My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4310: Yunshuang recruits a disciple, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

The attic where Chen Yang lives is extremely cold in winter. The weather is hot and very muggy.

Chen Yang felt that the previous owner of his body, Chen Yi, was really bad... He couldn't say anything... There were many discarded electric fans in the warehouse. This guy can't even get through an old electric fan.

This also shows how unsociable Chen Yi was before.

The way he behaves is simply rubbish.

Chen Yang would naturally not be without an electric fan now. He told Wang Xueqin that he wanted to take an electric fan back from the warehouse. Wang Xueqin said that the old fans here were all broken, so she bought him a new one.

The next day, Wang Xueqin actually brought a new fan to Chen Yang.

Anyway, electric fans are not expensive!

That night, Chen Yang was practicing Tiger Leopard Thunder Sound in the attic.

But soon, he felt something was wrong.

I didn't feel the footsteps, it was purely a sixth sense...

So he stopped practicing, ran to bed and started reading.

The electric fan is blowing...

The lights are dim…

Not long after, there was a knock on the door.

Chen Yang went to knock on the door, shirtless and wearing big underpants.

After the door opened, he saw Qin Yunshuang standing at the door. She was wearing a red T-shirt and sweatpants today. She looked clean and dashing.

Chen Yang couldn't hear Qin Yunshuang's footsteps now, because Qin Yunshuang's cultivation level was much higher than his.

But Qin Yunshuang couldn't see through his situation.

Chen Yang immediately pretended to be extremely embarrassed and said with a blushing face: "Qin...Miss Qin..."

Qin Yunshuang glanced at Chen Yang's figure and didn't feel embarrassed at all. In her eyes, Chen Yang is just a little kid. "Go put your clothes on and come out!"

Chen Yang responded, then turned around and went in, quickly put on his T-shirt, and hurried outside.

Qin Yunshuang smelled the surrounding smell and frowned, obviously not used to the bad environment here.

"Miss Qin...I...did I make any mistake?" Chen Yang asked timidly.

Qin Yunshuang looked at Chen Yang and found that he lowered his head again.

"You raise your head!" Qin Yunshuang said coldly.

Chen Yang raised his head, but still didn't dare to look at Qin Yunshuang.

Qin Yunshuang said: "Look at me, am I a tiger and can I eat people?"

Chen Yang looked at Qin Yunshuang.

Qin Yunshuang immediately discovered that this boy was staring at her chest...

"Where are you looking?" Qin Yunshuang's pretty face turned red and she scolded.

Chen Yang immediately lowered his head in panic, but felt funny in his heart. Obviously, he was teasing this little **** purpose...

It seems like I haven’t had such a bad taste in many, many years...

After my cultivation reached a certain level, I never flirted with strange beauties again...

Now I have regained my freedom, and everything belongs to the original body Chen Yang. I have become a clone inexplicably, so of course I want to enjoy life like Chen Wuji!

Of course, there is no need to panic about the great cause.

The crisis of Master Hongmeng must be resolved, otherwise the main body and the relatives, family, and friends he cares about will be dead.

Seeing this guy lowering his head again, Qin Yunshuang couldn't help but want to stamp her feet, so she shouted again: "You raise your head and look into my eyes!"

Only then did Chen Yang raise his head and look into her beautiful eyes...

I have to say, this girl is really pretty.

Chen Yang looked into Qin Yunshuang's eyes with such burning eyes, which made Qin Yunshuang a little embarrassed. But it's hard to say anything, after all, he ordered him to do this.

"You..." Qin Yunshuang said.

Chen Yang said: "Miss Qin, I..."

Qin Yunshuang sighed, feeling that this guy was a little hopeless.

"Stand up straight and at attention!" Qin Yunshuang said. Chen Yang immediately followed his words.

Qin Yunshuang said: "I ask you, do you want to get ahead?"

Chen Yang said: "Getting ahead? Me? I can't do it, right?"

"It's not promising at all. How do you know it won't work even if you haven't tried it yet?" Qin Yunshuang was furious.

Chen Yang fell silent. Qin Yunshuang said: "Now there is an opportunity in front of you. As long as you do it within three days, you will not have to live in a place like this in the future. You will become a person on the cloud..."

Chen Yang breathed slightly and said, "What opportunity?"

Qin Yunshuang said: "I will now teach you how to get started with the inner sect. As long as you can get started, I will accept you as a disciple right away. You don't need to go through the outer sect discipleship, go directly to the inner sect and practice with me!"

Chen Yang pretended to be shocked and said: "Ah? This... is what you said true?"

Qin Yunshuang said coldly: "It's late at night, do you think I'm in the mood to joke with you? Do you have the qualifications?"

Chen Yang immediately said: "Okay, please teach me, what should I do?"

Qin Yunshuang snorted and said: "Let me tell you, you don't need to be too happy. It's said that it's a beginner's degree. In fact, only one or two people out of a thousand can do it. I think you probably can't do it. Anyway, I I only give you three days, and if you can’t do it in three days, you’ll have to stay in this attic for the rest of your life.”

Chen Yang said: "I will take good care of it!" He suddenly felt interesting. It was also very interesting to be able to practice with this little beauty.

Pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger is just fun!

His playfulness was aroused. On the other hand, I feel that if I really become her disciple, the resources should be easy to obtain.

Just stay here for now!

Qin Yunshuang continued: "The first step in our internal martial arts is to blow up the hairs and close the vitality. In fact, if ordinary people want to move their ears freely, it is difficult to blow up the hairs. Look at my hands carefully. ..." After saying that, she stretched out her snow-white arms, and when her mind moved, her fine hairs immediately exploded.

Chen Yang reached out and touched her arm, feeling cold and soft.

Then, he pretended to be miraculous and said: "Oh my God, the hairs on my hair are standing on end. Miss Qin, you are so amazing. How did you do it?"

"Take your claws away!" Qin Yunshuang blushed when he touched her. She never expected that this guy would take action directly.

"Look at my ears again!" After Chen Yang retracted his paw, Qin Yunshuang moved his ears again. With a casual movement, the ears retracted and closed the eardrums.

"Don't reach out!" Qin Yunshuang immediately saw Chen Yang reaching out to touch his ears, and immediately stepped back and scolded.

"What's wrong with you?" Qin Yunshuang said angrily: "Who asked you to do anything?"

Chen Yang immediately backed away, like a child who had done something wrong.

"Listen carefully, I will teach you the method now!" Qin Yunshuang did not share the same knowledge as Chen Yang, and said: "When the temperature is too high, people will automatically open their pores to perspire. We fry the hair in order to control the vitality of the whole body. Don't leak it. When people are running wildly, they sweat like rain, which will consume a lot of vitality in the body. We close the vitality and let the vitality surge in the body, so that our own temperature will not be too high, and the vitality will not be Waste. The way to get started is to start by controlling your hair and ears. This is the communication between you and your body. If you can't do this step, you won't be able to get started later. Because we still need to control the strength, one palm, A punch seems simple. In the palm of the hand, the fist can have all kinds of mysterious strength. With one palm, there is the strength of pushing and grinding, the strength of drilling, the strength of beating an ox across a mountain, and the strength of softness. It seems that we are practicing kung fu, but in fact it is Cultivation. Cultivation is about controlling the body. When you practice to the extreme, you can use all kinds of strength at your fingertips. Have you ever seen a master hit the brick below through the tofu, and the tofu does not break, but the brick shatters? "

"No!" Chen Yang shook his head and said, "Those are all lies on TV."

Qin Yunshuang snorted coldly and said: "That is the method of beating cattle across mountains. It must be performed by a top-notch master."

"Ah?" Chen Yang said, "Then can you?"

Qin Yunshuang said: "To me, that's just a small trick!"

Chen Yang said: "Then Miss Qin, are you a top-notch expert?" He couldn't help but laugh in his heart, this girl really knows how to praise herself.

Qin Yunshuang's pretty face turned red, and she said, "Huh, I'm a top expert, what do you think?"

Chen Yang said: "That's really hard to tell."

Qin Yunshuang couldn't help but get angry and said: "Okay, if I don't show you my hand, you'll think I'm bragging." After saying that, he drew a circle with a radius of half a meter under his feet... and then said: "I will stand in this circle. If If I leave the circle, you win. At the same time, as long as you touch me, you win."

Chen Yang said: "Then this is not simple?"

Qin Yunshuang's face turned green with anger and said, "Easy? Come and try it."

Chen Yang originally wanted to say, if I meet you, I will kiss you. This was his original prodigal character, but after thinking about it carefully, it seemed that it didn't fit Chen Yi's personality, so he tolerated it.

Without saying a word, he stepped forward.

Pounce first...

Qin Yunshuang's figure turned slightly, and Chen Yang pounced on him.

Obviously, this was Chen Yang's intention.

It’s not easy to act too awesome.

"Is it easy?" Qin Yunshuang's voice showed a little pride, but her words still sounded cold.

Chen Yang stood up and jumped several times in a row, but fell to the ground.

Only then did Qin Yunshuang feel relieved.

Chen Yang felt funny, then he lay down on the ground, and then rolled towards the circle at Qin Yunshuang's feet...

He just crushed him over like this. Qin Yunshuang couldn't help but be stunned when she saw him using such rogue tricks.

Chen Yang rolled into the circle, curled up like a shrimp, and Qin Yunshuang had to land even if he jumped in the air.

In desperation, she had to withdraw from the circle.

Chen Yang stood up immediately, suppressing a smile and said, "Miss Qin, you lost."

"You are acting rogue!" Qin Yunshuang said angrily.

Chen Yang immediately felt aggrieved and said, "You didn't say you couldn't do this?"

"I..." Qin Yunshuang re-examined this boy. He always felt that this boy looked honest, but in fact he was very bad...

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