My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4064: Nightfall, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

Although Chen Yang and others were uncomfortable with the actions of the Undead Ancestor, they also knew that Yuan Sheng would be even crazier next. And on which side the ancestor of the undead stands, that side's chances of winning will be much greater.

Therefore, they will not confront the ancestor of the undead at this time.

But if you don't confront each other, it doesn't mean you have to compromise.

Chen Yang took a deep breath and said, "Ten years is too short, it will take at least thirty years."

"No!" said the ancestor of the undead: "Twenty years at most!"

Chen Yang said: "Okay!"

This is bargaining!

Then, Chen Yang said: "But in these twenty years, if we ask you to do something, you have to be there whenever we call."

The ancestor of the undead nodded and said, "No problem!"

Afterwards, Chen Yang and his party left the world of the dead. After returning to Qingmingque, the saints were overjoyed to see Chen Yang return.

They were tired from the journey, so Taishang Daozu suggested that Chen Yang and Hei Yi Suzhen rest for three days before discussing follow-up matters.

Suzhen, who was dressed in black, went to the Wa Palace of the Empress Nuwa. Chen Yang returned to his Lingxiu Palace...

His little brother Bai Qing was overjoyed to see him return.

Bai Qing is Mo Yu. Only the dead Ye Qingming knows this secret. Mo Yu's intention was that she didn't want Chen Yang to know that she was Mo Yu until her death. He is willing to hide his identity forever. Only in this way can she always be by Chen Yang's side without restraint. Maybe one day, she will let go of Chen Yang. At that time, she will stay away first and then resume her true identity.

In Lingxiu Palace, Chen Yang and Bai Qing cooked wine and chatted.

Chen Yang also talked about many things about this trip to Earth. He felt extremely guilty for causing Ye Qingming to die innocently. But Bai Qing comforted him in turn!

Bai Qing actually knew some things about Chen Yang's trip to Earth. She was satisfied to see him return safely.

Chen Yang later said: "I haven't told Dao Ancestors about the recovery of the Great Fate Technique yet. In fact, I am still considering whether to tell it. I have discussed it with Susu a lot, and Susu asked me not to tell it. People's hearts are unpredictable..."

Bai Qing also knew the consequences of burning the calamity fire, and said: "Don't say it." After a pause, he said: "Second brother, let me tell the truth, Tao Ancestor, Emperor Fuxi and others are not bad people. But they have their own positions and interests. ...When the last resort comes, they can sacrifice many things, including Senior Ye Qingming, including you! So, you absolutely cannot say anything."

Chen Yang glanced at Bai Qing and said, "I didn't expect you to actually understand this." Then he added, "That's right. Although you often act ignorant of worldly affairs in front of me, you are cultivating the Holy Realm of the Inner Demon!"

Bai Qing smiled and said: "The inner demon is a very mysterious thing. People who are too complicated can practice it, and people who are too simple can also practice it. I am the kind of person who is too simple..."

Chen Yang said: "Just trick me, I don't really understand it anyway."

Bai Qing raised his glass and said, "Second brother, drink!"

Both sides drank it all.

Chen Yang then said: "Yuan Yunzhong's life span is only more than forty years. This is a good thing, but it will also make us more urgent. It is absolutely terrifying for a person like him to jump over the wall in a hurry."

Bai Qing said: "I understand what you mean, second brother. If we regard those forty years as an advantage, we will blindly defend. If we blindly defend, there will be big problems. I think it is better to attack instead. We will keep attacking Yuan Yunzhong." , keep him unable to take action, and consume him to death!"

Chen Yang's eyes lit up and he said, "This is a solution!"

Bai Qing continued: "As for the Tears of Death matter! As long as we can solve the problem of Yuan Yunzhong first, then the ancestor of the undead will no longer be a problem."

Chen Yang said: "Yuan Yunzhong controls the way of life. It is easy to consume him, but extremely difficult to kill him."

Bai Qing said: "I know this too, but we can first make Yuan Yunzhong unable to fight back, and then kill the ancestor of the undead with his backhand. Then after forty years, the two of them will be finished together. We have to be in the middle. Make good use of the time difference…”

Chen Yang said: "Not to mention, your method is good! However, it is also very difficult to implement it perfectly. Because our opponents are all cunning and extremely smart. The ancestor of the undead will not be willing to be used by us, Yuan Yunzhong It’s not even a fuel-efficient lamp!”

Bai Qing said: "Anyway, there is a way to go. Let's adapt accordingly when the time comes. Second brother, you are lucky and have a great destiny. Nothing will happen to you."

Chen Yang smiled and said: "Thank you for your good wishes!" After a pause, he sighed: "After returning to Earth this time, I lived a very comfortable and happy life for a period of time. I really want to stay happy like that... Hey, it's also a crime. I have magical powers, but I am born with a hard life, and it is difficult to have a moment of peace. If I were the protagonist, I don't know how long the protagonist's role will be completed. I hope that I am the kind of person who can achieve success. A protagonist who retires and grows old happily, rather than a protagonist who ends up dead!"

Bai Qing said: "Bah, bah, bah, second brother, don't talk nonsense. You will have a lot of good days to live in the future! You will feel very bored in the future. When the time comes, you may miss the dangerous and harmonious life now. A day of challenge!”

Chen Yang laughed and said, "That's impossible to say. People are always quiet and thought about anything."

That night, Heiyi Suzhen did not come back. It seems that he was having a night talk with Nuwa Empress Bingzhu, and it was not good for Chen Yang to disturb their mother-daughter reunion.

The next day, Chen Yang went to the Wa Palace to visit Empress Nuwa.

It is worth mentioning that he had already taken back the black hole crystal from Chen Tinglan. When Chen Tinglan took the black hole crystal, he only chose one or two magic weapons. The child is very measured in what he does.

In the Wa Palace, Chen Yang solemnly paid a visit to Nuwa Empress.

Empress Nuwa always dislikes Chen Yang, so she has always been lukewarm. Her biggest dissatisfaction with Chen Yang is that every time something dangerous happens, Chen Yang drags her daughter with him.

Chen Yang himself felt that he was in the wrong, so he could only bear with his mother-in-law's displeasure.

After staying in Wa Palace for about a day, Chen Yang and Heiyi Suzhen returned to Lingxiu Palace together.

Taishang Taoist ancestor passed down the word, and at nine o'clock the next morning, all the saints gathered together to hold a meeting.

Bai Qing, Qionghua Fairy, Chen Yang, and Heiyi Suzhen will also be present.

Although these people are not saints, they still have to attend every important meeting.

That night, the entire Qingming Palace fell into a kind of silence.

All the saints rested in their respective palaces, which were all connected together. Although Ye Qingming was no longer here, they still managed to help each other and could arrive instantly. Their palaces maintain distance and privacy, as well as security.

Let's say that the Immortal King Xiao Ling and Fairy Qionghua are in the Yunhai Immortal Mansion. They have been husband and wife for nearly two thousand years. But the relationship has always been the same as before...when they didn't speak, they had an incomparable tacit understanding. When he speaks, he is warm and sweet.

In the palace, Fairy Qionghua was dressed coolly. Xiao Ling painted her eyebrows...

Fairy Qionghua said with a smile: "Chen Yang has been back for three days, and you didn't ask him to come and sit down?"

Xiao Ling smiled and said: "I do have a lot of things to ask, but Daozu has arrangements, so I am too lazy to bother with it. Besides, Chen Yang's trip is also very hard, and I am not in a hurry."

Fairy Qionghua said: "What do you think Dao Ancestor will say tomorrow?"

Xiao Ling said: "We still need to discuss the future. Yuan Sheng only has forty years of life. These forty years are the forty years that determine the success or failure of our destiny. In fact, it is also very difficult. The ancestors of the undead are also limited by Forty years...I always feel that these forty years have been difficult. We really cannot have negative thoughts. Once we have the intention to give in, the consequences will be serious."

Fairy Qionghua said: "You are right, but there are some things I have always wanted to say."

Xiao Ling said, "Oh? If you want to say anything, just say it. There are no scruples between the two of us."

Fairy Qionghua said: "With Miss Ye gone, this Netherworld Blood Sea can no longer provide us with a barrier. I remember Yuan Sheng has cracked the Netherworld Blood Sea, which means that the Blood Sea will make us blind."

Xiao Ling said: "We have thought of this a long time ago, because the ancestor of the undead is difficult to discuss. He said he would not go anywhere and could only stay here. If we leave, it will be difficult to contact Chen Yang. . If we all evacuate, and the ancestor of the undead is attacked by Yuan Yunzhong when he comes to pass, the consequences will be very serious. We have already made all the connections in Qingming Palace, that is, before Yuan Yunzhong They can't attack us by surprise. So, we just want to wait for Chen Yang to come back before discussing it. This time Chen Yang has come back, and this matter will be put on the agenda tomorrow. The ancestor of the undead still won't leave by then, so we won't be too lazy. Never mind him."

Fairy Qionghua said: "That's good!"

After the couple chatted for a while, they went to bed to rest together.

Fairy Qionghua quickly fell asleep peacefully in Xiao Ling's arms...

I don’t know how long it took, but the palace was dark and quiet...

In the silence, Xiao Ling and Fairy Qionghua suddenly sensed the crisis.

Xiao Ling suddenly sat up from the bed, and then he saw a strange scene.

In front of his bed, stood a young man in black.

The young man in black said nothing and had a cold face.

"Who?" Xiao Ling was shocked. He has experienced countless ups and downs in his life, but this time, the enemy didn't even notice when he was in front of him. This is incredible.

"Are you... a black corpse?" Xiao Ling quickly recognized the person.

He had come into contact with the black corpse. Although the young man in front of him looked different from the black corpse, the aura was the same. Furthermore, the appearance of the black corpse is actually the same as that of the young Yuan Sheng. But Xiao Ling has never seen the young Yuan Sheng...

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