My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 746: Fierce Jian Wushuang, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

The little destiny of Lama Yinyue was revealed, and the time freezing technique instantly locked Luo Feng, Mo Kong and Lama Yinyue.

Luo Feng immediately felt that it was very difficult to move, and in this case, Mo Kong was not to mention it.

The Lama Yinyue used the Little Destiny Book too many times yesterday and consumed too much power. But now after a night of rest, his skill has completely recovered. Therefore, at this moment, when the time freezing technique was used, Luo Feng could hardly move. He hasn't even taken out the Samsara compass yet.

However, Lama Yinyue's body moved slowly.

Lama Yinyue was approaching Luofeng, he wanted to take away the Xuanhuang Divine Valley seeds from Luo Feng. This Lama Yinyue is not a fool, he is not with Chen Yihan in one heart. What he thought was that Chen Yihan would drag Chen Yang, and when he was fighting Luo Feng, he directly took the Xuanhuang Divine Valley seed into his hand. After that, he took the seeds of Xuanhuang Divine Valley and fled.

This is the wishful thinking of the Lama Yinyue.

Of course, Chen Yihan was not even more stupid, he didn't expect this level. However, Chen Yihan believed that Lama Yinyue was absolutely unable to take the Xuanhuang Divine Valley seeds from Luo Feng's hands. Chen Yihan knew that Luo Feng's reincarnation compass was extremely powerful.

Chen Yihan believes that mastering Chen Yang is the key to mastering.

If he had obtained the seeds of Xuanhuang Divine Valley, he would naturally not let Lama Yinyue get a share of the pie.

At this time, Chen Yihan was approaching Chen Yang.

Chen Yang is also a smart man, and he can see Chen Yihan's plan at a glance. Chen Yang knew that it was difficult to resist Chen Yihan based on his own cultivation, but his body flashed and approached the central area of ​​the time freezing technique.

Then everyone will be locked inside.

Chen Yang thought so, but when he moved, Chen Yihan could see his intention. Chen Yihan blocked Chen Yang's path like a lightning bolt. When the one-element creature sword in his hand turned, the person was like a phantom, and suddenly a ghostly sword pierced Chen Yang's throat.

Chen Yihan's self-cultivation is very good. Now that he adds this original life sword, it can be said to be even more powerful.

The monstrous creature sword assassinates it with fierce energy, just like a rocket launcher, making it impossible to resist. This is no wonder why killing the elders with Mo is so powerful, but Chen Yihan can't even dodge a sword.

Elder Mosha lost his magic weapon and faced the monstrous creature sword empty-handed, which was a massacre. Even Mosha Elder's strength has reached the sixth heaven.

At this moment, Chen Yang couldn't think much. Faced with the ferocious monstrous spirit sword, you can't hide. Fortunately, he has the Lixue Weiyang Sword in his hand. In the crisis, his body sank and naturally took a step back.

This retreat is ten meters away.

Chen Yihan is naturally chasing after him. Chen Yang then swung his sword away, and with a boom, the two swords were cut together, suddenly bursting out brilliant sparks.

Fortunately, the Lixue Weiyang sword is not a common grade, so it won't be cut off by the monstrous life sword.

But Chen Yang couldn't hold it anyhow, and the Lixue Weiyang sword broke out and flew into the air.

Chen Yi laughed coldly and took another step forward.

Chen Yang immediately evaded with a change of shape and form, and Chen Yihan's body flashed and blocked Chen Yang's path.

Then, Chen Yihan stabbed with another sword.

Chen Yang retreated violently, and Chen Yihan chased after him. At this moment, the Lixue Weiyang Sword had already returned.

"Good luck sword art, ten thousand swords return to the clan!"

Chen Yang would naturally not fail to calculate against Chen Yihan, the moment the Lixueweiyang Sword flew out again, he had already begun to fully use the sword of good fortune.

Good Fortune Sword Art is a dragon clan’s unique skill, a very complex equation, a unique skill that combines mana with a sword and uses mana to exert the sword to its extreme.

The return of Wan Jian to the Sect is a magic technique created by Chen Yang on the basis of Good Fortune Sword Art!

Without the Qiandao Jianqi of Good Fortune Sword Art, there would be no return of ten thousand swords.

It's like that, the prerequisite for Wan Jian to return to the clan must be ten thousand swords!

In an instant, all the thousands of lightning rays merged, and then they attached themselves to the Lixue Weiyang sword. If this powerful and violent power encounters a mortal magic weapon, that magic weapon will not be able to withstand it first.

At this moment, the Lixue Weiyang Sword quickly turned into a giant sword carrying the mighty thunder!

The giant sword slashed at an unparalleled speed, and the energy at the tip of the sword exploded, emitting a dazzling brilliance!

This speed has surpassed the speed of light!

This speed does not give people a chance to react at all. But Chen Yihan is Chen Yihan after all, and his reaction is extremely fast, almost subconsciously.

"Broken!" Chen Yihan exclaimed.

The One Yuan Spirit Sword flew out immediately, and absorbed the energy of the magnetic field strongly in the air. This primordial spirit sword quickly became huge, and the tip of the sword also emitted a dazzling light.

At this moment, Shen Mo Nong was stunned.

For her, the battle at the moment was really a fight of the gods. She can't intervene at all!

With a bang, the two divine swords collided fiercely.

Gorgeous sparks are shot out!

Then, a group of thunder fire exploded, and the Lixue Weiyang Sword finally couldn't bear such a huge energy, and it exploded directly.

At this moment, Lixue Weiyang sword turned into ashes!

But the monstrous creature sword is still intact!

Chen Yang and Lixue Weiyang Jian were connected with each other, and at the moment when Lixue Weiyang Jian was destroyed, he also spit out a mouthful of blood.

At this moment, Chen Yihan's eyes flashed cold. With a big move, he grabbed the one-element creature sword in his hand, then turned with the sword and quickly approached Chen Yang.

Chen Yang's face was solemn to the extreme, at this moment, he had already lost the Lixueweiyang sword. In addition to the previous moment, it was indeed a serious internal injury. Now he knew that he was definitely not Chen Yihan's opponent.

Chen Yihan was killed by lightning, his sword light flashed, and another sword stabbed.

In desperation, Chen Yang had to sacrifice the Sound Killing Demon Sword.


Chen Yang first used the immeasurable seal to resist, only to see a golden light burst out of him.

However, the monstrous creature sword directly cut through the golden light.

This fierce sword is simply invincible and invincible.

Subsequently, Chen Yihan continued to assassinate. Chen Yang swung it away with a click, and the one-element creature sword chopped the Sound Killing Demon Sword into two again.

Chen Yang was simply helpless.

He suddenly took out something from Jie Xumi, at this time, he could not care about anything.

What he took out was the essence of the essence pill that he had snatched from the blood river ancestor.

"Go!" Chen Yang Lightning communicated with the Jingyuan Shendan, and then threw the Jingyuan Shendan towards Chen Yihan.

The essence of essence pill itself is a very powerful magic weapon, it is the essence of the devil god, transformed into a **** pill. This divine pill can produce countless demon heads, which can be transformed into thousands, and can also be turned into an attack like a sun god.

At this moment, Chen Yihan's attack was too fierce, and Chen Yang could only use the power of the sun **** to deal with Chen Yihan.

"Hey!" A dazzling light appeared in front of Chen Yihan's eyes, his eyes narrowed slightly, and then a sword struck the Jingyuan Shendan.

"Kacha." With a sound, the Jingyuan Shendan was split into two halves, and the Demon God Jingyuan inside screamed and screamed, instantly turning to ashes.

Another powerful magic weapon was destroyed in the hands of this fierce sword!

Chen Yang retreated step by step, and Chen Yihan approached step by step.

The situation was extremely dangerous.

When Shen Mo Nong saw this, she couldn't care about other things, so she rushed forward to help. But Shen Mo Nong was a step late after all, at this time Chen Yihan stabbed Chen Yang in the shoulder with a sword.

This is penetration!

"Ah!" Chen Yang let out a scream.

This Primordial Spirit Sword is really powerful, and the energy it emits could have instantly turned a master into ashes. However, Chen Yang's body is strong, so he did not suffer fatal damage.

But this is the case, the hurt and pain caused by this is enough for Chen Yang to bear.

Chen Yihan also knew that Chen Yang's body was very tough. He investigated many things about Chen Yang and concluded that this sword would not kill him. This is why Chen Yihan dared to stab Chen Yang.

After all, he still wanted to threaten Luo Feng with Chen Yang's life.

Chen Yang had never felt this kind of pain before, and it was too painful to bear.

The energy contained in the monstrous creature sword is like a tarsal maggot, burning every cell in his body. His cells are emitting powerful vitality to resist this energy.

Chen Yang couldn't help squatting down in pain, pulling at his hair.

And Chen Yihan has already received the sword.

The sword left Chen Yang's body, and Chen Yang felt better now. But it's just a little bit better.

At this time, Chen Yihan stepped forward and grabbed Chen Yang by the collar.

"Luo Feng!" Chen Yihan shouted.

Shen Mo Nong didn't dare to act rashly at this time. She was not afraid of sacrifice, but she knew that her sacrifice right now was meaningless.

And what about the battle between Luo Feng and Yinyue Lama?

The Lama Yinyue obviously did not grab the seeds of the Xuanhuang Divine Valley as he wished, although the Lama Yinyue preemptively controlled Luo Feng. But Luo Feng still has a mysterious weapon, that is the golden bug.

The golden bug is called Litian Gu, which is free from the existence of the five elements and is not limited by space and time.

This kind of Gu worm is very against the sky, but fortunately it doesn't have much lethal power, and it can't be cultivated to be refined.

After the Litian bug flew out, it bit into the eyes of Lama Yinyue fiercely.

Lama Yinyue screamed, and a blood hole appeared in his eyes. At this time, the Lama Yinyue complained repeatedly. He quickly closed the time freezing technique, and then popped out with a finger, then beheaded the Litian Gu.

At this time, Luo Feng's reincarnation compass was also offered.

Lama Yinyue was blinded. He hated Dasheng and quickly performed the time reversal technique.

This Litian Gu was already dead, so he fell into the Five Elements. Therefore, the Lama Yinyue wanted to let time back, and finally before Li Tian Gu had bitten him blindly, he received the spell to kill the Li Tian Gu.

This is the wishful thinking of the Lama Yinyue.

But at this time, Luo Feng had also displayed the Canghai Nine overlapping spells.

That time reversal technique couldn't stop Luo Feng at all.

After this time of competition, Luo Feng turned around and saw that Chen Yang had been stabbed by Chen Yihan.

"Third brother!" Luo Feng was shocked.

At this time, Chen Yihan sneered and said: "Luo Feng, don't want this mess to die, so he immediately handed over the Xuanhuang Divine Valley seeds."

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