My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 852: Twisted character, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Chen Yang hesitated for a moment and then answered the phone.

There really is Jiang Shiyao's voice. "Chen Yang!" she shouted.

Chen Yang said, "Where are you?"

Jiang Shiyao's voice seemed low, she said, "I'm no longer in the hotel before."

Chen Yang said, "Oh." He obviously didn't care much about these things.

Jiang Shiyao said: "Now it seems that you have already taken revenge?"

Chen Yang said: "Yes, Chen Jiahong helped me kill Bai Yihang."

"Then you are going to fulfill your promise and hand me over to him, right?" Jiang Shiyao said.

Chen Yang said: "I have explained to Chen Jiahong that I have not imprisoned you, you are free. Next, whether he can find you depends on you and his good fortune."

Jiang Shiyao sneered and said: "You know in your heart that without your help, I would never escape."

Chen Yang said: "Even with my help, I can't take you away. Besides, I don't have a reason to take you away. Anyway, Chen Jiahong is your legal husband. I take you away, that's nothing. Besides, you are still Chen Ling's daughter-in-law, and I abducted his old daughter-in-law. This is not something a junior should do."

Jiang Shiyao remained silent.

Chen Yang was also silent for a while. After a while, he said: "If you have nothing else, I will hang up."

Jiang Shiyao laughed, but this laugh made Chen Yang feel sad.

Chen Yang felt a kind of creepy feeling for an instant. Suddenly, Chen Yang was taken aback.

Jiang Shiyao said: "Yes, every one of you speaking of it is a contradiction between husband and wife. I told the suzerain that the suzerain also feels that the contradiction between the young couple is inconvenient for him to intervene. I told Chen Jiahong's mother that she too Just talking about it, he will definitely teach her son. I tell you, you also think that this is a matter between our husband and wife. You all think this is not a matter, right?"

Chen Yang remained silent.

He somewhat understood Jiang Shiyao's sorrow at this moment.

Jiang Shiyao continued: "But I'm not as good as dead, do you understand? I want to divorce and leave. Chen Jiahong doesn't give me this freedom. When he is happy, he treats me like a treasure. When he gets nervous, it makes me fall into hell. . He is simply a pervert, crazy, every day I am with him is a torment for me. I am going crazy, I want to save myself, but you all said, this is a matter between our husband and wife …Except for my sister, no one thinks that my business is one thing."

Chen Yang said in a deep voice, "I understand your feelings, but I really don't know how to help you. I can't kill Chen Jiahong, nor can I kill him."

Jiang Shiyao said: "You are the last straw I hope. If you don't come today, then I will commit suicide here. Since there is no hope, why should I continue to suffer?"

Chen Yang was taken aback and said, "Don't do stupid things."

"I'm at Hongtai Hotel, at No. 108, Jiangnan West Road, and I can't see you within half an hour. Then you are ready to collect my body."

After that, Jiang Shiyao hung up the phone.

Chen Yang couldn't help being stunned.

What is this? Your daughter-in-law Chen Jiahong is about to die, but she threatens me with death. Is this a matter?

I want to return to thinking so, but Chen Yang can actually feel Jiang Shiyao's despair and helplessness.

Moreover, Chen Yang certainly couldn't let Jiang Shiyao die like this. He could hear the sorrow in Jiang Shiyao's voice, she would really seek death. Not to mention that Jiang Shiyao is Senior Ling's daughter-in-law, even if she is an ordinary passerby, Chen Yang cannot let her die.

Moreover, Jiang Shiyao really can't die right now. Once Jiang Shiyao is dead, then Chen Jiahong will definitely take this account to his own head.

Chen Yang thought for a while, he first took out his cell phone and called Chen Jiahong.

Chen Jiahong's phone was connected soon.

"What?" Chen Jiahong's voice was cold.

Chen Yang said: "Chen Jiahong, I really don't know how perverted you are, you can actually force your own wife to threaten me with death. She threatened me and won't rush to where she is within half an hour. , She is about to commit suicide. She would rather die than be with you, so please reflect on yourself."

Chen Jiahong's voice suddenly changed over there, and he was the kind of panic. "Where is she now?"

Chen Yang said, "Hongtai Hotel, on Jiangnan Road, should you know?"

Chen Jiahong then hung up the phone.

Chen Yang accepted the phone, he pondered for a moment, and then rushed to Hongtai Hotel.

Chen Yang didn't know whether he was right or wrong to inform Chen Jiahong, but he really hoped that Chen Jiahong would be shaken and changed.

However, Chen Yang was still not at ease, so he also rushed to Hongtai Hotel.

Twenty minutes later, Chen Yang arrived at the Hongtai Hotel.

Chen Jiahong almost came in one after another with Chen Yang.

Chen Jiahong rushed to the room where Jiang Shiyao was the first.

Chen Yang followed in.

In the room, Jiang Shiyao was dressed in a black dress. She was so simple, elegant and calm, and beautiful.

But at this time, her eyes couldn't hide the anxiety.

The moment Chen Jiahong broke into the door, Jiang Shiyao's expression changed drastically. In an instant, it was pale.

That is the real fear from the bottom of my heart!

Chen Yang also broke in.

"Chen Yang, are you betraying me?" Jiang Shiyao was furious at this moment.

Chen Jiahong saw that Jiang Shiyao was okay, he sighed in relief, and then said with a cold face, "Follow me back."

After Chen Jiahong finished speaking, he stretched out his hand to pull Jiang Shiyao's arm. Jiang Shiyao immediately took a step back. Her voice was sharp and said: "Don't touch me." She paused and said, "You take a step forward, and I will die of you. In front of him." After she finished speaking, she grabbed a dagger. The tip of the dagger pressed against her throat.

"If you dare to mess around, I will immediately kill your parents and insult your sister in every possible way. Life is better than death." Chen Jiahong's voice was extremely cold. He was also angry.

"Enough!" Jiang Shiyao was so painful, she said: "Apart from threatening me like this, do you have any other tricks?"

At this time, Chen Jiahong saw the tears on Jiang Shiyao's face. At this moment, his heart softened again. So, his voice softened, and he said, "Stop making trouble, come back with me."

"I won't go back!" Jiang Shiyao roared sharply, but she looked at Chen Yang angrily and said: "I didn't expect that you would betray me. In that case, what else can I think of."

After she finished speaking, she exerted strength in her hands, but she really wanted to end her life.

"No!" Chen Yang was shocked.

Chen Jiahong shot faster, his fingers instantly popped out of sword energy, and directly flew the dagger in Jiang Shiyao's hand.

Chen Jiahong's figure flashed, and he had already arrived in front of Jiang Shiyao. A hideous color flashed in his eyes, and he pinched Jiang Shiyao's white neck.

Chen Jiahong looked extremely irritable, his eyes were red with blood, and he sternly said: "Ban maid, do you want to die like that? Okay, I will make you perfect!"

In an instant, Jiang Shiyao's face was purple.

But soon, Chen Jiahong let go of Jiang Shiyao.

Jiang Shiyao coughed violently, and tears came out of her cough.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Chen Jiahong murmured.

Jiang Shiyao looked at Chen Jiahong with hatred, and she said, "Why stop? Why don't you just kill me?"

Chen Jiahong seemed a little at a loss.

But soon, Chen Jiahong found a catharsis. He turned around to look at Chen Yang, and said sharply, "Are you still not going?"

Chen Yang stayed for a while, he felt that Chen Jiahong seemed to have a distorted personality and some mental problems.

"You shouldn't have done this to her." Chen Yang thought for a while, and finally said.

"What I do to her is all my business. She is my wife. No matter how we are, it is a matter between husband and wife. You can't tolerate you as an outsider." Chen Jiahong said.

Chen Yang sighed slightly, and he said: "Well, I really don't have the right to take care of your affairs. But I still advise you, if this continues, you will lose her sooner or later."

He glanced at Jiang Shiyao one last time.

Jiang Shiyao also looked at Chen Yang.

Her eyes were very calm, it was a strange calm.

To be precise, it should be ashamed.

She suffered, but Chen Yang's appearance gave her hope. Now, Chen Yang pushed her to Chen Jiahong's side, so she was completely desperate.

"If I leave like this, Jiang Shiyao will be dead." Such a thought flashed through Chen Yang's mind.

"Should I save her? Once I save her, there will be endless troubles." Chen Yang was in a battle between heaven and man. But he still turned and left Hongtai Hotel.

The sun outside is still bright and brilliant.

But at this moment, Chen Yang's heart is heavy.

Chen Yang felt that Jiang Shiyao was a good girl, and she also helped her faithfully. But her last action was very unrighteous, pushing her into Chen Jiahong's claws again.

If Jiang Shiyao is not Chen Jiahong's wife, then Chen Yang will save Jiang Shiyao whatever he says. If Jiang Shiyao were not Senior Ling's daughter-in-law, Chen Yang would not have so many worries.

"There are more people in this world, and there are more people suffering, and there are not too many of them Jiang Shiyao." Chen Yang suddenly thought again. "Why should I put myself in such a big trouble?"

"But you are really so cruel, so that you can't save it?" In Chen Yang's mind, the demon shone fiercely.

"You see the puppies on the side of the road in pain, and you should help. If you don't see it, if you don't meet it, then you can feel at ease. But since you met, you can really ignore it? Your conscience is good? Yours Can the heart be refreshed?"

This is already a question of whether thoughts are accessible. According to Chen Yang's morals and principles, he can't fail to save him.

If he is sure that the shot cannot be saved, then he can have a clear conscience. But in this case, without trying, he left Jiang Shiyao in pain, he really couldn't do it.

What's more, he also got Jiang Shiyao's trust and help.

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