My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4188: Water drops and origins, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

Chapter 4188 Water Drops and Origin

Heiyi Suzhen said: "The darkness in front of me is not caused by dark elements, I can't feel the existence of any dark elements.

It feels like being trapped in the main tribulation thought! Some more”

Chen Yang said in a deep voice: "It's like a mystery in the womb!"

The two of them carefully observed the surrounding situation, but for a moment they didn't know how to get out.

But at the same time, I didn't feel any external danger.

Chen Yang took the opportunity to quickly absorb the divine power of chaos and restore his vitality.

When he and Hei Yi Suzhen were in a spiritual state, the chaotic divine power they absorbed could also nourish Hei Yi Suzhen very well.

Chen Yang was still worried about Ye Qingming's safety, but under such circumstances, he was somewhat helpless.

So, what happened?

Let's say that when Master Hongmeng was about to kill Ye Qingming with one finger, an accident suddenly happened.

Master Hongmeng could directly see through Ye Qingming's cultivation. He saw that Ye Qingming's cultivation was only in the semi-saint realm.

In his world, Ye Qingming's cultivation is that of a saint.

Taoist Master Hongmeng couldn't figure out why Ye Qingming was so weak in cultivation, but he didn't care about this.

It was precisely because he knew that Ye Qingming was not a threat that he dared to say in front of Chen Yang that Chen Yang was dead this time.

Unexpectedly, something unexpected happened at this time.

When he pointed his finger at the center of Ye Qingming's eyebrows, suddenly, Ye Qingming's beautiful eyes widened!

At that moment, he felt that the things around him were changing rapidly!

The universe that was originally a dark void suddenly turned into a green passage!

Ye Qingming was standing at the end of the passage.

"It's a small illusion, but you dare to do it all!"

Taoist Master Hongmeng was slightly startled, then sneered and took another step forward.

In one step, he stepped onto the green passage.

He quickly took a few steps, and the green passage collapsed.

Ye Qingming in front disappeared along with the passage.


Taoist Hongmeng glanced around and found that there was darkness and void all around.

There was no trace of Ye Qingming or Chen Yang in front of him.

He knew he had fallen into the opponent's trap.

This technique is very weird.

There has never been any illusion that can fascinate him, this is the first time.

In his world, there was no world of demons.

It is even more impossible for Mo Yu to have any love for him, so Mo Yu will not have the inner demon holy realm!

Taoist Master Hongmeng quickly remembered the little girl named Mo Yu in other universes.

"It turns out it's her. But I have experienced the inner demon holy realm before, and it's just average."

Taoist Master Hongmeng said secretly: "It's definitely not as magical as it is in front of you.

It seems that because this Mo Yu also comes from the main universe, everything is different again. "

Dao Master Hongmeng was in this maze, calmly, and then closed his eyes.

He carefully perceived everything around him in heaven and earth.

Then, he found Ye Qingming's location, and in a flash, he arrived at a place.

In that place, Ye Qingming was standing handsomely, as if waiting for his arrival.

Hongmeng Dao Master came to Ye Qingming, smiled slightly, and said: "If you have any other tricks, use them all!"

At this time, Ye Qingming was wearing a long snow-white dress, looking like a fairy in the snow, as beautiful as a fairy.

She opened her palms, and there was a drop of crystal water in her palms.

This drop of water condenses and never disperses

"This is the spirit of the universe. Don't you want to know the origin of the universe?

Take it! "

After saying that, he shot the water droplet towards Taoist Master Hongmeng.

Taoist Master Hongmeng said: "Okay!"

Now he reached out and caught the water drop in his hand.

Then, he used his spiritual power to penetrate into the depths of the water drop.

Originally he thought it was a trick by the other party, but after his spiritual thoughts penetrated it, he was surprised to find that this drop of water was really unusual.

Water droplets contain endless information, and also imply the sequence, origin, etc. of the universe!

If this drop of water were in the hands of others, it would not be able to detect many magics.

But Taoist Master Hongmeng was a scholar of heaven and man, and he directly discovered the unusualness of water droplets.

But he also knew that this was not the time to explore water drops.

He planned to take down Ye Qingming first, and then Chen Yang, so that he could explore this magical drop of water.

But at this moment, the drop of water began to disappear.

Taoist Hongmeng was taken aback, and his magic power immediately penetrated deep into the water droplet.

This is his instinct!

The magic power goes deep into it, as if traveling through time and space, entering the ancient times, entering the creation of the earth, and then the birth of the solar system. The process is from the present to the past.

So first there was the ancient times, then the birth of the earth, then the solar system, and then directly traveling to the outside of the galaxy.

After the mana enters the water droplet, it is like riding a magical magical instrument that travels through time and space, and can travel countless light years in one second.


Taoist Master Hongmeng's mana followed the water drop to an energy crystal.

The energy crystal in the void is like a crystal clear diamond!

This energy crystal is only the size of a fist.

"Is this energy crystal the origin of the universe?"

Taoist Hongmeng's breathing began to quicken.

All this is in his mind

He couldn't help but condense a large handprint in his spiritual thoughts to grab the crystal.

The moment he grabbed the crystal, there was a boom

The energy crystal exploded completely.

A dazzling light appeared in front of Hongmeng Taoist Master. He couldn't resist it, couldn't breathe, and couldn't make any reaction.

That kind of explosion intensity is enough to destroy him tens of millions of times.

All his mana seemed insignificant before such an explosion.

In a certain multiverse, in the land of nothingness, a handsome and delicate young man in white clothes sat cross-legged.

He had his eyes closed, but at this moment he opened them suddenly.

This young man looks exactly like Chen Yang, and he is the true form of Taoist Hongmeng.

Hongmeng Dao Master's genetic lock was completely separated from Luo Feng's body.

What lingered in his mind was the big explosion just now.

"Interesting little girl!"

Taoist Master Hongmeng smiled slightly and said: "You can actually create such a demon for me. Knowing that I am obsessed with the origin of the universe, you gave me the dream of the origin.

The reason why this explosion is so powerful is because the definition of this explosion in my imagination is so terrifying! But little girl, you are indeed closely related to the origin crystal of the universe.

Although Mo Yu in my world is also the daughter of the universe Yuan Fei, they are not authentic.

Only children born from the cosmic embryo of the main universe can trace the origin crystal! You are the real spirit of the universe! And the Son of Luck, it really can’t kill you, interesting, interesting! "

Chen Yang and Hei Yi Suzhen were trapped in boundless darkness. He was anxious, but he was worried about Ye Qingming's safety.

At this moment, the darkness in front of his eyes suddenly dissipated.

Returned to the void of the universe

In the void, golden fragments fell one after another

At the same time, he also saw Ye Qingming falling downwards.

Chen Yang was shocked and quickly reached out for his big handprint to capture Ye Qingming in his hand.

The magic power instantly penetrated into Ye Qingming's body and found that her vitality was severely damaged, but she was not seriously injured.

After he breathed a long sigh of relief, he quickly captured the golden fragments in the void and suppressed them separately, not giving them a chance to recover.

Heiyi Suzhen came out of Chen Yang's brain and quickly returned to her original state.

Her body had been hidden in the main tribulation thought at the critical moment. At this moment, the body was captured and returned to its position.

"Is Miss Ye okay?"

Heiyi Suzhen asked worriedly.

Chen Yang shook his head and said: "It's okay, but it's also strange, how did she get rid of Dao Master Hongmeng?

I have never seen her so powerful before. "

Heiyi Suzhen said: "Everyone has a trick to win over others. I guess they must have used some trick to win over others! We will know when she wakes up and asks."

Chen Yang nodded and said, "Yes!"

Immediately, he put Ye Qingming into the palace of Xiaoyao Hall to cultivate.

At the same time, his spiritual thoughts shot across the void, and he found a few more key golden fragments.

Those fragments were those of Zipao, Jueqing, and the two fragments of Chen Yang that Jueqing had swallowed.

This time, he had four fragments of Chen Yang's chaos crystals on his body.

As long as he injects the divine power of chaos into these fragments, they can become powerful magic weapons and power.

Chen Yang's eyes were complicated, and he didn't want to swallow these fragments like this.

He felt that this was an evil path, and if he continued like this, he would become very scary.

But on the other hand, these fragments have become pure energy bodies.

If you don't absorb it yourself, it's a waste.

He was extremely conflicted.

At the moment, I will collect the fragments first. As for what to do next, let’s talk about it later.

After collecting the fragments, Chen Yang began to examine the golden fragments transformed from Luo Feng's body.

There are countless blood particles in the golden fragments, and there are thunder particles swimming in the blood particles.

Boundlessly powerful!

After Chen Yang took a deep breath, he made a decision.

He said to Heiyi Suzhen: "I have to do something now, and you can help me protect the law."

Heiyi Suzhen didn't know what Chen Yang was going to do, but she knew that what Chen Yang was going to do must be the right thing.

So she supported it 100% and nodded immediately.

Chen Yang immediately sat cross-legged in the void, and then began to devour the pieces of Luo Feng's body.

He created the Great Devouring Technique inside his body, and inside the Great Devouring Technique is the furnace of chaos!

Use the Great Devouring Technique to gradually devour the power of these fragments.

It was equivalent to swallowing Luo Feng alive.

By the way, he also swallowed Bai Suzhen!

Although they are both immortal, they are still very powerful after being broken into pieces.

Gradually devour them, relying on the Great Devouring Technique, the divine power of Heaven, the power of the Grain and Sheji Divine Tree, and the divine power of Chaos to digest them.

This is also evil!

But Chen Yang decided to do this.

Swallowing Bai Suzhen is to liberate her.

To swallow Luo Peak is also to liberate Luo Peak.

By the way, it can also be regarded as avenging Zipao and those Zipao family members who were killed by Luo Feng.

No turning back, no regrets even if you die!

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