My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4086: Mysterious Mo Yu, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

Black Corpse's current cultivation level is already above that of Yuan Sheng and Long Xiaofeng... Of course, this is because he has a complete Holy Death Realm. If it weren't for this advantage, Black Corpse might have surpassed Yuan Sheng and Long Xiaofeng. In terms of real skill, Yuan Sheng is far superior to Black Corpse and Long Xiaofeng. Only Taishang Daozu can truly compete with Yuan Sheng!

Black Corpse uses the magic of death to find something in the Devil's Dead Sea. His death power is an existence that transcends the spirit of the Devil. Therefore, no matter how rampant the devil's energy is, the power of death can freely penetrate it. The devil's energy was unable to interfere with the black corpse... His divine power of death spread quickly, sweeping all around him in an instant.

About half an hour later, Yuan Sheng asked Black Corpse: "How is it?"

The black corpse was always respectful in front of Yuan Sheng and said: "Returning to the master, I haven't found the ancestor of the undead yet."

Long Xiaofeng pondered: "Is it possible that he is not in this devil's dead sea?"

Black Corpse said: "Impossible! Within the entire fairy world, the Devil's Dead Sea is the most comfortable place for the ancestor of the undead. It is impossible for him not to be here."

Long Xiaofeng said: "It's also possible that he ran out to do other things."

Black Corpse said: "Now the ancestor of the undead has many men, and his power is the first in the world in this fairy world! There are not many things that require him to take action personally. Even if he goes out, his lair should be in this devil's dead sea." After a pause. , and said: "The Devil's Dead Sea is extremely wide, and it will take at least three to five days to find the ancestor of the undead."

Yuan Sheng nodded and said: "Well, let's look for it slowly, don't rush it in a day or two!"

Long Xiaofeng was a little worried and said: "Holy Lord, we were not very happy with the ancestor of the undead before, but now he has gained power and ran to his territory again. What if..."

Yuan Sheng smiled slightly and said: "The ancestor of the undead is not an idiot. Don't worry, he will never take action against us. Even if he does, we still don't know who will win!"

When Long Xiaofeng saw what Yuan Sheng said, he couldn't say anything more.

At this moment, Black Corpse suddenly said: "Eh?"

Yuan Sheng and Long Xiaofeng asked together: "What?"

Black Corpse said: "I haven't found the ancestor of the undead yet, but I met someone."

"A person? Who? Do we know each other?" Long Xiao said.

Black Corpse said: "This man has pretended to be Chen Yang before, and we have fought against him. His name seems to be Bai Qing. He is only a semi-saint cultivator, how can he dare to wander in this devil's dead sea?"

Long Xiao said: "The boy from the human race...could it be that he also came to find the ancestor of the undead?"

Yuan Sheng pondered.

Black Corpse asked for instructions: "Master, do you want to kill him?"

Yuan Sheng said: "This kid is extremely talented, we can't keep him! But don't kill him directly, ask him what he is doing here, what is his purpose!"

Black Corpse said: "Yes! I will capture him now!"

Yuan Sheng said: "It's okay, let's go together!"

Black Corpse said: "Yes!"

In the Devil's Dead Sea, the demonic aura shrouded the sea. The water used to be blood-colored, but now it is like splashed ink.

All marine life in the Dead Sea, no matter how big or small, has become demonic!

In this death-like Dead Sea, a young man was strolling in it. His clothes were better than snow, he had delicate features, and his eyes were smart and gentle, like a woman's eyes, watery.

If he hadn't been dressed in male attire, those who didn't know better would have thought he was a stunning beauty!

He is...Bai Qing!

In fact, her true identity is... Mo Yu!

In the past three years, Mo Yu has been wandering around this fairy world. She has been to many places and seen countless **** demons. Such a fairyland makes people despair!

She felt that this was no longer a fairyland, but...a demonic world!

Her heart had been desolate, to be precise, it was muddled.

Many times, she couldn't believe that he was dead.

She thought, how could her godfather die like this after experiencing numerous life and death hardships in his life?

Many times, I dream about his voice and smile at midnight. After waking up, I returned to reality and thought that he was no longer alive. Deep in my heart I felt despair and sadness...

She was in so much pain and mourning, but she couldn't tell anyone!

In the past, she came out of her inner demons and conquered them because she knew that she could never have a future with him. Therefore, mourning is better than death.

Sometimes, she longs to no inner demon can conquer her. Instead, she achieved the inner demon holy realm under such pressure.

At that time, she thought that even if there was no future with him, changing her identity, getting along with him for a long time, and becoming a friend would be able to relieve the pain of lovesickness.

Now, even this opportunity is gone.

On this day, she thought of the ancestor of the undead.

The ancestor of the undead forced him to explode the calamity fire...

Therefore, she came here today to seek revenge for the ancestor of the undead.

She comes by feeling...

At this moment, the sea water in front suddenly surged, and a gate to the void appeared.

Soon, three people walked out of the door.

Those three people were very familiar to each other. They were Yuan Sheng, Black Corpse, and Long Xiaofeng.

Mo Yu looked at these three people and his eyes turned blood red.

It can be said that their godfather's death was caused by them.

Mo Yu looked at them coldly, but said nothing.

"It's really weird. After this kid saw us, he wasn't scared or scared. Instead, he looked like he wanted to fight us desperately!" Long Xiaofeng said with a sneer.

The black corpse's eyes were cold.

Yuan Sheng looked at Mo Yu and said calmly: "Little brother, can you tell me what you are doing in this devil's dead sea?"

Mo Yu said coldly: "I originally wanted to settle accounts with the ancestor of the undead, but now that I have met you, I will go to you first!"

Yuan Sheng and the three others were stunned, a little confused.

Yuan Sheng never made fun of others, but Mo Yu's words still made him want to laugh. He felt that he must have heard wrongly...

"Are you going to settle a score with the ancestor of the undead?" Yuan Sheng asked again.

Long Xiaofeng also said: "Is it just you?"

Mo Yu lost his patience, glanced at the three of them, and said, "Stop talking nonsense, are you going up one by one, or together?"

Yuan Sheng and Hei Zhi couldn't help laughing wildly. Is this kid crazy?

Long Xiaofeng couldn't help it first and shouted coldly: "Come together? You little bastard, you think too highly of yourself. Don't you see who you are? How dare you say such nonsense in front of us!" He paused. After a pause, he said: "Let me come and meet you!"

Yuan Sheng immediately said: "Brother Xiao Feng, don't take his life yet!"

Long Xiaofeng nodded.

Today's Long Xiaofeng is no longer a saint of heaven, but he is still an old-fashioned saint, a saint who has lived for 100,000 years!

Long Xiaofeng's holy realm is the great disaster holy realm, and his treasure is the ultimate treasure book!

There are twelve pages in the Ultimate Treasure Book, and each page is a kind of disaster.

Of course, Long Xiaofeng would not use his ultimate treasure guide on Mo Yu at this moment. Because he felt that there was no need to use a knife to kill a chicken, when facing Mo Yu, he was so calm, he put his hand out, and a catastrophe handprint immediately formed in his hand! The catastrophic handprint turned red and was quickly captured at Mo Yu.

The saint's shooting speed transcends time and space, and you can't hide at all.

Even the thought of hiding is hard to come up with!

Therefore, Mo Yu did not avoid it.

At that moment, Mo Yu was caught in the big hand seal by Long Xiaofeng.

"Hmph, I thought you were so arrogant. I didn't expect you to be so vulnerable..." Long Xiaofeng said coldly after grabbing Mo Yu.

Mo Yu's beautiful eyes flashed with strange blood red, and she suddenly said to Long Xiaofeng: "Let go!"

At that moment, magic power surged in Mo Yu's body.

As her mana surged, the surrounding Demonic Dead Sea also began to fluctuate violently.

The infinite demonic energy suddenly formed a tornado, sealing Mo Yu and Long Xiao.

That is the world of demons!

Yuan Sheng and Hei Zhi couldn't help but be horrified when they saw this scene.

Yuan Sheng said solemnly: "How could this be so? A small half-sage can actually drive such pure demonic energy?"

Black Corpse said in a deep voice: "This son's holy realm is the inner demon, the inner demon holy realm...that is the heavenly demon's holy realm. This heavenly demon's energy brought disaster to the gods, but it actually made him happy. No wonder he dares to be so arrogant! "

Yuan Sheng said: "Such inner demons should not be able to shake Long Xiaofeng's Taoist heart."

Black Corpse said: "Master, let's not rush to take action first, let's see how many tricks he has!"

Yuan Sheng nodded.

Besides, Long Xiaofeng originally captured Mo Yu and thought he was sure of victory, but he didn't expect that a storm of demons suddenly set off around him. Countless demon energy formed sharp blades and attacked him. Some of these devil's blades were attacking the inside of his brain, and some were actual blades. It was difficult to distinguish between real and fake, virtual and real.

At that moment, all the laws of the heavens and ancient times appeared before his eyes!

He saw His Majesty Zulong in great pain when he was killed by the Emperor of the Universe, saw the Spirit Master being forced to flee, and saw his wife and children die tragically...

Those ancient and dusty memories all appeared, making it difficult for him to distinguish between true and false for a moment!

"Roar!" Long Xiaofeng roared loudly and said angrily: "How dare you show such little skill in front of me!" As his sound waves vibrated, everything around him suddenly returned to calm.

Your Majesty Zulong, the ancient spiritual masters have all disappeared!

Instead, he held Mo Yu in the center of his big hand.

"Boy, you are looking for death!" He was already angry and decided to kill Mo Yu at all costs.


With the added force in his hand, Mo Yu couldn't bear it immediately, and his body was crushed and turned into countless energy fragments.

After killing Mo Yu, Long Xiaofeng was stunned for a while, feeling that he had indeed lost his temper just now and actually killed the other person directly. Obviously the Holy Lord has told him not to kill him...

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