My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4051: soul fit, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

It's late at night!

In a bedroom of the Blue Sea Black Turtle Palace, Situ Ling'er quietly nestled in Chen Yang's arms. Afterwards, she couldn't help but touch Chen Yang's cheek and said softly: "I really doubt whether I am dreaming at this moment."

Chen Yang kissed her lips and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, what I have always brought you is mostly fear!"

Situ Ling'er immediately said: "Don't say sorry!"

Chen Yang smiled slightly.

Then, he bullied her.

It was an intense wave.

After the waves calmed down, the two quietly cuddled together again.

Between each other, no more words are needed.

"Let's go for a walk!" Chen Yang suggested after some time.

Situ Ling'er naturally followed Chen Yang in everything and nodded immediately.

After the two got dressed, they left the Blue Sea Black Turtle Palace and then came to the sea.

They were walking on the sea, and the moon in the sky was unusually bright.

The silver moonlight shines on the sea, so beautiful.

They walked hand in hand on the sea, and unknowingly walked ten thousand nautical miles...but they were almost approaching the coast.

It is said that it is close to the coast, but in fact it is a thousand nautical miles away from the coast.

There is a fishing boat on the sea in the distance. The fishing boat is quite large and moored quietly on the sea.

On the deck of the fishing boat, someone was sleeping.

It's the hot summer season, and sleeping on the deck is cool and comfortable enough.

Chen Yang walked towards the fishing boat... Situ Ling'er was slightly startled and said, "What are you doing?"

Chen Yang said: "I have been in the fairy world for so long, and I feel like my feet have never touched the ground. The fishing boats in front of me feel like there are fireworks in the world, so I want to take a look."

"It will scare them." Situ Ling'er said.

Chen Yang smiled slightly and said, "We don't seek wealth or life, so what are we afraid of?"

Situ Ling'er had no choice but to say: "Okay!"

Chen Yang took Situ Ling'er to the deck of the fishing boat. There were a dozen fishermen lying on the deck. They slept in various directions and snored all day long.

The sea breeze blows…

Chen Yang couldn't help but be intoxicated by such human fireworks.

There is even a slight throbbing deep in my heart. When will I be able to enjoy such human fireworks all the time?

Can the earth still maintain such fireworks?

After standing at the bow of the boat for a long time, a fisherman and crew member suddenly woke up. In his sleepy eyes, he saw Chen Yang and Situ Ling'er.

Just when he opened his eyes suddenly, the person in front of him had disappeared out of thin air.

He sat up and rubbed his eyes continuously, but he couldn't see anything.

Chen Yang took Situ Ling'er to the peak of an island, and the two found a place to sit down.

Chen Yang then said seriously: "Ling'er, there's something I have to tell you."

Situ Ling'er felt the unusual tone in Chen Yang's tone, but felt a slight sense of ominousness in her heart, and asked, "What's the matter?"

Chen Yang said in a deep voice: "I'm in big trouble when I come here this time!"

Immediately, he chased the black corpse and told everything about how he and Xuan Zhenghao fought against the enemy. Including later, the black corpse entered the world of death, etc., all were also mentioned.

"Now I only have 500,000 years of life left, so I definitely can't deal with the black corpse. Susu also only has 500,000 years of life left, so I can't cooperate with her!" Chen Yang said.

Situ Ling'er said: "I also have a lifespan of eight million years, so I can cooperate with you. But I'm worried that even these eight million years won't be enough."

Chen Yang hugged Situ Ling'er tightly...

"Ling'er, at this time, I don't want to hide it from you. The Great Fate Technique alone can no longer stop the black corpse. When the time comes, my way is to activate the calamity fire in my body to burn the black corpse."

Situ Ling'er couldn't help but turn pale and said: "Calamity Fire? What about you?" She certainly knew the horror of the fateful Calamity Fire.

"If this fails, the earth will not exist." Chen Yang said: "I caused the disaster, and I have the responsibility to put it out."

Situ Ling'er immediately said with firm eyes: "I will die with you!"

Chen Yang said quickly: "No, this is meaningless. Ling'er, you still have Ruoran to take care of, don't do this. When the critical moment comes, I will push you out. In fact, I wanted to do this without telling you , I will not tell you the dangers, and I will die alone at the last moment. But I feel that if I hide it from you, I am afraid that you will have regrets in the future, so after thinking about it, it is better to tell you everything!"

Situ Ling'er said: "You can't stop me."

Chen Yang said: "Ling'er, don't be like this. I also really hope that I can survive. As long as there is a way, I don't want to abandon you. There is no way now, but there is a way for you to survive. If you are tired because of me, He was also killed, and I cannot accept this result."

Situ Ling'er lowered his head, and at this moment, tears fell from his eyes!

She was originally very happy for this reunion, but how could she have thought that on the day of the reunion, she would be faced with the news that he would die.

The first day was with Situ Ling'er, and the second day was with Shen Mo Nong.

Shen Mo Nong and Qiao Ning were humble to each other, but Qiao Ning still insisted...

The spiritual fit between Chen Yang and Shen Mo Nong is always missing.

Of course, Chen Yang wouldn't reveal anything. He has always been very grateful to Shen Mo Nong for his contribution to the family...

After the love affair ended, Chen Yang and Shen Mo Nong also talked about a lot of things in the fairy world and so on. He wanted to say something about the black corpse, but for some reason, the words came to his lips and he couldn't say them out.

It's easy to talk to Ling'er, and it seems to be particularly easy to get along with her.

Between him and Shen Mo Nong, there was more of a middle-aged couple feeling.

On the third day, I was with Qiao Ning.

They are entangled together and fit together so well.

When the two of them are together, they can't help but recall the encounter and the things they experienced...

The affection is endless...

They also talked about the child Yun Qingyao who was still in the Eternal Star Territory.

When children grow up, they naturally want to stay away from their parents.

They knew that Yun Qingyao was doing well, and they felt relieved.

Chen Yang then told Qiao Ning about the current crisis and that he might die soon. The purpose of what he, Qiao Ning and Ling'er said was to prepare them mentally.

Don't be too sad and sad when the time comes.

After Qiao Ning heard this, she was stunned. Then she burst into tears... She never imagined that after all the hard work she had hoped for her husband to come back, but in the end he would die.

Chen Yang hugged her tightly and comforted her: "It's not necessarily that she will die. I've always been blessed with great fortune."

After a long time, Qiao Ning's emotions gradually calmed down and she said: "There must be a way, there must be a way."

Chen Yang nodded and said: "There is still time, there will be a way. How can I let you go."

At the end, he said to Qiao Ning: "Susu knows about this matter. In addition, I also told Ling'er and you. But I didn't tell Mo Nong... I don't know what happened, facing her , I always feel it’s hard to speak up. But if something happens to me in the future, and you all know it, but she doesn’t know, she will be very sad. Not only sad about my death, but also sad about my different treatment of her. .I do not like this!"

Qiao Ning looked at her mother-in-law with tears in her eyes, but she had no intention of paying attention to Chen Yang.

Life has to go on after all.

Chen Yang did not intend to tell Qin Lin and the others, because in such a battle, if they join, they will only die in vain.

I don’t want to tell the children, lest they feel sad.

He wanted to go to Danube, but he didn't dare to go!

Because the black corpse knows his whereabouts very well, once he leaves the earth, he is afraid that the black corpse will follow him.

At that time, it will harm Nianci, Qingchen, Yaluo and the others...

As for family members on earth, it’s not easy to move them either. Moving now will expose your whereabouts...

Chen Yang felt that he had no way out... In this battle, he could only win, not lose!

On this day, he took Shen Mo Nong to the beach of an island.

Shen Mo Nong got some tools and then started roasting mutton and rabbit meat for Chen Yang... She was very familiar and virtuous...

Chen Yang sat aside, quietly watching her busy figure and the waves on the sea level...

The aroma of barbecue wafts into your nose...

After a while, Shen Mo Nong skewered the grilled meat and handed it to Chen Yang. And served cold beer...

"There is actually cold beer?" Chen Yang was extremely surprised.

Shen Mo Nong smiled slightly and said: "I know you are the best at this one, so I learned how to brew it. You try it..."

Chen Yang took a bite of the mutton and then took a swig of beer. At this moment, I felt extremely touching. He couldn't remember how long it had been since he had tasted this.

Shen Mo Nong smiled and watched him eating meat, with a satisfied expression in his eyes.

Chen Yang also looked at Shen Mo Nong. At that moment, he suddenly felt like an asshole.

He suddenly remembered the scene when he met Shen Mo Nong for the first time. At that time, Shen Mo Nong's cultivation was far higher than his own, and she was a goddess in his heart!

But now, her cultivation level is high and she can't keep up. I actually started to feel that I didn't fit in with her anymore...

What a bastard!

He couldn't help but kiss her red lips, and then said: "I love you, Mo Nong!" This was a heartfelt confession.

Shen Mo Nong was startled for a moment, and then his eyes became wet with tears.

She also hugged Chen Yang tightly.

In fact, she might not feel inferior in her heart.

Because her cultivation level can no longer keep up with Xuanyuan Yadan... Among the many sisters, she seems to be the most mediocre...

Moreover, she also knew that whether it was Ling'er, Qiao Ning, or Su Su, they all risked their lives for Chen Yang. They have all lived and died with Chen Yang countless times... Only I have hurt Chen Yang several times...

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