My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4308: Qin Yunshuang, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

The days were still going on day by day, so Chen Yang simply started practicing Shouku Zen and Marrow Washing Technique every day.

As time passed, Chen Yang had another idea in mind. There is no need to stay in the Sun Temple of Lao Shizi all the time. After your cultivation reaches the peak of Huajin, it will not be a big problem to go out and travel around the world. After you get out, find a powerful rich man or local official and ask them to help you get an identity. Then go back to Xia Kingdom. There is no need to go to Hongmeng Dao Master first, because you first have to learn how to deprive him of his luck, otherwise it will be in vain if you find him, just kill him directly, and many things will go wrong later.

Chen Yang made up his mind and lost confidence in the Sun Temple.

Damn it, I won’t beg you, I’ll do it myself.

In the blink of an eye, another three months have passed.

Chen Yang's cultivation level successfully reached Huajin.

His cultivation is not progressing very quickly, because he has to practice Ku Chan while practicing. In addition, without the help of medicinal materials, it was very difficult.

This speed is not fast for him. But to other warriors, that is a peerless genius.

It takes five months to cultivate from a weak and weak person to a powerful person. This is simply an impossible myth.

The training in Neijiaquan includes Ming Jin, Dark Jin, and Transformation Jin!

Ming Jin is a reckless man. Although his punches are powerful, his manpower is limited, so it is basically impossible to kill a cow with one punch!

When it comes to dark strength, the strength can be penetrated into the internal organs of the cow. Make it harmless on the outside but a mess on the inside!

Hua Jin, that is the power of transcendence!

The ancients often praised the opponent's kung fu to perfection, which is what it means.

In the eyes of many martial artists, reaching the peak of Huajin is already the highest achievement for those who practice martial arts.

To take another step forward is even more difficult!

After transforming the energy, there is another golden elixir!

The master of golden elixir is the true immortal of land!

Golden elixir masters can condense the whole body's strength into elixir pills, which are released instantly and are extremely ferocious.

The power of his punch is unstoppable by a master of energy transformation!

After becoming a master of the golden elixir, he becomes a god!

Huashen Jin truly cultivates the strength of the whole body to its peak state.

A master in the realm of spirit transformation, he uses his energy to control the spirit, and he pursues his soul for thousands of miles, which is the supreme way.

As for walking upward after transforming into a god, that’s cultivation.

Once you reach the realm of supernatural power, you are no longer a warrior, but a cultivator.

The world Chen Yang lives in is the Great Thousand Worlds among the Three Thousand Worlds.

The Great Thousand World has control over cultivation, and reaching the tenth level of Taixu is almost the limit.

And it's the Great Emperor of China, Chen Ling, and the others...

Back then, Chen Yang met a holy master in Thailand. He was in the immortal realm and was almost invincible.

When Chen Yang was strong in the past, he was not afraid of traveling all over the world. Now that I think about it carefully, I feel that I am really a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers!

In fact, the Huajin master is nothing!

Fortunately, even though I was ignorant back then, I didn't encounter any real ruthless characters. Later, when I met those people from the inner sect of Shaolin, they were all ruthless characters. But he still turned the bad luck into good luck.

Of course, my own growth is inseparable from these enemies.

It’s already spring and the flowers are blooming…

The long winter has passed.

Here in Shenglun City, winter is very cold, but spring warms up quickly.

The temperature during the day is around 26 degrees, and it is cooler at night.

During the day, Chen Yang started wearing T-shirts.

It's a pity that those T-shirts were actually worn by his adoptive father Liu Feng back then.

Liu Feng bought him clothes when he was still alive, but now that he has grown up, he can no longer wear them.

Although Chen Yang practiced Shouku Zen, he did not hide his vitality excessively. Young people still have to have the vigor and vitality of youth, and they cannot hide being sickly or senile. And then there's the smell of an old man... If that's the case, I'm afraid I won't be welcome wherever I go.

People always like beautiful and polite young people, but subconsciously hate sloppy old people!

But you can't say this is wrong. Compared with a new mobile phone and an old mobile phone, people naturally prefer the new one. This is human nature and nature.

When a woman is young, even if she doesn't have gorgeous clothes or any makeup, her natural beauty is the most intoxicating.

In the same way, Chen Yang is now a teenager, although he does not have good-looking clothes. But he has a nice youthful smell and vitality, which will naturally enchant middle-aged women like Wang Xueqin.

As Chen Yang became more and more outstanding, Wang Xueqin also subconsciously treated Chen Yang better.

It’s not like she wanted to do anything with Chen Yang...

Just like when a middle-aged man meets a beautiful girl, he will always be polite. If a girl smiles sweetly at him, he will feel even happier inside.

On this day, at ten o'clock in the morning, the sun was shining brightly.

Chen Yang and Wang Xueqin went to the cafeteria to eat together. Behind his back, some people actually pointed at Chen Yang, thinking that Chen Yang was eating soft food.

Chen Yang was too lazy to care about this. In fact, although Wang Xueqin was very kind to him, she didn't do anything excessive.

In the cafeteria, the sun shines in through the skylight, and the golden touch makes people feel comfortable.

The warmth of spring and the blooming of flowers always fill people's hearts with warmth and hope.

Hu Jie and his gang no longer come to provoke Chen Yang, and now Chen Yang is at ease in the warehouse.

Not only Hu Jie and the others, but also the people in the kitchen would subconsciously respect Chen Yang.

All this is because Chen Yang is now neither humble nor overbearing in his dealings with others, and behaves appropriately. People don't bully others unless you're too easy to bully.

Just like people would definitely not take the initiative to attack a big dog, but they would kick a small dog away because they were unhappy with it.

The fight between Chen Yang and Hu Jie and others is not a secret, so everyone knows that Chen Yang is not easy to mess with nowadays.

Halfway through the meal, the noisy cafeteria suddenly became quiet.

Obviously, something happened.

Chen Yang and Wang Xueqin were both surprised, and they looked around together.

Then, Chen Yang saw everyone looking towards the east gate...

At the east gate, the director of the Logistics Department, the normally aloof Minister Yu Jishui, was like a pug at the moment. He walked in accompanied by three people, two men and one woman. Two of the men were wearing black shirts and their waists were like javelins. They looked like bodyguards.

The woman wears a pair of large sunglasses on the bridge of her nose, a dark red shirt on her upper body, and a black skirt on her lower body. The whole person gives off a luxurious and elegant feeling.

The woman looked to be about twenty-five or six years old.

Chen Yang recognized the woman immediately...

Because in Chen Yi's memory, there was an image of this woman.

This woman is the bodyguard of the eldest lady Luo Tianyao... Qin Yunshuang.

Although Qin Yunshuang is a bodyguard, she has a good relationship with Luo Tianyao. And her cultivation is also very powerful, so she is very respected in the entire Sun Temple.

She is a person on the cloud and almost never comes to this kind of employee canteen.

In Chen Yi's memory, the reason why he met Qin Yunshuang was because during the Chinese New Year of a certain year, Qin Yunshuang accompanied the eldest lady to come to express condolences, which was considered a formality.

But there is only one time in my memory. That time, the eldest lady took power for the first time.

Later, the eldest lady was too lazy to do this.

"Why did Miss Qin come here?" Wang Xueqin muttered secretly.

The employees in the canteen didn't know what happened, and everyone looked towards Qin Yunshuang.

Qin Yunshuang ignored everyone and looked around.

Nayu Jishui is also looking everywhere.

Before Jishui could speak, Qin Yunshuang seemed to have found his target and walked inside.

The direction is exactly towards Chen Yang...

Chen Yang's heart skipped a beat, and he thought to himself: "You are here to see me, right? I was hoping you would come before, but you didn't come. Now that you don't have any plans, why are you here again?"

Wang Xueqin felt panicked when she saw Qin Yunshuang walking towards this direction.

She thought Qin Yunshuang was looking for her.

Soon, Qin Yunshuang came to Chen Yang and Wang Xueqin's table.

Chen Yang and Wang Xueqin immediately stood up, and together they shouted respectfully and timidly: "Miss Qin!"

Yu Jishui was standing by and was about to speak, but Qin Yunshuang raised her hand to signal Yu Jishui to shut up. She didn't say anything, but just looked Chen Yang up and down.

Chen Yang quickly lowered his head. He couldn't be too brave at this time.

"What's your name?" Qin Yunshuang asked.

"Wang Xueqin!"

"I didn't ask you!" Qin Yunshuang's voice was pleasant, but cold.

Wang Xueqin was suddenly stunned.

Only then did she realize that the other party was actually asking Chen Yang.

Chen Yang knew that she was coming for him, but he didn't answer at the moment.

"What's going on?" Yu Jishui stood up and said rudely to Chen Yang: "Miss Qin is asking you something, don't you know the answer?"

Chen Yang pretended to suddenly realize it, looked up at Qin Yunshuang, then immediately lowered his head and said softly and timidly: " name is...Chen Yi!"

Qin Yunshuang was extremely disappointed with Chen Yang's performance. She came because the eldest lady Luo Tianyao accidentally saw the video of Chen Yang fighting in the cafeteria. Luo Tianyao felt that Chen Yang seemed to be a good young man who practiced martial arts...

At that time, Luo Tianyao pointed to the video and said to Qin Yunshuang: "Yunshuang, we have been looking for good seedlings. Do you think this little guy's reaction ability is very good?"

After Qin Yunshuang saw it, he said: "It's really good!"

Luo Tianyao said: "Then you go and understand it. If there is no problem, bring it over to me for a look."

Qin Yunshuang agreed, and then couldn't help but ask: "Sister, where did you find this video?"

Luo Tianyao said: "The security department sent it here. It has been backlogged for a long time. I took a look at it today without incident."

"Chen Yi..." Qin Yunshuang was thoughtful, and then said to the timid young man in front of him: "Raise your head and look into my eyes!"

Chen Yang immediately said: "I...I don't dare!"

"Trash!" Qin Yunshuang was disappointed.

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