My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4165: secret plan, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

Chen Yang could only pray in his heart that what happened to Zipao would not be what happened to him!

Now that everything has not settled yet, he still has great expectations in his heart.

Chen Yang also listened carefully to what Mo Yu and Ye Qingming said and analyzed them. He thinks they are both right!

Since the murderer is not the man in white, all previous conjectures must be overturned.

Both Chen Yang and Zipao felt that there were eyes spying on them in the dark... So for safety reasons, they still used barriers and seals to seal the area where they were, so as to prevent outsiders from overhearing their conversation.

If the murderer is the man in white, then everything will fall into place!

But now, the murderer is not the man in white, which is a headache.

Zipao thought about it, but he couldn't think of who would kill his family.

Chen Yang is also sorting out his enemies to see who might be responsible...

Zipao suddenly raised his head and said, "Is it him?"

Chen Yang and others' eyes lit up and they looked over. Chen Yang asked anxiously: "Who?"

Hatred flashed in Zipao's eyes and he said: "Chen Tianya!"

"Him?" Chen Yang hoped in his heart that the murderer was Chen Tianya, but his intuition told him that it couldn't be Chen Tianya. If the murderer is really Chen Tianya, Chen Yang feels a lot more relieved. Because in his own world, his father is no longer alive.

"No one else has this ability except him!" Zipao said bitterly.

Chen Yang sighed and said: "It can't be his. Think about it for yourself, is it possible for him to do this? No matter how poisonous he is, he can't kill his own granddaughter and grandson. Besides, he is not that poisonous. "

Mo Yu said: "Yes, in fact, you have too many misunderstandings about Grandpa Tianya! It is impossible for him to do such a thing."

Zipao calmed down and felt that it might not be Chen Tianya, so he added: "If it wasn't him, who else would it be? Could it be... Gaia?"

Chen Yang murmured: "Gaia?" Then he also remembered the grudges he had with Gaia, the mother of the earth in the West. He thought to himself: "Although I have some grudges with Gaia, Gaia doesn't seem to be such a cruel person. The murderer shouldn't be her... but I don't know how deep the hatred between this guy and Gaia is." At this point, he asked Zipao: "Is there a deep hatred between you and Gaia?"

Zipao said: "It's not too deep, but we have fought several times!" Then he talked about some of the grudges and grudges between him and Gaia.

After hearing this, Chen Yang found that the trajectory of actions between him and Gaia was exactly the same as his own.

"I always feel that it can't be Gaia!" Chen Yang said after thinking about it.

Zipao sighed and said: "I don't think so either. To put it bluntly, Gaia probably doesn't have this ability yet!"

At this moment, Mo Yu said: "The other party has been hiding in the dark, and only attacks our relatives, and deliberately does not destroy the bodies. It seems that he just wants to do it... Dad is sad. If I go out alone, maybe I can kill him Bring out the murderer."

"No!" Zipao and Chen Yang rejected Mo Yu's idea in unison.

Mo Yu said: "There's nothing wrong with it. He wants to kill me quickly, but I'm afraid he can't. I'll give you time to rescue him!"

Zipao said: "We can't take this risk. We are too close to you and he won't be fooled. But if we are too far away, it may be a disaster."

Chen Yang said: "That's true!"

Mo Yu said: "Then we have to find a way."

Chen Yang and Zipao both fell silent.

This mysterious murderer is hidden in the darkness, and even the God Emperor has difficulty finding his traces. Even though they are extremely smart, it is difficult for them to think of a solution at the moment.

An hour later, Chen Yang and his party felt that wasting their time was not an option, so they wanted to go to Tianchi Pavilion to ask about the situation.

Su Yanran did not suffer any accident, probably because the murderer felt that Su Yanran was not important.

When Chen Yang and Zipao appeared in front of Su Yanran, Su Yanran was stunned.

Chen Yang also said that he was the one who kidnapped him before, and explained his origins to him and so on. It took Su Yanran a long time to digest what Chen Yang said.

Zipao was very gentle to Su Yanran, and Su Yanran hugged Zipao's arm with pleasure.

Mo Yu's expression didn't change at all. As for what she was thinking deep down, no one knew.

Tianchi Pavilion also knew about the murder of Zipao's relatives. However, they only found out about the situation after the fact...and only within Tianzhou.

Su Yanran also checked a lot, but there was no clue at all. Therefore, the trip to Tianchi Pavilion was completely fruitless.

This was expected by Chen Yang and Zipao.

Under such circumstances, Zipao was naturally not in the mood to be intimate with Su Yanran, but he was also worried about Su Yanran's safety, so he simply took Su Yanran with him.

After leaving Tianchi Pavilion, Chen Yang and his party went to Mingyue Palace. They searched the ruins of Mingyue Palace for a long time, but still found no clues.

This situation made both Zipao and Chen Yang have the urge to go crazy. But both of them resisted the urge...

They stayed in the ruins of Mingyue Palace for about three days. During these three days, Chen Yang and Zipao basically didn't speak much.

They were thinking hard.

Su Yanran, Ye Qingming, and Mo Yu were sitting cross-legged beside them without disturbing them. They are also thinking about the murderer’s purpose...

In the past three days, Chen Yang kept sorting out the past, but he couldn't figure out who the murderer might be...

Not a single clue.

The same goes for purple robe...

After being unable to figure out who the murderer was, Chen Yang decided to change his mind. He has always had a bright mind. If the way forward is blocked, he will change the way. Chen Yang secretly said: "It is not easy to leave a whole corpse in a duel between masters. At the end of the duel, if you are not careful, the opponent will be reduced to a particle state. Looking at Ling'er and the others... you will find that this master's Her cultivation level is far above Ling'er and the others. Ling'er's cultivation level has reached the peak of the seventh level of Creation Realm. To kill her easily, she must be at least the ninth level of Creation Realm cultivation! It's okay to deal with one person with the ninth level of Creation Realm cultivation. The entire Jialan It would not be simple if all the temples were destroyed. In other words, this person's cultivation level is likely to be a semi-saint or a quasi-sage. Among my enemies, it cannot be said that there are no semi-saints or quasi-saints. But they should all be In the fairy world, it is impossible for them to come from the fairy world... So who is the enemy in the earth... It seems that the hatred is very deep, and Chen Yang, who deliberately wants this universe, is very painful..."

"Does this murderer just want him to suffer? What kind of hatred can be so twisted? No, no..." Chen Yang was like a master of solving problems. He was about to solve the problem, but found a mistake. He is also an extremely straightforward person, and he quickly overturns all previous problem-solving methods.

"It won't be pure hatred, because with his cultivation, he can control these relatives and then threaten Chen Yang in this universe. In this way, it will not only make him suffer, but also knock him down. So, The ultimate goal is Chen Yang in this universe! It must be!" Chen Yang's eyes lit up.

Zipao is still trapped in it, and he can't figure out who the murderer is...

At this time, Chen Yang sealed the place where they were with a barrier, and then cleared his throat.

Everyone immediately looked at him.

Chen Yang said: "I have an idea now."

The purple robe was quite anxious and said: "Speak quickly!"

Chen Yang said: "The murderer must have another purpose, otherwise he wouldn't be so focused. As you can imagine, his purpose has a lot to do with you."

Zipao said: "Then what?"

Chen Yang said: "Make an illusion. First, Miss Ye and I pretend to leave the universe. Then you will first become disheartened, drink alcohol and be heartbroken, and then lose all hope. Finally, with a whisper, Miss Su will stay away from the earth. If this murderer If he really has other purposes, he will not tolerate you leaving the earth. At the same time, I will lurk on the earth with Miss Ye. If he doesn't continue to attack you, because you are no longer on the earth, he will not be able to help but surface. "

"This plan is feasible!" Mo Yu's eyes lit up and he said.

Su Yanran said: "If this murderer attacks us, we are not opponents, wouldn't it be..."

Zipao said: "That's not true. If this murderer was absolutely sure, he would have taken action against me long ago. Why would he have to do so many things?"

Chen Yang said: "We must do this, this is the only way."

Zipao said, "Okay, I'll do as you say."

Next, the group began to discuss many details of the implementation of the plan.

After about ten hours of deliberation, all the details were finalized and then they started to implement it.

First, a group of people ran outside the earth. Chen Yang and Zipao used the power of chaos together. The two forces of chaos collided, resulting in a violent explosion of chaotic particles!

In fact, the intensity of this big explosion is not enough!

But how can outsiders understand the secret?

In the big explosion, Chen Yang opened a door to the void.

The Gate of the Void also looks like the Gate of Chaos. Chen Yang and Ye Qingming stepped through the Gate of Void and then disappeared!

Except for Chen Yang and Zipao, no matter who the outsiders are, they can't figure out what kind of gate Chen Yang passes through...

Chen Yang and Ye Qingming traveled hundreds of millions of miles away, in a dark void.

And the purple robe returned to the earth with Su Yanran and Mo Yu.

After returning to Earth, Zipao took Su Yanran and Mo Yu everywhere to look for the murderer, but then he couldn't find it and started drinking heavily, getting drunk every day.

A month later, Zipao came to Su Yanran and Mo Yu to tell her his decision, saying that he would stay away from the earth and live a new life.

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