My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4339: Beaten severely, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

After Luo Tianyao and Qin Yunshuang left, Chen Yang breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, Chen Yihan's pain also eased a little. He turned over and sat cross-legged, looked up at Chen Yang, and said angrily: "Kill me if you have the ability!"

Lin He, Chang Sheng, Xue Ying, and Liu Xin didn't dare to move at all. They knew very well that it would be easy for the weirdo in front of them to kill them...

Chen Yang couldn't help but be stunned when he saw that Chen Yihan was still so arrogant at this moment.

Then, with a backhand move, he slapped Chen Yihan's left cheek with a loud slap.

Suddenly, the left cheek became red and swollen.

Chen Yihan was also stunned. After reacting, he was shocked and angry.

Chen Yang didn't say anything, and kicked Chen Yihan to the ground again, then sat on him, opened his hands left and right, and slapped him thirty times.

This slap made everyone scream. The harder Chen Yihan screamed, the more excited Chen Yang became.

When you hit someone, you tend to be violent.

These slaps were so heavy and ruthless that the people in Lin He next to him were frightened.

Lin He couldn't help but say, "Senior, you are now..."

Before he finished speaking, Chen Yang waved his backhand.

An invisible force of energy passed by and knocked Lin He ten meters away, before he fell heavily to the ground.

"You guys, if anyone dares to talk nonsense, I will kill you!" Chen Yang glanced at Chang Sheng and others with a stern look. Chang Sheng and others suddenly fell silent.

Chen Yang looked at Chen Yihan again.

Chen Yihan had never been so humiliated and angry before. At this time, he was already going crazy, and he cursed: "Fuck you, you bastard, kill me if you have the guts. As long as I don't die, I will pay you back a hundred times in the future!" "

"You little idiot, you're still yelling at me, aren't you!" Chen Yang was completely taken advantage of and originally planned to stop there.

This time his anger was aroused again, so he glanced around and grabbed a handful of branches from a big tree.

He twisted two soft branches into one and poured mana into them.

"You are so **** tough. If you have the ability, you won't beg for mercy." Chen Yang took off Chen Yihan's shirt and pants, leaving only his pants. Then he beat Chen Yihan hard.

The spanking was so unpleasant that he felt like he was back in the days when he spanked Chen Yihan.

He wouldn't feel any guilt at all if he was beaten like this.

Because for a guy like Chen Yihan, dying a hundred times is not too much. Today I just encountered him doing evil things. With this guy's style, I don't know how many decent women have been ruined by him.

Crack, crackle!

Chen Yang kept pumping harder and harder and couldn't stop.

Chen Yihan was rolling on the ground in pain.

Lin He and others were trembling when they saw Chang Sheng, and their hearts were filled with fear!

"You little trash, if you have the ability, don't beg for mercy. See if I have the ability to beat you to death!" Chen Yang slapped him harder and faster.

Chen Yihan was still stubborn at first, but eventually he couldn't bear it anymore and finally broke through his defense completely.

"I beg for mercy, I beg for mercy, please stop fighting." Chen Yihan said while rolling.

Only then did Chen Yang stop.

At this time, Chen Yihan's body had been beaten to pieces and was dripping with blood.

He had tears and a lot of runny nose.

At this time, there was no trace of a noble man, and the evil spirit had completely disappeared.

"Kneel down and kowtow!" Chen Yang shouted.

Chen Yihan did not dare to delay, and immediately knelt down and kowtowed repeatedly.

"What the **** is this?" Chen Yang scolded: "Do you feel humiliated? Isn't that woman who was forced by you so humiliated? Don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you. You don't understand. Is it? Your father refuses to discipline you, so today I will discipline and discipline you on your behalf. Chen Yihan, you are not only ignorant and fearless, you are also **** stupid. Do you know that? Do you think I dare not kill you? Why don’t I Dare to kill you? Does it make any difference to me to keep you alive? You may not be alive, but you help me plead with your father for mercy and not seek revenge from me? I'm afraid it will be better. It may not be possible to keep you alive, but your father will find you in the future. When I am in trouble, will you spare my life? No way! So, wouldn’t it be more satisfying if I kill you? Anyway, I have offended your father."

Chen Yihan was stunned.

After hearing the other party's analysis, he suddenly felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar, and felt that he might really be killed by him.

At that moment, he immediately said: "As long as you are willing to let me go, I promise not to talk to my father about what happened today."

Chen Yang sneered and said: "Of course you don't have to say it, but you can let Chen Tianya see your injury, and he will naturally take all of this into account. Don't make these wishful thinking with me."

"I will wait until the injury is healed before I go see my father. I can swear!" Chen Yihan continued: "Also, if you don't trust them, I can shut them up forever!"

Lin He and others were shocked when they heard this.

Chen Yang was also speechless and said, "You are really capable of killing me."

Chen Yihan said: "I can swear it."

Chen Yang said: "Come on, you don't have to swear anything. You can just tell your dad to go. Anyway, when the time comes, it will not be me, but your dad. Do you think your dad is the best in the world?" My master is here, and your father is just a dish."

"Your master?" Chen Yihan was suddenly confused. In his impression, the weirdo in front of him must be very old.

"Haha..." Chen Yang simply scared him, stretched out his white palms, and said, "Do you think I look like an old man?"

Only then did Chen Yihan see Chen Yang's palm clearly and realized that the owner of this palm was definitely not an old man.

In this way, he also felt that the other party's master might be really not simple.

Chen Yang then spoke earnestly to Chen Yihan, saying: "I tell you, you won't get far with this kind of behavior. This world is far more complicated and difficult than you think. The world you are in is just one of the three thousand worlds. . Your cultivation level can only be used in the vast world. If you were placed in other worlds, they could crush you to death with one finger. If you don’t believe it, ask your father how many there are in total on the earth. Plane world."

After a pause, he continued: "I struck a bit harder today because I wanted to wake you up. There is some connection between you and me. This is why I didn't kill you! Originally, With all your misdeeds, it’s not too much to kill you a hundred times.”

Chen Yihan immediately lowered his head in shame.

Chen Yang didn't know if he was pretending or if he really felt he was wrong.

But he always believed that Chen Yihan's nature was not too bad! Because in the main universe, the younger brother has turned around.

"Okay, I have talked too much nonsense. From now on, you still have to walk your own path. If you want to seek revenge from me, I will accompany you. If you can sincerely repent, I will naturally be even more happy!" Chen Yang said.

"I know what to do." Chen Yihan said immediately.

Chen Yang thought for a while and then said: "Give me your Ring Sumeru."

Chen Yihan was stunned.

Chen Yang was a little embarrassed. The atmosphere and effect of his lecture just now seemed to be quite good. It was really inappropriate to **** his things at this time.

However, I am poor now!

Chen Yihan was also stunned for a moment, but he did not hesitate and handed over Jie Xumi directly.

Chen Yang grabbed Chen Yihan's Sky-Destroying Seal from the air and put it into Jie Xumi.

After doing this, he thought for a while and then said: "I need some elixirs and magic weapons to do something now. I will return this to you in the future!"

After saying that, his figure flashed and quickly disappeared from the place.

After Chen Yang left, Xue Ying and Liu Xin quickly went to the car to find clothes. They also have their own elixir and are about to give it to Chen Yihan.

"Get out of here!" Chen Yihan suddenly became furious.

He was like a wounded beast at this time, filled with an aura of madness.

His pain and humiliation had nowhere to vent.

Xue Ying, Liu Xin, Lin He and Chang Sheng also knew that their group had seen the humiliating side of the little master just now, and it was indeed inappropriate to stay here now.

At that moment, the four of them looked at each other, turned around and left quickly.

After these people left, Chen Yihan grabbed his clothes and elixir and ran forward.

He suffered internal injuries as well as external injuries.

External injuries are fine, but internal injuries can also be treated. But the humiliation in my heart will never go away.

He forgot about the pain while running and ran into a forest without knowing it.

After arriving in the woods, he finally felt tired and curled up on the ground, as if he had returned to his mother's amniotic fluid package.

He didn't know how long it took before his mood finally calmed down.

Then he began to give himself medicine.

Use mana to control the back area, so that all the elixir can be sprinkled evenly on the wound.

Mana surges…

The trauma was all healed within an hour.

After doing this, he put on his clothes and pants again.

"I don't care who you are..." Deep-seated hatred flashed in Chen Yihan's eyes, and he gritted his teeth and said, "I, Chen Yihan, will repay you a hundredfold for today's humiliation. If I can't, I will never be a human being!"

Obviously, Chen Yihan did not regret the beating he received!

Because the person is wrong and the time is wrong!

Back then, Chen Yang beat up his younger brother Chen Yihan in the main universe. At this point, Chen Yihan regretted it. But that was based on Chen Yihan knowing that it was his brother who beat him.

At the same time, Chen Yihan of the main universe and Chen Yang had several confrontations, and he already recognized this brother in his heart. I just haven't been able to find the opportunity...

Now, Chen Yang is a stranger to Chen Yihan, who is sixteen or seventeen years old.

Besides, he is still so young and has not experienced so many cruel things.

So, how could he regret it just because he received a beating?

More importantly, in his eyes, the weirdo not only beat him severely, but also took away all his magic weapons and elixirs...

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