My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4182: Taoist Lord appears for the first time, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

Time flies so fast, half a year has passed in the blink of an eye!

Half a year may be a long time for ordinary people! But for those who practice Taoism, it is really just a matter of seconds.

Chen Yang, Jueqingqing and Ye Qingming continued to sail in the universe.

Although Jueqing knew some explosion points, it would take a lot of time to find them.

On this day, Chen Yang controlled the black hole crystal and moved forward.

Ye Qingming was chatting with him.

"I wonder what is happening to Bai Suzhen in this universe now..." Ye Qingming suddenly said.

Chen Yang was startled and immediately remembered the scene when Bai Suzhen left in despair that day.

"I really wanted to do something for her, but after thinking about it, I found that I couldn't do anything." Chen Yang said bitterly. After a pause, he added: "When she left that day, I wanted to catch up with her. But then I thought, what will happen if I catch up with her? Can I comfort her with just a few words? Only those who died can be comforted. Only by saving them all can she be happy. But no one can do what she asks for. So no one can relieve her pain."

Ye Qingming said: "Tell me, the same people, the same things, why do they end up like this?"

Chen Yang said: "I have thought about this issue for a long time. It is probably due to the difference in personality. Although they are the same people, they have different personalities. Only now do I know that Zipao has killed Cheng Jianhua."

"Cheng Jianhua?" Ye Qingming obviously didn't know Cheng Jianhua. Chen Yang said: "Cheng Jianhua is the enemy I made when I was in the mortal world. This man is sinister and despicable, but also extremely resourceful. I almost died in his hands several times! And I also promised a The woman wanted to kill Cheng Jianhua to avenge her. But because he was under the control of the elder brother, I never killed him. Zipao was much more free and easy than me, so I just killed Cheng Jianhua in this universe. "

"Isn't it too much for your elder brother to protect such a villain? Doesn't he know who Cheng Jianhua is?" Ye Qingming was a little angry.

"There are many reasons for this, it's hard to describe in one sentence!" Chen Yang said: "I sometimes envy Zipao for being so free and easy, killing whenever he wants and loving whenever he wants. I have always wanted to be like him, but in reality, But there are always too many scruples.”

Ye Qingming said: "I don't think you need to envy him, because facts have proven that you are right and he is wrong. He is so careless, that's why he planted so much unhappiness in Luo Feng's heart! That's why He beat and scolded Bai Xiaoning without any scruples, and finally forced Bai Xiaoning to death. I think people should have scruples. Mortals say that if you raise your head three feet up, there will be gods. That's scruples! What about immortals? Immortals should also have scruples, because raising their heads three feet up has cause and effect. ah!"

Chen Yang smiled and said, "You are right!"

Ye Qingming said: "Humans are social animals, so they are destined to get along with others. If you have no scruples, you will make others uncomfortable. If others are uncomfortable, they will naturally make you uncomfortable."

Chen Yang nodded repeatedly after hearing this, and then smiled and said: "You have very little contact with the human race, how can you understand these big principles?"

Ye Qingming smiled and said: "Although I haven't had much contact with the human race, isn't it true that all laws in the world are universal?"

Chen Yang said: "It makes sense!"

Afterwards, the two talked about many other things, but neither of them dared to talk about what to do if something like this happened in the main universe?

Chen Yang didn't dare to think deeply.

Just when they were chatting happily, suddenly, a figure flashed over.

But it is so ruthless.

Jueqing came directly through the void.

Normally, he would not do this. We rarely use magic in the black hole spar.

Jueqing came to Chen Yang and Ye Qingming, with a look of horror in his eyes.

Chen Yang and Ye Qingming were both surprised. They both knew Jueqing's temperament and knew that he would not panic easily. Chen Yang quickly asked: "What happened?"

Jueqing said in a trembling voice: "He found you."

"Who... is he?" Chen Yang didn't react for a moment, but soon he understood. He suddenly turned pale and said, "You mean, Taoist Master Hongmeng?"

Ye Qingming was immediately horrified.

Jueqing's eyes were full of panic, and he nodded: "Yes, it's Taoist Master Hongmeng!"

"What happened?" Chen Yang took a deep breath and said, "Don't panic yet!"

Jueqing also took a deep breath to calm down. After that, he said: "Just now, I was sitting cross-legged in meditation. Suddenly, Master Hongmeng locked the aura around me through the big calculation gene technique, and then formed an aura of soul, and then spoke to me."

Chen Yang quickly asked: "What did he say?"

Jueqing said: "He said that he felt that our universe was not balanced. There have always been at most two real Chen Yangs in one universe. But when he sensed the multiverse, he found that there had been three in our universe. The real Chen Yang, so he asked me, what’s going on?”

Ye Qingming said: "You didn't tell him the truth, right?"

Jueqing glanced at Ye Qingming and said, "Whether I tell him or not, he will continue to investigate. He is so smart, he must be able to guess it."

Ye Qingming said: "How did you answer him?"

Jueqing said: "I told him that when I was chasing Chen Yang from another universe, we happened to encounter a big explosion point, so we traveled together."

Ye Qingming said: "Does he believe it?"

Jueqing said: "Of course he doesn't believe it!" After a pause, he said: "He asked me, given my ability, why haven't I eliminated the other two Chen Yangs after so long? Is it because I can't eliminate them, or do I just don't want to eliminate them? Why don’t you want to eliminate it? Don’t you want to take revenge?”

Chen Yang looked solemn and said, "What did you say?"

Jueqing said: "I said that some accidents happened. Chen Yang here is surprisingly strong, and there are also masters of magical powers around him! But he decided that I was lying, and he said that he would come to investigate personally."

"How does he want to check?" Ye Qingming asked: "He can't get through?"

Jueqing said bitterly: "Although he can't get through, he has a way to control some people in this universe to take action against us."

Ye Qingming couldn't help but lose countenance and said: "How is this possible? Even if we are face to face, it is difficult for us to control the masters. Even the Supreme Taoist Ancestor, it is difficult for him to control the behavior of a semi-saint master. Even if the Hongmeng Taoist Master is very powerful, Across the multiverse, how can we..."

Jueqing said: "That's because you don't understand what big computational genetics is. He first locks in a place in the universe, then calculates the quality and density of the magnetic field here, and then controls the people and their genes. Once he puts this After a series of steps are completed, your genes will be directly locked and a gene lock will be formed. By then, your magic power will still be strong, but you will no longer be under your control."

Chen Yang said in a deep voice: "Similar to a computer virus, remote control?"

Jueqing nodded and said: "Yes! But compared to computer viruses, remote control is more powerful. After he forms a genetic lock in your body, you are basically his marionette, but your mind is clear. You The consciousness is also your own..."

Ye Qingming said: "Then can he come and form a genetic lock on me?"

Jueqing said: "For those with weak cultivation, he can directly lock the gene lock. For those with strong cultivation, it may be more troublesome. However, he cannot lock the gene lock with me and Chen Yang."

Chen Yang said: "Is it because we have the power of chaos?"

Jueqing said: "On the one hand, the divine power of Chaos, on the other hand, we are very similar to his genes, so he cannot lock us. Just like his key can open our door, our key can also open his door."

Chen Yang seemed to understand, but he was relieved.

Ye Qingming said: "I noticed that you just said that it would be very troublesome for him to lock up someone with strong cultivation?"

Jueqing said: "This means that across the universe, if it is at close range, he can lock on even a quasi-sage instantly. Therefore, if many people attack him, they will probably start fighting each other when they get to him."

Ye Qingming said: "We are separated by the universe now. If he targets some weak people, it will be useless to us."

Jueqing said: "You can say that."

Ye Qingming said: "So, we are safe now."

Chen Yang became worried and said: "I'm worried that he will follow me and lock the main universe. After I return to the main universe, if he uses gene locks to lock my relatives, how should I respond?"

Jueqing said: "This is indeed a very scary aspect, and it is also very likely to happen."

Ye Qing was meditating on something, he was horrified and said: "Is it possible that he is eavesdropping on our conversation?"

Jueqing said: "That's not possible, because he wants to appear across the universe, and he must first lock the aura. The movement of locking the aura is very loud, and it is impossible to hide it from our eyes."

Ye Qingming breathed a sigh of relief.

Chen Yang said: "Has he guessed that I am from the main universe?"

Jueqing said: "He is guessing, but he is not sure. You have never been in contact with him, so you don't know how smart and terrifying he is!"

Chen Yang said: "Once he determines that I am from the main universe, after I return to the main universe, I will harm the people around me. After he uses the gene lock to control my family, they may kill each other, commit suicide, or come to kill Me, right?”

Jueqing said: "Not bad!"

Chen Yang suddenly shuddered and said: "Such an enemy is too terrifying! Because we are separated by the universe, it is impossible for me to fight back!"

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