My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4444: Crush them all, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

It is no small matter that the Phoenix is ​​angry!

Her body shape suddenly changed. With a bang, her whole body suddenly burned, and then she turned into a phoenix bathed in fire!

The trick is revealed in the fifth season!

The flames on her body quickly decomposed and finally turned into nine suns, which surrounded her.

As a result, the temperature of the entire ocean of samsara rose, and in an instant, the ocean of samsara turned into a sea of ​​samsara fire.

The nine suns were fused with one hand and then shattered into pieces. All the suns turned into strands of flame. These flames are no small matter, every flame seems to be a living person.

This is also one of her special skills, called...seeing fire with insight!

The speed of these flames was very fast, like lightning and thunder, winding towards Chen Yang at full speed.

Chen Yang suddenly felt a sense of boundless crisis in his heart, and he also knew that once these flames entangled his body, they would be extremely terrifying!

Lan Ziyi's unique skill of seeing fire and the fifth season are merged together to form countless flame threads.

Once these flame threads entangle the human body, they become like maggots on the tarsal bones, terrifying!

Chen Yang waited for those flame threads to come around and immediately activated the Great Destiny Spirit. This time, instead of letting the Great Destiny Soul transform into its true form, the Great Destiny Soul formed a destiny vortex, which instantly enveloped all the flame threads.

Lan Ziyi transformed into the true form of the phoenix and performed two special moves in succession, truly showing a desperate posture. I thought that such an attack would surely shake the opponent. How do you know that the fire-seeing flame **** thread will kill him, and he immediately seems to have entered a dark cave. He only feels that there is boundless darkness and coldness in the cave. She almost couldn't feel the presence of the flame **** thread.

She didn't care about anything else and tried her best to activate the flame thread, hoping to break through the vortex of fate.

But in the great vortex of destiny, the boundless energy of destiny quickly entangled and controlled the flame **** thread. Although the flame **** thread is powerful, it is very difficult to break through time and destiny at this time!

"Is it really that evil?" Lan Ziyi burst into anger, and with a bang, his life source burned, and his eyes burst out with immortal light. The terrifying immortal light shot towards the great whirlpool of destiny. The Great Vortex of Destiny is equivalent to a fifth-level master of the creation realm who possesses the energy of destiny. He also has extremely high wisdom, and he also has the energy of the Three Pure Ones. So how could he be surrendered by Lan Ziyi, shoot him with the immortal light, and the Great Destiny Soul will use part of the destiny divine power and time divine power to form a vortex formation!

After the immortal light shot in, it immediately fell into the confusion of time. The aura of destiny quickly wrapped around...

Therefore, no matter how Lan Ziyi burned the source of life, he could not break through the shroud of the Great Destiny Soul.

After her fire of insight burned deep in the vortex of fate for a while, it completely lost contact with her, as if it had disappeared.

At this time, Chen Yang also provided technical support for the Great Destiny Yuanshen. Using the calculation logic of the large-scale computational gene technique, he helped Destiny Soul calculate the secrets in the fire-seeing flame threads. Then he used the energy of destiny and majestic magic power to break it down. After a while, the insightful fire was really extinguished.

Lan Ziyi realized that the immortal light was helpless, so he quickly extinguished the source of life and took back the immortal light.

Chen Yang was relieved when he saw this. He was really afraid that Lan Ziyi would continue to fight like this. He knew that once Lan Ziyi's life source was burned out, there would be no way to save him, and it would be impossible for the gods to save him.

After the Great Destiny Yuanshen eliminated the piercing fire and the immortal light, his body shape changed rapidly, and finally transformed into a body exactly like Chen Yang.

So two Chen Yang appeared on the field.

When Lan Ziyi saw this situation, he couldn't help but turned pale and said: "How can one Qi transform into three pure beings be able to practice to this extent?" ΚáИδんǔ

Chen Yang ordered the great destiny spirit general Lan Ziyi to be seriously injured, but he could not kill him.

The Great Destiny Soul nodded, and then killed Lan Ziyi again. The Great Destiny Yuanshen possesses vast energy of destiny and divine power of time in his body. Once he takes action, he is very powerful. The figure quickly came to Lan Ziyi, who had no choice but to gather the Samsara Divine Fire and form the Samsara Divine Fist to attack the Great Destiny Soul. The Great Destiny Soul also wielded the Fist of Destiny and killed the general.

Boom boom boom!

The two of them punched each other several times in a row, and the Great Destiny Spirit had the upper hand, forcing Lan Ziyi to retreat step by step, and then spat out a mouthful of blood.

Lan Ziyi led the Naihe Bridge to kill again, and the Great Destiny Soul came out with both palms, as if it was immune to the power of reincarnation, not afraid at all, and slapped both palms on the Naihe Bridge, causing the reincarnation divine fire to explode violently , the Naihe Bridge was even buzzing.

Lan Ziyi vomited blood again.

There was really nothing she could do with the destiny spirit.

Then, he had no choice but to transform into the phoenix body again and become a phoenix bathed in fire.

The whole body of the phoenix bathed in fire was covered in terrifying flames, and the flames turned into countless flaming swords to kill it.

The palms of the Great Destiny Soul turned into black whirlpools of destiny, absorbing all the flame magic sword, and finally resolved it.

The next moment, the Great Destiny Soul suddenly turned into a dark dragon and wrapped around Lan Ziyi. The flames of blue and purple clothes were slowly dissolved and absorbed by the dark dragon...

While the Great Destiny Soul and Lan Ziyi were fighting fiercely, Chen Yang's body and Chen Hongmeng would naturally not be idle.

Chen Hongmeng was extremely anxious when he saw Lan Ziyi in crisis.

Chen Yang also knew about the evil nature of Chen Hongmeng's Xuanhuang Divine Valley seeds, so he was not in a hurry to attack Chen Hongmeng. Chen Hongmeng couldn't wait any longer, so he flashed his body and quickly attacked Chen Yang. His fist formed the power of a black hole, and he immediately unleashed the extremely powerful Black Hole Divine Fist!

Ten black hole divine fists were released in an instant, each punch was more powerful than the last!

This Chen Hongmeng has practiced the Great Origin Technique, and the magic power in his body is majestic and unparalleled.

Although Chen Yang has not practiced the Great Origin Technique, he has the Qi of the Three Pure Ones in his body, and his cultivation level is much higher than that of Chen Hongmeng, so how can he get scared now?

If Hanpo Yuanshen hadn't been trapped, these two people would have been dealt with long ago.

"Well done!" Chen Yang laughed loudly, then used his fist seals to kill the general with three punches!

Three punches were sent out, and all ten of Chen Hongmeng's big fist seals were smashed into pieces.

After three punches, Chen Yang stopped attacking. He also knew that if he took the initiative to attack Chen Hongmeng, he would simply send his energy to the opponent.

The other party's Xuanhuang Divine Valley seeds can completely dissolve and absorb one's own power.

He's not stupid.

Now it is time to wait for the Great Destiny Soul to deal with Lan Ziyi, and then join forces with the Great Destiny Soul to kill Chen Hongmeng.

Chen Hongmeng must be killed today!

Chen Yang was cruel in his heart.

Chen Hongmeng's attack was blocked, and he saw that Lan Ziyi was getting more and more critical, and he was extremely anxious.

Suddenly, his eyes turned blood red, he let out a roar, and then used the Black Hole Divine Fist again.

This time, the Black Hole Divine Fist was not simple. His eyes were blood-red and strange, and he had a gray aura...

"Holy shit, it's the power of fate!" Chen Yang understood immediately.

This is really a **** cycle of retribution!

The divine power of destiny is added to the Black Hole Divine Fist, and the gray divine power of destiny is wrapped around the periphery of the Black Hole Divine Fist.


A punch came towards Chen Yang to kill him!

Chen Yang didn't dare to be careless, so he killed him with one punch.


The fists collided together.

Chen Yang only felt that the opponent's punch was surprisingly powerful and had an unspeakable secret. Originally, his cultivation level was higher than that of Chen Hongmeng, so he could firmly suppress the opponent. But now, the opponent's fist power contains the magical law of fate, so his realm advantage is gone!


Finally, Chen Yang's punch was completely shattered by the opponent.

I can't resist it!

Chen Hongmeng's eyes turned red at this time, and while roaring, he suddenly slashed out another divine sword of destiny!

The divine sword of destiny struck with lightning.

Chen Yang knew the power of the Divine Sword of Destiny so well that he quickly used the Great Eye Technique to resist it without caring about anything else.


The two divine rays of the Great Sky Eye Technique were directly chopped into pieces by the Divine Sword of Fate. Then, the Divine Sword of Fate struck with lightning.

"Hateful!" Chen Yang finally realized the terror of the divine power of destiny, cursing in his heart, but feeling helpless.

At the moment, he could only give up dealing with Lan Ziyi, retreat quickly, and recall the Great Destiny Soul.

The Great Destiny Spirit quickly came to Chen Yang.

The divine power of fate entered the forehead of the Great Destiny Spirit and then exploded.


At that moment, the Great Destiny Soul exploded.

However, the Great Spirit of Destiny will not die. After its body exploded, it quickly turned into a vortex of great destiny, entangling the Divine Sword of Fate and disintegrating it! Read a book

Chen Yang reached into the whirlpool of fate with his big palm, relying on the power of fate and time to resist the lethality of the Divine Sword of Fate, and then quickly decomposed it, then clamped the Divine Sword of Fate and decomposed it again.

The Divine Sword of Fate quickly became shattered and then absorbed by the vortex of destiny!

Chen Yang opened his mouth again and sucked the Great Destiny Spirit into his body. The Great Destiny Soul has absorbed a lot of vitality outside. Now that they are combined, Chen Yang's power explodes.

Lan Ziyi was already seriously injured, but he still chose to take action at this time, using the Bridge of Naihe to hit Chen Yang. Chen Yang waved his sleeves with his backhand and knocked the Naihe Bridge away with a bang. Lan Ziyi couldn't control himself, took a few steps back, and vomited blood again.

Chen Yang stepped back, came to Lan Ziyi, and then pointed at Lan Ziyi's eyebrows.

Lan Ziyi fainted immediately!

Chen Yang quickly took Lan Ziyi into the glass jade pot.

"I'll fight you!" Chen Hongmeng couldn't help but his eyes were splitting when he saw this, his eyes were blood red, and he roared angrily. Following the fateful power contained in his fists, he fiercely came towards Chen Yang to kill him.

"Let you **** fight to see how long your life span can last!" Chen Yang's eyes also turned cold, and he punched out with both fists, colliding with Chen Hongmeng's fist.

After the endless coma, Shi Yu suddenly stood up from the bed. If you want to read the latest chapters, please download the Star Reading app and read the latest chapters for free without ads. The website has not updated the latest chapter content, but the Xingxing Reading Novel APP has updated the latest chapter content.

He took a big breath of fresh air, his chest trembling.

Confused, confused, and all kinds of emotions came to my mind.

Where is this?

Afterwards, Shi Yu subconsciously observed his surroundings, and then became even more confused.

A single dormitory?

Even if he was successfully rescued, he should be in the ward now.

And my could it not be injured at all?

With doubts, Shi Yu's eyes quickly swept across the room, and finally his eyes rested on a mirror beside the bed.

The mirror showed his current appearance. He was about seventeen or eighteen years old, and he looked very handsome.

But the problem is, this is not him! Download the Star Reading app and read the latest chapters for free without ads.

My previous self was a handsome young man in his twenties who had been working for a while.

And now, no matter how you look, this appearance is that of a high school student...

This change made Shi Yu stunned for a long time.

Don't tell him that the operation was successful...

The body and appearance have changed. This is not a matter of surgery or not, but magic.

He turned into a completely different person!

Could it be...that he traveled through time?

In addition to the mirror placed by the bedside, which was obviously not feng shui-friendly, Shi Yu also found three books next to it.

Shi Yu picked it up and took a look. The title of the book instantly silenced him.

"Essential Animal Breeding Manual for Beginner Breeders"

"Postpartum Care of Pet Pets"

"Evaluation Guide for Interracial Beast-Eared Girls"

Shi Yu:? ? ?

The names of the first two books are pretty normal, but what happened to the last one?


Shi Yu looked solemnly and stretched out his hand, but his arm soon stiffened.

Just when he was about to open the third book and see what it was about, his brain suddenly felt a sharp pain, and a large number of memories came flooding back.

Icefield City.

Pet animal breeding base.

Intern pet breeder. The website will be closed soon. Download the Star Reading App to provide you with the ultimate master of "The Great God, I'm Smiling to the Sky"

Beast Master?

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