My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 3986: Extremely dangerous, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

Ye Qingming was stunned for a moment and said, "Move to my place?"

Emperor Fuxi said: "I know it is a bit excessive and rude to suddenly make such a request to you, but if this makes you find it unacceptable, we can understand!"

After Ye Qingming pondered for a while, he said: "Moving to the Nether Sea of ​​Blood is indeed the best arrangement. I have no problem with it. So, who are the people who are willing to move here?"

Emperor Fuxi said: "King Xiao Xian, there is no problem with our Heaven Realm and the three saints from Kunlun State. As for the Western Realm, it is still uncertain due to the long distance. But we have sent the Tongtian Cult Leader to lobby. Hope there will be no problem.”

Ye Qingming said: "The Western Sect is the closest to the Yuan Realm, which is indeed a big hidden danger. The one that needs to come over the most is the Western Realm. Otherwise, one day, the Yuan Sage starts to take action, and the two saints will have to fight in order to survive. Compromise. We are all immortal, who would rather die than surrender? I can't do it, and I believe it will be difficult for you, fellow Taoist, to do it."

Emperor Fuxi smiled bitterly and said: "We have indeed passed the age of throwing our heads and blood when the blood rises."

Ye Qingming said in a deep voice: "Sending only the leader of Tongtian Cult is still a bit risky after all."

Emperor Fuxi said: "But if the other party is calculated mentally and unintentionally, it won't help if we send a few more people there! But now, Yuan Sheng holds the covenant of heaven and earth, and he probably doesn't want to detonate the battle in advance."

Ye Qingming said: "That's true!"

Emperor Fuxi said: "Besides, Master Tongtian is an extremely smart and powerful person, so he should naturally know how to seek good fortune and avoid misfortune. We don't have to worry too much about him... Chen Yang can still come and go freely in the Yuan Realm."

Ye Qingming said: "There are many things that Chen Yang can do that we can't do, so we can't compare them like this. But it's useless to worry now."

Emperor Fuxi said: "Yes!"

Ye Qingming said: "After moving here, everyone can only set up residences around Qingmingque. I hope that the purity of my place will not be destroyed."

! "

Emperor Fuxi said: "Girl, don't worry about this. In fact, we all like to be alone. This time, we really have no choice!"

Ye Qingming nodded and said, "That's good."

Emperor Fuxi said: "We will discuss the details again. Once we are sure that there is no problem, I will go back immediately to deal with the relocation."

Ye Qingming said: "Okay!"

In the fairy world, the six major realms stand each other and form a huge system, forming a majestic and terrifying fairy world!

The Shura Realm and the Yuan Realm seem to be the closest, but in fact they are the farthest. Because they are separated by thousands of mountains and rivers, a land of nothingness. So far, no one has successfully crossed the land of nothingness.

The Shura Realm is adjacent to the Kunlun Realm, the Kunlun Realm is adjacent to the Heaven Realm, the Heaven Realm is adjacent to the Nether Realm, and the Nether Realm and the Western Realm seem to be adjacent, but the vast sea in between is also extremely vast. From the nether world to the western world, it takes an ordinary expert about three months. Moreover, this is just entering the Western World, not counting the time traveling through the Western World.

Of course, the distance between heaven and netherworld is not close. The only good thing about the Netherworld is that if Ye Qing meditates to see you, he can instantly open a door to the void for you. Because the Netherworld Blood Sea really belongs to her family.

The closest ones still belong to the Kunlun Realm and the Heaven Realm!

The relationship between these two families is also the best.

Let's talk about the leader of Tongtian Cult rushing all the way to the Western Realm. His flying speed is much faster than other people.

Even so, he still has not reached the Western Realm. In the meantime, he must first reach the heaven from Kunlun, then pass from the heaven to the netherworld, and then from the netherworld to the western realm. After arriving in the Western Realm, we still have to cross the vast sea and so on!

Now, he has just left the Nether World and is traveling in the vast sea between the Nether World and the Western World.

Flying days are somewhat boring.

On this day, Master Tongtian felt a little tired. When he saw a small island in front of him, he flashed and landed on the island.

The island is surrounded by clouds, mountains, and seas of mist. If a mortal saw it, he would definitely say that this is the Penglai Immortal Island.

After the leader of the Tongtian cult came to the island, his spiritual thoughts shot in all directions, and he immediately knew that this island was deserted and no human being had ever set foot on it.

There are many raptors and beasts on the island, but to a saint like Master Tongtian, these are by no means a threat.

Leader Tongtian found a big tree, then sat cross-legged under the tree, and quickly entered a state of meditation.

It was foggy all around, and the sun couldn't penetrate the vast sea of ​​clouds and fog.

The leader of the Tongtian cult was dressed in gray cloth, looking like a poor old Taoist. There was no majesty or terror in him. He always gives people a kind and kind feeling.

This leader has a wide range of disciples, teaching all kinds of people, and he really has a heart of great compassion in his heart.

Not long after, Master Tongtian had completely entered into an extremely peaceful state. This was Yunyou Taixu!

Time passes minute by minute...

Soon, it got dark.

The island is shrouded in darkness...

In the night, the sounds of insects and birds in the jungle come and go...

Leader Tongtian suddenly opened his eyes, and he saw a purple mist appearing in the jungle ahead. I suddenly became curious, how could there be purple mist here?

His spiritual thoughts swept over, but he found that his spiritual consciousness was empty. At the same time, he felt that the purple mist was extremely strange. It was neither fog nor water. It seemed to be holy power, but it didn't look like holy power. There is still the power of time flowing in the purple mist...

The master of Tongtian Sect was bold and not afraid of anything, so he quickly moved towards the purple mist. In the blink of an eye, he had arrived in front of Ziwu.

He stared at the purple mist, trying to see through it, but he couldn't see through it at all.

"So weird?" Leader Tongtian took a deep breath and entered the purple mist.

There is indeed a different world inside the purple mist, and there is a vast world around it. But the surroundings are filled with clouds and mist, as if in a sea of ​​clouds. The sky and the earth are all covered with clouds.

The leader of Tongtian Cult couldn't help but shouted in a deep voice: "Who is this master, making false claims here?"

"Tongtian?" A voice came from the void and directly reached the ears of the leader of Tongtian.

When Master Tongtian heard the voice, his soul suddenly trembled. He immediately knelt down and said in a trembling voice: "Master? Master, are you your old man? Where have you been after so many years?"

"Tongtian!" the voice shouted again.

"Disciple is here!" Tongtian Cult Leader said: "Please come out to meet me, Master. Disciple misses you so much! And Senior Brother Yuan, Senior Brother misses you very much. You have been in these years..."

"Tongtian!" The voice shouted again as if it could not hear the voice of the leader of Tongtian.

Leader Tongtian was stunned.

"Tongtian, danger, danger, danger!" The voice suddenly said urgently.

"Master, Master!" Master Tongtian couldn't help but burst into tears and said, "This disciple wants to see you, this disciple misses you!"

"Doom, danger, danger!" The voice ignored the leader of Tongtian and continued to shout.

"Master..." The leader of Tongtian Cult was anxious this time, and while shouting loudly...

Suddenly, the whole person woke up with a start.

He found himself still sitting cross-legged and meditating under the tree.

It turns out that it was just a dream!

It was dark all around, still in the jungle of that small island, and the fog was heavy. His robes were already slightly soaked with dew...

However, Master Tongtian's mood could not be calm.

"Did I dream about Master, or was Master warning me from far away from the fairy world?" Leader Tongtian was a little confused for a moment.

"Danger? Are you talking about danger in the immortal world? Or are you talking about danger in the battle with Yuan Sheng? Or are you saying that my trip is dangerous?" Master Tongtian knows that his cultivation has reached this point, and he will not have such a dream for no reason. This dream is either a warning from the sixth sense, or Master is delivering a warning...

No matter what, this warning cannot be ignored.

"Has something happened in the Western world? But Pindao is only half way there, wouldn't it be a joke if he just goes back?" The leader of Tongtian can't just go back home no matter what. Even if the western world is dangerous, he must carefully explore it to see where the danger lies.

After daybreak, the leader of Tongtian Cult continued on his way towards the western border. But he was already a little more wary...

After Chen Yang, Nuwa Empress and Heiyi Suzhen entered the fairy world, they happened to come to the Netherworld.

It is possible for the entrance to lead anywhere.

Empress Nuwa wanted to go back to the Wa Palace...but Chen Yang wanted to see Ye Qingming.

Chen Yang said: "My Lady, don't you also want to meet this Ye Sheng? Do you want to take this opportunity and let me introduce him to you?"

After pondering for a long time, Nuwa Empress said: "Forget it, there are a lot of things going on in the heavens now, and I don't know what is going on. I have to go back. See you again when I have a chance!" After that, she asked again. Suzhen in black said: "Susu, will you go to the Wa Palace with me?"

Hei Yi Suzhen said: "Mother, I'd better go with Chen Yang to find the aura of the undead first. After we have settled the matter at hand, we will go to find you together, how about that?"

A flash of disappointment flashed in Nuwa's eyes, but she didn't say much. Finally, she nodded and said, "Okay, then please be safe!"

Heiyi Suzhen smiled slightly and said: "Don't worry, mother, we have experienced too many dangers of life and death together, and we support each other, so nothing will go wrong."

Empress Nuwa nodded and then left.

After Empress Nuwa left, Chen Yang and Heiyi Suzhen did not immediately enter the Netherworld Blood Sea, but flew above the Netherworld Blood Sea.

They have been apart for too long, and now they need real solitude.

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