My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4045: Origin of vitality, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

Ye Qingming waited for nearly two years, and finally waited until the black corpse began to take shape.

At this time, the black corpse huddled together, and around his soul, the spirit of death surrounded him, forming a mass similar to a silkworm chrysalis.

The black silkworm chrysalis is layer upon layer and densely packed. The silkworm chrysalis slowly provides the black corpse's soul with various nutrients, flesh and blood, and the power to construct many worlds. This is a complex process, and it is also a vast and majestic process. The structure of the small world of cells is based on the universe. One flower, one world, one leaf, one bodhi!

Ye Qingming felt the physical reconstruction process of the black corpse, and couldn't help but secretly marveled, thinking: "Shaping is so difficult, it is something that can only be met but not expected. But he is actually shaping it. If Chen Yang and the others hadn't made this arrangement, it would have been only a matter of time before the black corpse walked out again, and in such a short period of time."

But she didn't know that Yuan Sheng had not been idle these days, and had been using the law of death to warm the black corpse. Only in this way can he successfully help the black corpse shape up!

Without the help of Yuan Sheng, the black corpse would be absolutely impossible to shape.

Yuan Sheng and Black Corpse share the Heavenly Way of Death, and Black Corpse itself is a part of Yuan Sheng's body, so Yuan Sheng can help Black Corpse in such extreme situations.

In the fairy world, in the temple palace, Yuan Sheng has done nothing else in the past two years. He sits cross-legged and meditates every day, and uses the heavenly law of death to warm the black corpse.

Yuan Yuxian will come to visit the master every once in a while.

On this day, Yuan Sheng called Yuan Yuxian.

After Yuan Yuxian arrived, he found that the palace had been guarded by a barrier.

"Master..." Yuan Yuxian shouted.

"Sit!" After Yuan Sheng opened his eyes, he pointed to the opposite side and said.

Yuan Yuxian said: "Yes!"

After she sat down, Yuan Sheng said: "Your brother Black Corpse has begun to form a cocoon and is shaping up. This process is quite long, but it is also when he is most vulnerable. It is almost certain that when he is most vulnerable, it is Ye When Qing Ming takes action."

Yuan Yuxian said: "Maybe she can't find Senior Brother Black Corpse at all."

Yuan Sheng said: "There is no such thing as luck."

Yuan Yuxian said: "This..."

Yuan Sheng said: "A teacher has his own way."

Yuan Yuxian's face showed joy and said: "That's great." A trace of sadness flashed in Yuan Sheng's eyes and said: "I called you here today. First, I want you to keep it secret and protect me. Second, I want to follow you. Tell me some funeral arrangements!"

"Funeral affairs?" Yuan Yuxian turned pale in shock and said, "Why do you say that?"

Yuan Sheng said: "The world of death is too vast, and their distance from here is too far. Previously, he helped the black corpse and nourished it with the heavenly law of death. He could sense the heavenly law of death and absorb the energy. But now, we need to It's not that easy to deal with Ye Qingming. The only way is to burn your own vitality source for the master."

"The source of vitality?" Yuan Yuxian was suddenly confused.

Yuan Sheng said: "This is something that only I have! The Heavenly Way of Life helps me derive the source of life." After a pause, he added: "The source of life is the best fuel for the power of death. As long as the source of life is burned enough, Wang, my master's power in the world of death is strong enough. When the time comes, my master will condense these powers into the black corpse, allowing the black corpse to absorb it and deal with Ye Qingming."

Yuan Yuxian said: "The source of vitality? What will happen once it is burned out?"

Yuan Sheng said: "The source of vitality is irreversible. Once it is burned out, the teacher will disappear. The less the source of vitality, the shorter the life of the teacher. Perhaps, if the source of vitality for the teacher is burned out, The other party has not been eliminated yet. By then, our clan will lose our master and the black corpse at the same time, and then there will be no need for you to continue fighting against the human clan."

Yuan Yuxian said: "This... Master, it seems too risky. Why would we take such a strange risk and push ourselves to this point?"

Yuan Sheng said: "It's not that we have to take this strange risk as a teacher, but that the situation has reached this point. If the black corpse is killed by Ye Qingming, we will lose a general. And under the circumstances, We will fail. On the other hand, if we win the bet this time, the other party will lose Ye Qingming. At the same time, we can successfully kill Chen Yang. Then, we will regain control of the situation."

At this point, he sighed and said: "In this game, we prepared for a long time, took the initiative to attack, and took the absolute initiative. We thought it was a situation where we were sure to win, but now we have reached this point. , It’s really pathetic. If we don’t come up with a surprising move, we will have to admit defeat in this game.”

Yuan Yuxian fell silent.

Yuan Sheng couldn't help but ask: "What are you thinking about?"

Yuan Yuxian said: "Disciple doesn't know what to say."

Yuan Sheng said: "I'm thinking, do I really want to keep going like this? I'm thinking, is it the right thing to do as a teacher, right? I'm thinking, the Kepler people are still living well, right?"

Yuan Yuxian lowered his head and said: "Master, you have a sharp eye, and nothing the disciple thinks can be hidden from your eyes. When we were high-spirited, I thought everything was correct. But now that we have reached this point, the disciple cannot bear it. I just thought, we already have many, many magical powers, so why do we keep going down this dead end?"

Yuan Sheng said: "Then tell me, what was your state of mind when you became a semi-saint? What is your wish to continue on this path of cultivation? How can you continue on if you have no obsession?"

Yuan Yuxian said: "My disciple's obsession is to protect the people and let the Kepler people raise their heads."

Yuan Sheng said: "But now, how to protect us? If we don't stand up and fight, will we still have a foothold in this fairy world? Can we take away all the people?"

Yuan Yuxian shook his head and said: "No!"

Yuan Sheng said: "In many things, there is no turning back when the bow is drawn."

Yuan Yuxian said: "Yes! However, you are an immortal body. Burning the source of life like this will cause irreversible damage to your life. Do you think it is all worth it? After thousands of years, you are no longer here. Then What does it all mean to you?"

Yuan Sheng said: "You asked this question very well. I am the master who controls the way of life and knows a lot about life. Many people only understand life, including you. They only know the meaning of life and do not want to face death. The cultivation of Taoists is always incomplete because they are greedy for the world and afraid of death."

"Death is the end, how can we not be afraid of death? Master, so what if it is meaningful? Doesn't it mean nothing if you die?" Yuan Yuxian asked.

Yuan Sheng said: "Life and death each account for half. Death is indeed meaningless. But fear of death is not acceptable. Only by understanding the cycle and rotation between death and life can you understand the true meaning of the great road. You can take a closer look, When a person is born, he has no ability to move. That is the distance between death and life... When people grow old, they will lose their ability to move, just like a newborn baby. It’s just that one is hope and the other is the end. Hope and end, new life And death, reincarnation and ultimate, these are the laws of heaven and earth.”

Yuan Yuxian said: "This disciple is still a little confused."

Yuan Sheng smiled slightly and said: "This is very complicated. It is impossible to explain it clearly to you in a few words."

Yuan Yuxian said: "Disciple still doesn't understand. You chose to end the immortal body and don't regret it?"

Yuan Sheng said: "A person lives his whole life and does nothing. No matter how long he lives, it will be in vain! If you can complete the goal of being a teacher, then even if you sacrifice, you should be immortal. This is the meaning of death!"

Yuan Yuxian's body trembled, and he suddenly realized something.

Yuan Sheng said: "Those who are afraid of death cannot be immortal after all. My teacher said that Tongtian is stupid in front of the real person, just to appease the real person. In fact, the teacher admires Tongtian very much!"

Yuan Yuxian said: "Disciple understands."

"Do you really understand?" Yuan Sheng asked with a smile.

Yuan Yuxian's eyes were slightly red and he said, "I really understand."

Yuan Sheng said: "Okay, okay, okay!"

Yuan Yuxian said: "Actually, there are no funeral arrangements. If you were not here, we would not be able to survive."

Yuan Sheng said: "Not at all. After my master dies, you and Long Xiaofeng and the others will leave the fairy world quickly. As for the clan members, just leave it to fate! That's all we can do!"

Yuan Yuxian said: "You will be fine."

Subsequently, Yuan Sheng began to officially operate the divine power of heaven and burn the source of vitality.

In the Qingming Palace, the saints began to feel that the heavenly law of life was exerting its might...

Taishang Daozu's heart tightened. They had calculated that Yuan Sheng might burn the source of vitality to help Black Corpse...

All the saints immediately gathered together.

Taishang Taoist Ancestor said in a deep voice: "Unexpectedly, Yuan Sheng has such a cruel determination, and he actually does not hesitate to waste his own life, even if he dies, he also wants to help Black Corpse to eliminate Miss Ye."

Emperor Fuxi also sighed and said: "Previously, Dao Ancestor and I even thought about this matter. We just thought that even if Yuan Sheng loses his vitality, there is a high possibility that he will fail. Once he fails, Black Corpse will die, and so will he. Die. We thought it was unlikely that he would take such a tragic approach! Unexpectedly, he would dare to do this. We still underestimated him!"

All the saints were immediately worried.

Sage Zhunti asked: "What is the worst result?"

Taishang Daozu said: "The worst result is that Miss Ye is eaten by the black corpse, and the black corpse's cultivation level is greatly increased, and at the same time she walks out of the world of death. After that, little friend Chen Yang will not survive... We will be... completely defeated!" "

Empress Nuwa said: "What about the good results?"

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