My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 3280: Refining Thunder Particles, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Chen Yang was still severely injured under the persecution of Elder Bai Xian. But he is with Suzhen in black, if he wants to recover from his injury, it will be easy.

But he did not do so.

Once the injury is recovered too quickly, it will show up.

But it can't be improved.

So he relied on his mana to slowly moisturize the injured meridian.

On the second day, Tian Qingge summoned Chen Yang again.

But this time it was not in the sacred chamber, but in the palace away from Beijing.

The palace is luxurious and elegant, and surrounded by aura and lush greenery.

In a palace, Chen Yangzai Tian Qingge and Long Qianjue, led by Elder Bai Xian to this place.

Afterwards, Fang Xieyang appeared.

Long Qianjue and others all saluted Fang Xieyang.

Naturally, Chen Yang didn't dare to ask for it, so he bowed down and worshiped.

At this time, everything is the goal. If it is said that a man has gold under his knees, then he has to go home with a baby.

Although Tian Qingge affirmed Chen Yang's identity, he still has professional habits. I have been quietly trying to figure out Chen Yang.

Fang Xieyang had also seen Chen Yang, and after he let the spirits take their seats, he said, "I know what you are coming from. There is no problem in eliminating the Meteorite Pill for him."

Long Qianjue said: "So, there will be Mr. Lao."

Fang Xieyang immediately made Chen Yang stand up and said, "Come in front of me!"

After Chen Yang thanked him, he came to Fang Xieyang.

Fang Xianyang asked Chen Yang to sit cross-legged, and after that, he stood up and covered Chen Yang's head with his palm.

Chen Yang immediately felt an infinite holy power spread into his brain.

At this time, Chen Yang was actually very dangerous.

If Fang Xianyang kills, then even the Great Universe will not have time to save him.

But Chen Yang was not at all messy, and didn't panic at all.

Because the other party wanted to kill him, there was a chance to kill him before. There is no need to bring him to Fang Xieyang...

The sacred force of the setting sun was misty.

Chen Yang felt the holy power in his mind like the boundless clouds, endless, vast and sacred.

Undead mana is an extremely magical and special mana.

Its uniqueness is that it can cover up many traces. For example, Chen Yang and Black Clothes Suzhen fit together. For example, Chen Yang originally had the Holy Power in his body. These characteristics are easy to reveal identity. But with the undead mana, even Fang Xianyang could not detect Chen Yang's true situation.

After Fang Xianyang's sacred power wrapped the Meteorite Pill, the Meteorite Pill suddenly exploded.

This is Chen Yang deliberately!

The moment the Meteorite Pellet exploded, the Holy Power instantly shrank!

Subsequently, Meteorite was condensed again, and then appeared in Fang Xieyang's hands.

"Fortunately, the weight of this poison is very small, otherwise, misfortune will be unpredictable!" Fang Xieyang stared at the Meteorite Pill in his hand, he said with lingering fear.

Tian Qingge immediately said, "Did Chen Yang do it?"

Fang Xieyang said, "That's right."

Tian Qingge said: "Fortunately, there is a gentleman, otherwise, there really is no other way."

Fang Xieyang nodded faintly, then asked, "What should I do next?"

Tian Qingge said: "The undead flame of jade in blood has a good effect. Let him try to see if he can completely refine Chen Ling's thunder particles."

Fang Xieyang said: "The flame of the undead is indeed very special, a few levels higher than the flame of the cold underworld. More importantly, he has an endless flame of the undead. However, we have to restore his mana first. His injury Not light!"

Elder Bai Xian smiled slightly and said: "When the old man started, he kept a sense of measure. Healing him is very simple. The old man **** away the mana remaining in his body and it is almost the same."

Tian Qingge said: "Then please elders!"

Elder Bai Xian nodded.

Chen Yang didn't speak anyway, and everything was at the mercy of these people.

Elder Bai Xian quickly sucked away the remnants of Chen Yang's body, and Chen Yang felt a lot easier. The mana in the body surging and flowing again.

After a while, Chen Yang became fierce and fierce, so he hugged his fists and saluted these spirits, saying, "Thank you, sirs!"

Tian Qingge nodded faintly, and said to the other side: "Sir, give him some thunder particles to try."

Fang Xieyang also nodded, and then took out a jade bottle.

That jade bottle is also a very good magic weapon, called a white glass bottle.

After that, he took out a pill of Lei Dan from the white glass bottle.

This Leidan is the aggregation of many thunder particles.

It was sealed by Fang Xianyang with great mana into a Lei Dan. Leidan is the size of a human thumb.

Obviously, this is only a very small part of Chen Ling's body.

Chen Yang took Lei Dan and couldn't help asking, "Is this part of Chen Ling's body?"

Tian Qingge said: "Yes!"

Chen Yang pretended to be unbelievable, and said: "This, can the body actually become like this? Is he still alive?"

Tian Qingge said lightly: "Yes, it's still alive. As long as these thunder particles are unsealed and gathered together. Then, he will be able to recover to his heyday. At that time, it will be easy to kill you!"

Chen Yang said with emotion: "It seems that the villain really stayed in the blood moon for a long time and became a frog at the bottom of the well. I wonder if there is such a miraculous thing in this world. The body turned into this thunder pill, and he is still alive. It is really weird, weird and incredible what!"

Tian Qingge said: "You can start and practice in front of us. If you practice well, there will be reuse in the future. If you don't practice well, our empire does not need useless people.

Chen Yang stayed for a while, and then anger flashed in his eyes.

But he took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

Naturally, this slight change in expression was also for Tian Qingge and other spiritual venors to see.

Then, Chen Yang sat cross-legged, and then made a Dharma seal with both hands.

As his fingers change, the flame of the dead appears!

In front of him, two blood scale dragons appeared.

But the blood scale dragon is not big, only the length of an adult's arm.

The two dragons then lingered together and turned into blood fire!

That is the flame of the undead!

There is not the slightest temperature, but there is an aura of burning heaven and earth!

Like fire, and like a crimson ribbon fluttering in the wind!

That Lei Maru was thrown into the flame of the undead. In an instant, the flame of the undead opened its mouth like ten thousand dense snakes and bit it down.

The seal in that Lei Wan was burned and killed instantly!

The thunder particles inside dispersed quickly and wanted to escape everywhere. However, the flame of the undead is like the maggot of the tarsal bone. Once it is contaminated, it cannot escape or avoid it.

The flames of the undead rushed to the depths of the thunder particles and burned.

Boom boom boom!

After that, countless thunder particles began to explode.

Fang Xieyang and the others watched like this, watching Chen Yang quickly refine the thunder particles.

"Really amazing!" Long Qianjue couldn't help saying.

He has been watching.

Fang Xieyang also said: "It's really extraordinary. Our power to refine this thunder particle is like adding energy to the thunder particle. Unexpectedly, this blood jade is mediocre, and the refining of this thunder particle is very powerful!"

Tian Qingge smiled and said: "The things in the world reproduce and restrain each other. If you find the way to live and restrain, everything is not a problem. You can deal with Bai Suzhen in the future.

Long Qianjue said: "Bai Suzhen and Chen Yang are inseparable, I'm afraid it will be difficult to start."

Tian Qingge smiled slightly, and said: "Bai Suzhen has the power of the ninefold thunder tribulation, and Chen Yang has the body of the seed of the mysterious yellow gods. The yin and yang of the two are fused, which is really difficult to deal with. However, since there is blood jade here, deal with their yin and yang The subordinates also have methods for fusion."

Chen Yang could not help but sneer after hearing this.

"Tian Qingge, you have a thousand plans, you still miscalculate!"

He sneered in his heart, but immediately saluted Tian Qingge on his face and said: "The villain must do his best."

Tian Qingge patted Chen Yang on the shoulder, and said: "As long as you do well for the empire, the empire will never treat you badly!"

Chen Yang immediately bowed and said: "The villain must do his best, but the villain also has a ruthless please."

Tian Qingge was startled slightly, and said, "Say!"

Chen Yang said: "The villain still has many people in Tianzhou. If the empire wins, you still hope to be kind, don't send them..."

Long Qianjue said first: "Don't worry about this, we are not here to slaughter the earth. If we get what we want, we will leave."

Chen Yang quickly thanked him.

Tian Qingge said to Fang Xieyang again: "Sir, this blood jade still needs to be firmly controlled, it's up to you now."

Chen Yang also understood that the other party was about to plant something in his own mind.

Fang Xieyang shot immediately.

Chen Yang couldn't resist, he was not afraid anyway.

Well-being, no one can do anything in his mind.

Fang Xieyang planted a powerful spiritual imprint, and then planted it in the depths of Chen Yang's brain.

Chen Yang's brain is also full of undead mana, which naturally envelops the spiritual imprint. In this way, if Fang Xieyang wanted to monitor Chen Yang through his imprint, that would be impossible.

But even so, when Chen Yang wanted to break his spiritual mark, Fang Xieyang could also feel it.

Once sensed, Fang Xieyang can directly explode the imprint.

Deep in the brain, such explosive power is absolutely terrifying.

Mental imprint control is not absolutely capable of killing the opponent. For example, Ouyang Yu before, escaped in the same manner.

But, like Ouyang Yu, it is a small probability after all.

Most of them don't have this ability.

Unfortunately, Chen Yang is not afraid of spiritual imprints. Even if this spiritual imprint is Fang Xieyang's, Suzhen in black can be good for heavenly work, can be directly integrated into Chen Yang's brain, and then wrap this spiritual imprint.

Once it exploded, it was just exploded on Black Suzhen.

But Suzhen Black didn't care about such a bit of lethality.

The spiritual imprint is also quite similar to the natal golden lamp of the Lingzun, no matter how many worlds are separated. When your spiritual imprint is destroyed, you can still feel one or two, or you can directly detonate.

But after the world, it is impossible to spread words through spiritual imprint.

Fang Xianyang planted his spiritual imprint, and at the same time felt that his imprint was covered by Chen Yang's mana, and it was dark.

He gave Chen Yang a strange look, but after all, he didn't say much.

He can't say anything, can it be that Chen Yang's mana is too evil? This is unreasonable, and it is quite embarrassing to say it.

Chen Yang knew all this well.

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