My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 3981: temple of time, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

Chen Yang naturally had to be humble in front of Empress Nuwa, and said hurriedly: "That's that, you can't get a full picture, let alone a junior."

Empress Nuwa said: "Well, remember, always keep an open mind. This is always right."

Chen Yang said: "Young generation, please be taught!" After a pause, he added: "By the way, Madam, where did you feel the supreme timeline you mentioned? Does such a thing really exist? I often think about many questions. , about the universe, about time, about space. Is the universe the only one? Where is the edge of the universe? What is beyond the edge? It seems difficult to even imagine. People say that the sea is boundless, but there is land beyond the sea. .Beyond the earth there is the solar system, outside the solar system there is the Milky Way, and outside the Milky Way is the universe. So outside the universe, what about the outside outside the universe? Including time. If time has no end, then time always has a beginning, right? It’s a waste of time for us. People who have been cultivating Taoism for many years think that they are highly capable and have learned the secrets of heaven, but in fact there are still many things they don’t know.”

Empress Nuwa said: "I can't give you the answers to these questions. Even Taozu can't give the answers. To be precise, no one can give the answers. Just like the ant you mentioned, an ant on land. , how is it possible to imagine a world beyond the earth?”

Chen Yang said: "As far as the universe is concerned, we are just ants on the earth, so not only do we not know, we can't even fully imagine it."

Empress Nuwa said: "That's right!"

Chen Yang thought of something and said, "By the way, how do you feel about the supreme timeline you mentioned?"

Nuwa Empress said: "This is some information I got when I used the power of a saint to understand the universe during my practice. This kind of information is in a free state in the air, and not every saint can capture it."

Chen Yang said: "That's it!"

Nuwa Empress said: "I have talked to my brother about the Supreme Timeline. My brother has also calculated it, and he can calculate some things. But it is also very vague. My brother just calculated too many things, which finally led to inner demons. Invasion, obsession. His thirst for knowledge about the universe is too strong, that's why he is like this. Remember, on your journey of cultivation, you must remain curious, but not overly curious. The higher your cultivation level, the more curious you will be. On the contrary, the heart is the biggest inner demon. Why does a person like the Emperor of the Universe incarnate as the way of heaven? It’s not because he wants to know more truth.”

Chen Yang said: "Junior, remember this!"

Nuwa Empress continued: "We have initially sorted out the Supreme Timeline. It can be imagined that a long time ago, it should be said to be hundreds of billions or trillions of years ago, the timeline is messy. Various different time existences...are equivalent to mortals. In the early days of civilization, each had its own currency, its own writing, and its own language. Moreover, the timeline was too confusing and would produce more branches. One branch can produce countless branches, and countless branches can then derive from it, which is extremely terrifying. . Later, the timeline almost collapsed the entire universe... So at this time, a group of time saints began to integrate all the timelines, and synthesized all the timelines into a single supreme timeline. In this way, the entire time will flow smoothly. At the same time, this group of time saints also established the Temple of Time outside the timeline, also called the Temple of the Supreme. The Temple of Time transcends the timeline and protects the timeline. Because throughout the long river of time, there will always be a few slaves from the river Those who broke out from the inside, so they eliminated these people, or controlled them to prevent them from destroying the Supreme Timeline."

Chen Yang suddenly understood and said: "That's it!" He felt that many things that he couldn't figure out seemed to be figured out at this moment.

So, he couldn't help but said: "According to this, the destruction of the arc element by the junior and Susu is actually what should happen in the supreme timeline, right?"

Empress Nuwa said: "Perhaps our ending has already been written in the Supreme Timeline, but we are still walking."

Chen Yang said: "If I have the chance, I really want to go to the Temple of Time."

Nuwa Empress said: "Don't say such silly and crazy things. Once you leave the Supreme Timeline, you can't come back. Once you come back, there will be many branches, which is not allowed."

Chen Yang was stunned for a moment, then said: "That's true!"

After that, he remembered something again and said: "When I was on Earth, one of my seniors and friends was a well-informed man. He held in his hand the One Yuan Boat that came from the Gate of Eternal Life. That The One Yuan Boat can refer to all things in the universe...but in the end he did not study the entire universe. But he studied many things that we don't know."

Empress Nuwa suddenly became interested and said: "I have heard about the person you are talking about, Emperor Xuan Zhenghao of Dakang, right? I heard that he died in the last war on earth, is that right?"

Chen Yang said: "I used to think he had fallen, but this time I met the eternal brother in the fairy world. The eternal brother's life was saved by Emperor Xuan, and he said with certainty that Emperor Xuan would not die. I think , Emperor Xuan is probably not dead, he just pretended to be dead and escaped. He knows that in the wind and rain of the earth, he will never be truly detached."

Empress Nuwa said: "The earth has always been controlled by the will of the Emperor of the Universe. Everything is based on the peace and stability of the earth. If the master is too strong and knows the secrets of the sky, it is an unstable factor, so it must be eliminated. We This group of people were all born on Earth, and they can actually understand the will and painstaking efforts of the Emperor of the Universe. If I were the Emperor of the Universe, I would not be able to tolerate people like us."

Chen Yang said: "You are right, but now the fairy world seems to be able to accommodate everything."

Nuwa Empress said: "There is no real way of heaven in the fairy world, and those of us finally became the beings who uphold the way of heaven. Now everything has changed, and the fairy world has become extremely large. After all, the earth is still too small, so it cannot accommodate it. The Immortal World is now big enough, so everything can be accommodated. Well, by the way, go ahead and talk about your new discovery of Xuanhuang."

Obviously, she is very interested in the unknown universe.

Chen Yang said: "Xuanhuang mentioned two civilizations. These two civilizations are the infinite gene civilization and the dark gene civilization. Both civilizations gain power by unlocking their own gene locks and use their own gene locks to compare with the universe. Various existences, thereby achieving powerful power. Every move is equivalent to solving a problem of an equation, quickly using the power of gene locks to obtain cosmic civilization, etc. It is very complicated and difficult to understand. But it is A higher civilization!”

After listening to Chen Yang's words, Empress Nuwa fell into deep thought.

Chen Yang didn't dare to disturb.

After a long time, Nuwa Empress came back to her senses, sighed, and said: "The three words gene lock are enough to enlighten people. In some essence, the connection between gene lock, our mana and the universe are all It's the same thing. Maybe that kind of civilization has existed for a longer time, so it can capture more powerful cosmic energy. This is the generation gap of civilization..."

Chen Yang said: "Just like the car speed, rocket speed, etc. studied by mortals, there are constraints. But once the constraints are broken, the progress made is also extremely terrifying."

Empress Nuwa said: "That's about right. There is no end to learning and there is no end to Tao!"

Fly all the way down.

Chen Yang has been thinking about it and feels that human beings are very wonderful and interesting creatures. Sometimes I feel arrogant that I know everything, and sometimes I feel as if I know nothing.

Exploration never ends!

But don’t get too addicted to it, as it can lead to big problems!

Time flies so fast, and in the blink of an eye, another month has passed.

In this month, Chen Yang and Nuwa Empress finally became more harmonious, and they were no longer as stiff as before. After Chen Yang had been in contact with Nuwa Empress for a long time, he felt more and more that Hei Yi Suzhen's character was modeled after hers. They are very irritable, but they are not bad people. As long as they really get their approval, they will definitely help sincerely.

Generally speaking, Empress Nuwa's character is slightly calmer and more majestic than that of Hei Yi Suzhen.

This is the difference between the two.

In this month, Chen Yang has not found any signal from Hei Yi Suzhen.

But on this day, suddenly, he suddenly caught a familiar breath in the spiritual platform in his mind.

I couldn't help but feel overjoyed and came out of the Feather Palace.

The Nuwa Empress is standing on the back of the colorful divine phoenix, searching the void for thousands of miles...

"Mother, I feel Susu!" Chen Yang was ecstatic.

Empress Nuwa was also overjoyed and said: "Really?"

Chen Yang said: "It's absolutely true!" Then he sat cross-legged again and sent out a response.

At this time, Hei Yi Suzhen also received a message from Chen Yang.

The messages between the two are separated by a light-year in the void of the universe, but they sense each other.

They can only sense each other and cannot talk to each other.

But the connection has been established, and you can start moving towards the same position.

Empress Nuwa followed Chen Yang's direction and moved forward at full speed.

Chen Yang's heart became excited and active. When he hadn't found Hei Yi Suzhen before, he was under too much pressure and had too many things to deal with before he could get distracted. Now that the beauty is right in front of you, how can you not be excited?

Another month later, the distance between Chen Yang and Hei Yi Suzhen has become closer and closer.

"We'll see you in three days." Chen Yang said to Nuwa Empress with great joy.

Empress Nuwa nodded.

Chen Yang found that her expression was a little strange. To be precise, she was a little nervous.

After a while, Empress Nuwa asked Chen Yang: "Will she... hate me?"

Chen Yang understood Empress Nuwa's worries and said, "How could that happen?"

Empress Nuwa said: "I am sorry for her. I brought her into this world, but let her drift in the wind and rain!"

Chen Yang said: "Susu is no longer a child, she will understand your painstaking efforts."

Empress Nuwa said: "I heard you talk about her temperament. Her temperament is like mine. She is not afraid of heaven or earth..."

Chen Yang smiled and said: "It's not that you are not afraid of anything. You and she both have one thing in common."

Empress Nuwa said: "Oh?"

Chen Yang said: "You and she are both afraid of your children."

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