My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4315: win in one fight, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

At five o'clock in the afternoon, the underground fighting arena started to become lively.

The heavy metal music in the bar also got louder...

The auditorium began to fill up one after another, and the first to appear were some scantily clad hotties dancing on the stage.

Chen Yang, Xu Yun and two bodyguards were sitting in the audience seats near the front.

Then a host came on stage to introduce today's popular players and so on.

Then, the odds between various players are given, etc.!

Xu Yun told Chen Yang that there are currently three levels in the underground fighting arena, and Ming Jin's players are in the lowest level. Players with dark strength compete in the middle level, while players with Hua Jin compete in the highest level.

But in the underground fighting arena, most of the games are competitions between Ming Jin players.

Every contestant will sign a life and death certificate when they come on stage, and there will be no worries about life or death.

Although it won't kill someone every time, the probability of death is not low. It is very **** here, and the audience here is eager for blood. When it is intense, some beauties will even take off their clothes to express their excitement.

Tonight, there are a total of five games. The first four games are between Ming Jin players, and the one at the bottom of the box is a competition between two An Jin masters.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, the game officially started.

Watching this kind of game, Chen Yang felt sleepy deep down, but on the surface he still pretended to be very nervous.

Including the final match between the masters of An Jin, Chen Yang was also bored to watch.

I feel that these people are really talented and have no talent for fighting at all. They are far worse than me back then.

In five games, two people died and three were seriously injured. It was extremely cruel!

After Chen Yang read it, he pretended to be deeply shocked and dumbfounded.

Xu Yun asked Chen Yang: "Do you still dare to participate?"

After Chen Yang took a deep breath, he said: "Of course I dare. My future is the stars and the sea. This little difficulty will not scare me. I still want to marry Sister Shuang!"

"You...marry Sister Shuang?" Xu Yun couldn't help but laugh, and said: "Little guy, don't have such wild ideas."

Chen Yang also smiled and said: "Two months ago, I was still living in the attic. But two months later, I am here. You still have to dare to think in life. One day, my martial arts cultivation will be better than Shuang's. Sister is still taller, Sister Yun, do you still think it’s impossible? Sister Shuang thinks I’m an unparalleled genius? Of course, it’s also possible that I will be beaten to death tomorrow.”

Xu Yun's eyes darkened and she said, "Are you really determined to compete tomorrow?"

Chen Yang said: "That's right! I will eventually have to go through this level."

Xu Yun said: "Okay, I'll make arrangements for you!"

The next night, there were still five games, and the bottom event was Chen Yang versus another black dark master named Jasons. This Jason killed his opponent yesterday. His attack was very vicious.

Jason is about two meters tall, has a strong build and is extremely strong. In addition, it is equipped with dark energy, so it is very powerful!

After the audience entered the room, the host introduced today's match, saying that when Chen Yi, a young boy from Daxia, played against Jason, the audience booed loudly, thinking that this was an event without any suspense.

In terms of odds, betting on Jasons only pays one for one. If you bet on Chen Yang, you will lose ten points!

After Chen Yang saw the odds, he immediately spent all his savings. This savings is the salary Qin Yunshuang paid him, totaling fifteen thousand US dollars. He said to Xu Yun: "Sister Yun, buy them all for me."

"Who to buy?" Xu Yun asked, stunned.

Chen Yang was also stunned, and then asked with a smile: "Sister Yun, who do you think I should buy to win? If I buy Jasons to win, then I will die and won't get any money!"

Xu Yun laughed dumbly, feeling that she had indeed asked a very stupid question. Afterwards, she said seriously: "You must survive and get off the ring, do you understand?"

Chen Yang said: "Sister Yun, I have very good luck. I suggest you also buy me to win."

Xu Yun said: "Well, I'll also buy you $10,000, so you have to live up to your expectations!"

Chen Yang said: "Definitely!"

Then, Chen Yang asked Xu Yun: "By the way, Sister Yun, isn't Sister Shuang here?"

"I didn't come because I had something to do! But she will see this match through the CD." Xu Yun said.

Chen Yang sighed and said, "Okay!"

In the hidden seats in the auditorium, Luo Tianyao and Qin Yunshuang were already seated.

Qin Yunshuang was a little worried and said: "Sister, are we being too aggressive this time? I'm a little worried..."

Luo Tianyao said: "Hasn't it been taken care of already? Tell Jasons not to kill him."

Qin Yunshuang said: "I guess I will lose half my life even if I don't die! I think that when I practiced for two months, I didn't even touch the door of Anjin."

Luo Tianyao said: "I have repeatedly watched his fight in the cafeteria. He is very spiritual. This little guy needs to continue to train in battles, and there will be unexpected results in the future." After a pause, he said: "I Admit it, I am indeed a little too impatient, I don’t have much time!”

Qin Yunshuang's heart is always hanging.

Two hours later, it was finally Chen Yang's turn to play.

Chen Yang stepped onto the ring wearing a black training suit, and the iron cage enveloped the ring...

When he arrived on the court, the audience booed. Obviously, no one thought highly of Chen Yang.

Jason was naked from the waist up, tall and mighty, and his whole body was glowing with power.

The spotlight shines on the ring...

Chen Yang and Jason stood opposite each other.

Jason's eyes were cruel and unruly...

Chen Yang felt funny in his heart, thinking that you are such a bird's egg, you are really ignorant, how can you pretend to be in front of your uncle and me!

Five hundred years ago, your grandfather and I would never have looked down upon a little shrimp like you!

Jason was dismissive, even contemptuous of the young man in front of him. He did receive a sum of money, and the other party asked him not to take the young man's life or maim him.

He agreed, but he looked down on this young man even more!

But he never dreamed that the young man in front of him came from more than five hundred years later, and was a terrifying existence that traveled through the multiverse and defeated ancient myths.

Masters like Queen Fengchu, Venerable Baohua, and Emperor Tianchu were all defeated by him!

After the ring host introduced it in English, he also explained the rules. The rule is, there are no rules!

Then, Jason and Chen Yang bumped their fists, and then each stepped back one meter.

"Start!" the host shouted.


Najisens was extremely fast. He kicked his foot on the ground and rushed towards Chen Yang like an arrow from a string.

What he practices is a kind of military style boxing from Liguo, which is extremely fierce and fierce.

Chen Yang felt his eyes go dark, and the opponent's fists came like a mountain of rocks to crush him.

If this punch had hit Chen Yang's head, Chen Yang would have died on the spot.

Panic flashed in Chen Yang's eyes, and he immediately held his head in his hands, then backed away and rolled on the spot.

This time he looked very embarrassed...

But he escaped Jason's attack.

"Hush!" The crowd suddenly booed again.

Chen Yang couldn't help it. As a rookie who had just entered the battlefield, his performance was too good and it was really unreasonable.

Jason's punch missed, and he was immediately angry. He quickly stepped forward and kicked with both feet. The feet are like blades, one kick is stronger than the other.

Chen Yang rolled quickly, suddenly put his hands on the ground, and launched a sharp sweeping kick!

"Beautiful!" Qin Yunshuang's heart was clenching, but when she saw this, she couldn't help but exclaimed "Beautiful."

Luo Tianyao's eyes flashed with joy and said: "He is indeed a born warrior. It is his first time to experience this kind of life and death battle, and he has such a performance. It is amazing, amazing!"

Chen Yang's sweeping legs are also very sharp.

Jason also knew that although the opponent was thin, he also had hidden strength. Once he hit the target, the consequences would be disastrous, so he could only retreat quickly.

Chen Yang took the opportunity to jump up.

Just as he jumped up, he didn't even hit the ground.

Jason quickly kicked him in the stomach.

Chen Yang deliberately exposed this flaw, and his hands suddenly turned into heart-warming hands...

Jason's kick hit him. Although Chen Yang blocked his fierce attack, his body flew out quickly, and finally hit the iron cage heavily, and then fell to the ground.

Jason kicked Chen Yang away and immediately attacked again. He wanted to end the game quickly. With this kind of opponent, if the fight lasts for more than one minute, it will be a shame!

At least that’s what Jason thinks.

Chen Yang turned around and jumped quickly, but he climbed onto the iron cage like a spider.

Jason was stunned, he didn't expect that the other party would do this...

He stood below and shouted at Chen Yang in English: "Get off!"

When a master fights, the most taboo thing is volleying...

Therefore, Jason was unwilling to jump up and catch Chen Yang, and he also felt that it would not look good to follow him and climb the cage.

Chen Yang deliberately said in broken English: "Come up!"

His predecessor, Chen Yi, grew up in Liguo. Although his English is not very good, he can speak it well.

So it’s normal to use some broken English now!

Jason was so angry that he screamed and shook the iron cage violently, but Chen Yang refused to move.

Jason had no choice but to take a few steps back, dash forward, step on the wall of the iron cage, and then grab Chen Yang at the top.

When Chen Yang was about to catch him, he jumped down and landed first.

Jason caught the air and then jumped down.

Chen Yang was waiting for him to volley...

He must defeat this guy reasonably!

So the whole person didn't care, and used all the energy and blood that An Jin could exert, and the old bear hit the tree...


The whole person directly collided with Jasons who had not yet landed on the ground. Although Jasons was very strong, he was in the air where he could exert enough strength.

As a result, Jasons was knocked away hard by Chen Yang, and finally fell against the iron cage wall, and then fell hard to the ground.

Chen Yang did not attack Jason. He knew clearly that his collision had penetrated the dark energy into the opponent's internal organs.

Even if you stand up, you will fall down.

Sure enough, Jason stood up quickly, but his body swayed, and then he spit out a mouthful of blood and fell down...

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