My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 3218: Ksitigarbha, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

The Hunshi Demon Emperor stayed for a while.

The other three demon kings were also stunned. What they want is a free body, not something to be a subordinate to the spiritual master.

Since they have all cultivated to be comfortable, no one wants to be restrained anymore.

But right now, the four demon kings have no other choice.

Elder Bai Xian smiled slightly and asked Hunshi Demon Emperor: "Why, you are not willing?"

The Hunshi Demon Emperor dare to say not willing.

Their four great monster emperors now have great supernatural powers, and they are absolute overlords.

However, the elder Bai Xian in front of him is already reaching the limit of human cultivation.

The Hun World Demon Emperor said hurriedly, "Little Demon waits for everything."

Elder Bai Xian said: "That's good."

The Hunshi Demon Emperor followed and took out something from the ring Sumi.

It is a black spar.

The black spar exudes the breath of dark mist, which is very strange.

"Good fellow, you actually got a demon seed, yes, yes!" Elder Bai Xian was overjoyed, he said: "Hunshi Demon King, you are doing a good job with this errand, and the Empire will definitely reward you in the future.

After he finished speaking, he took the magic seed into his hand instantly.

"When did you get this demon seed?" Fufeng asked the Hunshi Demon Emperor.

The Hunshi Demon Emperor said: "The little demon only got it the day before yesterday. For these years, the little demon has been pursuing the whereabouts of the Demon Seed, hoping to use the Demon Seed to achieve the body of the Demon God, so as to break through the shackles of the Yuqing Gate."

He didn't know the situation of Yuqingmen.

He thought Yuqingmen was still as tyrannical as before.

In this hell, news is extremely blocked.

Elder Baixian and Fufeng smiled at each other, and Fufeng said, "Really only got the Demon Seed the day before, where did you get it?"

The Hunshi Demon Emperor said: "Found in the Sea of ​​Underworld, this demon species is still taking the opportunity to absorb some demons. The little demon has many demons, and finally found clues."

Elder Bai Xian said: "There is the same feeling among the magic seeds. If you get one magic seed, you can get other magic seeds."

The Hun World Demon King said: "Yes, the little demon is sensing the demon seeds in other places. The little demon originally thought that he would give each of his brothers and sisters a demon seed."

Elder Bai Xian said: "In any case, you are considered a great achievement. Now, the old man will lay a spiritual mark in your brain. As long as you are obedient and obedient, everything will be fine. But if you have the slightest heart of disobedience. , Then the old man will let you die without a place to bury your life, understand?"

"Little demon...understand!" The Hunshi Demon Emperor was so bitter, but had to respond.

Elder Bai Xian then planted all spiritual imprints in the minds of the four demon kings, which was also similar to a spiritual bomb.

The lives of the four demon kings were all pinched between the thoughts of Elder Bai Xian.

Then, Elder Bai Xian looked for other magic seeds based on the magic seeds in his hand.

At the same time, Luo Feng, Ya Zhenyuan, and Wang Zhan were not idle.

The past masters have mastered the petals of the nether flower, and the magic seeds can be found according to the petals.

There are petals in the secret order of the sect, and Wang Zhan also has petals. He gave the petals to Ya Zhenyuan before.

At this moment, several people searched for the magic seed based on the petals.

They were extremely fast, and soon found the first magic seed.

In the eighteenth floor of that hell, in the far north, the nether air turned into thick fog.

The dense fog has become so thick that it can't disperse, and the world is like a chaos.

When the three of Luo Feng flew directly here, they saw that there was a sea of ​​flowers in front of them.

All are nether flowers with light in the black!

But not every nether flower can give birth to a demon seed, only the nether flower king can!

Those nether flowers are all three meters high.

Like a sea of ​​trees...

Nether Kao is hiding in it. According to the petals in his hand, Luo Feng suddenly probing his hand, he found the Nether Flower King and grabbed the magic seed in his hand.

The black spar was in Luo Feng's hand, and countless black gloomy aura burst forth.

Luo Feng grasped it in his hands, and felt confident.

"Now, look for the second magic seed." Luo Feng said after collecting the magic seed.

Ya Zhenyuan and Wang Zhan didn't say much.

"Huh?" Luo Feng then noticed something wrong.

Wang Zhan immediately asked: "What?"

Luo Feng said, "The second Demon Seed is a bit strange."

Ya Zhenyuan asked, "Why is it strange?"

Luo Feng said: "It doesn't seem to be with the Nether Kao, but the form has also changed. No matter what, go and take a look."

He took the lead to fly forward.

The figure turned into a light!

Ya Zhenyuan and Wang Zhan chased them immediately.

The three quickly crossed the ocean and came to another place.

This place is... Donglai Mountain!

"Donglai Mountain? It's Donglai Mountain!" When Ya Zhenyuan saw Donglai Mountain below, she couldn't help losing her color.

Luo Feng condensed his figure in the air and asked, "What?"

Wang Zhan was also puzzled.

Ya Zhenyuan couldn't forget Donglaishan.

When she and Chen Yang were in this hell, she was wounded by the Great Compassionate Demon, and later insulted by Chen Yang. After that, he was hit by the illusion of the spirit witch beast!

Then, Ya Zhenyuan and Chen Yang went all the way to Donglai Mountain!

It was Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva who helped her lift all kinds of restrictions in her body and restore her magic power.

At that moment, she knew that she was pregnant with Yaluo.

This is where all changes begin.

"Mr. Luo Feng, the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva here is Chen Yang's deceased, and also my deceased. Please don't hurt!" Ya Zhenyuan couldn't help but said to Luo Feng.

Luo Feng nodded and said, "Don't worry, Ksitigarbha and I are old acquaintances." He naturally knew that this was the place where Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, he had heard from Chen Yang before.

Wang Zhan didn't say much. There was a bit of light on the Donglai Mountain.

There are countless demons gathered around here, but the demons here are no longer frantic, but sit cross-legged and extremely religious.

Looking at it, there are about one billion monsters here.

However, the Donglai Mountain is not so dense.

There is also a cave mansion on the Donglai Mountain.

Two demons guarded the cave.

When the three of Luo Feng descended, the two demons Rakshasa were full of grim faces, and their cultivation base was around Xuxian.

However, although they look fierce, they do have a simple aura.

"Who came?" One of the demons asked Luo Feng and the three.

Luo Feng also behaved kindly and kind-eyed and said: "I am the old friend of the Bodhisattva, I am Chen Yang's eldest brother Luo Feng. Please also pass on for us, we want to see the Bodhisattva!"

When the demon Raksha heard this, he said, "Okay, please wait."

Subsequently, the demon Raksha wanted to go in and report.

I don't want to be at this time, a gentle voice has already come from there.

"Three donors, please come in!"

It is the voice of Ksitigarbha.

The three of Luo Feng entered the cave. The winding path in the cave was secluded, but everything was simple.

It was dark and quiet everywhere, but it was warm.

In that large stone room, Luo Feng and the three met the long-lost Ksitigarbha.

The Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is still benevolent.

A snow-white monk's clothes, it looks like he is only in his thirties.

King Ksitigarbha, Jin Qiaojue!

Ya Zhenyuan and Wang Zhan salute when they see the Ksitigarbha.

This is unconscious.

It is also irrelevant to the cultivation base.

This is a kind of respect for the monk.

Luo Feng replied and said: "The younger generation has seen the Bodhisattva, and the Bodhisattva used his own personal danger to cover me and my second brother from the enemy. I still think about it and I am grateful!"

In the Western kingdoms of the time, the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva was indeed trying to save Luo Feng and Qin Lin, and he did not hesitate to lead the Western gods away.

Because of this, the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva came to hell.

It was exactly that moment that the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva spent more than 20 years in hell.

"Amitabha!" The Ksitigarbha King smiled slightly, and said, "Why should the little benefactor care? The poor monk came to this place because of that occasion. This is the blessing of the poor monk!"

Luo Feng smiled slightly.

The Ksitigarbha king looked at Ya Zhenyuan again, and said, "Female donor, don't come here unscathed?"

Ya Zhenyuan clasped his fists and said, "Thanks to the blessing of the Bodhisattva, everything is fine for me. I didn't say a word of thanks that day. I hope it won't be too late today."

The Ksitigarbha King smiled slightly and said: "Just rejoice in the fate!"

He looked at Wang Zhan again and said, "This one is?"

Wang Zhan immediately reported his name.

Ya Zhenyuan said, "He is the head teacher of our Yuqing Sect."

The Ksitigarbha King said: "Disrespect and disrespect!"

At the end, the Ksitigarbha King said: "Three people, please sit down. The three suddenly visited together. There must be something, right?"

Luo Feng and the three sat down.

Afterwards, Luo Feng said, "Does the Bodhisattva know about the outside world?"

The Ksitigarbha king said: "The poor monk is closed here, but he doesn't know anything outside of hell."

Luo Feng said in a deep voice, "Lingzun attacked the earth and entered."

The Ksitigarbha king suddenly lost his color.

He heard Chen Yang talk about Lingzun. At that time, Chen Yang was still saying that the earth was resisting it with all its strength.

"Have you come in?" said the Ksitigarbha king: "How is the earth now?"

Luo Feng said: "Not yet irretrievably, Lingzun has occupied the chalk world. We and Emperor Xuan Zhenghao sealed the heavens. The emperor sealed the great world. Today, we are still engaged in a tug of war, but the Buddha world, The dragon world and all the worlds have done a wall view. We are really alone!"

When Wang Zhan heard Luo Feng say that the world had done a wall view, his old face couldn't help but blush.

The Ksitigarbha King said: "The Buddha Realm has plans for the Buddha Realm. I will definitely come out to help at this critical moment. Don't worry about this!"

Luo Feng said, "I hope!"

The Ksitigarbha king said: "Is the strength of the spirits very strong?"

Luo Feng said: "Very strong, unimaginable."

The Ksitigarbha King sighed and chanted the Buddha's name, saying: "Amitabha!"

Luo Feng said, "I am still worried that the Lingzun will hunt down here. I am here now to find the magic seed. Once the magic seed falls into the hands of the Lingzun, it will be another great disaster. During the investigation, it was found that the magic seed seemed to be on this Donglai Mountain, in the hands of the Bodhisattva?"

After Luo Feng finished speaking, he looked at the Ksitigarbha King.

The Ksitigarbha King was a little surprised, and then said: "The demon seed is indeed in the hands of the poor monk, but the demon seed is no longer a demon seed."

"How do you say?" Luo Feng asked.

The Ksitigarbha king said: "The demon seed had the meaning of breakthrough earlier, and it could move around and absorb the demon as energy everywhere. When the poor monk learned of this situation, he went to surrender it, and it has been saved. Now, he It's a disciple of a poor monk, and it's difficult to pass the title!"

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