My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4385: Treasure in hand, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

Chen Yang then said to Zanglong Zhenren and Luo Yunfeng: "I will give you the corresponding elixirs afterwards. In addition, now I will rain a pure Yang elixir for you. This pure Yang rain is very convenient for you to perfect." Absorption. As for how far you can go after absorbing the elixir, it all depends on your own understanding."

Luo Yunfeng and Master Canglong were also ecstatic when they heard this.

But at this time, Qin Yunshuang couldn't help but speak again, and said: "Senior, I wonder if Sister Tianyao and I are qualified to be your apprentices?" www.KaИδHU五.net

Chen Yang glanced at Qin Yunshuang and at the same time glanced at Luo Tianyao, and then said: "Your qualifications can only be said to be average. You are not qualified to be my apprentice! But you don't need to worry about this, because even if you are not I will accept you as my disciple, and I will still teach you what you need to teach me.”

Qin Yunshuang immediately said: "Thank you, senior!" After a pause, he added: "But this junior has a candidate who is truly talented. He is definitely qualified to be your disciple." Chen Yang was so smart, he knew right away that she The person I’m talking about is myself. I couldn't help but feel moved in my heart, feeling that this girl was thinking only of herself!

Before Chen Yang could speak, Qin Yunshuang said again: "Zhenlong Zhenren has seen this person before, and he is Chen Yang!"

Luo Yunfeng, who was nearby, was a little worried that Qin Yunshuang stretched his hand too far, and said: "Shuang'er, don't make mistakes!"

Chen Yang smiled and said: "It doesn't matter!"

Master Zanglong said bravely: "This little friend Chen Yang is indeed a gift from heaven."

Chen Yang followed the words and said: "Okay, I'll meet you if you have the chance. However, when I accept a disciple, I must not only have sufficient qualifications, but also examine his character. If his character is bad, he will definitely not be accepted as a disciple." Then he added: "I heard that this boy named Chen Yang is not very authentic. He ran away alone several times after you encountered danger."

Qin Yunshuang immediately explained, "This is something that absolutely cannot be done."

Chen Yang said: "Really?"

Qin Yunshuang said: "These matters are very complicated. In short, there is absolutely no problem with his character. This junior can guarantee it."

Chen Yang was even more moved, and immediately stopped entangled and said: "Miss Qin's character is trustworthy to me. Since Miss Qin has given her guarantee, I will believe it."

Qin Yunshuang breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, Chen Yang began to set up a smaller barrier, allowing Luo Yunfeng and Zanglong Zhenren to sit inside. Then, he took one hundred thousand Pure Yang Pills and catalyzed them into Rain of Pure Yang.

Pure sunshine and rain fell in patter, and it fell in cycles.

The pure sunshine and rain that has not fallen into their bodies will circulate to the sky and continue to rain.

Zhenlong Zhenren and Luo Yunfeng greedily absorbed it based on their own cultivation.

Such pure sunshine and rain can be completely absorbed by them and facilitate their adjustment.

Master Hidden Dragon has benefited a lot from Chen Yang's guidance in the past few days. With the help of Pure Yang Rain, he soon reached the second level of Taixu...

After arriving at the second level of Taixu, Chen Yang pointed at Zanglong Zhenren and said: "Don't stop, continue to attack."

The difficulty level below the sixth level of Taixu is not too great. If you have enough knowledge and have enough elixirs, it is not too difficult to improve!

With the guidance of the famous teacher Chen Yang, Master Hidden Dragon mustered up the courage to rush forward.

He absorbed the Rain of Pure Yang very quickly, so Chen Yang took out some more Pure Yang elixirs and added them to it.

Luo Yunfeng's absorption was much slower, but fortunately Chen Yang also gave him a lot of pointers before. Coupled with the cultivation of the Immortality Realm, it is even simpler. There are enough pills now, so it is much easier for him to practice.

Not long after, Luo Yunfeng's cultivation reached the fifth level of Immortality Realm!

This made Luo Yunfeng extremely happy. His path of cultivation was actually very bumpy and difficult. Without the help of elixirs, it was very difficult to practice **** his own.

At the moment, he seems to have the feeling that if he can master one method, he can master all methods. Moisturized by the pure Yang rain, he then cultivated to the sixth level of Immortality Realm.

Upgrading two levels at such a fast speed was something Luo Yunfeng could not even imagine before.

At this point, Luo Yunfeng stopped. It is impossible for him to continue to rise, and his own accumulation can no longer keep up.

And without Chen Yang's guidance, even if the pills were enough, he would not have been able to rise at such a fast speed. Chen Yang is a supreme master, and his guidance can definitely achieve the effect of enlightenment.

Master Zanglong barely managed to ascend to the third level of Taixu, and even suffered a minor injury, which scared him so much that he did not dare to practice any more. This Pure Yang Rain lasted for three hours and cost Chen Yang 150,000 Pure Yang Pills.

Compared to Chen Yang's current worth, this amount of elixir is just a drop in the bucket.

Of the 150,000 Pure Yang Pills, Luo Yunfeng did not absorb many, most of them were absorbed by Zhenlong Zhenren.

Below the seventh level of Immortality Realm, the cells in the body are too small to absorb too many elixirs.

After reaching the seventh level of Immortality Realm, more and more pills need to be absorbed.

That's why Chen Yang spent so many pills when he went from the eighth level of Immortality Realm to the third level of Taixu Realm!

Of course, there is also the reason why Chen Yang's practice is too arrogant. He practices too arrogantly, and when he encounters obstacles, he uses all the elixirs to rush forward, so he consumes more elixirs. If he takes one pill step by step and absorbs it slowly to let the cells get used to it, he can save a lot of pills. But his vision is too high now, and he disdains the water flowing slowly!

People who are doing big business are willing to worry about those trivial ways to save money!

Luo Yunfeng and Zanglong Zhenren were so happy and excited that their cultivation levels had soared. For a practitioner, nothing is happier than progress in cultivation.

The two once again expressed their gratitude to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang smiled faintly, and then found some magic weapons from Jie Xumi and asked them both to choose one that suited their needs.

These magic weapons are nothing to Chen Yang, but in fact, those that can be favored by Monk Linghui are all good things.

Luo Yunfeng chose a golden sword, while Zanglong Zhenren chose a simple little bell called the Soul-Calming Bell!

This Soul-Calming Bell is a relatively evil magical weapon, but Chen Yang also said that there is no good or evil in a magical weapon, only the person who uses it can distinguish between good and evil. After hearing this, Zanglong Zhenren felt more at ease.

Then, Chen Yang took out two Ring Sumeru and distributed them to Luo Yunfeng and Zanglong Zhenren. Luo Yunfeng's Ring Sumeru contains 100,000 Pure Yang Pills, as well as some Snow Cream Pills, Spirit Gathering Pills, etc.!

Hidden Dragon Master contains millions of pure Yang elixirs.

Chen Yang spoke bluntly and said: "I went to get the treasure this time and got a lot of pills. Well, compared to you, it is an astronomical number, but for me, it is far from enough. I don't have much for you now. , but this all varies from person to person. For example, I gave you 100,000 pills to Mr. Luo because I couldn’t give you more. I am afraid that you will practice randomly... When you can successfully use up the elixirs and practice to the ideal level, I will give you more elixirs when the time comes. Hidden Dragon, I do the same to you. Just practice well. There are three thousand worlds on this earth, and the elixirs in the world are the least. I will get more in the future. With your cultivation speed, it is very easy to provide you with enough elixirs. In short, practice well and don’t think about other things!" kΑnShúwu.ξà

Luo Yunfeng and Zanglong Zhenren were actually very satisfied in their hearts. Now that Chen Yang said this, they were even more grateful. Luo Yunfeng couldn't help but kneel down. He felt that Chen Yang was simply his reborn parent.

Chen Yang stopped him, smiled slightly, and said: "It doesn't have to be like this. I always act as I please. What I have given you is indeed a lot for you. But for me, it is not worth mentioning! So, you guys Don’t have any psychological burden. Let’s get to know each other, get together if we get along, and break up if we don’t get along. No one should have any psychological burden. My rule is that I can help you and teach you. Whether you appreciate it or not, It doesn’t matter. But if I helped you and you come to deal with me, then... the consequences will be tragic. I have a compassionate heart and thunderous means!"

Luo Yunfeng and Master Zanglong immediately said respectfully together: "The two juniors will remember the teachings of our seniors!"

Then, Chen Yang said to Luo Tianyao and Qin Yunshuang: "After you get the Spirit Gathering Pill, start practicing. If you don't understand anything, just ask Mr. Zanglong and Luo. When you reach the magical power realm, continue practicing. When the time comes, Hidden Dragon..."

"Junior is here!" Zanglong Zhenren immediately responded.

Chen Yang said: "When the time comes, you will give them some pills and let them practice. They can only use a few pills in their magical realm. If one day, they can catch up with you, I will give them more pills by then. ."wǎp.kāΝsHμ⑤.net

Master Hidden Dragon said: "Senior, don't worry, I will do my best to teach them."

After the explanation, Chen Yang said: "Okay, I have to leave, so you just have to focus on cultivating. I won't leave too far. If there is danger, I can arrive at any time."

Everyone was reluctant to leave Chen Yang, but Chen Yang said no more, opened the door to the void, and stepped away.

Then, the Void Gate disappeared!

After possessing the elixir, Chen Yang quickly found a secluded forest and set up a barrier.

Then he began to absorb pure Yang elixirs, along with some magical elixirs, etc., to quickly replenish the nutrients in his body.

He became even more brutal in his cultivation. It was as if the elixirs were free of charge. He absorbed ten million pure Yang elixirs in the blink of an eye.

Ten million pure Yang pills allowed him to climb from the early stage of Taixu Tenth Heaven to the peak.

If you continue to eat, reaching Xuxian will not be a problem.

The problem is that once you reach Xuxian, you will face more terrifying thunder disasters and other messy disasters. The old snow mountain demon is probably still injured...

But Chen Yang was still afraid that something unexpected would happen.

Some people died, but not completely…

After the endless coma, Shi Yu suddenly stood up from the bed. If you want to read the latest chapters, please download the Aiyue Novel app and read the latest chapters for free without ads. The website has not updated the latest chapter content, but the Aiyue Novel APP has updated the latest chapter content.

He took a big breath of fresh air, his chest trembling.

Confused, confused, and all kinds of emotions came to my mind.

Where is this?

Afterwards, Shi Yu subconsciously observed his surroundings, and then became even more confused.

A single dormitory?

Even if he was successfully rescued, he should be in the ward now.

And my could it not be injured at all?

With doubts, Shi Yu's eyes quickly swept across the room, and finally his eyes rested on a mirror beside the bed.

The mirror showed his current appearance. He was about seventeen or eighteen years old, and he looked very handsome.

But the problem is, this is not him! Download the Aiyue Novel app and read the latest chapters for free without ads.

My previous self was a handsome young man in his twenties who had been working for a while.

And now, no matter how you look, this appearance is that of a high school student...

This change made Shi Yu stunned for a long time.

Don't tell him that the operation was successful...

The body and appearance have changed. This is not a matter of surgery or not, but magic.

He turned into a completely different person!

Could it be...that he traveled through time?

In addition to the mirror placed by the bedside, which was obviously not feng shui-friendly, Shi Yu also found three books next to it.

Shi Yu picked it up and took a look. The title of the book instantly silenced him.

"Essential Animal Breeding Manual for Beginner Breeders"

"Postpartum Care of Pet Pets"

"Evaluation Guide for Interracial Beast-Eared Girls"

Shi Yu:? ? ?

The names of the first two books are pretty normal, but what happened to the last one?


Shi Yu looked solemnly and stretched out his hand, but his arm soon stiffened.

Just when he was about to open the third book and see what it was about, his brain suddenly felt a sharp pain, and a large number of memories came flooding back.

Icefield City.

Pet animal breeding base.

Intern pet breeder. The website is about to be closed. Download the Aiyue app to provide you with the ultimate master of "The God I'm Smiling to the Sky"

Beast Master?

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