My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4108: War of words, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

Chen Yang shook his head and said: "I don't want to fight with you. After all, you are Xiaoyu's master. I am also very grateful to you for taking care of and helping her!"

Ye Qingming said: "You don't have to pretend anymore, you are not Chen Yang at all."

Chen Yang said coldly: "Please leave! I don't want to have any more unnecessary arguments with you!"

Ye Qingming sneered and said, "This is not a matter of whether you want to argue or not." After saying that, he sent a message with his mind. The first thing she looked for was Taishang Daozu.

"I won't give you a chance to escape. The saints will come here soon. Let's all come together and tell you one, two, three in person!"

Chen Yang said: "Okay, let's confront each other. Am I still afraid?"

Ye Qingming stopped talking nonsense to Chen Yang and sat aside. Chen Yang also sat down...

Taishang Daozu, Emperor Fuxi, and Yuanshi Tianzun welcomed the saint, and Saint Zhunti soon came to the main hall of Lingxiu Palace together.

After all the saints gathered together, they saw that Chen Yang and Ye Qingming seemed to be unwilling to deal with them.

They were suddenly surprised and didn't know what was happening. In their impression, the relationship between Chen Yang and Ye Qingming has always been good.

Chen Yang stood up and saluted the saints.

Taishang Daozu asked with a bitter smile: "Little friends Chen Yang, Ye Sheng, what are you..."

Ye Qingming glanced at everyone, and then said: "Everyone should know that Chen Yang had a Tiandao Brush before, and the Tiandao Brush once took away someone's body. Now this Chen Yang is mysterious, sneaky, and has greatly increased his strength. I I have serious doubts that he is not Chen Yang, but the Tiandao pen!"

When the saints heard this, they couldn't help but pale.

They all knew about the Tiandao pen in Chen Yang's body.

Chen Yang couldn't help but feel bitter when he heard this, and said: "I really can't explain it now. Xiaoyu's death has caused me to be in chaos. Maybe Miss Ye thinks that I can still sit here rationally, so she thinks that I am not Chen Yang." . But, what is the situation of the human race now? Can it still withstand the chaos? Miss Ye, how on earth do you want to believe that I am Chen Yang and not that Tiandao pen? "

Taishang Daozu said in a deep voice: "Ye Sheng, it's not that I don't believe you, but since you said this, there must be some basis for it, right?"

Ye Qingming said: "You insist on me telling you what basis, then I can't say it. I judge based on my feelings. I understand Chen Yang's feelings for Xiaoyu very well. If he is true Chen Yang, he will not be so rational!"

Chen Yang said: "At least I know that the overall situation should be the top priority at this time. Xiaoyu is no longer here, and this is something that cannot be recovered. So, I want to let it go first. Unexpectedly, this turned out to be Miss Ye's The reason for blaming me. Daozu, seniors, am I really wrong? What exactly do you want me to do?"

Yuanshi Tianzun spoke at this time and said: "It would be arbitrary to judge that Chen Yang is not Chen Yang based on Xiaoyu's incident alone. But Ye Sheng is also very human. Since she said she felt something was wrong, Pindao also believed that this would not be Wu. The wind rises and the waves rise. Therefore, we still have to treat this matter with caution. If there is no problem, little friend Chen Yang, then it is naturally the best. But once there is a problem, it is equivalent to laying a landmine for our human race. You can also Think about it, if little friend Chen Yang is a Tiandao pen, then there must be a reason why he appears this time, what is his purpose?"

Chen Yang stood up and said: "I can fully cooperate with everyone until everyone determines my identity!" After a pause, he added: "If I were the Tiandao Bi, then my memory should be deficient. Because of Tiandao The pen was only integrated with me after being refined by the old man Hongchen. It is impossible for the Tiandao pen to know many things about my past. After I came to the fairy world, the first people I met were Miss Bixiao and Miss Yunxiao. Later, they were still The Hongchen Mountain that Miss Yunxiao took me to is the old man Hongchen. It just so happens that Miss Yunxiao is here now, why not call her to confront me."

The saints then made eye contact with each other.

Afterwards, Taishang Daozu also called Yunxiao over.

Yunxiao came over quickly. After entering the palace, she first saluted the saints.

Taishang Daozu said: "Yunxiao, the current situation is like this."

Immediately, he told Yun Xiao the whole story.

Yun Xiao began to look Chen Yang up and down, and Chen Yang greeted Yun Xiao's gaze calmly.

After a long while, Yun Xiao said: "Fellow Taoist Chen Yang, when we went to Hongchen Mountain together, we first arrived at the Western Continent in the Western World. Later we ate in an inn. What did we eat that day?"

Chen Yang said without hesitation: "Naan bread, mutton, wine, and some vegetarian food."

"What vegetarian food?" Yunxiao asked.

Chen Yang said: "Yes, broccoli flowers and sky gourds."

"How many glasses of wine have I had?" Yun Xiao asked.

Chen Yang said: "Three glasses of wine and one cup of tea."

Yunxiao said: "What did I say?"

Chen Yang said: "I first said that it has already cost you a year. Next, I will travel around the Western world, so I am embarrassed to let the fairy accompany me anymore. If the fairy has something to do, you can leave first. …What I didn’t expect was that you said you had nothing to do anyway, so you might as well go with me. I said I had private matters to deal with, it was inconvenient! Then you left.”

Yun Xiao turned to Taishang Daozu and Yuanshi Tianzun and said: "Two uncles, everything he said is correct!"

Ye Qingming spoke at this time and said: "I think it's not surprising that he can say it. This shows that he has retained all of Chen Yang's memories. And after so many years, he can remember all the side dishes that he ate during that meal. Saying it without hesitation shows that he has already done his homework and sorted out all his memories, so as not to reveal his flaws!"

"This is really nonsense!" Chen Yang couldn't help but get angry and said: "Miss Ye, please stop making trouble without reason. I answered it, but you said no. If I couldn't answer it, wouldn't you have to correct me? What is your intention? Why do you have to kill me? Speaking of which, I suddenly feel that you are also very suspicious. Since you came back to life long ago, why haven't you shown up? You knew I would show up to help Daozu ? Without me and Daozu joining forces, would your sneak attack have been successful? Why did you appear at this time? Could you be another demon in the world of death? "

Taishang Daozu and others couldn't help but look at Ye Qingming.

Ye Qingming sneered and said: "Are you trying to confuse right and wrong, and then use this to escape the suspicion of yourself? I'll beat you up, you are awesome! You once had the Heavenly Pen on your body, and you were always trying to seize your body. This is what everyone knows Things you know. What do I have on my body? Who would fake me? Who could fake me? With my relationship with Chen Yang, there is no way he would throw dirty water on me! From this point of view, I can I'm sure you're not Chen Yang. Tell me, what happened to the real Chen Yang? What's the purpose of your visit this time?"

Chen Yang was furious and said: "You woman, you are so unreasonable. Don't ask me what my purpose is. I want to ask you, what do you want? Do you want me to die to apologize?"

The two men were fighting fiercely, but it made it difficult for the saints to tell the difference!

It was also at this time that Yun Xiao spoke, and she said, "Can you please listen to a few words from this junior?"

Everyone then focused their attention on Yun Xiao.

Chen Yang looked at Yunxiao and said, "Miss Yunxiao, thank you for standing up and speaking out for me!"

Ye Qingming stopped talking.

Taishang Taoist Ancestor said: "Yunxiao, just say whatever you want, don't worry!"

After Yunxiao glanced at everyone present, his eyes finally fell on Chen Yang and said: "Whether the Taoist Fellow Chen Yang in front of me is Fellow Taoist Chen Yang, I don't think anyone dares to say yes or no with certainty. But the identity of Senior Ye Sheng is There is no doubt that in today's fairy world, who has the ability to impersonate Senior Ye Sheng? I don't know what the relationship between Senior Ye Sheng and Chen Yang is..."

Emperor Fuxi spoke and said: "Chen Yang has always respected Ye Sheng. Ye Sheng and Chen Yang are very good friends!"

Yun Xiao said: "So, now Senior Ye Sheng actually comes to correct Chen Yang, what does this mean? This means that the Chen Yang in front of us may indeed have a problem. Otherwise, Senior Ye Sheng has no reason to do such a thing. Still Yes, fellow Taoist Chen Yang and I can be considered acquainted. I accompanied him to find the old man Hongchen. At first he thought Xiaoyu was dead, so he was desperate, angry and desperate, and did not hesitate to fight to the death. In the end, he forced the old man Hongchen to use The power of heaven. Such a fellow Taoist Chen Yang absolutely values ​​​​love and justice. He must be grateful to Senior Ye Sheng. Therefore, a normal fellow Taoist Chen Yang, even if he is questioned and doubted by Senior Ye Sheng, he will definitely not react. It’s a mouth-to-mouth bite. I am definitely on Senior Ye Sheng’s side in this matter.”

"You..." Chen Yang looked at Yunxiao in disbelief and said: "Miss Yunxiao, you and I have known each other, why do you want to harm me? Haven't I done enough for the human race? I will not hesitate to die, detonating the catastrophe, and finally The crisis in the Holy City has been resolved. Now that I have finally come back to life, you want to put me to death?"

Ye Qingming sneered and said: "You thief, stop acting here. If I prove that you are the Taoist pen of that day, and Chen Yang is killed by you, then I will cut you into pieces with a thousand knives. It will make you live forever, immortal, but still sink into pain forever.”

What she said was very serious.

Everyone was slightly surprised, but they didn't expect Ye Qingming to value Chen Yang so much.

Chen Yang shuddered, and finally said to Taishang Daozu: "Daozu, don't you even believe in this junior?"

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