My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4154: Cut into pieces by a thousand cuts, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

Chen Yang and Ye Qingming quickly arrived at Jialan Hall.

Then, Chen Yang saw the scene he was most afraid of! The entire Jialan Palace was already littered with corpses, with broken walls and ruins, and the corpses were already frozen in the wind and snow.

During the sweep of his spiritual thoughts, Chen Yang discovered that Huo Hongjin was dead.

In addition, in the back mountain, Situ Ling'er and Chen Ruoran were also lying there quietly.

Chen Yang quickly shuttled to their bodies.

Heavy snow has buried their bodies...

Chen Yang swept away the wind and snow with a wave of his hand.

In the snow, there was a huge **** in Situ Ling'er's abdomen, and all his blood had drained out. Her face was horribly pale...her eyebrows and hair were frozen together.

Chen Ruoran and Situ Ling'er are in similar situations!

Chen Yangru was struck by lightning...

The whole person stayed on the spot!

By this time, he hated the man in white to the extreme. But at the same time, there is still a sense of joy deep in my heart. Fortunately... fortunately this is a parallel universe.

It was not his wife and children who died.

Although he was grateful deep down in his heart, it was difficult for him to accept the tragic death of a person who looked exactly like his wife and children.

Ye Qingming didn't know what to say.

Chen Yang frowned, thoughts swirling in his mind. He has never encountered such a thing... and is even thinking about how to deal with it now. Should we bury the bodies of Ling'er and Chen Ruoran, etc...

Soon, he thought about the safety of Shen Mo Nong in the central world and the safety of those on Danube...

Deep inside, I feel powerless!

Because he had a hunch that everything was already too late!

"Let's go to the Central World!" After a while, Chen Yang said to Ye Qingming.

Ye Qingming nodded.

The two quickly arrived at the central world and then rushed to the Xuanhuang Gate.

As expected, the entire Xuanhuang Sect has been reduced to scorched earth...

Chen Yangren was in the sky, shooting down with his spiritual thoughts, and found that there was no one alive in the Xuanhuang Sect.

Fu Qingzhu has also died tragically...

Shen Mo Nong's body has been nowhere to be found...

Such a scene made Chen Yang feel very uncomfortable. He seemed to have seen such a scene in a nightmare.

"If the man in white's next step is Danube, then judging from the time, it is too late for us to rush to Danube now." Ye Qingming said with red eyes.

Chen Yang stood stunned on the spot.

My mind is already blank...

The rules were all in disarray... He had no idea what to do next or how to proceed.

One wrong step, one wrong step!

Chen Yang thought about it carefully, but he didn't understand where he went wrong.

"I had to go find Sun Poison Fire because I didn't know if the man in white would take action. I kept waiting here, but there was no other way. Even if I waited, his family members were scattered everywhere. I waited here Now, he might have gone to Danube. I want to find the man in white, but I have no clues at all. Is this actually an unsolvable problem?" Chen Yang felt an unspeakable panic in his heart, and he was thinking, If you encounter a shameless and powerful enemy like the man in white in your own world, how should you deal with it?

"If it were in my universe, I would have gathered them all together long ago. But here, they are not my real family, so I can't act! I always care about Susu, and I ignore them...them I do have a big responsibility for his death. What’s more terrible is that I was the one who caused this man in white. It’s impossible to save him now. If Chen Yang in this world sees all this, I’m afraid He's going crazy, and what can I do now?"

"Hey, when people come to this world, they have to enjoy as well as suffer!" Chen Yang said secretly: "I can't share his pain. What I have to do now is to take this as a warning and prevent the flames of war from spreading to me. Go into the universe. Now that I think about it carefully, luckily I brought the man in white into this universe, otherwise the person who wants to die now might be me!"

"Chen Yang..." Ye Qingming saw him in a daze and was a little worried, so he shouted.

Chen Yang came back to his senses, looked at Ye Qingming with some doubts, and said, "Huh?"

Ye Qingming said: "The man in white has already made a move, we have to figure out how to deal with it next! We can't let his conspiracy succeed!"

Chen Yang nodded and said, "You are right! Let's go first."

Ye Qingming said: "Where are you going?"

Chen Yang said: "Leave the earth first, hide your identity, and then investigate slowly."

Ye Qingming thought this was a good idea and immediately agreed.

The two quickly left the central world and left the earth from the great world.

After leaving the earth, I randomly found a Death Star to stay.

Chen Yang's mood was still difficult to calm down for a long time.

The **** images came to mind automatically, and he couldn't help but think of his family. I secretly thought, if all this happened to me, what should I do now? Even if he went crazy and found the man in white and killed him, what would happen?

After all, there is no resurrection after death!

Once I think about this thing, I will shudder non-stop. I feel as if my whole body has fallen into an endless hell, unable to breathe and unable to escape!

After a long time, Chen Yang slowly calmed down.

Ye Qingming had been waiting for Chen Yang. Seeing that his mood had stabilized, he said: "You have to get out of your thoughts. Everything here is not yours. Those who died are not your family members, although they and Your family members are exactly the same, but they are not your family. If you remain depressed, it is very likely that the war will burn your family in the future. For now, we should be lucky that the war is still in this universe, and we must end the war On this universe.”

Chen Yang was shocked, then nodded, his eyes flashed, and said: "You are right!"

Ye Qingming said: "I think the man in white should know the relationship and situation here very well. You said that he helped you open the door to chaos..."

Chen Yang said: "But I'm not sure!"

Ye Qingming said: "We must first imagine the worst outcome. He may have left clues on those corpses, so that Chen Yang in this world can trace it to you. The man in white has never appeared. , so it’s hard for people to doubt him.”

Chen Yang said in a deep voice: "I have experienced some copies of myself before, and most of them are very evil! If I find out that another Chen Yang appears in this world, he will not doubt others, and will definitely believe that I did all this. . Then, he will definitely fight for me at all costs!"

Ye Qingming said: "If the man in white just wants to kill those people to vent his anger, there is no need to leave the corpses. Leaving the corpses is because he has a purpose! Therefore, the man in white wants to take advantage of you and Chen Yang in this world to fight Strike again.”

Chen Yang was too lazy to think about what grudge the man in white had against him. At the moment, he just wanted to catch the man in white, and then force him to find out the cause and effect of everything, and then kill him. His thoughts gradually returned to calmness, and he knew that Ye Qingming's analysis was very reasonable.

Chen Yang said: "Now I need to find the God Emperor quickly. The God Emperor is highly respected. After I tell him everything, I can probably stabilize Chen Yang in this world. After I stabilize him, we can work together to find Baiyi Man! As long as this link is done well, the man in white is destined to die!"

Ye Qingming said: "Then we are looking for the God Emperor now, right?"

Chen Yang smiled bitterly and said: "The key question is, I don't know where to find the God Emperor. His old man, the dragon, has seen its beginning but not its end. Where should I start?"

Ye Qingming himself couldn’t give an answer!

That night, Chen Yang and Ye Qingming had been hiding deep in the Death Star.

Chen Yang thought hard.

Many fogs were swirling in his mind...

He couldn't think of any grudge between himself and the man in white...

I can’t even think of where to find the God Emperor!

Keeping waiting for the God Emperor seems to be no solution.

In the morning, Chen Yang already had a plan in mind and said to Ye Qingming: "I thought about it carefully and blindly avoiding it is not the answer."

Ye Qingming said: "Hiding away seems to make the man in white unable to do anything. Why deny this plan?"

Chen Yang said: "Because I don't know how long we will have to hide. What if the people in white are more patient? We can't keep hiding like this."

"Then what are your plans?" Ye Qingming asked.

Chen Yang said: "I will take the initiative to find Chen Yang in this world, find an opportunity to persuade him to cooperate with me, do a scene, and then attract the man in white."

Ye Qingming said: "I'm just worried that he won't listen to your explanation."

Chen Yang said: "His personality is somewhat similar to mine, and he is definitely not a fool and will not be taken advantage of all the time. I am sure I can convince him!"

Ye Qingming said: "Since you are so sure, let's go to Earth!"

Chen Yang nodded.

At that moment, the two quickly left the Death Star and flew towards the Earth.

But this time, they did not reach the earth smoothly.

Five thousand kilometers away from the earth, Chen Yang and Ye Qingming suddenly saw a figure flickering in front of them...

Then, a figure came in front of them!

The person who came was... a man who looked exactly like Chen Yang.

Chen Yang and Ye Qingming were both surprised...

Although Chen Yang had long been mentally prepared to face himself in this world, meeting him so quickly still caught him off guard.

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