My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 725: Crazy Tianzun, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Shen Mo Nong drove, Yuan Xingyun sat in the co-pilot.

After starting the car, Wen Tianzhun's first sentence is that if you don't act as soon as possible, you will definitely regret it.

Chen Yang said, "Do you find it useful to say these nonsense? Since you can see the future, you should see it. I will never listen to you. What are you talking about now, what nonsense is it?"

Wen Tianzhun said: "After I told you these things, your future has become hazy, and I can't see clearly." He paused and said, "Probably, this is you. The result you want, you don't want to fight a foregone conclusion, right?"

Chen Yang said: "That's right, so I would never go to find the artifact years ago. No matter if I can help you find the Xuanhuang Divine Valley seeds, I will not act now."

Wen Tianzhun said, "But you are joking about your wife's life."

"You don't take Ling'er as an issue." Chen Yang said: "From now on, you can shut up."

Wen Tianzhun sighed slightly, and then stopped saying more.

After that, Wen Tianzhun was taken by Yuan Xingyun to the underground research room of Mingzhu Building and closed. After Wen Tianzhun was settled, Yuan Xingyun came out to meet Chen Yang and Shen Mo Nong.

"I plan to return to Binhai tomorrow, and I will see this Wen Tianzhun again in the next year." Chen Yang said.

Shen Mo Nong and Wen Tian Zhun have already understood the direction of the matter, Shen Mo Nong said: "Wen Tian Zhun is very anxious about the matter. You are really not afraid of delaying time, which will cause many unimaginable consequences."

Chen Yang said: "I thought about this possibility." He paused, and said, "But Wen Tianzhun is too evil, and the purpose he said may not be what he thinks. He said he wants to pass Wentian. Use this body to gain mana. God knows if he is calculating my body? I am the King of Destiny. Maybe he wants to take my body as his own?"

Yuan Xingyun said with horror: "This may not be the case. I think the best way is to kill this evildoer directly."

Chen Yang said: "It's not that I never thought about killing him, but when he talked about Ling'er, he knows the future, maybe it can really help me, I can't take this risk."

Shen Mo Nong said: "So, do you think that actions in the next year will affect his judgment, right?"

Chen Yang said: "Yes, it may be able to change the future so that he can't see clearly. As for the consequences, there is no need to think about it. Before Wen Tianzhun appeared, we had been living well. Could it be that After he appears, will we survive?"

Shen Mo Nong and Yuan Xingyun looked at each other, then smiled, and the two said, "It makes sense!"

That's it.

Later, Yuan Xingyun suggested: "Chen Yang and I have not seen you for a long time. Why don't we go find a barbecue restaurant and eat some grilled skewers while drinking and talking, what do you think?"

Chen Yang smiled slightly and said, "Since Yuan Chu has this Yaxing, I naturally want to accompany him."

Afterwards, the three drove to find a barbecue restaurant, then ordered a cold beer and drank happily.

"Brother Chen, what do you plan to do in the future?" Yuan Xingyun said with a sip of cold beer and a bite of skewers.

Chen Yang didn't answer at first, but smiled, and said, "Isn't Chu Yuan a stranger? Isn't this wine and meat not taboo? Could it be that the wine and meat have passed the intestines?"

Yuan Xingyun laughed and said, "That's not what I said. Before I return to Taoism, I must stop eating and drinking three days in advance, bathe and burn incense, and keep quiet to see the Sanqing Patriarch." He paused and said, "Although I know, There may not be three Qing ancestors in this world, and there will be no real people to restrain them. But this is a rule and a respect."

"No rules can't make a circle!" Chen Yang said, "I like those who speak rules."

Shen Mo Nong also said: "The rules are also the truth, and if you walk the world with the truth, you will be confident."

Yuan Xingyun smiled and said, "This topic has gone too far, Brother Chen, you haven't answered me yet, what are your plans for the future?"

Chen Yang said in a deep voice, "Rescue Ling'er, punish Chen Yihan, and force Chen Tianya to kneel down for my mother. This is what I want to do."

Yuan Xingyun said, "These three things are not simple for you!"

Chen Yang said: "Yes, maybe it won't be done in life, but people always have a purpose."

Yuan Xingyun said: "The killing has come, and you, the King of Destiny, have no grand plans. But no matter what you think, you are already in it, and act with the movement of heaven."

Chen Yang said: "Take a step, look at a step, in fact, it doesn't make much sense. I just want to do something and have a clear heart, so that's it!"

"What a worthy one!" Yuan Xingyun said in awe, "I respect you!"

After drinking, Chen Yang and Shen Mo Nong bid farewell to Yuan Xingyun.

Afterwards, Chen Yang and Shen Mo Nong returned to the Mancheng community.

In Shen Mo Nong's house, Shen Mo Nong took a shower first, and then she watched TV in the living room. Chen Yang came out after taking a shower. He was wearing his men's pajamas.

Shen Mo Nong is also wearing purple pajamas, her hair is casually draped, looking very casual.

Shen Mo Nong smiled at Chen Yang and said, "Go and take out the red wine in my refrigerator. Let's have a good chat."

Chen Yang turned around to fetch the red wine, and then the two chatted comfortably on the sofa. This night, the two of them didn't say anything very heavy, they just talked about some household and past things.

The atmosphere was very relaxed and happy, until three o'clock in the morning, when both of them were a little sleepy, they gave up.

The next morning, after Chen Yang and Shen Monong had breakfast outside, Shen Monong said to Chen Yang: "The ticket to Binhai has already been booked for you. I'll take you to the airport."

Chen Yang said: "Okay!"

On the way to the airport, Shen Mo Nong was still driving, and Shen Mo Nong suddenly asked Chen Yang, "What are you thinking about?"

"I didn't think about anything." Chen Yang said, "Why do you ask?"

Shen Mo Nong said, "Doesn't Wen Tianzhun's words cause you doubts? Don't you worry about any crisis that will really happen?"

Chen Yang said: "I don't know how many life and death risks I have gone through along the way. I also gradually feel that the time to come will always come, worry, fear, panic, and this has no effect."

Shen Mo Nong was taken aback, and then she said: "You seem to have entered a new realm."

Chen Yang smiled faintly and didn't say much.

time flies!

In a blink of an eye, New Year's Eve has arrived.

Tourism in Binhai City is even more prosperous. The business of hotels and bars is even more prosperous. With the advancement of technology and the development of the times, the flavour of the New Year has gradually faded.

Only in the countryside, in small county towns, can you feel a slightly stronger New Year flavor.

However, among the local residents of Binhai City, it still has some flavor of the year.

Chen Yang was in Lin Qingxue's home. He slept in Lin Qingxue's home last night. Lin Qingxue prepared Chen Yang's toiletries, men's sleepiness and so on.

"Brother, I am your forever natal family here, and this room will always be yours. I put your clothes and so on in the closet." Lin Qingxue said to Chen Yang with a little excitement last night. of.

In the morning, Lin Qingxue cooked rice wine dumplings for Chen Yang.

Chen Yang was very happy to eat.

In the evening, when the Spring Festival Gala began, a table full of sumptuous dishes had been prepared. Chen Yang and Lin Qingxue drank red wine and ate a reunion dinner.

The TV is on, and the celebration inside makes the house less deserted.

On the third day of the Lunar New Year, Shen Mo Nong called Chen Yang. "Chen Yang, if you can't come any longer, Wen Tianzhun will be going crazy."

Chen Yang smiled slightly and said, "That's quite interesting, driving a man who transformed into a heavenly path crazy."

Shen Mo Nong said seriously: "He is very irritable now, saying that if you don't come, then Ling'er will undoubtedly die, and he won't cooperate with you again."

Chen Yang said: "Don't worry about him, I know it in my heart. If he is really crazy, then forget it."

"You really don't want that Lixue Weiyang sword? This is a useful magic weapon for you to deal with Chen Yihan." Shen Mo Nong said slightly strangely.

Chen Yang said: "The future development, everything has its own fate. Wen Tianzhun, I feel very bad. This is the same as some financial products, you want his interest, he wants your principal. I am. Thinking about the artifact he gave me, maybe he is wanting my life."

"Then you really can't come now?" Shen Mo Nong asked.

Chen Yang said, "But, come back at least after fifteen."

Shen Mo Nong said, "Well then!"

Afterwards, Chen Yang hung up the phone with Shen Mo Nong.

On the fourth day of the Lunar New Year, Chen Yang returned to Su Qing's home. Su's father and mother Su took Xiaoxue to go with her relatives. Originally, Su Qing had to go with her relatives, but because Chen Yang was there, he didn't go out.

It just so happened that Chen Yang and Su Qing were the only ones in that house. Two people can live a two-person world happily.

As for Luoning, Luoning has always stayed in his hometown. Chen Yang had contacted Luo Ning. Luo Ning said that she wanted to stay here for a few months and wanted to be quiet. Moreover, she could practice quietly.

Chen Yang couldn't help but wonder, and said, "You don't want to kill Vatican anymore?"

Luo Ning said: "Of course Fan Wuyu wants to kill, and he can't run. But I want to completely break through the current Seventh Layer of Taixu, so that I can be more sure."

Chen Yang said, "Well then."

Luo Ning said, "Aren't you coming to me?"

Chen Yang said, "I still have something to do here, so I won't look for you for now."

Luo Ning didn't ask much.

Chen Yang didn't tell Luo Ning about Wen Tianzhun. This matter made Chen Yang feel that there are too many unknowns in it, so it is better for him to experience it alone.

At Su Qing's house, Chen Yang stayed until the fifteenth of the first lunar month. In the past ten days, Chen Yang and Su Qing left traces of their love in every corner of the house. Su Qing's body is a natural charming bone, which makes people love it!

In her free time, Su Qing said to Chen Yang: "You get in me every time. What if I get pregnant?"

"Then be born!" Chen Yang said with certainty.

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