My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 3964: Intrigue, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

Yuan Sheng and others left the Sea of ​​Clouds Fairyland with the Infinite Light Star. They didn't say much along the way...

Ten days later, Yuan Sheng and others left the Shura world.

Beyond the Shura world, there is the vast sea.

The boat of destiny was sailing through the vast sea. At this time, Yuan Yuxian finally couldn't bear it any longer and said: "Master, this Bai Qing... actually made Xiao Ling save him at all costs. Could it be that he is... the game-breaker Chen Yang?"

Xumizi immediately said: "I have been thinking about this thing, and now it seems that it is very possible!"

Yuan Sheng said: "I am also thinking about this issue, but everything is just Xuanyuan Tai's one-sided statement."

Yuan Yuxian said: "Let's focus on investigating the matter of the Eternal Demon Lord. In addition, some of Chen Yang's trump cards and tricks are traceable. Find an opportunity to fight with Bai Qing and force him to use the bottom of the box. The trick is revealed. This way we can also find out whether he is Chen Yang or not."

Yuan Sheng said: "This is a way."

Xumizi said: "There is still a doubtful point here."

Everyone looked at Xumi Zi.

Xumizi said: "Xiao Ling will not trust Xuanyuantai, but he asked Xuanyuantai to accompany us to the crack world. Isn't he afraid that Xuanyuantai will reveal some of Bai Qing's secrets? If Bai Qing is really Chen Yang, he should let Bai Qingzang It’s time to get up. We shouldn’t send Xuanyuan Tai with us!”

Yuan Yuxian said: "The relationship between Xuanyuantai and Bai Qing is very good, so Xiao Ling can't kill Xuanyuantai. Moreover, Xuanyuantai and Bai Qing also rescued Xiao Ling's people. More importantly, in fact, Xuanyuantai Tai also doesn’t know Bai Qing’s true identity. Who should we send to accompany us to the crack world? After much thought, Xuanyuan Tai is the most suitable. At this point, there should be nothing to be suspicious about.”

Yuan Sheng said: "It is precisely because Xuanyuan Tai knows Bai Qing, so it would be even more suspicious if he asked Bai Qing to hide away from us."

Xumizi said: "No matter what, my subordinates always feel that there are many doubts about Xuanyuan Tai, and his relationship with Xiao Ling is also quite suspicious. Xiao Ling is such a shrewd person, and Empress Nuwa once said that Xuanyuan Tai was betrayed, he How can we not suspect the connection between Xuanyuan Terrace and us?"

Yuan Yuxian said: "But Xuanyuan Tai has always been working for us loyally. Moreover, he is very smart and always has a way to make people believe in him. When we met Xuanyuan Tai, it was all by chance. At that time, he was just Preparing to do evil can't pretend to do this. Master has also checked many memories of Xuanyuan Terrace, and there are no problems with them. I don't know why, Elder Xumizi, you just can't trust him?"

Xumizi smiled bitterly and said, "I can't say anything, it's just a feeling!"

Yuan Sheng said: "Actually, we don't need to make many guesses now. Let's find a way to confirm that Bai Qing. If the real Chen Yang is found, then there will definitely be no problem in Xuanyuan Terrace."

Xumizi said: "So, Holy Master, you have also suspected that Xuanyuan Terrace might be Chen Yang, right?"

Yuan Yuxian said: "This is impossible! Because I have investigated Chen Yang, and Chen Yang's character is chivalrous and courageous, and hates evil as much as hatred. When we met Xuanyuan Terrace by chance, what bad things did he do? What if he was in the Holy City? Here, he was pretending to go to those romantic places. But the behavior when we met him for the first time could not be disguised? Even Taishang Taozu couldn't predict that we would just pass by. In addition, he and Taoist Lu Ya Those grudges are not staged. I have personally experienced the depth of hatred in several life-and-death fights! The suspicion that Xuanyuan Terrace is Chen Yang is sheer nonsense and extremely ridiculous!"

Yuan Sheng said: "It is indeed ridiculous to suspect that Xuanyuan Terrace is Chen Yang, but it is also true that Xuanyuan Terrace gives people a sense of unreliability. Xian'er, don't really fall into it. I am a teacher who treats you very well. Don’t worry, I think it’s impossible for you to have feelings for someone like Xuanyuan Tai. Now, I’m a little doubtful in my heart.”

Yuan Yuxian's face suddenly turned red and said: "Master, my disciple definitely has no feelings for him. He just wants to use this false feeling to confuse Xuanyuan Terrace."

Yuan Sheng said: "That's good!"

Xumizi said: "Holy Lord, how should we confirm Bai Qing's identity next?"

Yuan Sheng said: "If it is confirmed that Bai Qing is Chen Yang, the best way is to kill him on the spot. But it is also difficult to kill Bai Qing on the spot. We must also be careful of those saints who interfere with it. Xumizi, just wait here with Black Corpse. I have told Xuanyuan Terrace to lure Bai Qing out. Black Corpse knows the aura of Xuanyuan Terrace, so as long as Xuanyuan Terrace comes, you should be able to intercept it. Bai Qing.”

Xumizi was a little worried and said: "Holy Lord, if you were here, wouldn't we be able to sit back and relax?"

Yuan Sheng said: "I must go back to the temple with Xian'er as soon as possible. Besides, I don't want to fall out with the saints in public right now. The time has not come yet. Don't worry, there is a black corpse here, you can't There will be danger. If Xuanyuan Tai and Bai Qing come, you should test Bai Qing first, and try to understand Bai Qing's trump card before killing. If it's not easy to kill, don't force it."

Seeing that Yuan Sheng had made arrangements, Xumizi could only obey and said: "Yes, Holy Lord!"

After that, Yuan Yuxian and Yuan Sheng left on the boat of destiny.

But Xumi Zi and Hei Zhi stayed behind.

Located in the Netherworld, there is a canyon deep under the sea of ​​the Netherworld Blood Sea. The depths of the canyon are covered with many seaweeds. A small crack suddenly appeared in the seaweed covering, and in the crack, countless black mist particles began to pour out.

Inside the crack, black mist surged.

The cracks were originally filled with rocks, soil, etc.! But at this time, the black mist particles opened up the world and quickly opened up countless spaces.

Incredible craftsmanship, a creation created by heaven!

I don’t know how long it took, but a cracked world of ice and snow appeared again.

In the icy sky, a luminous body like the moon appeared again.

The Star Palace of the Undead appeared on the highest snow-capped mountain. The ancestor, dressed in ice armor and with a solemn expression, sat cross-legged in the Star Palace.

A dazzling light bloomed in his ice blue eyes.

After that, he waved his hand!

Suddenly, black mist surged!

All the black mist particles leaked from the crack returned to the crack world, and then everything in the outside world returned to normal, as if nothing had happened.

Shura Realm, in the Immortal Domain of Sea of ​​Clouds.

After Yuan Sheng and his party left, Chen Yang, Xiao Ling and Bai Qing began to discuss the follow-up matters.

Chen Yang described everything that happened in the cracked world in detail.

At the same time, he also told how Yuan Sheng began to doubt Bai Qing, and then confessed that he lured Bai Qing out, etc.

When Bai Qing heard this, he said happily: "We want him to be suspicious. This is exactly what we want!"

Chen Yang said: "Xiao Bai, don't be so optimistic. If Yuan Sheng is sure that you are me, he will not let you go."

Xiao Ling said: "That's right!"

Bai Qing said: "I know this matter will definitely be dangerous. If we plan carefully, we will definitely be able to solve it."

Chen Yang looked worried and said: "Yuan Sheng used the power of heaven this time, and said that he would invite all the saints to come to the Yuan Realm to witness him removing the power of heaven. Moreover, he came here specifically to take away your Immortal King. Infinite Light Star, I have a feeling that he is brewing a huge conspiracy."

Xiao Ling said solemnly: "I feel the same way."

Chen Yang said: "Yuanjie, we can't go easily. To be precise, we must not go!"

Xiao Ling said: "Then we won't hold him accountable for using the power of heaven? If we don't hold him accountable, the saints will never be able to get away with it!"

Chen Yang said: "I think it is no longer a matter of losing face. Yuansheng has great plans. We can't let him plot us to death step by step. If we don't follow his routine, we will disrupt him." If the plan is messed up, there will be flaws. It seems that I have to solve the matter here quickly and then return to him. Only in this way can we find out what conspiracy he has. "

Xiao Ling said: "But you must also pay attention to safety!"

Bai Qing said: "You must make them believe that I am the second brother before you can let the second brother go back."

Chen Yang said: "Actually, I also want to understand something now."

Xiao Ling and Bai Qing looked at Chen Yang.

Chen Yang said: "It is impossible for Yuan Sheng to completely trust me, not because there is something wrong with me. It is based on an intuition..."

Xiao Ling said: "The situation you mentioned does exist. Once you have reached this level of cultivation, you will always have some sense of the dangers around you. But if Xiaobai succeeds in disguising your identity, you will still be much safer."

Bai Qing said: "My danger is always much less, unlike the second brother who has to go deep into the tiger's den. So the second brother doesn't have to worry too much about me!"

Xiao Ling said: "No matter what, you must plan carefully. I am a little worried now, Chen Yang, after you lure Xiaobai out, who will they arrange to deal with you. If Yuan Sheng and the black corpse are squatting together, this problem will Big.”

Chen Yang said: "Yuan Sheng will not squat down, I can guarantee this!"

Xiao Ling said, "Oh, why did you say that?"

Chen Yang said: "If Yuan Sheng wants to guard Xiaobai, it means that he wants to completely break his face. If he wants to completely break his face and knows that you, the Immortal King, are injured, then he will be in the Immortal Realm. I will attack you when the time comes. Wouldn't it be better to deal with them one by one first, and then catch Xiaobai directly? He didn't do this, which shows that the time has not come yet. He has a bigger plan... So, I guess he Xumi Zi will be left to test Xiao Bai, and Hei Zhi will be waiting by the side. If other saints intervene at that time, he should be able to take away Hei Zhi instantly. It was Hei Zhi, Hei Zhi and Yuan Sheng who attacked Nuwa Empress in the first place. The relationship between them is very strange. I think the black corpse should be some kind of clone of Yuan Sheng. Some of the abilities displayed by the black corpse belong to the path of death. The heavenly path of death is controlled by Ye Sheng. The black corpse should control the heavenly path of life. A part of it. Because the way of life and heaven includes life and death!"

Xiao Ling was slightly startled and said, "It turns out there is such a connection between them. If you didn't tell me, I really wouldn't have thought of this!"

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