My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 365: Edict, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Luo Feng looked very surprised, and his face was a bit ugly. Although he thinks wholeheartedly for the sake of his brother, there are some things deep in his heart that he doesn't want to share with others.

If Mo Wu mentioned this to him, he would directly shake his face at Mo Wu, turn around and leave.

But for Chen Yang, he can't do that.

After Luo Feng was silent for a while, he raised his head and said: "First, we can't kill the people of the Tianwang Fuxing Society. The Tianwang Fuxing Society has existed for many years, and there are some ancient elders in it, whose cultivation is unfathomable. . Second, even if it’s done, I don’t need your help. Because of this hatred, it only makes sense for me to personally repay it. Third, I hope you never talk about it again, can you? ?"

He is a simple, introverted person.

Once he said something, it would be a spit and a nail.

Even brothers, there will be privacy between brothers, and there will be things that you don't want others to touch.

Not talking about Luo Feng, or talking about Chen Yang, are all due to personal character.

"I'm sorry, big brother!" Chen Yang knew that he was impulsive, and he said seriously: "I will never mention it again, but if you have something to help your brothers, I hope you will do it."

Luo Feng said: "Good!"

Next, everyone talked about it. The atmosphere is fairly harmonious, and Shen Mo Nong is not a difficult person to get along with.

After the wine bureau, everyone agreed on the departure time tomorrow.

It is not possible to reach Bor Canton, Switzerland directly from Yanjing. In the middle, you need to take a flight to London, England, then from London to Switzerland, and finally take a train to Bor.

A crowd left the Wangfujing Hotel.

Chen Yang sent Shen Mo Nong back.

On the way back, I took a taxi.

To avoid being eavesdropped on the chat, the two chatted in English.

The taxi driver knew a few simple sentences, but he didn't understand the complicated ones.

In the car, Shen Mo Nong smiled slightly and said, "I can see that your eldest brother Luo Feng and Qin Lin will never be in the pool in the future. And you, the three of you, are not easy."

Chen Yang couldn't help but became interested and said: "Oh?" He paused, and then said: "Big Brother is a very decisive person. You can see that he will not be in the pool in the future. I understand that. However, My second brother doesn't seem to show much dew, how can you tell?"

Shen Mo smiled and said, "Are you still testing me?" She paused and said, "Qin Lin is soft outside and strong inside. He is used to being your supporting role. However, if you leave him alone, he will He has his own light and chance."

Chen Yang said: "When you get along with your second brother, you really feel like a spring breeze."

Shen Mo Nong said: "Yes, my vision can't be wrong."

"What about me?" Chen Yang said, "I want to hear what you really think of me."

Shen Mo Nong was startled slightly, then looked weird and said, "Do you really want to listen?"

Chen Yang touched his nose and said, "I'm not that unbearable, am I?"

Shen Mo Nong laughed, she seemed a little overjoyed. Afterwards, she said: "You guys, there are actually many advantages. But as many advantages as you have, there are as many disadvantages as you have. I know that you are sometimes kind, mother-in-law, but you also have a cruel temperament. If you think it is true Once you have that point in your heart, you will be very cruel to start. I won’t say more about this. Your greatest advantage is that you are very emotional. Whether it is family, friendship, or love, you attach great importance to it. And this is also true Your biggest shortcoming, once others use your affection to deal with you, you will be very passive."

Chen Yang said, "What else?"

Shen Mo Nong said: "Also, you are very smart. This is your strength and your weakness. You are too smart, you can guess everything and work it out. But in this way, you will make you the same as Zhuge Liang. Everything depends on you. The people under you can't display their talents. So you have to pay attention to this point in the future." Chen Yang thoughtfully said, "You are indeed right about this. Are there any more?"

Shen Mo Nong said: "I can't see the rest for the time being. But I know you still have a big advantage, that is, your luck is super good. This is the most important thing."

Chen Yang touched his nose depressed, and said, "Is this an advantage?"

Shen Mo Nong smiled and said, "Of course it counts."

After sending Shen Monong home, Chen Yang returned to the hotel.

The night tonight is very beautiful.

A new moon hung up in the sky.

Before Chen Yang entered the hotel, he first saw Luo Feng in black.

Luo Feng was smoking a cigarette, not knowing what he was thinking.

Chen Yang saw at a glance that the eldest brother was waiting for himself.

Right now, Chen Yang came to Luo Feng and shouted: "Big Brother."

When Luo Feng saw Chen Yang, he pinched out the cigarette in his hand and said, "Let's go."

Chen Yang knew that the eldest brother had something to tell himself, so he nodded and said, "Okay."

Right now, the two brothers walked to a boulevard behind.

The street lights here are not bright, everything seems quiet. Here is also far away from all the noise.

Luo Feng found an intersection and sat down.

Chen Yang sat down.

Luo Feng lit a cigarette and he smoked it.

The light of the fireworks flickered, but Luo Feng's expression was complicated.

"Big brother, what are you thinking?" Chen Yang asked.

Luo Feng said lightly: "I'm thinking, every time I intend to stop being affectionate to anyone. But in the end, I failed. At first, after my dog ​​died, I was ashamed. After Aunt Lan died, I was desperate. I always thought I was a lone star. But then, I met you again." He paused and said, "The third brother, I was actually afraid in my heart. I also thought about all three of us. It’s a destiny. I’m really afraid that I’ll kill each other in the future, or that I’m hurting you. I’m afraid you will be like Qiqi and Aunt Lan."

"Even if it is Ruqiqi and Aunt Lan, we won't regret this meeting with Big Brother you." Chen Yang said affirmatively. "Also, we will never kill each other. I have, as long as the elder brother and the second brother you want to take, just take it, including my life. Because in my heart, the most important thing is between us Feelings can't be replaced by other things."

Complex colors flashed in Luo Feng's eyes. He didn't say much, he was a weather-tested person, so it was hard to get excited.

"Brother, are you looking for me, just want to talk about this?" Chen Yang asked again.

Luo Feng took a cigarette and said, "No!"

Chen Yang said, "Is that...?"

Luo Feng said: "Today you suddenly mentioned the Tianwang Fuxing Society. I know you are all concerned about this matter. I have never wanted to say it, but today, I heard about you kneeling with Shi Yonglong, and I also I want to share something with you."

"Brother, you say." Chen Yang said.

Luo Feng said: "My virus has been solved. I thought I could no longer be controlled by the people of the Tianwang Fuxing Society. But just a few days ago, an elder from the Tianwang Fuxing Society came to me. He was with me. A spiritual imprint was planted at the center of his eyebrows. As long as I was disobedient, he could immediately kill me with a headshot."

Chen Yang couldn't help being shocked.

Luo Feng said: "At that time, the elder asked me to choose two paths. The first path is death. The second path is to kneel and kowtow to him and swear allegiance. I chose the second path!"

Chen Yang's face was pale and said, "Big Brother...?"

"In fact, what is this?" Luo Feng said, "I don't feel ashamed. Third brother, you have to remember that only when a person is alive can there be hope. If a person dies, all honor and disgrace, love and hatred will become It has no meaning. Only by living can we get revenge and win. If we choose not to kneel, we will lose forever. That is, we will never have a chance!"

"Brother, I understand." Chen Yang gritted his teeth and said, "If I didn't think so, I would die desperately and would not kneel to Shi Yonglong. Just because I was unwilling to lose like this."

Luo Feng smiled slightly and said, "If you can think about it, that's the best. Let's go back."

"Yeah!" Chen Yang nodded.

The next morning, Chen Yang and the group received calls from Lisi in God's Domain.

"The emperor's decree, all disciples of the gods who are not in the mission period will return to the gods quickly within three days, and those who violate it will be killed without mercy!"

Chen Yang couldn't help being taken aback. He couldn't help but ask Lisi, "What happened?"

Lisi and Chen Yang had a close friendship, but she still said embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, Chen Yang, I just received the order. I don't know the others."

"It's okay." Chen Yang reluctantly hung up the phone.

As a result, everyone's desire to go to Bor can be put on hold.

But Shen Mo Nong said: "If this is the case, then I will go over and have a look first, and it can be regarded as a pioneer for you."

Chen Yang thought about it, and agreed to Shen Mo Nong's proposal.

After that, Shen Monong went to Bor State.

Chen Yang and Situ Linger all went to Los Angeles.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, we took off by plane and headed to Los Angeles.

Arrived at 6 AM local time in Los Angeles.

This is because of the time difference.

After arriving in Los Angeles, Los Angeles was already full of sunrise, very beautiful.

Chen Yang and his party took a taxi to go to God's Domain immediately.

After half an hour, everyone arrived in God's Domain.

Chen Yang and his party went to the Temple of Heaven for the first time.

Everything in the Temple of Heaven is peaceful and quiet.

Sister Lin Bing is still sleeping.

And Master Ning Tiandu meditated cross-legged in the upper part.

"Disciples, see Master!" Chen Yang and the crowd saluted Ning Tian, ​​who was heading up.

Ning Tian opened his eyes, he glanced at everyone, then smiled slightly, and said, "You are here really fast. Sit down."

The crowd said that they thanked Master, and then they took their seats.

Before everyone had spoken, Ning Tian first said: "You are so anxious to see me, I probably know what it is for. You want to know why the **** emperor suddenly ordered everyone to come back, right?"

Chen Yang and others said: "The disciples are really curious."

Ning Tian sighed slightly, and said, "It's okay to tell you this. That's because, in three days, there will be another master-level figure in our God's Domain."

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