My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4080: Armageddon, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

Yuan Sheng continued: "I originally wanted to lure Chen Yang in, and then take the opportunity to control him and kill him. This little slippery man knows my plan, but he just refuses to come in. If he continues like this, he feels that he will die sooner or later. So it is natural to use the fire of fate to melt the Tears of Death. Moreover, his time is indeed running out."

Black Corpse said in a deep voice: "Then go and stop me!"

"You are no match for the Supreme Being. If you go there, you will be killed by them! This formation has been completely arranged by me. Black Corpse, you will preside over the formation here. I will go and meet them." Yuan Sheng said . He continued: "Black Corpse, you have to remember that now you are just consuming those so-called saints. They can't turn the palms of their hands. If these saints die here, then the Hongmeng Purple Qi will be gone. It doesn’t matter! We just need to spend money now, but they can’t afford it!”

"Yes, Master!" Black Corpse responded respectfully.

Afterwards, Yuan Sheng left the Holy City from the center of the purple gold vortex and flew all the way towards the location of Taishang Dao Ancestor.

Not long after flying, Yuan Sheng saw Taishang Daozu.

The Taishang Daozu was offering a strange and strange flame. The flame was gray in color, and in the middle of the gray flame, the Hongmeng purple energy and the undead spirit were intertwined with each other.

"Is it really a fateful calamity fire, is it really being smelted?" Yuan Sheng was stunned when he saw this scene when he came to Taishang Daozu.

Taishang Daozu was also surprised when he saw Yuan Sheng coming and said, "Why are you here?"

Yuan Sheng said in a deep voice: "You are cheating, this is not a fateful calamity fire."

Taishang Daozu said: "It's not true, I just tricked you into coming here." After saying that, he wrapped himself in the calamity fire and fled to other places.

"Regardless of whether you are true or false, I will not tolerate you today!" Yuan Sheng immediately chased after him.

The two sides suddenly showed a tendency to chase each other in the air. Although Yuan Sheng was very strong, many of his roots and strength were left in the Holy City's formation. In addition, Taishang Daozu was not weaker than him, so for a while, Yuan Sheng had no choice but to become Taishang Daozu.

Moreover, Yuan Sheng is not in a hurry. All he needs to do is stop the opponent from smelting the Tears of Death. Delaying it for a little longer will be beneficial to him!

Just when Taishang Daozu and Yuan Sheng were in a stalemate, suddenly, a figure passed behind them.

The figure quickly came up and stopped in front of Yuan Sheng.

The person who came was none other than...the ancestor of the undead!

The ancestor of the undead is dressed in ice blue armor and has ice blue eyes, like the **** of death.

"Your Majesty, go and smelt quickly, I will stop him!" The ancestor of the undead stared at Yuan Sheng closely, without looking back, and said to the Supreme Taoist.

Taishang Daozu nodded and said: "Okay!"

Then, leave quickly.

Yuan Sheng panicked now. His mind was spinning very fast and he immediately understood the other party's conspiracy. However, he couldn't help but said to the ancestor of the undead: "How can you get out of the formation?"

The ancestor of the undead was not in a hurry to fight Yuan Sheng, he just wanted to delay time. Then he said slowly: "I have your Hongmeng Purple Qi and your life seeds in my body. This formation treats me as one of my own, and I can enter and exit freely!"

Yuan Sheng said: "I have indeed not set up defenses against you, because I am on the same side as you."

The ancestor of the undead said: "I want the Hongmeng Mist, you stick to the Hongmeng Purple Qi, we are natural enemies!"

Yuan Sheng said: "Do you really think they are smelting tears of death? You are wrong. They just want to lure me out, and then use you to stop me. At this time, Taishang and Chen Yang must have entered the formation, and then Break the formation. Once they gain the upper hand, they will never smelt the Tears of Death."

The ancestor of the undead laughed and said: "You are a smart man, and everything you said is possible! However, you can't pester the Supreme Leader and Chen Yang. You force them to be unable to smelt the Tears of Death. Everything will be successful. Sora. So, go back to the formation now!"

Yuan Sheng sighed and said, "Okay, I'll be honest with you!" He turned around and left.

He didn't want to fight with the ancestor of the undead, and this guy was difficult to kill. So there is no need to fight here...

He was afraid that if he didn't return to the formation for a long time, there would be big problems in the formation!

Yuan Sheng rushed all the way back...

It is said that Taishang Daozu and Chen Yang had set up the teleportation formation early in the morning. Their escape location was far enough and cunning enough. Even Yuan Sheng would not be able to arrive instantly if he did not set up a teleportation array in advance.

Taishang Daozu and Chen Yang had already prepared everything, so after Taishang Daozu left the sight of the ancestor of the undead, he immediately activated the teleportation array and came to the vicinity of the holy city. Following that, Chen Yang and Taishang Daozu quickly got into the purple gold vortex.

They know the battle well enough!

In addition, there was no Yuan Sheng in the formation at this time, and it was difficult for the Black Corpse group to suppress the saints... So after Chen Yang and Taishang Daozu entered the formation, they went straight to Huanglong and quickly arrived at the outskirts of the Temple of Destiny.

They did not attack the Temple of Destiny, but quickly cracked the Pillar of Destiny! Chen Yang was proficient in battle tactics and led Taishang Daozu on a rampage, destroying all twelve pillars of destiny in the Temple of Destiny.

At this time, the Temple of Destiny lost the support of the Pillar of Destiny. Their powerful strength has become the key to overpowering the formation...


This extremely terrifying formation of destiny finally collapsed.

In the purple-gold vortex, endless energy fragments exploded, attacking in all directions.

The 1,800 purple energy beams in the Holy City quickly dissipated and turned into golden particles, attacking like crazy!

Now the golden particles are no longer orderly, but attack and kill indiscriminately!

The Destiny Temple built by Yuan Sheng's Destiny Ark was destroyed, and the energy wave of the explosion did not spare Black Corpse and the others... They quickly rushed elsewhere with the masters.

The entire holy city suddenly became violent and chaotic.

Between heaven and earth, a golden energy storm rolls up, endless!

Screaming, wailing, pain, moaning...

Under the indiscriminate attack of the golden energy storm, many Yuanjie masters were killed instantly.

The saints hid in the purple shield, which allowed the human masters to escape.

But the energy under the explosion became even more surging...

Moreover, those golden energy storms are coming more fiercely.



Continuous bombardment...

At the same time, Black Corpse, Long Xiaofeng, Master Creation, Yuan Yuxian, Xumizi and some other masters took the opportunity to kill them.


The purple shield finally couldn't bear it anymore and completely broke.

The human masters and the purple shield had merged together. When the purple shield was broken, some human masters with weaker cultivation levels suddenly sprayed blood and died on the spot!

In every war, the worst sufferers are the soldiers!

In the Earth War, those monks with low cultivation levels in the human race suffered countless casualties!

The last time Yuan Sheng invaded the Netherworld Blood Sea, many monks with low cultivation levels died!

This time, it’s no exception!

Nature is a cruel elimination law!

The saints are willing to sacrifice everything for the sake of Nuwa. But he would never take the risk to come here for a monk with a low cultivation level!

That's the difference!

After the purple shield was broken, the war completely broke out...

The masters of the human race and the monks went over and fought together with the masters of the Kepler race and the Spirit Masters.

Yuanshi Tianzun faced off against the Black Corpse, while Saint Jieying and Saint Zhunti faced off against Long Xiaofeng and Zhenhao Zhenren.

Empress Nuwa and Emperor Fuxi quickly used space and heaven to help their side kill the enemy. At the same time, they also attacked and killed.

The human race has an absolute advantage!

Although the saints have exhausted a lot of energy, the black corpse is still not much better.

Taishang Daozu and Chen Yang also quickly joined the battlefield.

Donghuang Taiyi, Dragon King, Fire King, Caiyi, and Xuanyi also quickly started to kill.

At this time, the Yuan Sheng also rushed back.

Along with Yuan Sheng were the ancestors of the undead and four terrifying ice men under the ancestors of the undead.

After Yuan Sheng came up, he immediately controlled the energy of heaven and earth, and those golden particle storms seemed to come alive again.

Among the clouds, the Hongmeng purple energy condensed again.

The golden particles quickly formed twelve purple gold warriors, and these twelve purple gold warriors joined the battlefield like a whirlwind.

Each of the twelve purple gold warriors has the strength of a semi-saint!

What's even more terrifying is that after these purple and gold warriors died, they immediately reunited and never tired!

After the ancestor of the undead glanced around the battlefield, he suddenly stopped in front of Taishang Daozu.

Taishang Daozu was startled and said: "First Ancestor, you..."

The ancestor of the undead smiled coldly and said: "Last time Liang Zi is not over yet, today, let's have a good time!" After saying that, he immediately attacked Taishang Daozu.

In fact, the ancestor of the undead had a simple mind. He just wants the human race to reach a desperate situation, and then wants Chen Yang to explode with tribulation fire.

Therefore, he cannot let humans take advantage.

When I went to help before, I thought that even after Yuan Sheng completely stopped Taishang Daozu, the tears of death would not be able to come out.

The scene turned into a mess.

Heiyi Suzhen entered Chen Yang's mind and quickly entered a spiritual state.

Now there is no need to keep any secrets, so she no longer hides her identity.

The sky is shattering, the earth is shattering, sand and rocks are flying...

Taishang Daozu and the ancestor of the undead were fighting together. Taishang Daozu was too lazy to fight with the ancestor of the undead, knowing that this guy would not be killed for a while.

Therefore, Taishang Daozu quickly used one Qi to transform the three pure beings, and three Daozus emerged. Two of the clones entangled themselves with the ancestor of the undead, and the real body quickly went to find trouble for Yuan Sheng.

The Holy City here is the world of Yuan Sheng!

Therefore, his energy is almost endless, and the purple vortex in the sky is his energy source. After he created twelve purple-gold warriors, his own strength was still strong.

When Yuan Sheng was about to kill Yuanshi Tianzun, Taishang Daozu stopped him in front of Yuan Sheng, and a fierce battle broke out between the two sides.

And the four ice men of the ancestor of the undead are entangled with Yuanshi Tianzun!

Donghuang Taiyi was surrounded by six purple gold warriors. He killed these six purple gold warriors countless times, but the purple gold warriors quickly resurrected. Not only was he resurrected, but he also became stronger and stronger. After a while, the purple and gold warrior had the strength of a quasi-sage.

Fairy Qionghua and Bai Qing fought with Xumizi and Yuan Yuxian. Xumizi was no match for Fairy Qionghua. Soon after, Xumizi was killed by Fairy Qionghua. Afterwards, Fairy Qionghua and Bai Qing dealt with Yuan Yuxian together.

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