My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 3208: The truth is revealed, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Ya Luo didn't understand, she felt a little wronged.

Senior sister has never treated her like this.

Moreover, it made her faceless in front of outsiders. But even so, Yaluo didn’t want to save her face, so she still apologized and said to Chen Yang: "Uncle, I..."

"It's okay!" Chen Yang smiled slightly. At that moment, he quietly ingested a strand of Yaluo's hair. Acting so fast, surpassing the speed limit, even Nalan Yunxue did not notice.

Chen Yang then said goodbye to Yaluo and left.

After Chen Yang left, Yaluo asked Nalan Yunxue, why on earth?

Nalan Yunxue didn't know how to answer Yaluo. She didn't even know why she disliked Chen Yang's questioning. I just subconsciously feel that as a disciple, I have to maintain Master’s privacy.

When Yaluo saw that Nalan Yunxue didn't answer, she sulked alone.

Nalan Yunxue also left Yaluo.

Chen Yang took Yaluo's hair and then came to a mountain in the One Yuan Boat.

He took his hair again, and then started casting spells.

This is a genetic comparison, and Chen Yang quickly came to a conclusion.

That is, Yaluo is indeed his biological daughter.

It was almost dusk.

Chen Yang sat cross-legged on a mountain. He looked ahead, the sea of ​​clouds was vast and the scenery was beautiful.

The sunset glow on the horizon, with a trace of poignancy in the magnificence.

Chen Yang's mood was ups and downs, and it was difficult to calm down for a long time.

There is too much guilt in his heart, and this guilt is all for Yaluo.

Chen Yang wants to recognize each other, but he also knows that Ya Zhenyuan's opinions must be respected.

He felt that it was really good fortune to make people, he actually had a child with Ya Zhenyuan.

Chen Yang thought for a long time, and first went to Chen Nianci.

Ling'er knew about him and Ya Zhenyuan. At first, Ling'er couldn't let go of it for a long time, but in the end it was Monk Linghui who helped, nonsense about the will of heaven. It's hard to believe that nonsense to anyone anyway, but the spirit is pure, but he believes it.

Qiao Ning also knew about this, but Qiao Ning was very supportive of Chen Yang.

Qiao Ning made Chen Yang the least burden.

Shen Mo Nong later learned about this during the spiritual practice with Chen Yang, and she also understood Chen Yang.

Hei Suzhen didn't know, because Suzhen Hei seldom went to see Chen Yang's memory because of many spiritual practice.

Right now, Chen Yang felt that he had to be honest with his son.

After finding Nian Ci, Chen Yang took Nian Ci to the previous mountain peak.

He solemnly said: "Son, I want to show you a piece of my memory!"

"Huh?" Chen Nianci was surprised.

At the moment, Chen Yang expelled the black hole spar, and used the spiritual spar to pull his spiritual imprint, releasing the events of the year like video images.

This kind of memory playback can be faked by the caster.

But Chen Yang will not cheat.

Chen Nianci also knew that his father would not cheat.

Therefore, Chen Nianci saw that his father was insulted by Ya Zhenyuan, beaten severely, forced him to kneel, gouging his eyes and so on.

Chen Nianci saw his eyes cracked, his forehead burst into blue veins, and said: "I will kill her, I will kill her!"

"No, Nianci!" Chen Yang stopped his son and said, "I want to kill her now. It's easy to kill her. But I didn't come here to expose the scars to you. This matter, the father did wrong, it is hard to tell. But Right now, I have to tell you. At the time, I went to that place to save you Aunt Qiao Ning and a friend. I still need to rely on Ya Zhenyuan as a bargaining chip. So..."

He helped Chen Nianci to reveal the things behind, Ya Zhenyuan would rather die than surrender, he lost his reason, and finally...

In the end, the scene that was unsuitable for children was directly captured by Chen Yang and ended.

"Dad..." Chen Nianci was also stunned.

Chen Yang said: "This is the blemish and pain in my father's heart all his life, and I don't want to talk about it. But I want you to see the whole story. Although Dad did not do it right, there are some reasons. You should take me as a warning in the future. !"

Chen Nianci was silent for a while, then nodded and said, "I see."

Chen Yang smiled bitterly and said, "Will you look down on Dad?"

Chen Nianci shook his head and said, "No, you are the hero in my heart forever. Actually, Dad, thank you very much for not seeing me as a child. You have always respected my ideas. Master told me, Saint Even make mistakes. What about us? People can’t do a single mistake in their entire lives. What’s more, you were dazzled by anger at the time. If I were in a different place with you, I could do better than you. Is it okay? The more I know now, the more I understand you, and I understand that yours is not easy."

Chen Yang said, "I don't want to defend myself for what happened at the time. I have also obtained your forgiveness from Aunt Ya."

"What about her insult to you?" Chen Nianci was still a little upset. He said: "If I learned from elsewhere that she had treated you this way, I would definitely take killing her as my lifelong goal."

Chen Yang patted Chen Nianci on the shoulder, and then said, "Don't think like this." He paused and said, "I told you this because there is an important thing."

Chen Nian said kindly: "Say!"

Chen Yang said, "Yaluo is the daughter of Aunt Ya and I. In other words, she is your half-sister!"

Chen Nianci was dumbfounded, and he suddenly couldn't recover.

After a long while, he said: "Is it such a coincidence?"

Chen Yang said: "I have compared Xiao Luo's hair with mine, and that's correct."

Chen Nianci said, "Does mother know about this?"

Chen Yang said: "I just knew that I was the first to find you. Later, I will make it clear to your mother."

Chen Nianci said, "Then what do you want me to do?"

Chen Yang said: "I owe too much to Xiao Luo, you can help me take care of her."

Chen Nianci said, "Don't worry, Dad, I will. Since she is my sister, I will do my best as a brother."

Chen Yang smiled slightly and said, "Son, you have really grown up and you can help me take on many things."

Chen Nianci immediately felt happy.

Chen Yang then said: "You know this matter, so don't try to break it. We also have to respect the opinions of Yaluo's mother."

Chen Nianci said, "Okay!"

After communicating with Chen Nianci, Chen Yang felt relieved.

In fact, he was also worried that if the boys and girls were together, in case something **** happened.

He also feels ridiculous and dog-blooded, this kind of routine of film and television drama has also happened to him.

Chen Yang wanted to communicate with Ya Zhenyuan, but Ya Zhenyuan was in the big formation.

Chen Yang came to the periphery of the big formation, passed in with his thoughts, and communicated with Yazhen Yuan.

"Come out and chat, I know that Yaluo is my daughter."

Yazhen Yuan heard Chen Yang's words, and her body was shocked.

She quickly got out of the big formation and followed Chen Yang to the mountain.

Chen Yang covered the black hole spar. Before he could speak, Ya Zhenyuan said coldly: "You said Xiao Luo is your daughter? Are you crazy?"

Chen Yang felt bitter and said, "You can't hide this kind of thing. I used her hair for comparison. It turns out that she is my daughter."

Ya Zhenyuan fell silent immediately.

She didn't expect that this secret was so fragile, so simple that Chen Yang would know the truth.

Ya Zhenyuan couldn't deny it. She became a little angry and turned into anger, and said, "I have forgotten you about what happened at the beginning. Your wives and concubines are in groups, and you have sons. Please stop thinking about my daughter. There was no feeling between us. It's you...presumably you don't want Xiao Luo to know why she came to this world, right?"

Chen Yang was speechless.

"She has a beautiful vision of her father, so I don't want to spoil this imagination in her heart." Ya Zhenyuan said: "You don't want others to know about this, right?"

Chen Yang remained silent.

Ya Zhenyuan said, "This matter, you just rot in your stomach."

Chen Yang immediately said firmly, "No! My own daughter, I must admit it."

Ya Zhenyuan couldn't help being angry, and said, "Why are you?"

Chen Yang said: "That is indeed not a glorious thing, Ya Zhenyuan, this thing has been a long time ago. At the beginning, my anger has subsided, so in these years, I have only guilt for you. But at the beginning, you I have not forgotten the insult to me. In fact, you should be grateful that you were valuable to me, so I cannot kill you. Otherwise, you will not live now."

Chen Yang felt very aggrieved, and at this moment, he was also very annoyed.

Ya Zhenyuan had actually asked herself and learned about Chen Yang in many ways. How could she not know what happened back then. So in fact, she does not hate Chen Yang. Even, in many cases, some thanks to Chen Yang for giving her such a lovely and sensible daughter.

However, she hopes that her daughter is hers, not Chen Yang's.

Chen Yang wants to come to recognize her daughter, she feels like a treasure has been robbed.

"Chen Yang, I don’t want to talk about the past, and I didn’t blame you." Ya Zhenyuan took a deep breath, and after calming down, said in a deep voice, "But our mother and daughter have been very quiet and peaceful all these years. , Calm. So, I don’t want you to break this tranquility, okay? Just ask you. If you feel that I was insulting you back then, and you still bear it, I can also apologize and apologize to you!"

"You..." Chen Yang was startled.

He is really not used to Ya Zhenyuan's sudden change of attitude like this, as if from a tall and cold woman to a weak woman.

He said hurriedly: "You...I... Actually, don't get me wrong. I just think that as Xiao Luo's father, I have never given her warmth and fulfilled my duty as a father."

Ya Zhenyuan said, "Okay, I understand your mood. But can you respect my decision? I hope you don't break the tranquility between me and Xiao Luo, okay?"

Chen Yang felt distressed and said, "Do you want me to never recognize her? Don't you think that you should seek her opinion? Maybe the tranquility you want is only what you want unilaterally. ?"

Before Ya Zhenyuan spoke, Chen Yang continued: "I'm not trying to **** your daughter from you, no one can **** Xiao Luo."

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