My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 3247: Gui Yuan, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Hei Suzhen said: "Whether you believe it or not, the facts are in front of you. Yulantai, I will give you one last chance. Now you hand over all the cold dew of the Heavenly Soul, I can leave you alone for your offense today, otherwise Then, when I get out of trouble in the future, it will be the time when you and your Lantai Holy Land are destroyed!"

Yulantai was silent again.

After a long while, she laughed sharply and said: "When you are a junior, when your deity crosses the earth, you still don't know that you are in that period. If you are kind enough to ask for it and put a low posture today, the deity can still consider it. How can the deity tolerate you with such an attitude."

Yulantai is also a generation of superiors, black-clothed Suzhen is so threatening, even if she is convinced in her heart and wants to agree, it is impossible to agree in action.

Moreover, the Heaven Soul Cold Dew is a treasure of the Murlocs and must not be handed over.

Black Suzhen said, "Okay, okay, okay!"

She said three good words in a row, but then she didn't bother to say anything.

Yulantai stopped paying attention to Suzhen in black.

Outside Dongtianfudi, Yulantai showed the primordial spirit.

Yu Nong Ying is waiting outside.

"The ancestor?" Yu Nongying felt anxious, and at the moment she finally saw the ancestor come out, she immediately greeted her.

Yu Nongying glanced around at the same time, but didn't see Suzhen in black. Her heart suddenly settled, knowing that her ancestors had solved the arrogant Bai Suzhen.

Yulantai's face was not very good, and said: "The woman was suppressed by the deity with the jellyfish pearl, but it is difficult to kill her."

Yu Nongying was surprised and said, "Can't even you kill her?"

Yulantai nodded.

Yu Nongying said: "If you can't kill, you can't kill. It doesn't matter."

Yulantai said: "It's not that simple. She and my jellyfish orb have been in a stalemate. Now the deity wants to take back the jellyfish orb. Maybe one day, she will completely refine my jellyfish orb. At that time, the deity can do nothing about her!"

Yu Nongying was shocked and said, "How can this be good?"

Yulantai said: "Don't worry, the deity is here to give you ideas."

Yu Nongying said: "Please also my ancestors to show me!"

Yulantai said: "You go to the Divine Region of the West Sea to find the old mother of Shenshan, you say that the deity has something to discuss with her, it is a matter of life and death in the world!"

Yu Nongying said: "But, we have always been at odds with Xihai Divine Region?"

Yulantai said: "So, you have to do it properly."

Yu Nongying understood the profound meaning of the ancestor, and immediately obeyed his orders, saying, "Yes!"

Earth, among the three thousand worlds, there is a world called Guiyuan World!

Within the Guiyuan world, thousands of miles are frozen!

It looks like a barren land here.

Dressed in white, Chen Ling has been here for five days.

Xuan Zhenghao told him that the world of Guiyuan was the era after the destruction of earth civilization.

When the Universe Emperor built the three thousand worlds, he transformed the Guiyuan world into a frozen world after the destruction of earth civilization.

At the same time, in the Guiyuan world, there may be masters from the previous era of civilization.

Those masters in the era of the destruction of civilization, or have been far away from the earth.

Either you have died...

But there are still some masters who are seriously injured and hidden in the dust world...

What is the world of motes?

When the earth became extinct, some microorganisms were easy to survive instead.

As a result, some of the injured masters created a world of micro-dust in microbial mode and hid in it.

If you are lucky, you may survive.

Those who can survive must be extremely capable.

Xuan Zhenghao told Chen Ling that with the power of today's continent, it was definitely not Lingzun's opponent.

Back then, the Great Universe didn't kill the masters in these dusty worlds, so he left a retreat.

If Chen Ling can find a few masters of creation nine layers back this time, then Tianzhou's chances of winning will be greatly increased.

Chen Ling has a heavy responsibility this time.

Xuan Zhenghao didn't tell Chen Yang about the Guiyuan World.

It's not that Xuan Zhenghao was guarding Chen Yang. When Chen Ling came out to search for the Yuan Dynasty, Chen Yang hadn't had an accident.

The reason why I didn't tell Chen Yang was because Xuan Zhenghao felt that the matter had not been written yet, so he didn't worry about it. Secondly, if there were such ancient level masters, Chen Yang might not be able to cope. Although Chen Yang and Hei Suzhen joined forces, they were not even afraid of the saint. But that is all defense, and the lethality is absolutely insufficient.

Regarding the return to the Yuan world, Xuan Zhenghao felt that Chen Ling was the most suitable.

On a snowy peak, Chen Ling sat cross-legged.

Chen Ling found nothing in the five days since he came to the world of Guiyuan.

In the ice sea, he also went in to find, still nothing.

This is also normal, how can the other party be found so easily hiding in the wonderful world of dust.

It is difficult to find a needle in this haystack.

Chen Ling breathed the air here and felt the air here was extremely thin.

It's like everything is above the plateau.

The temperature is very low, close to one hundred degrees below zero!

"Brother Ling?" At this moment, the elf An Ruosu jumped out.

She was barefoot in this cold weather, but she didn't feel cold at all.

When Chen Ling saw An Ruosu, his mood suddenly improved, and he smiled and said, "Come, chat with me!"

An Ruosu sat down beside Chen Ling.

"What's the matter, Brother Ling, you seem to be frowning?" An Ruosu asked.

Chen Ling sighed and said, "I have been searching for five days, but I have no clue."

An Ruosu said, "It's normal if you can't find it! If you ask Emperor Xuan to come over, he is helpless. Why not, let's go back?"

Chen Ling smiled and said, "That's so easy to give up."

An Ruosu smiled and said, "Then I will accompany you to find it."

Chen Ling said: "It's not in a hurry this time, I have to think about it, if I were one of those masters, what might be the situation right now."

An Ruosu said, "Oh?"

Chen Ling and An Ruosu analyzed: "Look, if I want to hide in the dusty world, it's impossible. Because the dusty world is too small to contain my energy, right?"

An Ruosu said, "Even I can't hide."

Chen Ling said: "If those masters really exist, even if they have special abilities. It is still difficult to hide in the dusty world, unless their power is already very weak... and when their power is restored, the dusty world I can't bear it."

An Ruosu said: "In other words, do you think they are no longer in the world of dust?"

Chen Ling said: "If they wake up, they will definitely not stay in this Guiyuan world forever."

An Ruosu said: "It is true. If I wake up, I will definitely go to see the outside world. With their ability, they can also detect falsehood and know that this is a world in the three thousand realms."

Chen Ling said: "Yes!"

An Ruosu said: "Either, they have already left. They left early, thousands of years ago, maybe thousands of years ago. Or, they have not recovered their strength and are still in the dust world. ."

Chen Ling said: "Maybe they are still asleep, but their strength is beginning to recover and have already broken through the world of dust?"

An Ruosu said: "This does not seem to be a critical breakthrough for us to find them."

Chen Ling said, "This is my assumption, I have an idea now."

An Ruosu said, "What idea?"

Chen Ling said: "I used my original fire to change the climate here. When creatures hibernate, if the surrounding climate changes, they will wake up early."

An Ruosu's eyes lit up and said, "A good way, then what are we waiting for?"

Chen Ling said: "I am afraid that if we rashly change the climate structure of Guiyuan World, it will lead to some bad things. Moreover, if the fluctuation is too large, it will attract the attention of the Spirit Venerable.

An Ruosu felt frustrated and said, "What should I do?"

Chen Ling said, "So, I still want to look for it again."

An Ruosu said, "Well then!"

Afterwards, Chen Ling was quite emotional and said, "So many years have passed in a flash."

An Ruosu smiled and said, "Before you were the emperor of the gods, and you were lucky. Now the king of destiny is Chen Yang. In this way, Brother Ling, you are all seniors. Just like those TV shows in the world. Here, you are no longer the protagonist, right? So Brother Ling, you are very lost?"

"You stinky girl!" Chen Ling couldn't laugh or cry, and said, "What a mess of all this."

An Ruosu said: "Then I think you are very emotional."

Chen Ling said, "I feel that many things have changed very quickly. Those enemies of the year are not many alive now. I still remember that when Silence first appeared, no one was in his eyes. Here. And Chen Tianya... Now, everything has disappeared."

An Ruosu said, "I still remember that Chen Yang didn't know anything in front of us, but now he is very handsome. The little guy has grown up..."

Chen Ling laughed.

An Ruosu remembered something and said, "Brother Ling, do you think we can hold the earth?"

Chen Ling's eyes became complicated, and he said, "It's hard to tell!"

An Ruosu said, "If the earth cannot be held, what are your plans? Are we moving away from the earth?"

Chen Ling smiled bitterly, and said, "I didn't think so far. Take one step as one step."

Although it is said that people without far-sightedness must have immediate worries!

But in the matter of protecting the earth, whether it is Chen Yang, Chen Ling or Xuan Zhenghao, they are not willing to think about retreat!

Once there is a way out, there is no longer a determination to move forward!

This determination is extremely important.

After Chen Ling and An Ruosu rested for a while, the two of them then continued to search.

An Ruosu entered Chen Ling's body, Chen Ling's figure flickered, searching every corner of the Guiyuan world with spiritual thoughts.

He has searched many times, and although he has searched almost every corner, the opponent may still be under his nose and unconsciously.

Because the hidden form of the other party cannot be imagined.

Chen Ling searched for three days, but still found nothing.

At this time, Chen Ling finally made up his mind to change the climate of Guiyuan World.

He doesn't care about it anymore, it's not a problem to be cautious all the time.

Sometimes it just needs to be dangerous!

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