My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4091: Ancestor of the Demon, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

Long Xiaofeng comforted Yuan Sheng and said, "Mr. Black Corpse will definitely be able to come out."

Yuan Sheng's eyes looked a little sad, and he said: "If he activates the source of death, he can indeed come out. But this kind of damage is irreversible... I thought that finding the ancestor of the undead this time would go smoothly. But I didn't expect it to end up like this. Is this human race’s destiny really eternal?”

Long Xiaofeng said: "The fate of the human race has begun to decline. Don't you think this fairy world is about to become demonized?"

Yuan Sheng said: "The fairy world is just a branch of the earth, and there are still a large number of human races on the earth. These human races have always existed, and their luck will also provide luck support to the human races in the fairy world!"

This feels like the relationship between the group and its subsidiaries! Even if the subsidiary is finished, the group may just feel no pain!

Long Xiaofeng said: "This...then even if we wipe out all the humans here, we will still be beyond our reach on the other side of the earth!"

Yuan Sheng said: "You still don't understand my thoughts. It was these saints who massacred my people back then. Killing them will relieve my resentment. However, the human race of the earth can provide them with continuous luck. This is a relationship that is constantly being cut off and chaotic!"

Long Xiaofeng said: "We are beyond the reach of the earth, and the earth is also beyond the reach of us. This is an opportunity!"

Yuan Sheng said: "Originally, if the ancestor of the undead was willing to join, nothing would be a problem, but now it has become like this."

Long Xiaofeng said: "It's all that kid's mischief!"

Yuan Sheng said: "True or false, this time even I don't quite understand what the **** the kid did in it!"

Let's say that in the Holy Palace that day, the black corpse had been forced into danger by the ancestor of the undead. Seeing that he was about to fall into a desperate situation, he wanted to use the power of death. At the critical moment, the ancestor of the undead suddenly shouted loudly and said: "Stop!"

At that moment, all the demon energy in Tiansheng Palace calmed down.

The ancestor of the undead also stopped attacking the black corpse.

Black Corpse gasped, and in a flash, he quickly left Tiansheng Palace, and then joined Yuan Sheng and Long Xiaofeng.

Yuan Sheng and Long Xiaofeng couldn't help but be overjoyed when they saw the black corpse coming back. After Yuan Sheng glanced at the black corpse, he said happily: "Not injured?"

Black Corpse said: "My subordinate originally wanted to use the power of death. Unexpectedly, at the critical moment, the ancestor of the undead suddenly shouted stop and then stopped attacking. My subordinate took the opportunity to leave..."

Yuan Sheng said: "It seems that he is really fighting with that kid!"

Long Xiaofeng said: "We can still understand if we can't fight that kid. Doesn't this ancestor of the undead claim that the entire demon is his world? Why is he being played by that kid and being applauded?"

Yuan Sheng said: "The ancestor of the undead uses the devil's energy as a kind of strength and weapon. But the most powerful thing about the devil's energy is the inner demon, and that kid himself is a big inner devil. After he integrates the devil's energy, he can make This whole world is filled with inner demons. If he is more powerful in the future, he can make the entire fairy world a world of inner demons, and everyone will become his plaything! True or false, no one will be able to detect it by then! He , is the real ancestor of the demon!"

After hearing this, Long Xiaofeng and Hei Zhi couldn't help but feel scared.

After a long time, all the demon energy in the space dissipated.

The sun appeared again and everything became brighter.

Yuan Sheng said: "It seems that we can go in."

Long Xiaofeng said: "Could it be..."

"No!" Yuan Sheng was very sure.

The three people flashed and flew back to the Tiansheng Palace. The palace of Tiansheng Palace is already in a mess...

The ancestor of the undead had cold eyes, but Yuan Sheng saw a trace of fatigue deep in his eyes.

"Ancestor, what happened just now?" Yuan Sheng asked, cupping his fists.

The ancestor of the undead looked at Yuan Sheng and said after a long silence: "I... saw that you wanted to kill me, so I took action to kill you. When I realized that it was an illusion, you had already taken action. At that time , you can’t hear anything I shout.”

Yuan Sheng's eyes darkened and he said: "In our case, it was you, the ancestor, who made the first move!"

The ancestor of the undead was still frightened, and said: "This boy's demon skills are really powerful, he can actually play with us in the applause."

Yuan Sheng said: "Fortunately, the ancestor finally woke up!"

The ancestor of the undead said: "We must work closely together, otherwise, everyone will be destroyed in the end!"

Yuan Sheng was overjoyed and said: "It's great that you, ancestor, think so. We were all taken advantage of by Bai Qing before. Now we are alert. If he wants to take advantage of the opportunity again, it will be difficult."

"Really?" At this moment, another door appeared in the void.

From the door, Mo Yu walked out slowly.

The three Yuanshengs and the ancestor of the undead looked at Mo Yu, with a hint of fear in their eyes.

Facing Mo Yu at this time, everyone didn't dare to go crazy.

Mo Yu glanced at them and said: "I came today not to kill you, but to plant fear in your hearts! Yuan Yunzhong, do you think you walked out? Maybe you have always been with me. In the world. Ancestor of the Undead, do you think that you are awake because you are a good person? Maybe I made you awake on purpose!"

"Go to hell!" The ancestor of the undead roared and punched Mo Yu from the air.


Mo Yu's body was quickly broken into countless fragments, and these fragments quickly turned into countless demonic energy.

Soon, the demonic energy surged and enveloped the entire Tiansheng Palace.

When Yuan Sheng and the other three saw this scene, they suddenly had a headache.

It feels like I have been struggling for a long time and have returned to the starting point. It feels like there is no end!

Then, the ancestor of the undead above roared loudly and suddenly took action towards Yuan Sheng and the other three!

"It's an illusion, it's an illusion!" Yuan Sheng and the three of them shouted in their hearts at the same time, but the attack of the ancestor of the undead was already coming...

These three people felt that the attack of the ancestor of the undead was full of terrifying lethality.

At this time, I would bet on whether it was an illusion... What if the ancestor of the undead thought that he was attacking, and then really took action?

If you don't dodge or fight back, what if you are killed by the ancestor of the undead?

Yuan Sheng and the other three wanted to dodge, but the Undead Ancestor attacked faster and faster, and in the end they could only fight back.

The two sides started fighting again, and the fighting was so fierce!

After a while, the demonic energy quickly dissipated.

In the Tiansheng Palace, everything returned to a pure state.

Yuan Sheng and the other three stopped, but the ancestor of the undead was still sitting at the top.

Mo Yu stood in the middle.

"How do you feel?" Mo Yu asked with a sneer.

Yuan Sheng said in a deep voice: "You don't have to be pretentious. You can't kill us, so you stopped. You will never be merciful to us!"

Mo Yu said: "Yuan Yunzhong, you always think you are the smartest. I just don't want to kill you so quickly! Now, torturing you is my only pleasure! I will make you regret and regret why you killed me in the first place. My elder brother Chen Yang." After saying that, he looked at the ancestor of the undead and said: "The ancestor of the undead, you are most afraid of death and want to live at all costs. I will let you live, but I will let you live in endless pain!"

The ancestor of the undead was extremely angry and said: "Do you really think that I can't deal with you?"

"If you have a solution, don't talk nonsense!" Mo Yu said.

The ancestor of the undead said to the three Yuan Shengs: "You all retreat, I will fight with him alone!"

Yuan Sheng also knew that if there were too many people, it would be easy for them to attack each other. If you simply leave one person alone, you will have a greater chance of winning.

At that moment, he nodded and said: "Okay!"

Then, the three people retreated.

Mo Yu didn't stop him.

The ancestor of the undead pushed the two beauties around him. After they all retreated, his figure shook, and his whole body began to dissipate, and finally turned into countless demon particles.

These demonic particles quickly rolled up endless demonic energy, and finally formed a tornado storm, completely covering Mo Yu.

With this sweep, Mo Yu's whole body was twisted into countless demonic energies.

Not long after, the ancestor of the undead absorbed all the demonic energy that Mo Yu had transformed into.

The enemy is gone again.

The ancestor of the undead was also helpless and could only condense quickly, then restore his original shape and sit on the throne again.

At this moment, the Tiansheng Palace in front of him suddenly began to change, and finally formed a dark open space!

In the dark clearing, a bright light shines down.

Mo Yu stood under the light, and the ancestor of the undead stood opposite Mo Yu.

The ancestor of the undead looked around and quickly understood what was going on.

"It's endless, right?" The ancestor of the undead stared at Mo Yu.

Mo Yu said: "This is the depth of your heart, where the inner demons are gathered. Do you understand that demons arise from the heart?"

The ancestor of the undead said: "Stop talking nonsense!"

Mo Yu said: "Everyone has inner demons in their hearts, whether you are a mortal or a god...the demons you control are just appearances. I will kill you exclusively!"

The ancestor of the undead was furious and said: "You fart!"

Mo Yu smiled slightly and said: "I said, I will make it impossible for you to live and die!"

The ancestor of the undead quickly calmed down and said: "Just trying to show off your abilities here, but it won't work!"

Mo Yu said: "It really doesn't work, so I'm too lazy to talk to you."

After saying that, the whole person disappeared.

The ancestor of the undead was suddenly confused...

Time passes minute by minute...

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