My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4318: Searching for Ruth, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

Fearon pondered for a moment and said: "If you want to investigate this kind of thing, it's best to go to the Archives Bureau. Director Bart of the Archives Bureau has great authority, you can go to him."

Chen Yang said: "Okay, you lead the way." Feilun was surprised and said: "Shall I lead the way?" Chen Yang said: "Don't worry, I won't make it difficult for you. I will cover your face when the time comes. I need you to speak out, I have identified Bart and found the person I am looking for, and I will let you all go.”

Fearon said: "However, there are countless women named Ruth in Los Angeles, and you may not be able to find them."

Chen Yang said: "If you can't find it, I won't embarrass you or Bart."

Fearon said: "Doing this will not do me any good. And I'm also afraid that Bart will find me in the future." Chen Yang smiled slightly and said: "Believe me, doing this will be of great benefit to you. Because if you If you don't do this, you will become a dead person soon." Originally, the negotiation had been peaceful and pleasant, but at this time, the fall out was extremely quick.

A trace of fear flashed in Fearon's eyes, and he couldn't help but said: "Who are you? And, what are you doing with Ruth?"

"My identity is very sensitive." Chen Yang said: "It is good for you not to know my identity. If my identity is known to you, then I will have to kill you to silence you afterwards. So, don't inquire. "

Fearon took a deep breath and said, "Okay!" After a pause, he added, "I don't know where Bart lives. I need some time to investigate."

Chen Yang said: "I don't want to cause trouble, so just call us here. Don't play tricks, it will only make everyone look ugly."

Fearon said: "I understand!" Then he took out his mobile phone and started making calls. He made several phone calls... It can be seen that his intelligence network is indeed very wide.

The reason why Chen Yang wanted to find the person in charge behind this kind of bar was because he knew that if he wanted to open a large bar and do all kinds of business in it, he must have a wide network of relationships. Any noodle dish requires some friendship...

About half an hour later, Fearon found out Bart's address.

Then, Feilun and Chen Yang went out from behind the bar.

After going out, Chen Yang took Fei Lun out for a while, turned a corner, and stopped a taxi.

After getting in the car, Fearon gave a rough address.

Another hour later, the taxi took Chen Yang and Feilun to a quiet street.

There are various single-family villas on both sides of the street.

It is some distance away from the city center of Loren City... The high-rise buildings in Loren City are concentrated in the city center, and most of the other places are bungalows.

After Feilun led Chen Yang out, he pointed to one of the villas and said, "This house is Bart's home... but I'm not sure if he is at home at the moment."

Chen Yang had already checked some of Bart's information. At this time, he concentrated on sensing his surroundings and quickly found out everything within a kilometer around him. Naturally, this ability cannot be compared with spiritual shooting, but it is better than nothing.

During the induction, it was clearly felt that there were three men and two women in Bart's home.

Three men, probably Bart and his two sons. The two women are his wife and daughter...

After confirming that Bart was at home, Chen Yang reached out to Feilun and said, "It's a pleasure to cooperate. You can go."

Feilun was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that he would just let him go. For a moment, he couldn't come back to his senses.

Chen Yang added: "Mr. Fearon, there are many people in this world whose abilities are beyond your imagination. You must treat what happened today as if it never happened. If something is leaked, I am not threatening you. Not only will you die, but your family and friends will also die. If you keep your mouth shut, then you will be safe and sound. I don’t like killing people, but I don’t mind killing people either!”

A deep fear flashed in Feilun's eyes, and he said, "Don't worry, I won't mention today's events to anyone."

Chen Yang smiled and said, "Please do as you please!"

After Feilun left, Chen Yang did not go to Bart immediately, but waited patiently outside.

He waited until three in the morning, when all Bart's family had fallen asleep, before taking action.

His mobile phone had already been turned off, and now he was like an ape, quickly climbing up from the drainage pipe of the villa, and reached the balcony on the second floor in a few seconds.

The glass door of the balcony was locked tightly. Chen Yang shook it gently without making any sound, but the door lock was broken.

He successfully entered the villa.

Then he came to the bedroom of Bart and his wife and opened the door gently, like a ghost.

He rolled on the spot, came to the bed, and pointed his finger at Bart's wife's neck, and her wife fainted immediately.

Bart was startled, and when he was about to make a sound, Chen Yang had already covered his mouth.

Bart is forty years old and has a big belly.

The blond hair on his head was already very thin... His eyes were filled with fear at this moment.

Chen Yang made a shushing gesture, then forced his voice into a line and passed it into his ears, saying: "Mr. Bart, I have no ill intentions towards you, please don't say anything, otherwise, your wife and children will die." , as long as you cooperate, I will not harm you and your family."

Bart was not stupid. He knew that the strange black-faced man in front of him was very powerful, so he nodded immediately.

Only then did Chen Yang let go of his hand.

Bart got up and looked at his wife first...

Chen Yang said: "She just fell asleep, nothing serious."

Bart put his hand on his wife's nose and tried it to make sure that her breathing was stable, and then he was a little relieved.

He then looked at Chen Yang and whispered, "Who are you?"

Chen Yang said: "You don't need to worry about who I am. I'm looking for a woman about sixteen years old. Her name is Ruth Doug. Help me go to the Archives Bureau and look for her."

When Bart saw that the other party was just looking for someone, he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "No problem!"

After saying that, he got dressed and stood up.

Chen Yang said: "I'll wait for you downstairs. Don't make phone calls or do stupid things. You will harm others and yourself when the time comes!"

Bart said, "I know!"

Chen Yang left immediately and jumped from the balcony.

At nearly four meters high, he fell silently.

Bart drove out of the garage five minutes later. He was indeed very honest and did not choose to call the police or anything... and he probably knew that the man in front of him could not be solved by calling the police.

Bart drove a Mercedes-Benz. After Chen Yang got in the car, Bart took Chen Yang and rushed to the Archives Office overnight.

On the way, Bart couldn't help but ask: "What do you want to do with this Miss Ruth?"

Chen Yang said: "I won't hurt her. As for other things, you don't need to ask any more questions. Do you understand?"

Bart nodded and said: "Okay!" Then he added: "But there are countless girls named Ruth in the entire Loren City..."

Chen Yang said: "You try your best to look for it. Whether you can find it or not is none of your business."

Bart said: "Okay!"

The drive at night went very smoothly. After more than half an hour, the car arrived at the downstairs of the Archives Office.

There are eight floors in the Archives Bureau...

There are still security personnel guarding the Archives Office at night.

Bart took Chen Yang into the Archives Bureau. When the security personnel saw that Bart was arriving, they did not dare to stop him.

Bart took Chen Yang to the eighth floor, then turned on the computer and entered the system.

He entered various keywords into the system, and soon the system started searching.

After searching for about five minutes, the screen showed that there were more than 7,000 people named Ruth and more than 300 people named Ruth Doug.

Then, Ruth Doug, aged twelve to twenty years old, had a total of nineteen.

Chen Yang searched among these nineteen people, still vaguely remembering Ruth's appearance back then. Ruth was twenty-five years old back then, but she is only about sixteen now... The difference between the two is not small, but there should be some clues.

Soon, Chen Yang locked on one of them, Ruth.

This Ruth is sixteen years old...between her eyebrows, there is a vague shadow of Ruth from back then.

It had Ruth's phone number and home address.

After Chen Yang got this information, he said to Bart: "It's a pleasure to cooperate. Thank you for your help."

Bart breathed a sigh of relief and said, "You're welcome."

Chen Yang said: "Let's go!"

Bart nodded and said, "What else do you need me to do?"

Chen Yang said: "Take me to Ruth's house."

Bart was a little reluctant, but he didn't dare to say anything more.

After leaving the Archives Office, Bart drove towards Ruth's home.

Everything is going smooth…

It went so smoothly that Chen Yang was a little surprised.

"I hope nothing will happen!" Chen Yang prayed secretly, he was too eager to get the jade pendant Taiyin.

The car drove for a full hour this time...

Although the evening drive was smooth, Ruth's location was too remote.

It's still an old apartment building.

Surrounded by a small neighborhood, there are various shops, supermarkets, and gas stations.

There are lakes and parks in the distance.

Without saying a word, Chen Yang knocked Bart down and passed him out.

He had to get the Taiyin first, and then he could release Bart. I am also afraid that something will happen to Bart after he is free.

He is not afraid of Faerun, because Faerun itself is not very clean. But Bart is something special and different...

After knocking Bart out, Chen Yang quietly climbed up from the sewer pipe and quickly bypassed the apartment door and reached the second floor.

According to the address information, Ruth lived on the top sixth floor.

Chen Yang quickly arrived at the sixth floor, and then he concentrated on sensing one of the houses, and felt that there was indeed a woman sleeping soundly inside.

Judging from its breath, it sounds young and full of vitality!

"God bless me, I hope she is the Ruth I am looking for!" Chen Yang thought to himself.

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