My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4343: Four Changbai Monsters, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

Chen Yang remembered many things in the past. He had been obsessed with Su Qing. Su Qing was divorced at that time, and her heart was full of scars. But he coveted her beauty and figure, and flirted with her again and again. Later, when she got emotional, he realized that she was not the kind of person to play with. He didn't want to hurt her, so he pushed her away, which really hurt her heart.

Including later in the Eternal Star Territory, when facing Luna. I never thought about what to do with her, but she was moved by her, and later I pushed her away.

These behaviors are really scumbag!

Chen Yang thinks it's very bad to do this, but sometimes he likes to flirt with beauties.

He could feel that Qin Yunshuang was very kind to him now.

He thought to himself, could she really be in love?

She can't afford it if she can afford it.

It seems that it is still necessary to maintain an appropriate distance and avoid causing more misunderstandings.

Although he thought so, after actually coming into contact with Qin Yunshuang, he couldn't bear to ignore her.

"What are you thinking about?" Qin Yunshuang asked Chen Yang after sitting down.

Chen Yang smiled and said, "I was in a daze, but I didn't really think about anything."

Qin Yunshuang was a little surprised, and then looked a little disappointed.

Chen Yang saw this and said, "Sister Shuang, you don't seem very happy?"

Qin Yunshuang said: "I feel that the road ahead is as vast as the sea."

Chen Yang said: "Are you talking about the future of your life?"

Qin Yunshuang said: "Not bad!" Chen Yang said: "Actually, it depends on what kind of person you want to be."

Qin Yunshuang said: "I want to have high Taoism and magic power so that the eldest lady will no longer be bullied. But now I know that it is difficult to achieve this. It is very difficult to practice Taoism and magic power."

Chen Yang said: "It is indeed difficult, because there is another mountain higher than the other. The level of Taoism is like human desire, which has no end."

Qin Yunshuang smiled slightly and said, "You act as if you know Taoism very well."

Chen Yang was amused. In this entire world, no one knew Taoism better than him.

Afterwards, Qin Yunshuang asked Chen Yang again: "If we don't come to you this time, what are you going to do? Have you ever thought about contacting us?"

Chen Yang shook his head and said, "I'm not going to contact you anymore."

Qin Yunshuang's eyes dimmed and she said, "Aren't you worried that we fell into Chen Yihan's hands?"

Chen Yang said: "It's useless for me to worry. Why bother asking for trouble? Now that I've got my ID card and everything, and the one million you gave me, I can do whatever I want."

Qin Yunshuang couldn't hide the disappointment in her eyes and said, "Do you really think so?" She didn't expect that the conversation would be so unpleasant.

But because Chen Yang noticed Qin Yunshuang's attraction, he didn't want to let her get stuck in it anymore. The person who said these words deliberately said immediately: "That's really what I thought."

Qin Yunshuang was also a smart person. He was not angry because of this. Instead, he thought of other things. She knew very well that Chen Yang was a very smart person. If he was really so despicable, there would be no need to say it like this.

"Why are you talking like this? Even if you think so in your heart, there is no need to say it." Qin Yunshuang said in confusion.

Chen Yang was silent for a moment and said: "It's nothing, I just said whatever I thought of. I don't think there is any need to tell lies to you, that's all."

Qin Yunshuang also fell silent.

She seemed to realize something, then she sneered, got up and left.

After Qin Yunshuang left, Chen Yang stared blankly at the sky.

He thought to himself: "I still have a lot of serious things to do, and I can't keep fooling around with you two bitches. Although it feels good to be with you, Wenwen Township is the worst thing. When I find this hidden... After the death of Master Long, I will subdue him and let him be used by you. This can be regarded as repaying all your kindness! After that, I will leave!"

After thinking about it like this, Chen Yang became firm in his heart.

In the following days, Qin Yunshuang basically stopped talking to Chen Yang. She seemed to be aware of Chen Yang's intentions, and became a little angry.

Chen Yang was a little uncomfortable, but he didn't say or do much.

At the beginning at the Sun Temple, there were many compromise plans. But going all the way to this day has exceeded my imagination. I didn’t do it all over again just to pick up girls. After I got the main things done, I could think about other things.

Luo Tianyao also saw the difference between Qin Yunshuang and Chen Yang. She could not guess the twists and turns. She asked Qin Yunshuang, but Qin Yunshuang said: "Maybe it was wrong from the beginning. I always felt that Chen Yang was a bit cold and not worth investing in."

Luo Tianyao felt puzzled and said, "Why do you say that suddenly?"

Qin Yunshuang said: "The more I think about what happened that day, the more uncomfortable I become. And you have also seen that he looks a little guilty these days."

Luo Tianyao said: "There is no need to feel guilty."

Qin Yunshuang said: "Why not? Are we not treating him well?"

Luo Tianyao said: "Essentially, our investment in him is an investment. If he hadn't performed well, we wouldn't have treated him well. Just like before, when he stayed in our castle for more than ten years, we treated him seriously. It’s not bad. We all gathered based on interests, and there was no need for him to give his absolute sincerity. Under the circumstances at that time, it was human nature for him to choose to leave. If he still had a chance of winning after a try, then he could give it a try . But with his little ability, he can only seek death. So I thought about it, and I don’t think he was wrong about what happened that day!" After a pause, he said again: "Shuang'er, what are you thinking now? It’s very bad. Investments don’t necessarily pay off. Moreover, most of the investments that pay off in the short term are not good. We have to look at the long term... His talent is better than yours and mine."

Qin Yunshuang actually knew it very well in her heart, but she was still angry and was speechless by Luo Tianyao at this moment. Then, she said: "Okay, I get it."

Luo Tianyao smiled knowingly and said, "That's good!"

On this morning, above Mount Tai, among the sea of ​​clouds, the sun rose in the east.

The sea of ​​galloping clouds and the light of the morning light blend together, just like a fairyland on earth.

There is a certain place in Mount Tai that is shrouded in a sea of ​​clouds, making it difficult for ordinary people to go there.

At this time, Chen Yihan, dressed in white, walked on a transparent bridge. The bridge is invisible, but when you walk on it, there are ripples under your feet, and the ripples form a support.

Chen Yihan came to the center of the sea of ​​clouds and entered a cave.

In the cave, Chen Tianya, dressed in black, was sitting cross-legged in meditation.

The golden light shield formed a barrier and enveloped him.

Chen Yihan came to Chen Tianya, knelt down on one knee, and said in a heavy voice: "My child has seen his father!"

Chen Tianya then opened his eyes and looked at his son in front of him. "Get up, child!" The voice was soft.

Chen Yihan couldn't afford to stand up and said, "I don't have the shame to get up, let alone see you."

Chen Tianya said: "Silly boy, failure is not terrible. As long as people are alive, there is hope for everything, do you understand?"

Chen Yihan felt warm in his heart, stood up and said, "I understand, kid."

Chen Tianya continued: "Tell me to my father, what happened? I feel that your Heaven-Destroying Seal has been taken away by someone. That person's strength is pretty good, and he should be around the level of Taixu Third Heaven. . He actually forcibly erased the mark I made."

"Third level of Taixu?" Chen Yihan was surprised. He originally thought that the other party was at the ninth level of the Immortality Realm at most.

How did he know that when Chen Yang fought with him, he was only at the eighth level of the Immortality Realm.

He never imagined that Chen Yang would reach the third level of Taixu from the eighth level of Immortality Realm in just one day! If he really knew it, he would definitely notice the weirdness in it.

"No wonder I lost so miserably!" Chen Yihan said as if he suddenly realized.

Chen Tianya said: "What exactly happened?"

Chen Yihan said in a deep voice: "My child met two women on the way, with outstanding appearance and extraordinary temperament, so he wanted to make friends with them. Then a mysterious weirdo suddenly appeared. I thought he was an old guy, but he turned out not to be very old. . His cultivation level is very powerful, and we are no match." He immediately told the details of the battle.

But he didn't talk about being beaten by the mysterious weirdo, just because it was too embarrassing.

Chen Tianya is also a smart man, and of course he knows what his son means by making friends.

After being silent for a long time, he said: "Son, your father has always taught you to have a smooth mind. That's why he let you go so unscrupulously. This time, you may have to climb the mountain to encounter a tiger. Fortunately, you finally got through it safely. ...Everyone should choose the path that suits them. In the final analysis, your path is the one I chose for you. You did make rapid progress in the past, but in the future, if you don’t practice enough and are too presumptuous, I I’m still worried about your safety.”

Chen Yihan said: "What do you mean, you want children to suppress their nature?"

Chen Tianya said: "No, I hope you can put safety first."

Chen Yihan said: "But the road to Taoism is a road against heaven, and there is never absolute safety!"

Chen Tianya said: "That being said, you can be more cautious and thoughtful."

Chen Yihan said: "My child understands, I will pay attention to it in the future."

Chen Tianya continued: "This matter will never be let go. That weirdo dares to bully you, and I will not let him go."

Chen Yihan said: "But you are trapped here..."

Chen Tianya said: "Although I am trapped here, I still have many old subordinates. Now I want you to go to Changbai Mountain, where there are the four Changbai monsters. After you go, say that you are my son, and then Bring them to me."

Chen Yihan said: "The forests in Changbai Mountain are deep and the snow is thick. Where did I find the four Changbai monsters?"

Chen Tianya said: "When you arrive, you only need to look up to the sky and shout four times that the Demon Emperor is here, and they will come out to meet you. These four old monsters have received favors from me in the past and know my methods. They dare not not show up. of."

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