My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 3452: Closed, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Chen Yang and his party left the **** space and returned to the college.

Hou Jianfei arranged for a medical officer to come to heal everyone.

This time the college entrance examination had such a big thing, it was impossible for Hou Jianfei to hide it.

However, everything was gradually disclosed to the outside world under the control of Hou Jianfei.

Hou Jianfei arranged for Chen Yang, Luna, Ku Ziyu, and Hua Jieyu to rest in his villa.

At the same time, the signal in the villa was also blocked.

For a while, Chen Yang and his party were cut off from the outside world.

Obviously, Hou Jianfei does not want the outside world to listen to some news.

Chen Yang doesn't matter anyway, there is no shortage of food and drink in this villa. He meditated cross-legged when he was fine.

In the big exam incident, a total of 236 students were sacrificed.

The people who die the most are in the abandoned city.

In general college entrance examinations, the sacrifice quota is 1%.

There were 1,800 students taking the exam this time, so the number of students is 18.

Two hundred and thirty-six students were sacrificed in the big exam, not because of the difficulty of the regular examination, but because of the college's flaws and space problems.

This incident was so big that Hou Jianfei could not suppress it no matter how much he wanted to suppress it.

What Hou Jianfei had to do now was to find out the whole story, and then arrange everything before the incident completely broke out.

Then, Hou Jianfei repaired the space with Elder Duobao and Wu Xingyun.

At this time, they are not afraid of the collapse of the space.

The space was quickly repaired.

After that, Hou Jianfei and others were outside the space to monitor everything in the space.

They found those assassins who hadn't died yet, and then used their magical powers to take them all out in the air.

While doing these things, Hou Jianfei has sent someone to find Niyimo's parents, Nissan and his wife. He controlled Shang Peng, the director of the office, again.

Hou Jianfei showed thunder means.

The killer leader Mount Helan did not die. After interrogation, it was found that Mount Helan didn't know anything. He didn't even know that there were extra powerful killers in the abandoned city.

The killers of Mount Helan are all formal procedures.

Chen Yang and his party stayed in the villa for ten days.

Luna's injury is almost healed, although her injury is not minor. But with the miracle medicine and Zhouli nourishing, it recovered quickly.

Hua Jieyu and Ku Ziyu became good friends.

They are also very fond of Chen Yang.

Hua Jieyu once said sincerely: "Zong Han, since you came to the academy, you have not been calm. I always think you are a rebellious person. But after contact, I found..."

Ku Ziyu was also present when she said this.

Ku Ziyu smiled silently.

Chen Yang smiled and said, "After the contact, did you find that I was really talented and talented?"

Ku Ziyu chuckled softly.

Hua Jieyu also laughed and said, "I mean, it's actually not hard to contact you."

Chen Yang said: "I'm a very good contact person. I don't know if my aura is not compatible with this primitive academy. I always encounter various things after entering. First Zong Qin, who would have thought I would meet him? Ah! I can’t hide, I’m forced to kneel as soon as I meet... Brother, can I kneel to him? I finally got Zong Qin dealt with, and thought I could enter the Tenma Sect and get a shelter. The Tenma Sect first said that he would accept me As a full member, he went on to say that it could not be made public, and issued a statement. After that, Hou Ming learned from them, and I couldn't avoid it. I thought, this time I finally rely on the dean and master to rest assured... I just poured the blood mold, I didn't expect such a thing to happen again in the big exam; I almost died in it! I feel that I am about to withstand the toss of the college."

Ku Ziyu immediately comforted Chen Yang and said, "Don't say that. In fact, every time you end up with a bad luck, you are destined to do great things in the future, so this is God's tempering of you. "

Hua Jieyu said: "That's right, this is your blessing!"

Chen Yang scolded with a smile: "Bah, baah!"

The afternoon wind blows in the courtyard, and this time is very quiet and beautiful.

Many years later, Ku Ziyu and Hua Jieyu can still recall this young time.

Luna has been recuperating in the room all the time, and she is unlikely to participate in discussions among young people like them.

Finally, Hua Jieyu thought of something and said: "In the future, do you have some ideas for saving the Iron Star?"

Ku Ziyu was stunned for a moment, then a sad look flashed in his eyes, and said, "How can they do such a cruel thing?"

Chen Yang sighed slightly, and said, "Zi Yu, you live in a rich family and have been well protected since childhood. There are so many cruelty, hypocrisy, and cruelty in this world that you can't imagine. To be honest, you The eternal races seen in textbooks are all beautified."

Ku Ziyu smiled bitterly: "I always know that many things have been beautified, but I didn't expect it to be cruel to this. I don't know anything, I know that human nature can be ugly. But I always feel that eternal The whole family should not be so cruel and selfish."

Chen Yang said: "How to put it, in fact, this is the case. Fairness is produced when the strength of each other is equal. Our eternal clan is undoubtedly standing at the top of the clan... The rules within our eternal clan are exquisite. It’s fair and equal. But it’s not so friendly to other races... Just like humans on ordinary planets, they won’t be fair to some lower animals. They will also keep animals in captivity and eat them. Meat, wait!"

Both Ku Ziyu and Hua Jieyu think Chen Yang's words make sense.

Ku Ziyu couldn't help but said, "Then what do you think? Do you think this is normal?"

"Of course it's not normal!" Chen Yang said lightly: "I'm just telling you their psychology of doing these things. However, if you do too much evil, retribution will follow. We...Although we are called eternal. But In this world, there is nothing that can really last forever."

The discussion of the three people is over here.

Chen Yang didn't want to say too much.

In the evening, Luna invited Chen Yang to her bedroom.

Of course nothing fragrant will happen.

Chen Yang still has the Xuantian charm given by Hou Jianfei, plus this is Hou Jianfei's villa. So Chen Yang is not worried about Luna doing anything out of the ordinary.

He came to Luna's bedroom.

Luna sat cross-legged on the bed.

Her injury is completely healed and her complexion is also very good.

After Chen Yang closed the door smoothly, he faced her without intending to bow.

Luna said indifferently: "I still have to thank you for this matter."

Chen Yang smiled and said, "But I don't see the meaning of real thanks on your face."

Luna said: "I say thank you, just thank you."

Chen Yang said: "Well, you are already in good health now. It is true that you can say one thing, hey, I don't know who is pitiful in the desert. I found that you are not afraid of death!"

Luna suddenly became ashamed and angry, and said: "You are presumptuous!"

Chen Yang said, "If you think you want to be presumptuous, let's be presumptuous. Anyway, we have torn our skin early in the morning. It would be too hypocritical to pretend that nothing happened when we were alone."

Luna snorted coldly.

Chen Yang said: "You call me, do you just want to thank you? If so, I will accept your thank you. If there is nothing else, then I will go."

Luna said: "Hold on!"

Chen Yang stopped and said, "Say, I'll listen."

Luna said, "I'm curious about one more thing."

Chen Yang said: "Oh?"

Luna said: "When you were in the **** space, you had the opportunity to let me die at Kunchen's hands. Why didn't you do this?"

Chen Yang was startled slightly, and then said: "I just want you to see what a great person I am. Even if you have been suspicious of me, I want to tell you...well, I am a noble person."

What he said is serious.

But Luna would never believe this.

Luna sometimes feels that the teenager in front of her has a sense of humor.

She resisted the urge to laugh, and said sternly: "I want to hear your true answer."

Chen Yang said: "The real answer is that Zi Yu has helped me a lot, and I know she cares about you. So, I don't want her to be sad, and I don't want her to be disappointed in me. Of course, don't be nervous. Ziyu and I just Friendship, I don’t think about anything else."

Luna thought about it.

After a while, she said: "Okay, you go!"

Chen Yang didn't leave immediately, but asked: "What about you? Do you still doubt me?"

Luna shook her head and said, "I don't know."

Chen Yang sighed, and said, "I'm so fateful!"

After speaking, he opened the door and left Luna's room.

On the eleventh day, Hou Jianfei came to the villa.

Hou Jianfei met Chen Yang alone in his own bedroom.

The surroundings were sealed by Hou Jianfei's magic, and no one could overhear the conversation between them.

"Master!" Chen Yang shouted in a respectful salute.

Hou Jianfei sat on the sofa and said kindly, "Come on, Xiaohan, sit down!"

He pointed to the single sofa next to him.

Chen Yang also sat down obediently.

Hou Jianfei said: "We have launched the highest Zhouli investigation on the matter of the **** space. You have seen all the efforts you have made in it as a teacher. You have helped me a lot this time, if not You turned the tide. I'm afraid to be a teacher... the rest of your life will have to be spent in the black jail of the court."

Chen Yang immediately stood up and respectfully said: "Master, don't say that. I just want to do my best to help you solve problems. In fact, everything depends on Master for your great fortune."

Hou Jianfei nodded secretly, thinking that this child was a good seed for victory without arrogance.

"Sit down, don't move and just salute me. Here, you can be casual, as if you are at home." Hou Jianfei said.

Chen Yang's eyes flushed immediately, and said: "Master, the disciple has never had a family. Now you are my only family..."

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