My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4304: Step by step, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

Chen Yang knew that this body was in urgent need of daily luck conditioning, and it would be better if some suitable Chinese herbal medicine could be added. It’s a pity that we don’t have that condition! The only thing that is available is the calorie supplement. Fortunately, there is still beef and mutton.

There are also many chores in the warehouse.

Wang Xueqin's favorable impression of Chen Yang has greatly increased, and she immediately arranged some easy tasks for Chen Yang, asking him to count the number of goods in a certain area. This was easy for Chen Yang. After Wang Xueqin made arrangements, she went to find Director Yu from the Logistics Department. She wants to ask Minister Yu to arrange Chen Yang's work... This is not a problem. Because Chen Yang is always a person that no one cares about, he will lose it wherever he throws it.

There are other workers in the warehouse, either arranging goods or counting.

Chen Yang didn't talk much with them, and everyone ignored Chen Yang.

Chen Yang found pen and paper and quickly counted all the goods in the area he was responsible for. He has the ability to see hundreds of things with a single glance...but now, because the brain of this body is also very weak, he will get tired if he overuses his brain.

Everything has to be done slowly!

After Wang Xueqin came back, Chen Yang showed Wang Xueqin the inventory of goods. Wang Xueqin couldn't help being surprised when she saw the goods list made by Chen Yang, and said, "You made all of these?"

She was surprised that the handwriting on the cargo list was neat and clear.

Chen Yang nodded and pretended to be worried: "Sister Qin, do you have any questions?"

Wang Xueqin said: "I seem to have heard that you can't write?"

Chen Yang smiled sheepishly and said, "I have been secretly learning and practicing calligraphy for a long time. Don't laugh at me."

Wang Xueqin suddenly felt that she had underestimated this guy, and immediately smiled and said: "Very good, if you know how to work hard at a young age, you will be successful in the future."

Chen Yang smiled shyly and said: "Sister Qin, if you need me to do anything in the future, you must ask me to do it. I will be your little errand boy and little follower!"

Wang Xueqin nodded and said: "Very good, I have already told Minister Yu. From now on, you don't have to work in the kitchen. You will just do odd jobs in the warehouse every day."

Chen Yang said with tears of gratitude: "Thank you so much, Sister Qin!"

Wang Xueqin added: "By the way, you have to pay attention. Hu Jie and his gang seemed very dissatisfied with you this morning. I saw that they were staring at you when you were in the cafeteria. Be careful that they cause trouble for you!"

Chen Yang said: "I will pay attention to it. Don't worry, this is not a problem. I can solve it."

Wang Xueqin was quite surprised and said: "Really? How do you want to solve it? I definitely can't beat you."

Chen Yang said: "In the past few years, I have read a lot of books and understood some truths. It is not enough to tolerate being bullied by others. I cannot beat them, but as long as I show that I am not afraid of death, they They don’t dare to bully me at will. In fact, I have no grudge against them. They just think that I am easy to bully. After they find out that I am not easy to bully, they will no longer bully me at will."

After Wang Xueqin heard what he said, she immediately remembered the bad things between herself and her husband, and suddenly became thoughtful. She didn't take Chen Yang's matter too seriously, and then said: "Be careful anyway, and you are too dirty. I will bring you some clothes that my husband has worn tomorrow. . But you have to remember to wash yourself frequently."

Chen Yang nodded hurriedly and said, "Well, I listen to you!"

Wang Xueqin left work at noon, and was replaced by another administrator, Liang Song. Liang Song is a man in his forties, who is usually serious in speech. Wang Xueqin also told Liang Song about Chen Yang when he handed over the shift. Liang Song nodded and didn't say much.

After Wang Xueqin left, Chen Yang came to Liang Song and said with great respect: "Brother Song, let me pour you tea!" He found a thermos and poured tea into Liang Song's cup. And helped him diligently wipe his desk, etc...

After doing this, he said: "Brother Song, if there is anything you need me to do, just tell me."

Liang Song nodded lightly and said, "It's nothing, just clean up the floor of the warehouse."

Chen Yang said: "Okay!" in a cheerful tone.

After that, he cleaned the floor and found a mop to mop it again.

Then I took a rag and wiped the shelves.

Anyway, he is very diligent...

The sanitation in the warehouse has always been done by the staff who do a rough cleaning when they get off work in the evening. Now that Chen Yang helped clean up, those people felt a lot more relaxed.

So for a while, I didn't hate Chen Yang so much.

Liang Song also had a better impression of Chen Yang after seeing the warehouse become tidy and tidy.

Chen Yang knew better that the ruler of doing things and being a human being was difficult to measure.

You can't be too pushy. It's hard to please the people above you but also to keep your colleagues from resenting you.

For example, if you keep working while everyone is taking a break, your colleagues will hate you.

Chen Yang was a little helpless when he first arrived. He knew that if he worked so diligently every day in the future, the staff would be disgusted.

In China, the word "gold mean" is very important.

But it is very difficult to achieve moderation.

Chen Yang also felt that with his own intelligence, he should be able to survive in this place.

There are only two meals in the cafeteria, one at ten in the morning and one at four in the afternoon.

When I went to have dinner in the afternoon, Wang Xueqin no longer had the protection. Chen Yang moved his muscles and found that it still didn't work.

too weak!

But what should be faced, after all, still needs to be faced.

The cafeteria is still bustling with people...

Chen Yang entered the cafeteria this time, not with Liang Song. When he came in the morning, he noticed that there was surveillance in the cafeteria.

After entering the canteen, the first thing I noticed was that Hu Jie and his party were also there. They were always staring at the entrance and exit of the cafeteria. As soon as Chen Yang came in, they gave him sad looks.

In fact, Hu Jie and his gang are not gangsters, let alone powerful characters.

If they meet someone powerful, they will be more timid than anyone else. The reason why he seems to be a promiscuous person now is simply because Chen Yang is a soft persimmon.

Chen Yang ate a lot of beef and mutton on his dinner plate, took some hamburgers, and then sat down at a seat under surveillance.

Then he started to feast...

But not long after eating, Hu Jie and his gang came over with plates and sat around Chen Yang.

Chen Yang quietly took a knife and fork in his hand, then looked at Hu Jie's group with fearful eyes, and said: "You... don't mess around. There is surveillance here."

Hu Jie smiled slightly and said, "There is indeed surveillance. That's just right. You can go out with us."

"I'm not going!" Chen Yang said immediately.

"Don't you want to go?" Wang Tao next to Hu Jie said with a ferocious smile: "Can I let you do it? Aren't you a little **** very good at showing off this morning? You can talk about Sister Qin in one mouthful, and you don't mind her mother's disgustingness." After saying that, he He exchanged glances with another companion, and then wanted to fight Chen Yang out.

Chen Yang was well prepared. He stood up quickly and took a few steps back, leaving them with a chance.

He scolded loudly and said, "What on earth do you want to do? Are you bullying others? I haven't offended you, why are you beating me?"

His voice was loud and immediately attracted the attention of other employees in the cafeteria.

Everyone looked here in unison.

Hu Jie and others did not expect that there would be such a big fuss.

According to past situations, you should be able to handle this guy however you want. But today, I just feel bad...

"Okay, you wait!" After all, Hu Jie and others did not dare to go too far in public, so they could only let Chen Yang go first.

After they left, Chen Yang sat down again and ate the delicious food.

"This is really like being bullied by a dog! Damn it!" Chen Yang cursed in his heart, knowing that there would be no peace today.

After eating, Chen Yang did not go out immediately. He hid a knife and fork on his body, and then ran to the public toilet in the cafeteria to start his luck.

After the good luck in the morning and this time, some impurities in the intestines and stomach were also expelled.

For ordinary people, if they want to be in good health, they must understand the function of Qi.

Because people live for one breath!

When this tone is present, the people are present. If you die, you will die.

With good luck, you can naturally improve your immunity, strengthen your body's bones, and more!

When a certain time comes, Chen Yang will use the method of washing the essence and cutting the marrow by himself, and his body will naturally become stronger.

But in the end, everything still takes time!

Chen Yang didn't pay much attention to those miscellaneous things from Hu Jie.

In this life, what kind of demons, demons and ghosts have you not experienced?

They are nothing!

I stayed in the toilet for a long time before leaving the canteen.

He was sure that those guys didn't have the patience to wait in the snow.

After going out, as expected, they did not wait outside.

After dinner, we went to the warehouse to do some chores.

After that, Liang Song asked Chen Yang to get off work with everyone.

After get off work, Chen Yang walked through the snow and returned to his small attic.

During this day, although I replenished a lot of calories, I also consumed a lot of calories. The whole person is very tired...

Lying on the bed, not wanting to move.

"This broken body..." Chen Yang was speechless.

Not long after, the German shepherds were sent over. Chen Yang took over the German shepherds again, took them to the weeds to go to the toilet, and then sent the German shepherds back to their cages.

It is worth mentioning that sometimes German Shepherds will **** and pee in the cage. Chen Yang also needs to clean their kennels...

The daily work tasks are extremely heavy!

After cooking the German Shepherd, Chen Yang began to meditate in the room.

Breathing in line with the sun and moon, the whole person enters a state of extreme tranquility.

After meditating for an hour, I felt my legs were sore and numb.

"Damn it..." Chen Yang cursed secretly, and then lay on the bed again to make luck, and it was in line with the movement of the sun and the moon.

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