.

After Chen Yang successfully entered the Daze World.

His purpose of going to Daze World has nothing to do with Xuan Zhenghao. Because the holy unicorn is gone.

Chen Yang went here, all for Chen Feixuan.

He wants to ensure the safety of Chen Feixuan.

Before going out, Chen Yang made a move. This time I came in, but it was quiet.

Chen Yang followed and went to the North Shrine.

The North Shrine is destined to be the center of the storm.

Chen Yang did not directly enter the North Shrine, but went to find the electric eel monster first, Kong!

Sora saw Chen Yang without fear. He still thanked Chen Yang for his rescue.

Chen Yang stayed in the empty cave mansion, and he said to Kong: "I need to hide now. As for entering the northern temple barrier, you don't need you. I have already controlled the way of change."

Sora asked: "Senior, did something happen?"

Chen Yang didn’t want to disclose the matter of Yuan Shenzhu. He smiled and said, “Don’t ask too much. It’s not good for you to ask too much. I still need you to go outside and inquire about some things for me. Well, I want to hide in yours. In the brain."

Sora said, "Of course you can!"

He doesn't care, because if Chen Yang wants to harm him, he only needs to move his fingers.

After making such arrangements, Chen Yang felt a little bit more determined.

He stayed in Kong's mansion directly for half a month, and also taught Kong some of the mysteries of Taoism. This is of great benefit to Kong. I'm too free to apprentice Chen Yang several times...

Chen Yang declined every time.

Sora felt frustrated immediately, and said, "Does the senior think that the little demon's background is not good?"

Chen Yang was taken aback, then smiled, and said: "Why, it's just that I don't accept disciples easily. Accepting disciples is a responsibility. Right now, I don't have much time to stay here. But don't be discouraged, I am here. In the time that I can teach you, I will teach you everything, never hide yourself. However, you have to promise me one thing."

Sora immediately said, "Senior, please give orders."

Chen Yang said: "Don't do evil for wrongdoing. If you relied on your ability to do evil, it will be my evil. You have to remember one more sentence, you will kill yourself if you do more injustice!"

Kong said: "Senior's teachings, juniors remember. Regardless of whether the seniors deny this junior's disciple, in the youngers' heart, you are my eternal master."

Chen Yang smiled, and said nothing more.

For the next few days, Kong will search for news every day.

There is no other good way for Chen Yang to wait and wait.

It is impossible for him to first kill those who might go to get the Yuan Shenzhu.

If he and His Holiness are cruel, the safest way is to kill Bai Lan, Ran Hongyu, Hua Zongyuan, Huai Lao and others on the same day.

With his and His Holiness's ability, it is not impossible to do this.

But it is impossible for Chen Yang to do this. First of all, his friendship with Ran Hongyu.

Secondly, Bai Lan is in his heart, and he can't start. Because they have worked together...

Moreover, others have not committed a crime, but it is possible to commit a crime, and Chen Yang cannot convict someone for this reason.

In the end, even if these people are killed, it is difficult to guarantee that the disciples around the Lord will not have ideas.

As for the Karmapa's side, the Karmapa is open and open, let alone doing so.

If he really had this idea, Chen Yang would not be relieved.

Right now, Chen Yang knows that there are two possibilities for the development of things.

One is Bai Lan, Hua Zongyuan and others really let go of this heart, and cut off this thought.

But this is obviously impossible!

Second, Bai Lan and the others waited longer before doing it.

This is possible, depending on whether Bai Lan and the others can calm down.

Chen Yang felt that they would probably be uncomfortable.

Because it's like in reality, if only one person found a pile of gold buried somewhere deep. This person is afraid of being discovered, so he can tolerate it for a year or two.

But if this gold is discovered by many people, then who can bear it?

Who is not afraid of the other party's first cut?

And the development of the matter is similar to what Chen Yang expected.

Sora heard some news.

That is the Yuan Shenzhu, the North Shrine, and the way of the North Shrine's barrier change is widely spread.

This news, you don't need to bother to inquire too much, it has been spread to everyone.

Daze has its own black market, bustling and lively places, and overseas places.

All of this has spread.

Listening to Xuefeng became an open secret.

Soon, the North Shrine also became lively.

Countless sacred beasts, beasts, masters, and other **** hydra broke into the North Shrine, finally leading to Tingxue Peak.

The deterioration of the situation was so rapid that even Chen Yang was unexpected.

However, many masters went to listen to Xuefeng, and in the end, most of them were defeated. Some have been buried listening to Xuefeng!

Some were imprisoned in Ting Xuefeng!

The Lord is so powerful that it spreads widely.

Chen Yang was hiding in Kong's mind. Under such circumstances, he also let Kong enter the Beishen Palace.

Basically, the Northern Shrine's enchantment didn't have much effect, so if one more space came in, it wouldn't attract anyone's attention at all.

Chen Yang found out that the masters in the North Shrine guarded the North Shrine, preventing any masters from approaching.

Thank you behind closed doors inside the North Shrine!

No one came to target the North Shrine, because the North Shrine is not weak, let alone a target.


While Chen Yang was still exploring in the barrier of the North Shrine, suddenly, a magnificent Buddha's voice was transmitted from the sky above Ting Xuefeng!

This Buddhist sound spread throughout the world of Daze instantly!

It's the voice of the King!

"Amitabha, goodness, goodness!"

The sound is magnificent and majestic, as if it is the existence of the suppression of the gods!

The Karmapa continued: "The Yuanshen Orb is on the Peak of Tingxue, in the hands of the poor monk. The poor monk will not use the Yuanshen Orb, and no one is allowed to covet the Yuanshen Orb. Previously, the poor monk thought of compassion. Many of the benefactors who came to steal were just repatriated. But this did not dispel your thoughts, but made you even more rampant. Therefore, the poor monk made a vow here to listen to Xuefeng stealing the Primordial Orb. All, kill without mercy!"

Buddha also has fire!

The Buddha is angry too!

Buddha is not blindly compassionate!

There is also a murderous mind in the Buddhist school, which kills all obsessions and obstacles.

That is a hearty killing method!

Chen Yang couldn't help being surprised when he heard the remarks made by the King.

He didn't expect that the kind-faced Karmapa would make such an oath.

Chen Yang secretly said: "Even if you are yourself, it is impossible for all the criminals to be killed in the future. That is really impossible, but since the King made this wish, he will fulfill his wish."

Chen Yang didn't quite understand the thoughts of the King.

Chen Yang's oath was not only heard by the king, almost all the masters in Daze heard this oath.

This oath also caused an uproar.

Somewhere in the North Shrine, the heroes gathered.

"What? This old monk dared to make such an oath, really arrogant!"

"Does he think Yuan Shenzhu belongs to him alone?"

"He is too arrogant, let's go together, see what he can do?"

The vow of the French King instantly shocked some masters, but it also angered more masters.

The masters in Daze already knew the secret of the Yuanshen Orb, and they knew that the only way to leave Daze was with the aid of the Yuanshen Orb. Now that the King has taken the Yuanshen Orb as his own, he wants to kill everyone in the world. This is really tolerable and unbearable!

Chen Yang let Kong approach Tingxuefeng, his spiritual thoughts shot in all directions.

Around Ting Xuefeng, there will soon be a gathering of figures.

There are monsters, monsters, **** hydra, human masters, and so on.

They all went to Ting Xuefeng.

Inside Ting Xuefeng, the Buddha's sound is magnificent, the Sanskrit sound is magnificent and deep, and there are countless golden characters that envelop the whole Ting Xuefeng.

Tingxuefeng is shrouded in gold, like a mountain in the West.

You don't need to get close, you already know that this place is a Buddhist holy land.

"What a great King of Miaojue, who challenges the entire Daze master in his own body, let us meet you and see how much you have!"

Another master yelled and joined the Tingxue Peak.

On the Xuantai of Listening Xuefeng, the top ten monk disciples sat cross-legged, and the King sat in the center.

The many attacks of the masters, the magical weapons penetrated into the golden magic circle, and finally all turned into golden characters.

After many masters entered, they quickly fell.

Mythical beasts and Warcraft are also creeping on the ground.

With the power of the King of Dharma, defeat these masters without any effort at all.

Not long after, about two hundred creatures on the scene were all languishing.

The golden characters formed a golden mesh, which bound them firmly one by one, and they were already immobile.

Chen Yang let Kong retreat, he hid in the dark, observing the situation here.

The Dharma King asked the disciples to close the battle. After that, the King folded his hands and stood in the center of the masters and began to chant the Sanskrit!

The golden characters turned into sword lights, and in an instant, they were cut to death like electricity!

After a while, many masters were all beheaded to ashes.

Many soul particles are floating around.

Really one does not stay, all kills.

After finishing this, the Karmapa looked up to the sky again and said: "Amitabha, since the benefactor has already come, why not show up to meet you!"

Chen Yang knew that he couldn't hide it from the King, his figure flashed and came to the King.

"Unexpectedly, the master also has such a cruel heart." Chen Yang said directly.

His Holiness was still kind and good-eyed. He looked at Chen Yang and said, "Is the poor monk already abominable now?"

Chen Yang said: "It's not that, but I don't quite understand!"

The King sighed slightly and said, "The poor monk has no other way."

Chen Yang said: "Oh?"

The King said: "The primordial pearl cannot be leaked, this is a matter for the people of the world! The poor monk repels one, and one comes. In the future, it will only make this Xuexuefeng no more peaceful. If it is for the common people, this is great mercy!"

Chen Yang sighed and said, "Maybe the Yuan Shenzhu thing shouldn't be said at the beginning."

The King said: "Even if you don't say it, the Palace Master Hua Zongyuan and others will investigate the matter clearly. If it were originally, it would be most appropriate to kill it directly!"

Chen Yang said, "Then why didn't the King do anything?"

The King said: "How can you kill it before you start to kill. Today, you have to do it! This is the calamity of the poor monk, and it is also the calamity of the common people!"

Chen Yang said: "Then the Fa King never thought about ruining the Yuan Shenzhu?"

The Dharma King said in a deep voice: "The Yuan Shenzhu will be an important part in the future, it cannot be destroyed!"

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