My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4172: Return to earth again, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

Jueqing said: "The biggest trick to open the door to chaos is to be in the energy center of the big bang when the big bang occurs, and then use the power of the big bang to rush into the divine power of chaos. Then use the divine power of chaos to impact the chaotic world! In this way, out of self-protection, the Chaos World will let these forces vent to other places through the Chaos Gate! At this time, if we help the Chaos World, the Chaos Gate will naturally appear! The difficulty is, You can't be sure where you are going. Maybe it's another universe, maybe it's some other inexplicable place."

"If there is any mistake in this, it will be fatal!" Jueqing added at the end.

Zipao said in a deep voice: "In such a big explosion, aren't you afraid that one day you will really die in it?"

A look of pain flashed in Jueqing's eyes, and he said: "As long as you live, you must keep going. If one day I really die in it, wouldn't it be a relief for me? Sometimes, I even hope that I can Really die! But I can't commit suicide. Suicide is a sign of cowardice. If I try my best and still get killed, then I have no regrets. Because I have tried my best!"

Zipao looked at Jueqing, but he could feel the same. However, he is an extremely passionate person, and his sadness is definitely not as sad as that of Ruthless.

Chen Yang was also able to understand Jue Qing's pain. He thought that if his family also suffered from this, then he would be more desperate and want to die than him!

Maybe, I will do something unscrupulously and want revenge!

Ye Qingming frowned slightly and said, "So, it is extremely difficult for us to return to the main universe?"

Jueqing said: "It is indeed difficult. During the big bang, the gate of chaos opened... all of this happened in a flash. You have no time to choose and choose which universe to enter. You can also choose to keep traveling. With luck, If so, he might go back. What he lacks most is probably luck!"

Chen Yang said: "I am not familiar with the entire multiverse, but I believe that after I become more familiar with it, I will be able to find my way back!"

Jueqing said: "Master Hongmeng is very familiar with the multiverse and can accurately go to the universes he has been to. After he goes out, it is easy to go back. If you can see the entire multiverse clearly, you can also do this. . But it’s not easy to study the entire multiverse!”

Chen Yang said: "I believe that what Taoist Hongmeng can do, I can do too!"

Jueqing gave a rare smile and said: "The son of fate who dominates the universe should have such pride!"

Next, they talked a lot about the multiverse and Hongmeng Taoist.

Jueqing told Chen Yang and others that the formation of the multiverse is very similar to the structure of the three thousand worlds on the earth. The only difference is that the masters on the earth all know that the three thousand worlds are the main world. In the multiverse, the main universe cannot be seen clearly at all.

Chen Yang asked Jueqing: "Will the multiverse be like the three thousand worlds on the earth? The three thousand worlds are like three thousand crystal **** in the blue metamagnetic ocean? Each universe is a crystal ball? All crystal **** surround it The main world?"

Jueqing said: "I can't answer you."

Zipao said: "Then you said that the structure of the multiverse is similar to that of the Three Thousand Worlds?"

Jueqing said: "That's what Taoist Master Hongmeng told me. He said that the structures of these worlds are somewhat similar. This is based on the interconnection and integration of the human body and all things. He also told me some diversity The sequence of the universe... There seems to be no so-called metamagnetic ocean and crystal ball in the sequence. It just talks about three thousand universes, which overlap and form a large sphere. The three thousand universes seem to be in different planes. , and they are actually in the same plane. Let’s put it this way. If you are at the edge of Universe 1, then Universe 1 is close to Universe 2. We can fly directly from Universe 1 to Universe 2 without the chaos gate. universe."

Mo Yu said: "But the universe is too big. It is impossible for anyone to reach the edge of the universe. Even if we reach the edge of the universe and go to another universe, we will not be able to find it. Because every universe is too big... Even if we have extraordinary cultivation, relying on It’s flying at such a speed that even if it takes a hundred million years, it won’t be able to travel through it even in a billion years!”

Jueqing nodded and said: "Yes, that's it!"

Zipao said: "So, if you want to go to another universe, you can only rely on the chaos gate to travel!"

Chen Yang said: "So, is the Chaos Gate the only way to travel?"

Jueqing said: "Yes, you must know that every universe is roughly the same. If people from this universe are allowed to travel to other universes, it will cause a certain amount of chaos. Although the universe is very big, sometimes, just because Big, a small change can also cause a big disaster! Fortunately, the setting of the universe seems to have thought of this possibility, so certain differences are allowed! This is why, all of us are The same person has experienced the same events, but many results will be different! Now due to the appearance of Taoist Hongmeng, he has discovered the existence of this multiverse... and has done many extraordinary things. So the entire multiverse should be Dramatic changes are taking place! What exactly this change is, we still can’t tell yet.”

Chen Yang said: "The system of the universe is too huge, and the system composed of three thousand universes is too huge to be imagined. Many problems that arise in it are just the tip of the iceberg and are difficult to detect. When the problems really erupt, they will be wiped out. Disaster!"

Mo Yu said: "Just like human skyscrapers, once cracks appear in the load-bearing walls, they will all collapse!"

Jueqing said: "Master Hongmeng just wants to see this scene happen... He said that everything that happens is due to the big bang of the universe. He really wants to see what will happen after the big bang of three thousand universes? Maybe he can use this to break through the constraints of the universe, go to the upper level of the universe, and then become a **** overlooking the universe!"

Zipao said: "I can't say that he is whimsical. Now I am beginning to understand this Hongmeng Taoist. We and he are indeed not on the same level. We are still in the seven emotions and six desires, but he is already in the sky. With him If you have a certain nature of mind, you will indeed find our grievances and petty affections to be ridiculous!"

Ye Qingming said: "For us, living is accidental, and death is inevitable! Since we are alive, of course we want to live a good life. After all, there are still people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the sky. Even if he explores the universe, he is afraid that it is above There are also things that he will spend his whole life exploring. Sometimes, being an ordinary person and knowing less will make him happier!"

Zipao said: "What Miss Ye said makes sense! It's just that they have different ideas!"

Chen Yang said: "Of course it's okay to have different ideas, but what Hongmeng Taoist mainly wants to do is to kill us all, so there's no way we can agree with that."

In the void, the group of people chatted for a whole day and then repaired their physical injuries.

After a while, everyone returned to a perfect state.

Next, let’s focus on finding the murderer!

Chen Yang was very worried deep down in his heart. Although Jueqing's family members died at the hands of Taoist Hongmeng... Zipao's family members still didn't know who killed them... He summarized some of everyone's actions and always felt stuck in his heart. The panic. Because although many details are different, the overall direction is the same. He is also afraid that his family will suffer this fate in the end. If this is the case, it is really difficult for him to accept.

As for how to find the murderer, everyone has been discussing for a long time, but they have no clue!

Mo Yu proposed to return to the earth.

After everyone discussed it, they felt that it would be difficult to achieve results if they continued like this, so they could only agree!

So, the group of people turned around again and headed towards the earth.

The way back to Earth still needs to be re-planned.

Chen Yang and Jueqing hid, letting Zipao, Mo Yu and Su Yanran go another way.

After returning to Earth, we still have to find ways to lure out the murderer.

Chen Yang thought for a long time, and finally came up with a plan, and said: "We came out this time to use a trick. Now that you are back, the murderer must have seen you and thought you had a new trick. It just so happens that you have always been cruel. Hidden, the murderer must not know your existence. You just keep chasing him and seriously injuring him. At the right time, maybe the murderer will appear. In any case, it is true that the murderer hates him deeply. "

Zipao was a little worried about Jueqing and said, "You won't really seriously injure me and then kill me, right?"

Jueqing smiled bitterly and said, "I swear, okay!" He really swore a strong oath at that moment.

Zipao felt relieved.

After everything was calculated, everyone headed towards the earth separately.

Chen Yang decided to take the first step and find the God Emperor first. Lest the God Emperor think that a foreign enemy is invading, he will kill Jue Qing!

Of course, this is very unlikely. The God Emperor never likes to meddle in other people's business, but Chen Yang felt that he still had to figure everything out and arrange everything!

Time passed quickly, and another month passed in the blink of an eye.

Chen Yang quickly entered the earth, and then looked for the God Emperor in the world, but the God Emperor... was gone again.

It’s okay that he’s gone!

Chen Yang felt relieved and quickly and quietly left the earth.

Then Zipao, Mo Yu and Su Yanran returned to the earth. They went to Tianzhou first.

After going to Tianzhou, Zipao, Mo Yu and Su Yanran stayed in Tianchi Pavilion.

After three days of training, Jueqingji appeared and hunted down Zipao.

The two fought in the void for three days and three nights...

In the end, Zipao was seriously injured, and Mo Yu took action in time to escape with Zipao.

Jueqing immediately chased after him...

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