My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4019: In front of the avenue, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

In the depths of the Hongmeng barrier, there are dense spots of light all around.

Yuan Sheng stood in the center of the light spot. The light spot was originally extremely fierce, but after touching him, it immediately became extremely gentle, weeping and complaining, like a lingering lover.

The ancestor of the undead stood opposite Yuan Sheng.

Behind the ancestor of the undead, the black vortex of the undead shows the vast world of the undead. The undead vortex is the engine and energy source of the undead ancestor.

Yuan Sheng no longer wanted to have any nonsense with the ancestor of the undead, so he took action. As he raised his hand, many light points formed a lightsaber storm, killing the ancestor of the undead.

The undead ancestor's undead whirlpool was activated, and countless black sword blades were formed to kill them.

The two divine powers met like thousands of armies in the void, and they fought fiercely in a terrifying battle formation!

But soon, Yuan Sheng's power gained the upper hand.

When he was in the world of the undead, Yuan Sheng could kill the ancestor of the undead. And here is the world of Yuan Sheng.

So how could the ancestor of the undead be Yuan Sheng's opponent.

In the blink of an eye, the black blades of the ancestors of the undead were all chopped into pieces by the lightsaber. Then, the lightsaber wrapped around the ancestor of the undead.

A moment later, the ancestor of the undead was also killed into countless ice-blue particles.

Yuan Sheng then drove the Hongmeng Divine Fire to wrap the ice blue particles and start refining...

Hongmeng purple energy is the nemesis of the undead energy.

What Yuan Sheng did this time was to deal with the ancestor of the undead once and for all.

These two forces are like water and fire.

However, even if Yuan Sheng controls Hongmeng Purple Qi at this moment, it is impossible to destroy the ancestor of the undead in a moment.

At this time, Yuan Sheng wants to control the entire Hongmeng barrier and refine the ancestor of the undead. All important tasks are tied to him.

The masters he brought were providing energy for Hongmeng Chaos!

The saints were extremely aggrieved at this moment, and they deeply understood the power of Hongmeng's confusion. He also knew that the more he counterattacked at this time, the more powerful the Hongmeng barrier would be. But if I keep enduring like this, there is no way to break through.

Back then, Empress Nuwa directly found a gap in the Hongmeng barrier and broke through instantly. But now it can't be done...because there are too many people in the Hongmeng Mystery.

The experts have calmed down under the comfort of the saints.

The saints are discussing quickly among themselves, because if this continues, it will really be a dead end.

"Taozu, we have to find a solution quickly!" said the saint.

Taishang Taoist Ancestor said in a deep voice: "This Hongmeng Mystery is the ecosystem created after the existence of Hongmeng Purple Qi. No one except Yuan Sheng can mobilize it. We are now fighting against the ecosystem of the entire fairy world. Our strength is also the Hongmeng Mystery. Because of the power of the barrier, we humans in the Grandmist Obscurity are just like a mortal who cannot lift it up by lifting his hair. It seems that as long as we are still in the fairy world, it is impossible to transcend the Grandmist Obstacle!"

"Is it really a dead end?" Yuanshi Tianzun was horrified.

Emperor Fuxi murmured: "Interconnected, the cycle of death and life, back and forth! This is the Hongmeng barrier, impossible to break, no flaws, no flaws!"

"Little friend?" Taishang Daozu finally looked at Chen Yang.

Obviously, Chen Yang is now the hope of the whole village!

All of Yuan Sheng's designs are aimed at the saints. He has studied the saints for so many years just for this day.

The wisdom of the saints may not be inferior to Yuan Sheng, but Yuan Sheng's centuries-old layout, how can it be cracked by the saints in one day?

What's more, Yuan Sheng has done enough understanding and research on the saints.

Chen Yang also had a huge headache at this time. He had to admit that he still underestimated Yuan Sheng. He thought that by cracking the decree of heaven, this dilemma would be solved. What's more, there is still the ancestor of the undead to suppress his Yuan Sheng?

I thought that after cracking the decree of heaven, I would be able to kill Yuan Sheng with overwhelming force. Even if you can't kill him, the opponent will still be severely injured and defeated. When he thought about it, the other party immediately changed his mind and plunged his group into an even greater desperate situation and death place.

Hei Yi Suzhen has always been paying attention to the external situation. She said to Chen Yang: "The saints can't do anything about the Hongmeng confusion. What can we do? The saints can still rely on their own abilities to break out of the Hongmeng in the ecology. Obstacles. We can’t even break through that level, let alone this place now?”

Chen Yang was calm and said, "It may not be impossible!"

Heiyi Suzhen also knew that Chen Yang had always been quick-witted. He might not be able to do anything he couldn't do or what the saints couldn't do.

Chen Yang used his mind to communicate with Heiyi Suzhen and said: "The more we are at this time, the less anxious we are. After all, there is a difference between this Hongmeng barrier and the Hongmeng barrier on the periphery of the fairy world. If we are facing that peripheral principle In the ecological Hongmeng barrier, so many of us have been entangled in it, and it has long been a dead end. But it is impossible for so many of us to go into the Hongmeng barrier together. And now, so many of us are in the Hongmeng barrier, because This Hongmeng barrier is caused by Yuan Sheng. What he moved here... is not original. So the key to all the problems lies with Yuan Sheng..."

"If you find Yuan Sheng, you can crack it!" Chen Yang's eyes suddenly lit up. He immediately expressed his thoughts to the saints.

Taishang Daozu and others immediately wondered: "Now that we are trapped here, how can we find Yuan Sheng?"

Chen Yang said in a deep voice: "Tao Ancestor, now their power is concentrated on attacking us. So we can only rely on you to break the situation..."

The Supreme Taoist Patriarch was very Taoist and said, "What should I do if I want to be a poor Taoist?"

Chen Yang said: "Yuan Sheng must be dealing with the ancestor of the undead at this moment. The ancestor of the undead is not his opponent here. But it is not easy for him to kill the ancestor of the undead. Therefore, now you need to feel where the Hongmeng Divine Fire is burning. If you want to know the existence of human beings, go there to look for it. But I am still worried that they will come to stop you."

Taishang Daozu nodded and said: "Okay, Pindao understands! As long as Yuan Sheng doesn't stop him personally, they still can't stop Pindao if they want to!"

Chen Yang added: "Yuansheng will definitely set up many obstacles to prevent us from finding it. You take the juniors with you, and the juniors will solve the obstacles."

Taishang Daozu nodded.

After that, Chen Yang shrank in size and became a man the size of a fist, standing directly on the shoulders of Taishang Daozu.

Taishang Daozu then left the golden circle of light and headed towards the depths of Hongmeng.

In the Hongmeng barrier, Long Xiaofeng has been paying attention to the situation within the golden shield.

Now that Taishang Daozu is leaving, they all see it.

"Stop him!" Long Xiaofeng immediately gave the order.

Strictly speaking, the saints were not trapped, but they did not dare to fight back. The harder they fight back, the more powerful the Hongmeng barrier will be, and the more they will be unable to bear it.

The people on Yuan Sheng's side didn't care about this and kept launching fierce attacks, so the Hongmeng barrier continued to become more powerful.

The saints knew that if they attacked fiercely now and the other party did not deal with it head-on, it would only make things worse.

If they go to look for Yuan Sheng together, I'm afraid that before Yuan Sheng is found, they will be completely killed by the Hongmeng barrier.

So at this time, the only way is to let Taishang Daozu take the risk to break through and find Yuan Sheng.

Long Xiaofeng was helping Yuan Sheng control the overall formation. At this time, he ordered Zhenhao Zhenren to take Yuan Yuxian and other experts to quickly intercept Taishang Daozu.

At the same time, Long Xiaofeng also mobilized more Hongmeng barrier lightsabers to kill Xiang Taishang Daozu.

At that time, the heavens roared wildly, and the lightsabers formed into wild dragons, carrying the rules of Hongmeng Purple Qi and the power of the Heavenly Way of Life to kill Taishang Daozu.

Anger surges wildly, and the heaven and earth are majestic!

Masters such as Master Creation, together with other semi-saint masters, mixed with the Heavenly Way of Life to attack together!

Under such an offensive, even Taishang Daozu would be hard-pressed to stop it.

Chen Yang stood on the shoulders of Taishang Daozu, and his heart was beating wildly at this moment. He could feel that the attack power could directly kill his level of cultivation instantly!

Taishang Daozu shook his body and suddenly transformed into three pure beings in one breath!

Three identical Dao Ancestors actually appeared in the field.


The three Taoist ancestors took action at the same time, and two of them stayed to block the attack.

The true form of Daozu disappeared directly.

Chen Yang felt that the true form of Taishang Daozu was like a loach in the mud. No matter how bad the conditions were, he could directly and magically squeeze out.

A lot of powerful killing generals came up, and Taishang Daozu's body twisted strangely, and then removed those powers.

"Is this the way of nature? It seems a bit like the way of Tai Chi!" Chen Yang said secretly.

Taishang Daozu successfully broke through the siege of the masters and quickly entered another layer of confusion. There were still lightsabers roaring all around, but it was no longer as violent as before.

Suddenly, the surroundings became extremely quiet!

The lightsaber was obviously fierce, but it made no sound.

Taishang Taoist Patriarch released the six senses, but he only felt that everything between heaven and earth was hazy.

He couldn't help being surprised.

Chen Yang also felt this situation immediately.

"No sound? Mirror space?" Chen Yang sent his thoughts to Taishang Taozu.

Taishang Dao Ancestor said: "I have never encountered such a weird thing. I think this place was built by Yuan Yunzhong with the entire Hongmeng Purple Qi and Hongmeng Mystery Barrier. It is beyond our knowledge!"

Chen Yang concentrated on the feeling.

After a long time, Chen Yang, who was thinking hard, began to mutter to himself.

Finally, his eyes lit up and he said: "There is only one way of nature that can trap you... the most simple way. Close your eyes, put away your magic power, and let the lightsaber kill you, then everything can be broken!"

Taishang Daozu was surprised and said: "Are you sure?"

Once Chen Yang makes a mistake in judgment, they will definitely be seriously injured with their level of cultivation.

Serious injury in this place means death!

Chen Yang thought quickly and said: "I have thought about it for a long time. This is the only way. He made a bet that we would not dare to do this..."

"My little friend, you came to this conclusion too quickly. Could it be that he did it on purpose? Just to hurt us?" Taishang Daozu still hesitated after all.

Chen Yang said: "Any possibility is possible. I used his thinking to think of how to trap you."

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