My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 800: Persecution, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Jingning sat down and said: "It seems that Donglai Island is not floating. It's just that the light source disappears during the day and the fog is filled, so it is sometimes difficult to find."

Chen Yang said: "It is true. Everything is strange and strange, as long as you go deeper, you will find that it is not strange."

Jingning said: "This trip, you are also considered complete, right?"

Chen Yang said: "Yes. It's just a pity that you didn't get anything."

Jingning said: "We have grown up under the wings of a master since we were young, although we have cultivated our skills, and we think we are extraordinary. Only now have we discovered that we are vulnerable when we really encounter enemies."

Chen Yang said: "You are just a little bit worse in actual combat experience. No one else can teach you this actual combat experience, so you can only explore it yourself."

Jingning said: "We got off Mount Emei this trip, and since we boarded your yacht, we have experienced life and death two times and we couldn't fight back. If it weren't for you, the four first disciples of Emei would have become a laughingstock. So I really should say thank you ."

Chen Yang said, "Why be polite."

Jingning smiled slightly, then fell into silence.

Chen Yang stopped talking.

After Jingning for a while, she suddenly said, "Chen Yang, I think you are a very peculiar, very charming person. Your edges and corners are very sharp."

Chen Yang probably knew why Jingning said this, but he still deliberately pretended not to know, and just said, "Why do you say that?"

Jingning said: "In fact, I want to ask you even more. At that time, Uncle Xiong was dying. You made up a sword to free him. Why did you always refuse?"

Chen Yang also remained silent. He said after a long while: "I will feel uneasy. If I am under the coercion of Yin and Yang Zidian Double Snake and kill Uncle Xiong, I will always feel that I am a failure. If there is no yin and yang purple electric double snake, and we encounter difficulties, Xiong Bo feels uncomfortable and asks me to free him, I will not hesitate."

"Just because you feel uneasy, so you insist?" Jingning asked.

Chen Yang said, "That's right."

Jingning said, "Is there no other reason?"

Chen Yang said: "I know what you want to ask, but it really has nothing to do with greatness. Everyone has a ruler to measure morality. Being forced to kill one's own companions violates my moral values. I can not do it."

Jingning said, "Even if you can save hundreds of people by doing this, thousands of people?"

Chen Yang said, "The same can't be done."

Jingning said, "You are such a strange person."

Chen Yang said: "Actually, you can say that I am strange, but I sometimes feel that the strangeness is not me, but you."

"We?" Jingning wondered.

Chen Yang said, "If it were you, would you kill Uncle Xiong?"

After Jingning pondered for a moment, she said with certainty: "I will."

"Why?" Chen Yang asked.

Jingning said: "Because Uncle Xiong is very painful, because I can save us by killing Uncle Xiong. Although I still have a conscience, I am willing to make such a sacrifice."

Chen Yang said, "Well, you have your reasons for this. Then what if the Yin and Yang Zidian double snakes let you kill Liu Yan?"

Jingning was stunned for a moment. After a long while, she said, "I will still kill."

Chen Yang said: "Liu Yan doesn't want to die, why would you still kill?"

Jingning said: "Because even if I don't kill Liu Yan, Liu Yan will die. For the sake of my three juniors, I can carry this infamy."

Chen Yang said: "Then what if the Yin-Yang Zidian Double Snake lets you kill one of your juniors?"

Jingning was stunned.

After a long while, she said: "I will still kill, even if I want to kill myself, I will do it."

Chen Yang said: "So I said, you are strange."

"Is this weird?" Jingning said, "but I think this is the glorious side of human nature, but you have chosen to be indifferent."

Chen Yang said: "It's actually quite interesting. It's like everyone is poor and suddenly saw a rich man. Although the rich man made no mistake, one of them said that we divided his money. Well, this way everyone will have a good life, vote! I believe that most of them will vote yes. Because everyone benefits! Because it is the benefit of that person that is sacrificed. So, Jingning, you are also that person. One of them, because you will kill Liu Yan and Uncle Xiong. Because you are very upright and confident, you think there is a glorious side in your human nature, you are for everyone!"

Jingning couldn't help but stay for a while.

"Just like there is another very interesting thing, when the Nazis slaughtered the Jews..." Chen Yang said: "Why did Hitler kill the Jews? After all, I still feel that the Jews occupy resources. He slaughtered the Jews and divided their property. At that time, he raised the issue of racial superiority, and the majority of the people at the time agreed. Because everyone has benefited!"

"For the benefit of the majority, can we sensibly sacrifice the benefit of the minority?" Chen Yang said, "Is that a civilized society?"

Jingning remained silent.

Chen Yang said: "If you were the rich man, what would you think? If you were a slaughtered Jew, what would you think? If I really went to kill Liu Yan, what would Liu Yan think?"

After a moment of silence, Jingning said, "I don't know what to say."

Chen Yang said: "There is a kind of persecution, which is invisible. That is the persecution of the interests of the majority. For the reputation of the whole village, so we have to kill the prostitutes who cheat. You are so rich. If you don't donate, you are a beast. . Is this true?"

Jingning gave a wry smile and said, "What you said makes sense. But if one day the earth is going to be destroyed, one must be killed to save it? Can you kill it?"

Chen Yang said: "Your assumption is not true. If the earth is to be destroyed, it is definitely not something that can be restored by killing someone. The earth is to be destroyed. If someone is destroying the ecology, then catch them. That is the duty of the police. Of course. And to harm a few people for the benefit of the majority is not justified and brilliant."

Jingning said: "Then if someone has an antidote in his hand, you can save your wife. But the condition is that an ordinary person must be killed?"

"No one should be so boring," Chen Yang said with a smile. He paused and said, "Besides, my wife's problem is not an antidote."

Jingning said: "I mean if."

"If my wife was also there yesterday when facing the Yin-Yang Zidian Twin Snakes, I would still not kill one of you." Chen Yang said with certainty.

"Is it because you don't love your wife that much, or are you really cold-blooded to this point?" Jingning said.

Chen Yang said: "I love my wife very much, but I can't commit murder in the name of love. If I were an ordinary person, my wife was seriously ill and had no money to treat. I could rob and kill people because of this. Is it? If I don’t go, is it because I don’t love my wife enough? This theory is wrong."

Jingning said: "I don't seem to be able to say anything about you. Maybe you are right. It's just that it's hard for me to be like you."

Chen Yang didn't say any more, he took a sip of red wine and looked up at the stars.

Jingning suddenly said, "Have you ever done something against your will in your life up to now?"

Chen Yang said directly: "No. The only thing is that I once lied to a girl to avenge my teacher, but I got her forgiveness."

No desire is strong!

Chen Yang is just because of integrity, fearlessness and no shame in his heart, so he can move forward.

This can be regarded as debt-free and light, and moving forward without burden.

You have a clear conscience, and you can see the breeze and the bright moon in your heart. This is what Chen Yang finds the most joyful way of living.

If a person has no conscience, he can do everything.

But to be a person without a conscience requires a very strong heart, and it is not something that anyone can cultivate.

The sea voyage went smoothly for three consecutive days.

Jingning asked Chen Yang what she planned to do after landing.

Chen Yang said: "Look for my elder brother." He said again: "As for what you want my elder brother to admit wrong, I will try to convince my elder brother."

Jingning said, "Well, I'll wait for you at Mount Emei."

Chen Yang nodded and said, "Okay!"

That night, the calm voyage was suddenly broken.

At ten o'clock in the night, the night sky was washed away.

Between the sky and the earth, there seems to be only the moon, the starry sky, the ocean and the yacht.

It's so peaceful and peaceful.

At this moment, the peace was suddenly broken. The surface of the water rumbling loudly, like a torpedo was blasted, splashing. Many water splashes were splashed on the deck of the yacht.

Subsequently, there was an additional person on the first deck of the yacht.

That is a bald lama!

"Amitabha!" Familiar voice, familiar figure.

Chen Yang rushed to the deck in the first time. Jingning's four daughters followed.

Liu Yan's crew also rushed over quickly.

"Yinyue, I didn't think you weren't dead yet." Chen Yang was taken aback when he saw Lama Yinyue with low eyebrows.

The Yinyue Lama did not die, and there was no injury at all.

Chen Yang secretly said: "In this ocean, it is really unpredictable. Not only is the Lama Yinyue not dead, but he seems to have greatly increased his skill. He dared to come over with such a bold face, but he must be absolutely sure in his heart. This guy is a man. A cautious person."

Lama Yinyue looked up at Chen Yang.

At this time, Jingning's fourth daughter was also taken aback.

There was a faint smile in the eyes of Lama Yinyue. He said, "Little thief Chen Yang, you probably can't think of it, I can still live."

Chen Yang said: "I did not expect that even a despicable person like you would have an adventure."

Lama Yinyue said: "Since God helped the poor monk to survive, today is the limit of your little thief. But little thief, the poor monk will not let you die so easily. That day was not completed. The matter must be done in front of you today. Otherwise, how can we vent the hatred of the poor monk."

"Although your skills have improved!" Chen Yang sneered, and said: "But you seem to be too big as a bull."

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